
Porn With Plot

Short Stories collected from different sources and authors.

I_Am_Busy · Anime & Comics
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56 Chs

Sakura x Hidden clouds BBC Ninja

A young boy with a tin of paint over his shoulders, it was a common sight in Konoha save for the part where the paint seemed unspent today. The people around the blond boy, who stood out from his peers due to his clothing and blond hair, spoke with excitement and hope, however the boy's face was sad and bored as if to contrast it. That boy was Boruto, today was the day that he finally realized that mischief would never make his busy father pay him the attention he wanted. With his mother being so calm and understanding of his father all the time, there was only one bastion that Boruto could go to seek emotional refuge in a difficult situation like this.

Sakura was a woman who had journeyed with Naruto for a long time in their youth, she had outshined anyone but the ex-hokage Tsunade when it came to healing techniques and the people relied upon her rather often because of it. She was not only tasked with healing the injured and posioned, but also with healing the relations between different people after the devastating war that left populations dispersed and randomly distributed. After all, what could a few survivors from a remote village do after a giant pit of polluted mana and fire remained where their homes once stood. That was also when she met Boruto at the lowest point in his life. She often made an effort to be a mother to the kid whose mother was too love in with his father to truly hear his woes. However, Sakura's schedule often collided since she split herself so thin. Yet, she never complained about it since found her work rewarding whether it be giving gudiance to a young and lost Boruto who resembled the childhood of his father very much, or aiding the foreigners assimilate into Konoha. Well, one of those certainly brought her more joy than the other.

Boruto liked laying his eyes upon Sakura each time he visited her. She might be a beacon of guidance in his stormy teenage years, but she was eye catching because of other reasons as well. She had a pretty face with rosy cheeks and brilliant cherry blossom pink hair. She had tits that were small enough to not be noticable at all, but she had a super fat ass to contrast with that aspect. Her waist slim, her shoulders were not too wide, but her hips were absolutely massive for her height. She was the definition of childbearing and Boruto could not help but be hypnotized with her fat buttocks dancing up and down each time they took a stroll together. He was captivated by every aspect of her body, but that ass was certainly special. Of course, Boruto knew how to keep those interests and thoughts in check and never made any moves for Sakura. Most of all, he feared such advances driving Sakura away when he emotionally needed her as a mother figure. This was why it hurt all the more when Sakura was a little dismissive when Boruto came over today.

''Uhm… Boruto! Welcome… Well, I am sorry but I really need to be free since I am expecting guests to come over today. Could you come after they are done with m- I mean after they are done visiting me? You know how much I love you but right now is a really bad time… I am so sorry…''

Boruto noticed the situation very quickly since he was a talented ninja. The room was fragrant with the smell of incences and expensive candles, everything inside was tidied up and Sakura smelled more of perfume than anything else. Honestly, the scent of the perfume was enough to captivate Boruto's senses but Sakura just kept on delivering today. She was wearing a skimpy attire with a top that revealed her cleavage, which sadly did not have much to show due to her small tits but it made Sakura look even cuter for Boruto. Yet, all that cuteness was quickly washed away when he noticed that she was wearing tights that were barely managing to hold in all of her boundless cake below. She had a fat and soft ass and those tights made sure to grab onto those huge buttocks from all sides as if to give it borders.

However, those tights were on the verge of bursting at the seams and they were even tight and low enough for Boruto to see the lewd thongs that Sakura was wearing as underwear. Boruto could not allow Sakura to greet her guests like that, surely they would think weird thoughts… So, he decided to protect Sakura in whatever meager way he could. He would have to put all the stops and truly show off his ninja skills of charisma today.

''Ahhh… Haaaa… Sakura-nee… I really could not get a whiff of sleep last night… My dad was back after a work trip and you know… It sounded like they were playing drums in the bedroom the whole night… Can't I nap in one of your rooms while you have your guests over?''

He acted all sleepy and complained about how lovely his parents were being, this was the perfect combination. He had studied Sakura's reactions enough over the years to know that if he acted in this certain pattern she would never be able to say no. Sakura quickly buckled and pouted her big and juicy lips like a sad puppy while speaking.

