
Prince Adrien and the Pauper

Prince Adrien has been ordered by his father King Gabriel to marry the young queen, Kagami, for the benefit of their kingdom. The prince is resigned to do what he must for the sake of his kingdom, though secretly wishes he could marry for love like others do. Everything changes when he meets a mysterious boy who might just be the key to changing the way his story will end. - A twist on the classic tale of the prince and the pauper, inspired by the Barbie movie The Princess and the Pauper, though it's not necessary to have seen that movie to enjoy this story, in fact it might even be better if you haven't seen it because then you won't be able to predict plot points that will be the same as that movie.-

KristalAnn · Película
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23 Chs


Long ago and far away, in a village high on a mountaintop, something amazing was occurring. At the very same moment, two identical baby boys were born. One, a baby prince. The king and queen were overjoyed. Their young prince would have only the finest. The second baby boy was born to parents much less wealthy. Still, they did what they could to look after their son. Many years passed. The prince learned his royal duties, while the pauper worked for the spiteful man Colt Fathom, to whom his parents owed a great debt that he was left with after they were gone. With lives so different, it wasn't surprising that the prince and the pauper never met. But fate decreed they would. It all started at the royal mine, where the miners informed the king that the gold had run out. The widowed king was shocked. The kingdom was going bankrupt. How was he going to take care of his people? If only he could call on his trusted advisor Lila, but she was away on a long journey. He needed to do something quickly to save the kingdom, but what? And then it struck her. Nearby lived a rich young queen who was seeking a wife.

Welcome to my story! Yes, this is heavily based on the story of Barbie's Princess and the Pauper, but I'm doing more than just replacing character names. I plan to adjust their dialogue and actions to better reflect their personalities. For example, the character who will be replacing Erika has a much different personality to hers, and will act and think accordingly. I've been having a lot of fun writing this, as I've written further at the time of uploading this part. I hope you give it a chance and enjoy.

If you've seen the movie this is based on, you may be wondering what I plan to do with the songs in the movie. Some will be included as songs, using a musical note symbol to signify the beginning and end of when a character is singing. Though most will be cut shorter using only parts that worked best for my story, some will just have some of the lyrics turned into dialogue, and I can think of one that will likely be omitted entirely, as I can't make it work. I'll try to reference the songs from the movie but only when it can make narrative sense, and I'll try to make it still feel organic when characters do sing. Anyway, hope you enjoy!

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