
Pokemon World: Yes I Am Carried by Legendaries

MC gets transmigrated into Pokemon World, a crazy alternate universe of Pokemon where Mega Evolution, Terra, Super Moves (Z-Moves), Fusion (Pokemon + Pokemon) and Synchronization (Pokemon + Trainer) exist. All the major characters from the anime and games also appear. "The strategy for this game is too hard, I just want to be carried by Legendaries and Unbalanced Variant Pokemon" "Uwah! Your Pokemon are so strong! You must be an incredible catcher!" "No, I just know where to find Master Balls" "All of your Pokemon have incredible moves! You must spend an incredible amount of time training them!" "No, I just know where the Hyperbolic Training Chamber is" "AHH! All of your Pokemon are Mega-Evolved!? You must be a science genius!" "No, I just remember the lore from the game, it's actually very simple" Overpowered MC, NO HAREM, Romance Option Vote, Drop you Power Stones in the Bag! :)

OneShotMonk · Cómic
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15 Chs

Training Chamber

'They're a lot more accommodating than I thought'

I suppose it was to be expected of the token "Good Guys" of the Pokemon World Universe but the Institute welcomed me with open arms, apparently not considering for a second I could have some kind of ulterior motive.

'Although I guess it hasn't been too long'

A few moments after I presented Miraidon to the receptionist, we were both taken to a room where Miraidon was scanned and registered, a whole bunch of data taken from it. After that, a cute pink-haired girl took us to the Electric Habitat for the Institute where Miraidon charged all the energy tankers that helped the Institute run.

Shortly after that, at my request, we were given access to the Pokemon Training Chamber, a Trainer Band and Pokemon Band both dispensed to us. 

The Pokemon Training Chamber was a large dome-like construct that housed a massive white room which was suspiciously reminiscent of the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, distinct due to the fact that there was a massive white console in the centre of the space, the device setting the parameters for the environment.

The Trainer Band was a small red bangle-like device that monitored my general health and enabled me to know the condition of Miraidon through a set of futuristic holograms.

Fun fact, my Miraidon had a Modest nature.

Around Miraidon's front right leg was a similar-looking red band, the technology that it used something I would probably never understand.

'Getting good quality Electric Candies for free is also a buff'

As a reward for super-charging the electric habitat, the cute pink-haired girl gave me a large bag full of Electric Candies, those treats being the reason why Miraidon hovered with such a happy expression on it's face, appearing like it was in utter bliss.

I was a little apprehensive of taking it into a massive facility where a variety of different strangers would gawk and gasp at it but it seemed like the candies had taken all the edge off, Miraidon probably happy enough to drive off a cliff in it's current state.

'I guess I was worried for nothing'

Miraidon growled softly as I rubbed the top of it's head, visibly chuffed as we finally approached the centre of the wide atmosphere.

'Let's see how this thing works'

As soon as I got close, the mighty console blinked to life, the screen illuminated and filled with text.

Training Chamber Atmosphere Menu

Environment Settings

 - Select Terrain: Forest, Mountain, Desert, Snowy Field, Ocean, Urban, Cave

 - Weather Conditions: Sunny, Rainy, Stormy, Snowy, Windy, Foggy

 - Day/Night Cycle: Day, Night, Dusk, Dawn

 - Temperature: Adjust from -10°C to 40°C

Battle AI System

 - Opponent Selection: Random, Type-Specific, Custom Roster

 - Difficulty Level: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced, Expert

 - Battle Styles: Offensive, Defensive, Balanced, Strategic

 - Move Set Customization: Pre-set Moves, Custom Moves

Health Monitoring and Recovery

 - Enable Health Monitoring: On/Off

 - Vital Sign Display: Heart Rate, Energy Level, Stress Indicators

 - Automatic Recovery: Enable/Disable In-Chamber Healing Stations

 - Health Alerts: Notifications for Low Health, High Stress

Skill Enhancement Modules

 - Select Training Focus: Speed, Strength, Agility, Special Attacks

 - Training Intensity: Low, Medium, High, Custom

 - Duration: 10 min, 30 min, 60 min, Custom

 - Skill-Specific Stations: Treadmills, Weight Machines, Obstacle Courses, Accuracy Targets


- Navigate through the menu using the directional pad.

- Select options by pressing the "A" button.

- Return to the previous menu by pressing the "B" button.

- Confirm settings and start training by selecting "Start Session" at the bottom of the main menu.

'As I suspected, this is way more realistic'

In the game, there wasn't nearly as many parameters and variables you could change, this being another reminder that I was in the world for real.

'Let's go with a Forest Terrain, Normal Weather, 30-Minute Special Attack Accuracy Training set at Beginner Difficulty with Medium Intensity'

One of my immediate objectives was to get a grasp of the various moves Miraidon knew as when the player gained access to Miraidon in the game, it was already high-level. Moreover, this was real life and I was skeptical that Miraidon was limited to only 4 four moves, making experimentation even more critical.

I tapped 'Start Session' and the atmosphere around me completely changed, the door at the entrance of the room shutting with a soft hiss. The cold, hard white-tiled floor beneath my feet began to shift and ripple like water, slowly morphing into a loamy forest floor, the colour brown spreading out like ink through water.

The scent of earth and moss hit me like a train, causing my nose to crinkle as the walls around me were eventually changed, the imagery of realistic tall trees projected, the soft cry and echo of wild birds filling the atmosphere.

Artificial sunlight weakly peered through the wide leaves of the tall trees that loomed overhead, a dense underbrush that provoked a sense of infinite distance generated along the edges of the room. The central console which was the source of the change was transmogrified as well, now donning the appearance of a mighty oak tree, the screen in the middle of it making it look a little quirky.

"This is pretty cool I guess"

I tried to keep my composure as Miraidon stared dumbfounded at our new atmosphere, apparently not familiar with such possibilities.

All of a sudden, a loud growl sounded from a treetop overhead, a feral Linoone glaring at us from above. Within a second it leaped down, racing towards the pair of us.

"Miraidon! Use Electro Drift!"

Miraidon growled alertly, shooting a confused expression at me before releasing a sharp thunderbolt directly at the descending weasel, vicious sparks of electricity soaking it's body before it eventually dissipated, the hologram of the Linoone vanishing.

'I suppose it's naïve of me to expect it to understand the move names'

"Miraidon, charge the atmosphere around us with electricity," I instructed.

Miraidon's expression cleared, it's sleek metallic body coming alive as shards of lightning sparked through it's circuits and scales. Thick blue bolts of electricity burst forth from it, quickly creating an energized field that visibly clung to it's form.

The aura Miraidon exuded was completely different, the front part of it's neck totally illuminated, giving it a fair more intimidating aura.

'So this is it's Ultimate Mode'

Miraidon seemingly chuckled at my awestruck expression, my admiration cut short as another feral growl sounded from above, a fresh weasel jumping down towards us.