
Porn With Plot

Short Stories collected from different sources and authors.

I_Am_Busy · Cómic
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56 Chs

Raikage X Tsunade X Mei

Ay, the Raikage of the Hidden Cloud Village, had sent a message to Tsunade Senju, the Hokage of the Hidden Leaf Village, and Mei Terumi, the Mizukage of the Hidden Mist Village, to meet him at his office to discuss some important diplomatic matters. Though that wasn't the truth as he really just wanted to talk and get to know the two of them better. He would have asked the Gaara, the Kazekage, or Onoki, the Tsuchikage, to join but the former only really showed emotion to his friend Naruto Uzumaki. Onoki on the other hand would just try to bore everyone with stories of the greatness of the Hidden Stone Village.

He was cut off from his thoughts by a knock on his door and his secretary, Mabui, walked in. "Lord Raikage, Lady Mizukage and Lady Hokage are here to see you. Would you like me to send them in?" Mabui asked.

"Yes, send them right in." Mabui bowed and left the office. Not a minute later the door opened again revealing Tsunade Senju and Mei Terumi to his eyes. He took in their appearance greedily. Tsunade was wearing her standard green haori over her grey kimono-style blouse. The blouse was held by a dark bluish-grey obi. Her blouse was left open slightly at the top revealing a portion of her massive breasts to Ay's eyes. The pants that Tsunade was currently wearing were also a dark bluish-grey color. The pants were slightly baggy but not overly so. On her feet, she had open-toed black sandals that had small high heels on the back. Tsunade's long blonde hair was in its usual straight style.

While Tsunade's outfit was fairly conservative with only minimal skin being shown Mei was on the other end of the spectrum. Her hair auburn hair was done up in a herringbone pattern with a knot on top and the two bangs of her hair crossed over her bust just below her chin. She was wearing a long-sleeved dark blue dress that ended just below her knees. The dress was open on the front right side of her body going from the waist down exposing the dark blue skirt she had on underneath the dress. Her dress only covered the upper portion of her arms leaving her shoulders and the tops of her breasts exposed for all to see. Underneath her skirt was mesh leggings that went down past her knees. She had on light grey high-heeled sandals with matching shin guards that extended to her knees.

Seeing that the two were standing in the middle of his office Ay smirked before saying," Welcome to the Village Hidden by Clouds hope you both had an enjoyable trip."

Mei gave a faint smile and responded," The trip was pleasant. Thank you Lord Raikage." Her response was said with her usual sensual tone of voice. This made it difficult to determine if she was flirting or not since she always sounded like that.

Tsunade's response wasn't so pleasant," What do you want Ay." Tsunade said this with a gruff tone of voice making it seem like she wanted to do something else rather than being here.

Ay didn't so much as flinch from Tsunade's tone. Instead, he coolly replied," The reason I called you here is very simple. I wish to get to know the two of you better." Both women raised a brow at that. Ay, seeing their raised brows, continued speaking," I know very little about either of you other than what you specialize in. I feel that we would be better allies if we knew more about each other."

Tsunade was the first to speak when Ay finished his statement," You called us both here to just talk?" Ay nodded at that. Seeing that Tsunade was about to continue before she was cut off by Mei's sensual voice.

"I think that would be wonderful Lord Raikage. What did you have in mind?" Ay smirked at this before opening the bottom drawer of his desk and pulling out a large bottle of sake from it.

"I figured that we would talk, drink, and have a good time. What do you both say?" Ay asked this already pulling three sake dishes from the drawer as well.

Tsunade's eyes held a dangerous gleam in them when she saw the Sake in Ay's hands," Well as long as you have sake, I will join you."

Mei looked a bit more pensive though after a few moments of thinking she smiled." I will join as well. This could be a very enlightening experience."