''Awww, you poor thing… Of course, but make sure you stay in your room while the guests are here. Hiding a ninja, however young, is sure to ruin relations if you show yourself. And… Wear the ear plugs in the cabinet just in case we make noise that would prevent your sleep as well.''

Bingo, it was exactly as Boruto planned and he quickly took his place inside the futon of a side room while looking at the living room through a crack without getting out of his futon. Honestly, he did everything as Sakura ordered even while scheming behind her back to protect her, save for putting in the earplugs. Sakura was just being too kind, surely he could not let anyone abuse that kindness.

The door to Sakura's apartment opened after a few minutes, it was the guests in question but they did not seem like anyone that Boruto knew. They were honestly intimidating to look at, all of them men over 2 meters tall with muscles and skin tone that resembled what Boruto knew only from the Raikage. But, they seemed a lot less reserved than even a musclehead like that guy. Yet, all but one quickly left after getting handsy with Sakura. Boruto was too shocked to move as several men groped Sakura's fat and soft ass and kneaded her flesh as if it was mere dough. He felt relief after seeing that only one of them stayed, but his relief was quickly turned to anxiety as he got a closer look at the man. He was a head taller than the already gigantic men that had left, with tattoos covering his body that was bursting with muscles in places Boruto did not know that muscles could grow. He was not modestly dressed either, with baggy shorts and a tank top being his only attire, save for his expensive and fancy shoes.

Boruto could see something like a snake in his pants… But it was certainly too thick to be a snake, thicker than Boruto's arms put together, so he ignored the thought and convinced himself that the man's shorts must have been folded in a weird way. That was when Boruto heard Sakura speak for the first time since opening the door.

''Welcome, Tyr… I am sorry for the late greetings. I hope that you have grown to like the village since

your arrival here.''

Tyr did not seem to react much to that statement and spoke only after spanking Sakura's huge ass with enough force make her cheeks jiggle for a good few seconds after the slap. He spoke with a grin on his face after that loud and powerful spank made Sakura scream in shock.

''Damn, you still playing with me shorty. You know damn well I am here to plug your holes with my black cock. I swear, bitches were more honest back when I was a kid.''

Boruto was too intimidated of the man to get out of his futon, but he wanted to protect Sakura, surely this was something that Sakura would not want even in a million years. Yet, Sakura spoke while maintaining a wide grin on her face.

''Ah… You can't make such loud noises Tyr, there is a kid in the next room over. He should get his sleep

while you… you know… do your thing…''

Sakura was getting shy enough to cover her cheeks while talking, as if to hide her blush, but that only made the man go after her buttcheeks all the more. He grabbed and kneaded her fat buttocks with one hand each and drew her small body closer to himself. Sakura's face was pressed against that snake shaped thing now rising out of the man's shorts and reaching his abdomen. It took a few moments of surprise for Boruto to finally realize that incredibly long and thick thing was that man's cock. It seemed impossible, his own tiny penis and what he saw of his father were not even 1% the size of that massive thing. There was no way that such a delicate and caring woman like Sakura could handle something like that. That thing was simply gigantic and inhumane, he expected Sakura to run away and scream, yet she instead spoke words trembling with excitement.

''Ohh… Tyr, maybe you can just be as loud as you want… You know, these black cocks need to relieve

their stress so that you guys can adapt here after all… I am sure the kid will be fine since he has earplugs…''

Tyr did not seem very patient as he ordered Sakura around, speaking short words with confidence and certainty.

''Suck my cock, bitch.''

Sakura instantly kneeled, her fat buttocks now acting as cushions for her small body as that gigantic cock towered over her and cast a shadow over her pretty face. She could not handle the thought of going against such a thing's temptation. She had long since resigned herself to her urges, even if her words still carried some decency. She managed to hold herself back from touching these huge black cocks for the first 6 hours or so of these men coming to Konoha. To this day, Sakura saw those 6 hours as an insane accomplisment managed solely due to her willpower and determination. She knew that there would be no way that any woman could hold on longer with those men grabbing and spanking her ass while her womb begged to be inseminated by them. Since then, she had been taking care of these men's urges to the best of her abilities while also trying to take care of Boruto's worries. Yet, today she felt like she crossed a line that made her even more of a corrupt bitch than before. She was willing to serve a huge black cock with no reservations despite knowing that Boruto was lightly sleeping in the next room. The mind of a shinobi worked fast, and her worries lasted less than the time it took someone to blink. She quickly opened her mouth and started licking that gigantic black cock.

