
Prohibition Lineage

In a martial arts school specialized in combating curses, two rival clans, the Fujin and the Raijin, vie for control and prestige. The protagonist, Ren, is an exceptional student born from a forbidden union between the leaders of the enemy clans. Ren is raised by his grandfather, who is the leader of the Fujin, after the mysterious death of his parents.

Jair_Fortes · Fantasía
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2 Chs

Chapter 1: The Awakening of Elemental Essence

The sunlight shone upon the towering walls of the Juunin Martial Arts Academy, illuminating the courtyard where students gathered for the first day of class. Ren Fujin watched the movement around him, sensing the palpable excitement in the air as students prepared for the day's activities.

He adjusted his headband with the symbol of the Fujin clan, a stylized gust of wind, and took a deep breath, feeling determination pulsating in his veins. Ren was ready to face whatever challenges awaited him, even knowing that his complicated past could make his journey in the academy more difficult.

As he walked toward the main building, Ren spotted his childhood friend, Akari Raijin, chatting animatedly with other students. Akari belonged to the Raijin clan, the eternal rivals of the Fujin, but that never interfered with their friendship. Ren approached her, a smile on his face.

"Hello, Akari! Excited for the first day of class?" greeted Ren.

Akari turned to him, her blue eyes shining with enthusiasm. "Ren! Of course, I am! I can't wait to see what our new Elemental Essence teacher has to teach us."

Ren nodded, sharing her excitement. Elemental Essence was the most fascinating discipline of the academy, and all students were eager to master the elements of nature. Ren had a natural affinity with the wind, the primary element of the Fujin clan, and was determined to hone his skills.

As they conversed, a sudden commotion drew their attention. A group of students gathered around a young man with black hair and a serious expression. Ren immediately recognized the boy as Takeshi, a martial arts prodigy and longtime rival.

Takeshi looked at Ren with a challenging gaze. "Fujin, I hope you're prepared to lose today in Elemental Essence class. I don't have time to deal with losers."

Ren remained calm despite the evident challenge. "We'll see, Takeshi. I think you might be surprised."

Before the conversation could continue, the school bell echoed through the air, signaling the start of classes. Ren, Akari, Takeshi, and the other students headed to their classrooms, eager to begin their learning journey.

In the classroom, the Elemental Essence teacher, Master Hiroshi, awaited the students with a warm smile. He was an elderly man, but his energy radiated youth and wisdom.

"Good afternoon, young apprentices!" greeted Master Hiroshi. "Today marks the beginning of an exciting journey for all of you. Here at the academy, we will learn to control and manipulate Elemental Essence, a skill that can shape the world around us."

The students listened attentively as Master Hiroshi explained the basic principles of Elemental Essence and the different elements they could master. Ren felt a growing excitement within him, eager to start his own journey of discovery and growth.

"To begin, we will do a simple exercise," continued Master Hiroshi. "Each of you will attempt to summon a small tornado of wind using your Elemental Essence. Focus on your inner energy and let it blend with the energy of the element you wish to control."

The students followed the master's instructions, closing their eyes and focusing on their inner energy. Ren felt Elemental Essence flowing through his body, an electric sensation enveloping him like a gentle breeze. With a gesture of his hands, he channeled his energy to create a small tornado of wind, which spun gently in the center of the room.

Master Hiroshi applauded, impressed by the students' efforts. "Very well! I see great potential in all of you. Keep practicing, and soon you will be mastering Elemental Essence like true masters."

Ren smiled, feeling a new determination blossoming within him. He was determined to become the best he could be, not just for himself, but also for his clan and his friends. With Elemental Essence by his side, he was ready to face whatever challenges destiny held.

The first day of class came to an end, but for Ren and his friends, it was only the beginning of an incredible journey of adventures, friendships, and discoveries. In the days that followed, they would face increasingly greater challenges, testing their limits and strengthening their bonds with each other. And at the center of it all, Elemental Essence awaited them, ready to guide them toward their destiny.

As the students left the classroom after the day's activities concluded, Ren and Akari walked together through the bustling corridor of the academy. The excitement still pulsed in their hearts, fueled by the promise of growth and adventure that Elemental Essence offered.

"We have to admit, Ren, you impressed everyone with that little tornado," remarked Akari, with an admiring smile.

Ren smiled modestly, feeling grateful for his friend's support. "It was just the beginning, Akari. I can't wait to see what we're capable of with more training."