Ay just gave a grin at that," Well then come with me. This isn't the best place to speak." As he said that Ay rose from his desk, sake, and dishes in hand, and walked to the far side of his large office. This side of his office held a couch and a few chairs surrounding a small table, and along the wall sat a very large bed. Seeing this Tsunade and Mei were a bit surprised as their offices only had their desks and a few bookcases. Ay's office seemed to be more like an apartment than an office. Ay looked behind him and noticed their looks, but didn't mention it until they made it to the table and couch. Ay motioned for them to take a seat and they did by sitting down in the chairs directly across the couch that Ay sat in. Seeing that both of his guests were seated Ay said," I see you have some questions about my office."

Tsunade was the first to speak," It is much larger than my own. Do you live here?" Tsunade asked with a quizzical expression on her face. Ay noticed that Mei just nodded her head showing that was the same thing she was going to ask.

Ay took a few moments to answer as he watched Mei cross her legs hoping to get a glimpse of something under her dress. It wasn't to be as just as quickly as Mei's legs uncrossed, she crossed them. This denied Ay the ability to see anything under her dress, so he just spoke," Yes I stay here." He paused just for a dramatic effect and let it sink in. "I find it easier to live here since I usually spent all day here anyway." This was the truth since really all he did was do his work as Raikage and work out, sometimes at the same time.

Tsunade and Mei nodded at that thinking that it did make sense. They thought they would do something like that but remembered their offices weren't nearly half the size of Ay's. While they were lost in their thoughts Ay filled his dish with sake. After a couple of minutes Ay decided to bring them from their thoughts," Would either of you care for a drink?" As he said this, he took a sip from his own dish.

Tsunade barely hesitated in her response," Hell yeah." Tsunade said excitedly. Tsunade was ecstatic at the thought of getting to drink as Shizune always stopped her before she could. However, Shizune wasn't here, and what she didn't know Tsunade enjoyed.

Mei just shrugged," Why not don't want to be the only one not drinking." With both women agreeing Ay grabbed the bottle of sake and filled their dishes to the brim. He watched with a suppressed grin when he saw Tsunade gulp down the sake. Mei seemed a bit skeptical at first but seeing the way Tsunade was drinking made her think there was nothing wrong and started to drink. Ay just watched on with a small smile on his face

The trio sat there for around 30 minutes making idle chatter and taking the occasional drink of their sake while they spoke. During that time both Mei and Tsunade moved from the chairs they were sitting in. They moved to sit on the table, due to the size of the table though their clothed thighs were compressed together. Throughout this whole encounter, they noticed that Ay's cock was being highlighted by his pants causing them to take quick glances every now and then.

It was during this that Tsunade asked a question that would change the whole night," So Ay when was the last time you had sex?" As she said this both Tsunade and Mei leaned forward and place a hand on his thighs.

Ay wasn't flustered by this though and confidently spoke," Last time I had sex was yesterday Tsunade." Ay said with a confident smirk on his face before continuing," I fucked my secretary Mabui right there at the desk." Ay proudly proclaimed to the two busty Kage across from him. Ay actually felt his shaft give a throb as he recalled the events of yesterday with Mabui. His thoughts were interrupted when he felt the hands on his thigh move up before they stopped around the middle of his thigh.

"So, you had to order your secretary to fuck you huh?" It was Mei who said this while giggling a bit.

Ay actually looked insulted by this before saying," I don't need to order her to fuck me." He stopped and his whole attitude changed from insulted to cocky. "I could fuck anyone no matter who it is whenever I want." He finished his statement with a cocky smirk on his face.

Mei and Tsunade looked taken aback by that. The way that Ay said it was full of such confidence that it seemed less like bravado and more like a definite fact. It actually turned them on with how sure he sounded about that. Regaining some composure Tsunade said," Oh what makes you so sure of that." Tsunade said with a teasing tone. Her and Mei's hands traveled further up Ay's thigh until they were almost touching his shaft.

Ay, with the cocky smirk still on his face, told them," If you really want to know why don't you pull down my pants and see." This was the point of no return for Tsunade and Mei as they now had two options. The first and least likely option is that they call it a night and leave. From how turned on both Mei and Tsunade were at this point the chances of that happening are near zero. The other option however was to go through with it and accept the consequences.