The length of the black cylinder of flesh was properly polished by her tongue at first. She did not show a crumb of hesitation as she skillfully, and with dexterity, moved her pink tongue all over that black cock. She managed to lick clean his glands and polish his entire shaft in about 3 strokes of her neck. She had to hold onto the base of his huge cock for balance, and even that holding on required 2 hands since he was just that girthy. The more she did this, the more she appreciated these cocks. They were meant to seduce bitches like her into submission. She served without hesitation whenever presented with such a dick and it turned her on immensely. Sakura's pussy that was getting wetter and wetter was visible even to Boruto, who now had no hesitation that Sakura was a lustful woman. Boruto was frozen in his futon as the snake analogy now changed targets, that kind and loving pink haired Sakura with a gentle face now unhinged her maw like a snake and extended her tongue out while showing off her teeth. Like a snake the girth of a string swallowing an entire egg, she inserted that huge cock into her throat until her lips were kissing the man's groin. She did not dry heave, cough or gag. She simply swallowed that cock up like she had done this a million times and Boruto could see the lewd outline of a dick outside of her neck. The thick veins of the man's cock were visible over her neck at the man's dick was reaching places so deep inside Sakura that Boruto was sure he did not even know the name of those parts of the human body.

Sakura was excellent at blowjobs, it was why Tyr visited her so often when this village was full of bitches that would spread their legs open for him. She was a premium bitch, with not only the perfect ass but also the perfect throat. She was the throat master without dispute and he loved testing the limits of this seemingly limitless whore. He held her pink hair in a rough grip and started moving his own hips as if he

was using a fucktoy. The carefully prepared makeup of the woman in front of him melted due to sweat and tears as he kept pounding her face with his hips and moved without restraint or self control. He stretched the deepest parts of her neck wide open and kept pounding and pounding just because it felt good to do so. He fucked her throat, without reservation or hesitation. He did not care that she was a being that had to breathe, instead looking at the red face of the woman with mascara running down on her face with disgust. He was disgusted that she did not resist one bit no matter how rough he was with her, but he also loved it because he could feel the full spectrum of pleasures offered by that throatpussy of hers. He did not pity her, but Instead relished the sensation of a tight and warm throat spasming around his huge cock as she choked on it. Before he knew it, he was already balls deep in her throat and unloading a massive amount of cum that would make the floods of dam collapses seem like light rain.

His huge balls shook with the force of his ejaculation and even Boruto could hear the noise of cum

hitting the bottom of Sakura's stomach all the way over in the next room.

The small body of Sakura quickly started resembling a used condom once Tyr was done with her. Her belly was slightly bulging out due to the semen inside her completely filling her up. The taste was fresh, warm and the texture was always very sticky with the consistency being impossibly thick. She was a believer that all things done consistent were worth doing, and Tyr was a master of consistency, he always unloaded the same quality of sperm into her and she was in love with it… She was sure that she no longer had the reservation to ask Tyr to put on a condom this time after noticing how hungrily her pussy was drooling. She was horny beyond belief and she wanted to be filled with his seed. She was waiting for it, asking for it, begging for it with her eyes. However, she knew that Tyr liked a certain way of asking for favors. She no longer had any pride so she prostrated on the floor in front of him with her forehead firmly touching the ground before speaking.

''Please fill me full of your seed… Please fuck me raw and breed with your superior seed. Ahh…


Just begging like this was nearly enough to make Sakura cum. She knew that she would have no pride after doing something like this and she had no regrets. If she could have the wildest sex in her life with the biggest cock she had ever seen, she did not need such things as pride. Boruto also realized this now, completely naked under the futon with his tiny cock painfully erect, he was about to cum without even touching himself. He did not know why being in such a humiliating situation gave him such excitement, but currently his heartbeats perfectly matched those of Sakura's heart. He understood her lewdness and desires without being aware of his own. Tyr, in contrast, was methodically stripping Sakura and getting ready to fuck her. To him, the process was no more complex or exciting than preparing an onahole.

