
Primordial Lycan

1000 years ago the ether caves gave the earth what it need to heal, the ether crystal. The next great industrial revolution began! But as we all know, everything comes at a cost...but this cost out weighed most. The planet healing, and the uses for the different types of ether crystals being discovered payment came do 500 years ago when the haze beast attacked; Taking with them a quarter of the worlds population over night! But the blessed decided it was time to reveal themselves to the world, teaching others the powers of the gods! The saint family being the first to step forward and protect the unburdened from the beasts. The beauty of the world began to come back as the haze beast were pushed back enough and giant walls placed around there dwellings, making it easier to deal with their numbers. Half the population of the human race dead. * * # * * But this isn’t a story about the gods and their blessed! This is a story of myth, the story of the hunted, the story of the damned. This is the story about the things that go bump in the night. This is the story of the families who go back to the time before we drove in cars, before we destroyed the world, the time of dragons and magic, knights and paladins! The stories of those that started at the beginning of time itself. The story of the primordial families, the cursed families. But let’s start with the story of the Blackwaters, the story of Ayden, the story of the Primordial Lycan!

Jonathan_Reece · Fantasía
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35 Chs

My Rage Creeps Outside of Me, i get overwhelmed

Today had filled Ayden with a ton of new information leveling him emotional drained, he previously would have never imagined these thing about his family. The fact that they were actually related to the god of were-wolves Fenrir was enlightening yet also infuriating, he always thought that his family was the only ones to have a connection to Filtrian the fact that this was never the case rubbed him the wrong way.

Though Ayden wondered why his family always said they had no blessings, especially when he had abilities that seemed to come from some God unknown to him. The only thing he could think about now was the voice he had heard when he first took the Blackwater "trials", or so they were called. All of that seemed an eternity ago right now but was only a few days prior, making his emotional state move all over the place.

'Was that a blessing given by the gods, or was it a ceremony learned or passed down by the Blackwaters as a sort of rite of passage into whatever Filtrian was.'

His thoughts leaned towards the rite of passage because his mother raised him with the idea that the blackwater clan was chained to no God, old or new; rather their martial arts was their power and it came from their own dedication and ability to utilize it.

'Someday I will learn all my family secrets, and find the answers I need.'

His heart set on looking for all that his family left hidden, from even one of their own.

While his mind still raced with the ideas of his family darkening his overall mood, his bodies fatigue overwhelmed him forcing the thoughts to wait for another day, as Ayden slowly drifted off to a restless sleep. His body covered in sweat and his covers tossed to the side, as he slept only in name... for all the worst thoughts of his family showed themselves in his dreams.

Although a bit restless and annoyed he did at least recover from some of his fatigue from the day before, preparing him for the day to come.


[DAILY QUEST complete]

[reward being distributed]

[100 EXP received]

[480/1000 EXP]



> NAME: Ayden Blackwater



>RACE: Human ( beast man variant)



-level: 1

* EXP (480/1000)

-strength: 8

-defense: 5

-agility: 10

-stamina: 7

-charm: 5

-available stat points: 0

>SKILLS: (30 AP)

-{Battle Cry (beginner level)}

-{Eyes of Knowledge (entry level)}

As Ayden finished his daily workout a bit slower than normal due to being unable to process everything that was happening all at once, he noticed something different on his status screen that he didn't know the reason for, only seeing it as he finally finished his workout.

The Bloodline ability {Battle Cry} was no longer at the entry level. The effects of it improving by a decent amount compared to what it was barely a days past.

[ >SKILL: {Battle Cry (Beginner level)} - calls to families ancestral bond, increasing stats by 30%; condition last for 5 minutes]

'Why is that now at the beginner level? even more so why does it last so much longer, plus an increased stat increase?... weird is what this is. Yet what else is new these days!'

[As you become able to use the ability without the assistance of the system it's level can rise with your own ability/understanding and utilization. As your body becomes more accustomed to the ability it's level can rise as well, even if the system activation interface is used in conjuncture with aforementioned Bloodline ability but will only become fully unlocked when you can use them without the assistance of the system. Relying to heavily on the system activation interface to use abilities will make them harder for you to use later on, without the help of the system]

'What... the... actual... fu*k! You couldn't tell me this at the start. Uuuugggghhhh!!!'

The systems voice responding to his internal thoughts once again slightly unsettling as always. Yet Ayden remembered the feeling he had yesterday when he had used {Battle Cry}, without relying on the system activation interface.

The idea of his power being derived from himself and not some God excited him immensely, and this made him want to try and improve his Bloodline abilities even more without the systems help. Right now though this had to wait for after the days training, which was to start soon and Ayden needed to shower and change into his more durable clothing that went under all his Armor.

Looking at his watch, he noticed if he didn't hurry he would be late for the second day of in field training. If he was late, what was the point of ever skipping the in house training in the first place, the whole point was to show that he had what it took to be in the field.

In his rush to get ready after getting back home Ayden messed up the bindings of his boots which made it so they didn't sit right, bunching the cloth underneath in an uncomfortable manner and pressing on his nerve. His one remaining blade didn't want to come out of its sheath so that he could sharpen it, and when it did finally he cut his hand on it when the whetstone broke; Even worse it didn't want to return full into its home inside the sheath, which just added more insult to his already aggravating injure.

His triangle holster that he usually wore to carry his throwing knives was tangled and knotted causing his anger to rise even higher than the blade, as he 'accidentally' ripped it apart in a rage fueled moment and tossed it in his trashcan and just placing them with a strap along his thigh.

'UUGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!! what is going on with me today,....*he took a deep breath* i... just... want... to hit something...…. Ahhhhhhhh, fu*k this!'

As his anger turned into fury, then started to rise into rage he grabbed his blade (still not wanting to fit in its home) and bolted out the door. Not noticing the cut on his hand had healed in a matter of minutes, as it was in the back of his mind.

Aydens mood while sour was fueling his full sprint to the Guild House, letting him move in a more aggressive way through the city streets to reach the Guild house. Running faster than he had ever before, Ayden blasted through the main door of the Guild with just enough time to put on his new chest Armor (that was stored in his Guild locker) and get back out to where the new recruits were to meet with their trainers and Gene for their trip past the gates of hell.

Before he could reach the group, an immovable object stopped him in his tracks, with little more than a slight push; Even with Aydens increased strength.

A strong hand placed on his chest pushing against him caught his attention, no amount of force Ayden could muster would move this hand in front of him, and part of him didn't want to because it was the only thing keeping him together at this moment in time.

~ "Calm down young one, you are letting your emotions take control. You need to get this under control, NOW!... focus." The strange song song accent of Tah'lers voice reaching Ayden's ears, the easy grace of it pulling their eyes to meet each others.

The faint golden glow of Ayden's eyes could be seen in the reflection in front of him, as Tah'ler bore into Ayden with a feeling he had never felt before... Submission.

~ "WHO ARE YOU?!" A simple question, yet so deep in its meaning Ayden could only think of one response.

"I am Ayden Black. Like a den of wolves darker than night, not a pirates yes during the first half of your dinner date."

Ok sorry this took me longer the edit than normal, kept changing this around to get the feeling i wanted. But here it is!!!

Jonathan_Reececreators' thoughts