Their minds were made up and got off of the table and on their knees right in front of Ay, who stood up in order to help them. Mei and Tsunade then moved their hands from near his shaft to the top of his pants and yanked down with a mighty tug. The pants instantly pooled around his ankles while Mei got hit in the face with something large and fleshy. Mei looked to see what hit her and her jaw dropped, unknowingly matching Tsunade's expression, when she saw what it was. Ay's cock was 15 inches long and thicker than one of their wrists.

Ay just smirked at the looks on both women's faces upon seeing his huge cock. He noticed that both women almost seemed as if they were in a trance. He took advantage of this by shouting," Mabui come here!" Ay looked down to see if that snapped the kneeling women from their trance, though he noticed that they were still just staring at his cock. A few moments later the door to Ay's office opened and Mabui stepped inside.

Mabui looked around to find Ay when she saw Ay with his pants down and saw the Mizukage and Hokage kneeling in front of him. In fact, it seemed that Ay's shaft was just resting on Mei's face. This caused Mabui to giggle and said," I see the discussion went well Lord Raikage." She placed her hand over her mouth to hide her giggling.

Ay just looked at Mabui with a smirk," The discussion went really well as I'm sure you can see." Mabui just giggled at that before letting Ay continue. "I need you to tell everyone to go home as I want privacy do you understand?" Ay asked Mabui while signaling down with his eyes indicating the reason why without actually saying it.

Mabui just gave a firm nod before saying, "Of course Lord Raikage." She motioned to leave the office however just before she walked out the office doors she said," Have a very nice night Lord Raikage." She didn't wait for a response as she went out the door to carry out her orders.

Even though Mabui had left Ay still let out a quiet," You too." Getting back to business though Ay decides to take a seat back on the couch. As he did this his shaft left Mei's face and bobbed in the air, before impacting his defined abdomen as he sat down. Ay noticed that both women's eyes followed his shaft hungrily.

Deciding that the two busty Kage stared long enough he leaned forward and grabbed their hands before placing them on his huge cock. This snapped both women out of their trance-like state. Finally, being in their right mind both women whispered out a quiet," Holy shit!"

Ay gave a quiet chuckle at their reaction hearing it many times before," Believe me now?" The question didn't need an answer since Ay already knew what they would say. The women just nodded at that still looking at Ay's immense cock with awe, shock, and a tinge of fear due to the sheer size. One of their hands didn't even wrap all the way around Ay's cock it was so thick.

Tsunade recovered first," How can you even walk around with a cock like this?" Ay didn't get a chance to respond before Mei, who had just recently snapped out of her trance, spoke.

"It must be so hard with a cock this big." She emphasized this by moving her hands along Ay's shaft. Tsunade joined in on this not even a few seconds later.

Tsunade looked up from Ay's shaft towards his face, "You know Ay, as a doctor, I've seen a lot of cocks. But," She trailed off looking back down to his shaft before continuing, "You have the biggest cock that I've ever seen."

Ay felt his ego inflate hearing Tsunade say this. Seeing the two beautiful Kage running their hands along his cock made him realize something. "You know I don't think it is very fair that I'm the only one that doesn't have clothes on." He paused and quickly eyed both women, "Don't you think so?"

Tsunade and Mei just looked at each other and nodded. They both removed their hands from Ay's shaft and stood up. They both looked at each other and started to undress.

Tsunade started by shrugging off the green haori and throwing it onto one of the chairs that she was sitting on earlier. Next, she unwrapped the obi revealing that it was the only thing that kept her blouse closed. With the obi gone, she quickly removed her blouse showing that she had no bra letting her J-cup breasts bounce free. Ay watched as Tsunade bounced her breasts around causing his cock to throb. She bounced her breasts for a couple more minutes before moving on to remove the rest of her outfit. Tsunade bent over slightly making her breasts push out towards Ay. While she was bent forward Tsunade reached down and unstrapped her sandals then kicked them off to the side out of view. Tsunade only had her pants remaining and decided to change that by pulling down her legs. As her pants pooled around her ankles, she kicked them off to the side with her sandals. She straightened herself from her bent-over position revealing the green thong she was wearing.

