
Pokemon World: Yes I Am Carried by Legendaries

MC gets transmigrated into Pokemon World, a crazy alternate universe of Pokemon where Mega Evolution, Terra, Super Moves (Z-Moves), Fusion (Pokemon + Pokemon) and Synchronization (Pokemon + Trainer) exist. All the major characters from the anime and games also appear. "The strategy for this game is too hard, I just want to be carried by Legendaries and Unbalanced Variant Pokemon" "Uwah! Your Pokemon are so strong! You must be an incredible catcher!" "No, I just know where to find Master Balls" "All of your Pokemon have incredible moves! You must spend an incredible amount of time training them!" "No, I just know where the Hyperbolic Training Chamber is" "AHH! All of your Pokemon are Mega-Evolved!? You must be a science genius!" "No, I just remember the lore from the game, it's actually very simple" Overpowered MC, NO HAREM, Romance Option Vote, Drop you Power Stones in the Bag! :)

OneShotMonk · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Checking Moves

'Let me see if it can use Rising Voltage'

"Miraidon! Draw energy from your surroundings and shoot a beam of electricity at that Linoone"

Miraidon obeyed swiftly, narrowing it's eyes in concentration, the sparks and shards of energy crackling around it massively increasing, eventually condensing into a single stream that exploded forward.

The expression of the hologram changed, the Linoone seemingly fried completely before it dissipated.

"Rai Rai!" Miraidon chirped gently, clearly satisfied with itself.

"Excellent work! Let's keep going"

Another Linoone descended down from above, colliding head on with another lightning bolt. After that a sound came from behind, prompting me to shuffle quickly on my feet, stepping aside and out of the way as Miraidon launched another electricity beam.

As the seconds passed the sounds around us then began to multiply, however, a loud thumping sound drew my attention. 


The sound of heavy footsteps grew louder and louder, echoing within the surrounding area, a large Chestnaught staggering into view. It stood imposingly, it's hulking figure clad in spiked shell armour that appeared impenetrable, a mean expression on it's face as it's eyes narrowed.

Before I could catch my breath it made a charge towards us, loud thunderous steps rapidly announcing it's impending attack, it's right arm already reeled back, glowing with strange energy.

Miraidon immediately adopted a low stance, awaiting my next command.

"Miraidon! Use Metal- I mean blast it with a sharp screech!"

Miraidon obeyed, opening it's mouth and letting out a truly horrible sound, a combination of screeching and grinding gears echoing out of it.

Even though I was standing behind it, I had to cover my ears, the shockwave of sound pulsing out ahead and colliding head on with the Chestnaught.

Chestnaught's momentum was reduced to zero, halted immediately as it tried to endure the horrible noise. The expression on it's face worsened, coming alive with rage and determination, prompting it to take a heavy step forward.

"Rai! Draw electricity around you and shoot it now!" I commanded.

The crackling electricity surrounding Miraidon immediately disappeared, a dense strand of energy forming above it before racing out like an arrow, striking Chestnaught with speed.

The poor pokemon braced for impact but it was clearly more than it could handle, a yellow cloak smothering it viciously before it went limp, swirls appearing in it's eyes as it dissipated.

"Alright! Well done!"

"Rai Rai!"

Miraidon chirped happily, letting out a small sigh of relief as it floated in space.

'The Electric Terrain has been depleted'

"Rai, please try your best to charge the atmosphere around you with electricity whenever you have some downtime, it'll help you boost the power of your special attacks"

Miraidon nodded obediently, concentrating again as bolts and sparks of electricity poured off of it, arcing and curving around it's body.

'It's accuracy and precision is already extremely good'

I was only standing a few feet away from it yet I was not harmed by the high voltages that were flowing through the air, each strand flowing gracefully and calculatedly.

'It also seems like I need to prod it a bit more'

From what I could discern Miraidon's abilities from the game were only an indicator of it's potential, not illustrative of the way it would naturally behave. Despite having the Hadron Engine ability, it didn't set Electric Terrain autonomously, needing to be prodded first.

Moreover, it could make a series of different attacks and moves in a short period of time, completely shattering the turn-based flow I was used to.

'So I guess the games are a good benchmark for it's possibilities but not necessarily the end all and be all'

I closed my eyes in concentration, thinking for a second.

'Miraidon is technically a pokemon from the future so naturally it would be endowed with extremely advanced and complex technology that would make it's move pool and coverage more developed, I should try to be more creative'

"Rai, control your electricity to make an electric barrier around us, try to make the barrier as fast as possible"

Miraidon nodded, lowering it's head before swinging it upward, a cry of concentration echoing from it. A split second later, a visible light blue barrier of electricity loomed avoid us, a small number of descending Linoone's tensing and spazzing as they were shocked by it.

"Excellent, now listen to me carefully, I want you to focus on your internal thermal regulation systems, draw as much heat as possible and if you can, concentrate it into a beam of fire, if you can't, just get close to an enemy and expel it from your body"

Miraidon stared at me thoughtfully for a second, a pulse of amusement displayed on it's face, probably at my apparent lack of understanding as to how it's engine actually system worked.

Regardless, it seemed to get the idea, turning it's attention to a new Chestnaught that suddenly came in view.

On the other side, a small army of Linoone's had gathered, intelligently trying to pierce the electric barrier from the same point. The entire horde used Quick Attack in unison, surging forward and punching a hole in it.

I swallowed the desire to bark another order at Miraidon, able to gather it was generating heat, the general temperature around us rising rapidly. Steam rose from it's body and it tensed visibly, finally opening it's jaw and releasing a powerful beam of fire straight at the horde.

The attack loosely resembled Flamethrower but it was far more precise than that, like a laser beam fired from a cannon. The horde dissipated in an instant, Miraidon spinning back to spot the approaching Chestnaught.

'I guess those physics lessons weren't useless after all'

"Reverse the attack, use your thermal regulation system to absorb as much heat as you can, then fire a cold blast at that Chestnaught"

Miraidon braced for a second, closing it's eyes and shaking it's head from side to side, clearly considering my request.

A second later the temperature in the area dropped and a chilling ice beam erupted out of it's mouth, freezing the Chestnaught solid, a dense ice block forming around it.

'This thing is even more cracked than I initially anticipated'