As they conversed, a shadowy figure approached them, interrupting their lively exchange of words. It was Takeshi, with a serious and determined expression.

"Ren, Akari," said Takeshi, his voice laden with urgency. "I need to talk to you. It's about something serious."

Ren and Akari exchanged worried looks, sensing the seriousness in Takeshi's voice. They followed Takeshi to a more secluded corner of the corridor, where they could speak without being overheard by the other students.

"Takeshi, what's going on? You seem disturbed," asked Ren, concerned for his friend.

Takeshi took a deep breath, gathering his words before speaking. "I was investigating the surroundings of the academy during the break and found something disturbing. I found signs of curse activity nearby."

The news left Ren and Akari perplexed. The presence of curses so close to the academy was concerning, especially considering the danger they posed to the students and the community at large.

"This is terrible," said Akari, her expression worried. "We must inform the masters immediately."

Takeshi nodded. "Yes, but we must also be prepared to act. We don't know what we're facing, and it's our duty to protect our fellow students and our school."

Ren agreed, feeling determination ignite within him. "We're in this together, Takeshi. Let's inform the masters and find out what's going on."

The three friends headed to the masters' office, where they reported their findings and sought guidance on how to proceed. The masters were alarmed by the news and promised to investigate the situation immediately, while instructing Ren, Akari, and Takeshi to remain vigilant and take extra precautions.

As they left the masters' office, Ren felt the weight of responsibility on his shoulders. The threat of curses was real, and now it was up to him and his friends to protect the academy and their fellow students from any imminent danger.

"Let's stay united and face this together," said Ren, looking at Akari and Takeshi with determination. "We are stronger when we work as a team."

Akari and Takeshi agreed, sharing Ren's determination. United by the bond of friendship and the desire to protect what they loved, they were ready to face whatever challenges destiny had in store for them.

**Chapter 1: The Awakening of Elemental Essence (Continuation)**

As night fell upon the Juunin Martial Arts Academy, Ren, Akari, and Takeshi remained vigilant, patrolling the surroundings in search of any signs of suspicious activity. Tension hung in the air, but the bond of their friendship and the determination to protect their school kept them steadfast.

"We can't let our guard down," said Takeshi, his eyes scanning the darkness for potential danger. "Curses are unpredictable and can strike at any moment."

Ren nodded, his mind focused and alert. "We're prepared to face whatever challenge comes our way. We won't let anything threaten our friends or our school."

Akari looked at her companions with admiration, feeling grateful to have such brave allies by her side. "Together, we are stronger. Let's protect what's important to us, no matter what happens."

As they patrolled the surroundings of the academy, the three friends remained vigilant, ready to act at the slightest sign of danger. The night passed without major incidents, but the sense of alertness persisted, reminding them of the imminent threat looming over them.

At dawn, Ren, Akari, and Takeshi gathered again to discuss their next steps. They decided to intensify their night patrols and increase surveillance around the academy, ensuring the safety of all students and staff.

As they planned their strategies, a familiar voice caught their attention. It was Master Hiroshi, the Elemental Essence teacher, approaching with a serious expression on his face.

"Ren, Akari, Takeshi, I need to speak with you," said Master Hiroshi, his voice filled with concern. "We've discovered something concerning during our investigations into curse activities in the vicinity of the academy."

The three friends approached the master, eager to hear what he had to say. Master Hiroshi took a deep breath before continuing, choosing his words carefully.

"It seems that curse activities are increasing in intensity and getting closer to the academy," explained Master Hiroshi. "We must remain vigilant and prepared to defend our school at all costs."

Ren, Akari, and Takeshi nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. The threat of curses was real and imminent, and now it was up to them to protect their school and friends from any danger that arose.

"We're ready to face whatever comes," said Ren, his determination unwavering. "We won't back down in the face of danger. We are the guardians of this academy, and we'll do whatever it takes to protect it."

With their minds united and their hearts determined, Ren, Akari, and Takeshi were prepared to face the challenges that awaited them. United by friendship and the will to protect what they loved, they were determined to prevail against any adversity that came their way.

As the sun rose on the horizon, casting a golden light over the academy, Ren, Akari, and Takeshi prepared to face the unknown. With Elemental Essence by their side and the strength of their friendship as their greatest weapon, they were ready to face any challenge that destiny had in store for them.