Ay idly stroked his cock while watching Tsunade undress. Seeing that Tsunade was almost completely naked and she was done undressing Ay looked over at Mei. He saw that she only had her dark blue skirt and mesh leggings on. He was so focused on Tsunade that he missed Mei undressing but he wasn't upset with what he saw. While she only was wearing her skirt, it revealed that she didn't have a bra on under her dress. It revealed that Mei also had very large breasts that were DD-cup in size. They were just hanging there as Mei was bent forward pulling down her skirt along with her mesh leggings down to her ankles before kicking them off near Tsunade's clothes. When she stood up straight it revealed she too was wearing a thong just like Tsunade but instead of green Mei's was dark blue matching the rest of her clothing.

Seeing that both women were nearly naked Ay just grinned. These were two of the most beautiful women in the world and they were all his. "You both look amazing." This response caused both Mei and Tsunade to blush slightly. Their response wasn't a verbal one though instead they both dropped down to their knees again right in front of Ay, who was still sitting on the couch. Both women had a mischievous look on their faces which Ay noticed. seeing the look on their face Ay asked," What are you two up to?" His voice had a hint of questioning in it. He was focused more on their bodies.

In response to Ay's question, Mei leaned forward and grabbed his cock. What happened next surprised Ay as Tsunade opened her mouth and leaned forward. Ay had to let out a satisfied groan as Tsunade took his huge shaft into her mouth. Mei wasn't idle though throughout this as she had one of her hands fondling his balls while Tsunade sucked his cock. Ay was enjoying himself so much that he almost missed Mei talking.

"Does that answer your question Lord Raikage?" Mei said with a teasing smirk on her face. Ay didn't say anything in response though as he just immersed himself in the feeling of Tsunade sucking his cock. Ay, could tell that Tsunade was struggling in her attempt to blow him. It was actually a common thing due to the size of his cock.

Tsunade was only able to get the first 4 inches inside her mouth at the start which was fairly impressive. Because of this, it left a lot of room for Mei's free hand to come up and stroke what Tsunade couldn't fit in her mouth. The combined feeling of Tsunade's warm lips gliding over his cock and Mei's smooth hand stroking him made Ay throw his head back in a pleasure-filled groan. The two women set up an interesting rhythm as this progressed. Tsunade would pull her head back Mei's hand would go to the area that was left behind, and as Tsunade's head would descend on his cock so would Mei's hand. Throughout this Mei's other hand would occasionally play with his balls.

After a couple of minutes of this rhythm, Ay decided to take matters into his own hands. He placed his hands on the back of Tsunade's head and looked over at Mei to see if she understood what was going to happen. Mei seeing where the Raikage's hands were got the message quickly and removed her hands from his shaft and balls. The second Ay felt Mei's hand leave his cock he promptly pushed Tsunade's head forward.

The result of his actions was that nearly his entire cock was inside Tsunade's mouth and throat. He couldn't get his entire cock in her mouth just due to the sheer length of it but got probably 12 inches in. After a few seconds of enjoying the feel, Ay pulled Tsunade's head back to where only the tip of his cock was in her mouth. Once she had a moment to take a breath Ay pulled her head back down on his cock. This was a pattern that was repeated for nearly 10 minutes. The experience felt so great to Ay that he let out a low moan.

While this was going on Mei had one of her hands on her breasts while the other was inside her panties. The hand she had on her breast would grope and tweak her nipple while her other would run over her pussy. Watching Tsunade getting facefucked turned on Mei beyond belief and she was upset that she couldn't get in on the action. A naughty thought entered Mei's brain that she thought everyone would enjoy. She removed the hand from her panties and placed it on Ay's making him halt in his movements. With Ay stopping Mei leaned into Tsunade's ear with a wide grin. Tsunade would have grinned if she could but still had Ay's cock in her mouth. After a few moments, Tsunade pulled Ay's cock out of her mouth and grinned at Mei.