Sakura was shivering with excitement with the merest touch by Tyr. He quickly slapped her buttocks as if to let her know that he would be truly rough with her starting now. After the blowjob, the steam of his super hot semen was rising from Sakura's mouth and she was getting turned with each breath giving him a whiff of the scent of the seed that would soon be inside her womb.

Tyr was always surprised with how top quality Sakura's pussy was each time he stripped her, her pussy lips were covering her labia up as if she were a virgin despite the fact that he had pounded that pussy harder than any other over the course of the last few months. Honestly, her skin color being so pale and her ass being so fat gave Sakura's lower body a sense of uniformity that tingled the sensibilities of an artist like Tyr. He even had a few beats and lines ready just in case he ever wanted to fully commit to writing a song about it, but he could never get his mind to focus on it since his cock would become raging hard the moment he thought he too hard about Sakura. Now, he was confident that he could pound his pent up lust into her, raw. He would impregnate this bitch and then write a proper song about her before making her a full time baby momma. He would keep her knocked up with baby after baby and make her clueless and absent husband take responsibility while he kept fucking her. Just thinking about it was enough to make his huge and rock hard cock pulse with the tempo of his heartbeats.

Tyr's cock piercing into Sakura's tight and wet pussy was certainly something to be seen. He plunged that massive dick into her without a pause and Boruto watched it all unfold. It was theatrical, in a sense, with how the shadow of his long penis went and got lost into the moonlight of Sakura's huge ass. The pale moon, that certainly seemed to fit how fat her ass was. Boruto watched it jiggle as Tyr's gigantic cock got lost in her pussy. Those light jiggles soon turned into a wave as the force of Tyr's massive dick impacting the entrance of her womb transferred a lot of force into Sakura's small body. The force was enough to knock the air out of her lungs in the lewdest moan both Tyr and Boruto had ever heard.

''Nhh! Aaaaaaaaaah! Kheee!''

A single thrust was clearly making Sakura cum, it was clear with how her body was convulsing as though she were having a seizure right now. She could only scream out in pleasure after Tyr started moving and he pistoned up and down with his cock in a mating press position, completely pounding her womb into submission without any reservation. Hell, Sakura felt as though Tyr was using his huge dick as a ram to knock open the gates of her womb just so he could fuck her most precious place. Realizing such a thing with such immense pleasure rushing to her brain had a foreseeable result.




Tyr was already delighted with how tight Sakura's pussy was, honestly it was a thing of sheer natural

marvel that he could get to force such a thick cock like his own into such a small and tight hole. However, Sakura had the tendency to tense up her abs whenever she had an orgasm, crushing Tyr's cock from all directions like a vice grip. To any lesser cock, that would cut off all circulation, yet to a cock hard enough to bend a steel pole with the impact of his dick swinging like Tyr's, it only felt like top quality service. The full muscular might of the strongest woman in this famous ninja village was merely top quality sex toy material for Tyr. He closed his eyes to focus on that impossibly tight pussy giving his cock pleasure from all directions before pounding even harder and faster. He was completely demolishing her pussy and womb with the force of a thousand suns. The noises that resulted from such pounding were less than decent. The fluids of her pussy combined with his pre-cum made it so that the squeaky and sloppy voices could only be contested by men playing basketball on a newly polished court. The noises made Tyr move even faster, which added the noise of his flesh slapping against the supremely soft flesh Sakura into the mix. The beat was amazing, it was like music to Tyr as he ignored the overwhelmed orgasm screams of Sakura and focused solely on the noises that their animalistic fucking was making. This was perfect for Tyr, everything that he wanted to hear. If he knew that Sakura could handle it, he would fuck her 18 hours a day from dawn until midnight. He was impossibly passionate as well, kissing her and touching her all over and even showing her small tits some love by pinching and groping them.