Ay looked down at the two women grinning feeling slight excitement at what they had planned. He wasn't sure what it was, but he knew that he would enjoy it. A couple moments later Mei and Tsunade each got on one side of his cock and gave it a kiss. Once they pulled back Mei looked up at his and said," You're really going to enjoy this." The seductive tone of her voice was more emphasized than before. When she finished her statement Ay watched as Mei and Tsunade wrapped their breasts around his shaft.

The feeling of having both Mei and Tsunade's breasts was euphoric to Ay. Tsunade's breasts were like pillows due to how incredibly soft they were. Mei's were similar to Tsunade's but weren't as soft. Though this didn't bother Ay as the experience was amazing nonetheless. The two women were oddly coordinated for a spur-of-the-moment idea. When Mei would raise her breasts up Tsunade would lower hers at the same time and vice versa. This experience was also a first for Ay as this is the first time that his cock didn't completely come out of a woman's cleavage. The sheer size of the two sets of breasts wrapped around his cock completely covered his cock.

Ay decided to look behind each Kage to get his first look at their asses. He first looked at Tsunade's which was fairly large and heart-shaped. The way her green thong highlighted her ass perfectly. Tsunade's ass was nice but when he looked over a Mei's he was blown away. Her ass was phenomenal in every sense of the word. Each cheek was perfectly shaped and looked like if he were to give her cheeks a slap they would jiggle uncontrollably. It was at that moment that Ay realized what the Mizukage lacked in breast size and softness compared to Tsunade she made up for it tenfold with her ass. Her ass was like a work of art with how the dark blue thong framed it.

He stopped his thoughts when he felt a surge of pleasure go through his shaft. He didn't cum yet but was getting there at the pace these two were going. Ay let his mind go as he enjoyed the double titfuck that he was given. He enjoyed this sensation for nearly 20 more minutes before he felt the same surge of pleasure hit him again. This time though he knew he was going to cum and decided to warn them," Get ready I'm going to cum." He grunted this out while watching both women lean closer together and kiss one another. This was too much for Ay and made him blow.

He fired rope after rope after rope of cum at the two women covering them in this nearly a minute after he started his load it tapered to an end. This time Ay's head was thrown back in ecstasy during the whole time he was cumming. When he was done, he looked down to see the aftermath, and his shaft twitched from what he saw. Looking down he saw Mei and Tsunade's faces both painted a nice shade of white. The tops of their breasts were also coated as well looking like a pair of snow-capped mountains.

What happened next was something Ay didn't expect from the two Kages. Both Kage's leaned forward and started to lick his cum off each other's faces. They were ravenous in their licking his cum off each other. There wasn't an inch of each other's faces that they didn't go after in their quest for Ay's cum. Nearly five minutes after they began, they finished their mission of cleaning each other's faces of Ay's cum.

"That was a good treat Lord Raikage." Mei sultrily said while looking up at Ay.

Tsunade looked up at Ay as well," Hope there is more where that came from?" She questioned with a bit of hope in her tone.

Ay smirked at Tsunade's question," There will be plenty more." As he said this Ay pointed down towards his shaft. He watched as Mei and Tsunade's eyes dropped down to his cock and widened seeing that his cock was still hard. In the next couple of seconds, Ay picked up Mei and Tsunade by the waist and put them over his shoulder and started to walk to his bed. He walked for a few moments towards the bed before he threw them both onto the bed with mess landing on her stomach and Tsunade landing on her back.

Not even a moment after Tsunade landed on the bed Ay was upon her. He yanked her thong down her legs and immediately plunged half his cock inside dripping pussy. The second his cock entered her Tsunade screamed," Holy fuck your too big!" Hearing the volume of Tsunade's scream Ay was glad that he had Mabui clear out the tower since that scream probably would have attracted everyone in the building.

After sheathing half his cock inside Tsunade Ay just sat there enjoying the feel. Ay had always imagined what it would be like to fuck the big-breasted Senju and now he knows. There were many times that Ay had fantasized about Tsunade and they would be fulfilled soon. For now, though Ay would just enjoy the feel of Tsunade's vice-like pussy. She was so tight that it was almost like she was having sex for the first time.

For nearly five minutes Ay just enjoyed the feel of her pussy wrapped around his cock. When that time was up though he decided that he waited long enough and started to thrust into Tsunade. Ay figured that Tsunade was strong enough that he didn't need to hold back when he pounded her. Therefore, he pulled back until only the tip of his cock was inside Tsunade and thrust forward. His thrust was only able to fit another inch of his cock inside her. He wasn't satisfied with this though and repeated the process.

For the next 10 minutes, Ay would pull back then thrust forward trying to work more of his cock inside her. When he was finally about to bottom out her let a moan," Damn Tsunade your pussy feels great." Tsunade wasn't able to register this compliment since she was completely out of it. Ay was able to see Tsunade's face and noticed that her eyes were rolled to the back of her head and her mouth was open in a silent scream. Seeing this and being bottomed out inside Tsunade Ay decided that he would start to really fuck her. He pulled halfway out of Tsunade then slammed his hips forward not even a moment later.

Mei didn't want to be left out though, so she dipped her hands into her panties and started to finger herself as she watched Ay ravage Tsunade. She watched as Ay pounded into Tsunade with deep powerful thrusts that made Tsunade climax over and over while also making her breasts bounce. Mei tried to match the rhythm of her fingers to his thrusts but found it difficult to match the intensity of his thrusts. It made Mei excited for her own turn so excited that she actually made herself climax. The combination of watching Tsunade get pounded, her fingering herself, and imagining herself in Tsunade's position was too much for Mei making her reach her limit.

Ay was enjoying watching Tsunade's massive tits bounce around as he pounded her but after nearly 15 minutes of pounding her for everything, she was worth he decided that it was Mei's turn. He slowly pulled out of Tsunade hearing her let out a low whine but did nothing else. Ay ignored Tsunade's whining and turned to Mei who was in the face-down ass-up position. He licked his lips in anticipation and didn't even bother to pull her thong down. He just pulled it to the side and lined himself with Mei's dripping wet slit.

He immediately thrust into Mei and started thrusting. Unlike Tsunade who he let adjust to his cock Ay was so clouded in lust that he didn't give Mei such an opportunity. Instead, he thrust into Mei as hard as he could. Not even a minute after he started thrusting into her Mei shouted," Fuck me harder with your huge cock!" That was the motivation that Ay needed in order to really pick up the pace. His hips became a blur as he increased the intensity and speed of his thrusts.

The sound of Ay's hips slapping against Mei's ass and Mei's moans resonated throughout the room. This combination of these sounds was music to Ay's ears. The sound of Mei's moans in combination with her own naturally seductive voice only spurred Ay on further trying to increase his pace even more. Ay wasn't able to see Mei's face in this position but he was sure that it would be a match to Tsunade's when he was pounding her.

Through nearly 15 minutes of pounding at breakneck speed, Ay finally felt himself approaching his limit. Just before he reached the breaking point Ay pulled out of Mei and positioned her so that Her face was pressed up against Tsunade's. He gave his massive cock a few more quick strokes, grunting as he did it before he burst. Unlike last time he flew his load this time it lasted nearly twice as long. He fired rope after rope of his cum for nearly two minutes soaking the majority of each woman's upper body in his cum.

After his orgasm finally subsided Mei and Tsunade were absolutely drenched. Their faces and breasts were painted white with his seed, while their hair had strands of his cum peppering it. Ay always found the sight of women being covered in his cum beyond arousing. This showed with his cock still hard. He looked down at his cock and then back up at the woman who looked astonished that he was still ready to go. Ay just smirked," Hope your ready for more." He paused a bit and gave his shaft a couple of quick strokes before continuing," You both are in for a long night." He approached both women with a predatory grin on his face.