Witnessing such sex compared to the vanilla sex he overheard from his parent's bedroom, something broke inside Boruto. He looked at them without blinking and kept his mouth open agape as though he were shocked by the sight. He loved it, every second of it. He knew that he could not fuck someone like Tyr was fucking Sakura right now, but for some reason it felt thrilling to watch him fuck Sakura. He knew that he a duty to protect Sakura from situations like this, but even that sense of duty crumbled with how loudly and lewdly Sakura was moaning while getting her womb pounded by Tyr. Sakura's fat ass that tantalized him just by walking around now completely dominated his senses.

He could see that fat ass jiggle and wave around with each thrust that Tyr made and each ounce of force that he exerted on her. He even saw the juices of her pussy squirt and fly around as Tyr's massive black cock was pumping her pussy like an oilwell. He knew that she was blacked now, he was fascinated with it. He knew that a tiny pale white dick like his own had no chance to compete, and he felt no desire to compete either. He wanted to see lewder and lewder things happen as Sakura wholly submitted to Tyr. That was also when it occurred, something snapped and broke… No, it sounded more like something slipped into a place that it should never have fit in. The outline of the tip of Tyr's huge black cock was visible clearly over Sakura's abdomen now, it felt like time stopped for a moment as Sakura's moans stopped. Tyr had pounded his way into her womb, and now had all the intention to fuck her womb until it was impregnated.

Tyr rolls his hips upward, taking as much of Sakura's vicegripped-walls with him as he can while he pulls her inside out. The tight-fitting outline visible from her abdomen retreats even as her walls stayed spread wide.

"Oh, don't play coy with me, bitch."

Tyr says, pushing her legs down as far as he can, even despite Sakura mountainous ass, her knees are parallel to her ears, making her head even redder. He shoves his hips back down and the noise heard as her poor pussy gets reformed back inside her even make Boruto shudder. Sakura's eyes look glazed over, as many of the girls who have had the pleasure of being fucked by a stallion like Tyr end up even after just a few moments of his brand of intense fucking. What was her husband do if he saw her reduced to a shuddering wave of flesh as she tries to get some sense of her bearings after being stuffed the way she does? Even the young boy thinks that seeing her like this was beneath him, until he started feeling the excitement a show a MILF taking a huge Black cock would provide. But given the stories of apathy Boruto has heard about him, maybe he already knows, and just doesn't care. Surely the town must talk with all of these men, visiting her at once.

"You're stronger than the other bitches I've dicked down. You're not down and out just from a little deep dicking. I haven't even worked up a sweat yet! I'm not gonna stop until I can slip out of this cunt!"

Tyr's last words come with his hips pulling back and slamming back down into Sakura, the same sight as the first, getting practically plowed inside out. He keeps at this rhythm, slow but powerful, his force making it sound almost like cannons being shot off, Sakura's soft, jiggling flesh violently moving like a shockwave. All that can be heard from Sakura are moans that are literally fucked out of her, only being forced out each time the thick, black cock disappears inside of her, Tyr's big Black cock dominating her in such a way that it even tells her how to speak.

"Hold onto your legs, make yourself useful…I need to work my arms out, not that I'm pulling out of you anytime soon…"

Sakura's brain hasn't completely broken, hearing Tyr and bringing her arms around, hooking around behind her knees, her tongue sprawled out past her thick, full lips. Her cloudiness slowly begins to fade, her voice returning with soft, quiet mewls, a stark difference from the confident voice that Boruto sought out to soothe his own feelings.

"Good slut…"

Tyr lets go of Sakura's legs, hands now firmly pressed on the ground with his arm extended, his body now further hovering over her bundled up, fat bottom. At his angle, his cock pulls out about halfway at rest, only lowering when Tyr's arms bend those ninety degrees into a push-up, also lowering his hips down to stuff her once again. Another long, droned out moan comes out of Sakura, feeling his girthy shaft travel throughout her body, feeling the gut punch of his large tip push back through her womb, bulging her out again.

"See, I knew you were still there…" Tyr says.

"I've never felt it so deeeeeep before…" Sakura replies through heaving breaths, her own thicc body pulsing into the giant Black meat.

Tyr's focus on his arms during his pushups means his hips actually give something of 'mercy' to Sakura's groaning pussy, the puffy labia having to thin out the further in Tyr digs his cock inside. But the trade-off to his powerful, intense pummeling means a slow, agonizing descent, where his veins rub against as much of her own patterned tunnel, and one pushup where he slides his hips forward on the way down brushes up against Sakura's clit, making her howl out in bliss once more.


A quick spray shoots out from her labia, onto his pelvis, his cock making Sakura cum with ease, just completely a fucktoy for this massive muscular giant. Tyr just laughs feeling her tunnel press down onto his shaft again, dropping down with all his weight, grinding and dragging her noisy, plump body around on the floor.

"Damn, it actually takes effort to have to move you around. Guess that's what happens when you have such a fat, heavy ass. I wonder if that means you'll carry some nice mixed babies…gonna be about all

you're good for."

Part of Boruto is pained from hearing such words said about Sakura. She's so much more than this, and he knows plenty who would say otherwise. But what of all those other men who happily took their turns groping every plump, juicy part of her they could grab. Of course, he doesn't know Sakura's own mental battle, saving herself all for Tyr. There's a sense of pride knowing she can take this much cock, despite her own baby daddy being nothing close to this size. Tyr resumes his "exercise", well having a couple dozen of these controlled, filling plunges. They share a look at each other the closer his chest presses against her small lumps that pass for boobs, one that suggests a chemistry that she long chased for her husband also having long accepted his distant personality. But this superior specimen, she can't help but feel so in tune with, that their faces attach to each other, both with a pair of thick, full lips, now moaning greedily within each others' mouths.

His arms lower back down, choosing to wrap around her neck instead, hugging Sakura tight during the loud, plapping his hips have returned to, though his cock isn't taking as large of broad strokes, though now that outline in her abdomen moves through her without disappearing, as if it doesn't know where it wants to go. His deep, masculine grunts often smother her small whimpers, but she doesn't even resort to words when it comes to his wet, wild tongue skipping between her lips, making out with it directly.


Sakura is lost in the bliss bobbing her head back and forward, loud slurping noises being heard as she rolls her eyes in the back of her head. Slowly but surely she further breaks into a complete cockslut, the closest thing Tyr could ever resemble gentle to her, keeping himself tucked inside of her stomach while his tongue gets shoved down her throat. She mumbles something not realizing her predicament, Tyr having to grind against her with his weight enough that Sakura's mouth opens wider, letting him loosen his tongue from her mouth again with a pop.

"PLEASE…BREAK ME TYR…BREAK ME FULLY, LIKE THE DIRTY SOW I AM…" Sakura says with desperation in her voice, not unlike what Boruto heard earlier when she first begged him to ravage her. This all wasn't breaking? The boy couldn't even fathom how much time has been spent, even if it wasn't a ruse and he was actually tired, there is no sense of exhaustion from him, he's wide awake, now. But then a sense of dread washes over him. If this is how Sakura can be so easily reduced to being begged to be destroyed by Black cock, with an ass fat enough to make up for her unimpressive chest, her daughter, his girlfriend, Sarada…no. It's bad enough hearing this happen to Sakura and still being either perverted or pathetic enough to find some appeal in it. Someone he loves and is intimate of his own?

But like clockwork, he's reminded of his own lack of capable equipment. He could take multiple copies of his shadow clones and line up all their dicks in a row, and his overall size still would fall plenty short. If anything, there's a little resentment towards his father. He spends so little time paying attention to him, and yet he passes on such repressive genes. Surely his mother stays with him out of a different sense of loyalty. It starts to make Boruto a bit nervous, wondering if Sarada would have a similar reaction. It would be the perfect storm.

His paranoid thought bubble pops when he hears Sakura once more, just as loud as before.


"Say it properly…you know what I want you to say."

Sakura groans, both from the litany of physical feelings she must have, but even still, to have to admit to it…Tyr can sense the hesitation and took some measure into his own hands, deep thuds that make her drop her arms from her legs, yet her legs still grip onto his own body.


Tyr has the tank to keep going. If Sakura doesn't want to be caught in perpetual state of being plowed all day, she'll need to do the thing she swore she never would. But her body, strong as it may be, can only take so much dick.

"Knock me up..." She quiet.

"I'm sorry, what was that? I didn't hear you very well, your pussy just makes too much noise when I-" "FLOOD MY WOMB AND KNOCK ME UP, JUST DO IT BEFORE I PASS OUT OR SOMETHING!!!"

She screams out in another mind numbing orgasm, sent to another realm of droning groans, which

seems endless as Tyr now goes gets faster than he's been, his hips becoming a blur as those huge, heavy balls of his flop around, themselves round enough to smack against Sakura's cheeks and make them jiggle like gelatin. Her arms are too heavy to react, toes curled up and her pussy finally has a sense of give to it, so slick between her sprays and his own musky, gross pre-cum, sometimes he slips in faster than even he's intending.

"Such a gooood cunt…I'm getting close…time to make you a living condom!"

Another sense of that savior mentality kicks in that Boruto has to stop himself and let play out. She's not of right mind to realize the consequence of such an action like letting Tyr cum inside of her. Surely she doesn't actually want to be knocked up…at least by someone not her husband! But she…said she was.

What proof could he have that any of this was pressured onto her? She didn't just ask for it, she begged for it.

His balls churn as they've been stewing, waiting to be emptied, as Tyr's hips begin to slow down, even if his thrusts still bury his massive Black cock inside of her pale, pink pussy.

They slam down one last time, before his tongue shoves itself back inside her mouth, as Sakura yells inside with one more epic orgasm, timed perfectly with Tyr's own, his thick, taffy-like consistency trailing from the sack holding the gallons carry between his legs, the large protruding bump that can be seen traveling down the Black man's cock, is so hot to the touch from his steadily being produced seed, always enough to be fresh, now finally dumping right into Sakura's womb to start, also immediately having to expand to take so much of the torn, crumpled pieces that break off only for the rest to begin pouring out and filling up the rest of her tunnel with his gross, sticky, stinky seed.

Each pump from his cock adds a new sound to the symphony of smut the room has become. Glorps, plaps and smacks act so percussive, it could sound like sparring to the untrained ear. Sakura's face turns bright red again, flushed from the air circulation being cut off by Tyr's invading tongue, having stretched so far down, even her neck bulges slightly. Their lips are airtight, bringing back thoughts of snakes.

Tyr eventually relents, releasing his head from Sakura's letting out a huge enough gasp it reverberates throughout the rest of her meaty body, including gaping her entrance just enough that the slowly building baby batter inside of her that has turned more liquid than solid, pool out from the sides, thanks to the heat of his cock, his cum and her worn out pussy.

Her belly has gotten more inflated, full from the early liquid dinner she just received. Boruto can hear the two breathing heavily, Tyr not even bothering to try and move away from Sakura, just covering her under his own immense size. Below, Sakura is drunk off the various musks lingering. Tyr's natural musk only intensified by the session of flesh they just had. Her mouth feels even more coated in his stench, the steam in her mouth returning thanks to it coming from below, her body now carrying the cloud of his stench along with his seed. Even worse…Boruto can begin smell it himself, so rank he has to cover his nose to not react and give himself away.

Tyr finally pushes himself off of Sakura, resting on his knees as he attempts to pull his cock from her pussy, definitely feeling her looser, but now…he seems…stuck. She groans at each pull but trying to release his cock in full makes him stuck like a tug-of-war stalemate.

"You stuffed me so full…w-why can't you pull out?" Sakura says, feeling every tug, wondering why her body won't let go. In the mean time, his cock would slide enough back inside of her, making her arch her back and bring herself further against his body.

"Guess that's what happens when you dump a load inside a hungry cunt…it doesn't want to let go." His own cock doesn't seem to be any softer itself, evident by the fact the deeper he goes back inside, more of the slimy spunk he left inside pools further and further out of her, slightly deflating her stomach a bit, even with a ground and a further press against the soft, bloated belly by the large hands rubbing all over the front of her body once more.

"W-what are you going to do?" She says, her hands rubbing against his thick arms.

"What's it look like? You. I'm gonna fuck you so loose, you won't have a choice."

Tyr wasted no time, resorting back to heavy deep strokes, not interested in smacking against those juicy thighs just yet, but neither the older woman nor the younger boy expected this. Sakura is a mess, nothing more as a wave of flesh being bullied about by a thick, hard appendage. She wraps her arms around his neck, legs locked around as much as him as she can, her exhausted moans for Tyr's ears. It seemed just about as long that he pummeled her pussy, noticing the ease of which his hips were needing to thrust to get his full purchase. The floor was almost threatening to flood, a large puddle of Tyr's cum that was once inside of Sakura now pooled beneath them, making her tunnel act as a slip and slide for his cock. The full length of his cock, actively slips out of her, and he smiles as he achieved what he accomplished.

"There it is, the perfect cunt…but look at what you made me do. All my work from before you'll have to clean up…might even just make you use your mouth only, after. Guess I'll just have to replace them."

His beastly instincts take over once again, sticking with his tried and true method of the faster he goes, the deeper he ends up, Sakura's womb being the only place that hadn't needed a refill of his seed, but the wet insertions can still be heard. His hands grip back onto her small, perky mounds, making her shudder those plumps thighs, giving him just enough remnants of tightness that even that is considered too much to give her. He wants her empty and constantly leaking, permanently gaping, pregnant from the moment that sees hit the back of those walls of her womb. And whether the womb wanted it or not, it gets a fresh new refill of thick cum, now mixing in its taffy with the liquid, soaking it up and acting as a barrier for the rest of the hot, gooey melted bits.

That belly inflates again, looking like there's a baby bump forming as is to those not in the known. But that's the thing, isn't it? Maybe she can hide a belly full of cum…a belly full of children is another struggle entirely.

This attempt to pull out is as expected, easier than the first, doing so so harshly, Sakura's now gaping, wrecked cunt can't help but shoot out a long, thick rope of cum, splattering with a thud, not yet inside of her long enough to melt down. Sakura lays there as his cock shoots some more liquid cum, the height doing enough to be sprayed along her body, landing on her bloated belly, legs, chest, even some reaching her face, turning away to avoid the eyes. Tyr looks on and sees his work on display, closing Sakura's legs with a nasty squish, turning her wide hips over to expose her plump ass, plenty soaked in cum from being a sponge for what made it to the floor.

"You incubate those mixed babies like a good Blacked bitch. I'll come by again some other time…see how far along you are. Might have to make room. Those tits are gonna get so full, too."

Tyr says, before leaving, his heavy steps disappearing before long. Boruto wondered what he can, much less should do here. Does curiosity make him go out and check on Sakura? Does he stay here, try to actually rest or at least pretend until she has the strength to summon him again? Or does he just…leave. Hedge his bets for next time and hope this means less of those "guests" come back around. The curiosity wins out, and after a few minutes of silence, Boruto walks on out, with a gasp, seeing the woman she's saw as a surrogate mother, a woman to confide in, now slowly struggling to get back on her knees, lying in a pool of spunk he'd risk trying to wade through.

"Oh Boruto…I'm…so sorry…did I wake you? Goodness, you shouldn't have to see me like this, whatever you were going to ask, come to me right away in the morning, but for now…please…leave me be to clean up. I'm OK, really."

Ever the gentle soul, even now she still tried to be motherly towards him, as Boruto nods to her request, doing his best to walk around the puddle out towards the entrance. "Boruto?" She calls out, making him turn her head towards her.

"Don't tell Sasuke. Or Sarada. Or your family for that matter. Our little secret."

Boruto nods his head before slipping away, grabbing his paint cans as he walks solemnly back to his home. He was just witness to the equal parts the most amazing and grotesque thing he's seen. He's realized how powerless he felt to the aura of a group of Black men having their way with the stronger healer in the land, watched her surely get knocked up by a man not her husband and now told to keep her infidelity under wraps. And what's even more wild, he feels inclined to do so. Maybe it's for the sake of everyone else, not wanting to shatter their perception of Sakura. Maybe it's his way of helping after feeling so helpless earlier. But then he thinks of his own situation, how much neglect weighs on him. If anything…maybe this is his way of staying closer to Sakura…loyalty goes a long way for younger folk like him.