
Pokemon: The Journey Begins!

The goal of all pokemon trainer is to have their pokemon battle against other pokemon in order for their pokemon to get stronger. If a pokemon gets enough battle experience, it could evolve into another, more powerful creature. In order to be a good pokemon trainer, you must capture a lot of pokemon, train some of them to be really strong in pokemon battles, and most importantly, you must get your pokemon to love you and trust you, or else they won't obey you! This Pokemon fan fiction follows the adventures of Clan Eclairè, a pokemon trainer from Twinleaf Town, who will travel through the different regions of the pokemon world with his friends, meeting all kinds of people and pokemon, stopping evil organizations from stealing and controlling rare pokemon, battling against other trainers and gym leaders, and all the while, Clan Eclairè tries to fulfill his dream of becoming a someone great. .... In every chapter, it contained 1800 - 3500 words in average. ... I'm a 3N person. NO Harem. NO System. NO Cheats. ... If you want to support me in my own journey as a Pokemon Author. An Author that would focus in making Fan Fictions of Pokemons, go to the website: Patreon . com/(not yet available). In here you can find yourself reading chapters ahead of others but in exchange of donating/paying me for the service. For those who are interested, you may go to the website for further explanation.

GRVYRD · Anime y Cómics
Sin suficientes valoraciones
24 Chs

Chapter 003

Clan steadily used the brake and utilize the stand of the bike, parking it right beside the front of the house.

Dawn approached him. "Hello, Clan! I knew I can trust you for delivering my chocolate milk on time." Her tone was filled with jest as she smiled sweetly.

Dawn was pretty with fair complexion, blue eyes, and long navy blue hair. Her usual outfit is a mini dress consisting of a black V-neck tank top with a white shirt under it, a very short pink mini skirt, and a red scarf. On her head, she wears a white beanie with a pink Poké Ball print on it. She also wears gold hair clips that hold up her hair in front.

"Hey to you, Dawn." Clan picked up the tray and left half of it what's inside on the door. "I don't want to hear you nagging at me, I gotta do what I got to do. Though why you still love drinking this thing even though we both started drinking this pretty much on same time when we were younger is beyond me, I just wondered why you haven't grew tired of drinking it."

"Without it my morning would be incomplete, you wouldn't know." Dawn shrugged her shoulder, watching Clan do his work. Then she thought of something, which made her smile in anticipation. "The PRLE is finally happening tomorrow, did you know?"

Clan rolled his eyes. "Of course I do. I literally was waiting for this ever since." Everyone knew when the PRTE will gonna happen, only a person living under a rock wouldn't know, it was a occasion of significance especially to those that would be taking it.

"Oh... right, hehe. I'm aware of that of course, I'm just excited, ya know? I can't wait to start my pokemon journey! I wonder what starter pokemon I'm gonna obtain though after the PRTE. I hope I can have the chance to choose a cute and beautiful pokemon among those that are distributed this year. That would be a big plus to my training in my pokemon coordinating!" Dawn clasped her hands together, as her eyes twinkled with fascination just thinking about it. Gaining a pokemon trainer's first pokemon was an important occasion to every single new trainer.

Dawn was an aspiring Pokemon Coordinator, focusing and studying all topics related to the profession to reach the same height her mother has achieved in her prime, a Top Coordinator.

Clan smiled in amusement when he saw that, but he also was anticipating that day, the day he would have his first ever pokemon, the starter that would begin his journey together with him from the start of his adventure as a pokemon trainer.

"You have to make sure to get high results in the exam then, Dawn. The lower you rank in the exam, the fewer the pokemon you can potentially pick." Clan reminded her, he did not doubt his childhood friend from passing the exam, being how they studied together most of the time additionally with their other childhood friend. He was sure that they would pass, though pertaining to results they would have in the examination, he wasn't sure. It solely depends on how well they would do in the exams.

"I know that." Dawn said. "Anyways, do you want to go together to the library after I'm done with my breakfast or-"


A sudden shout called them out of their conversation, coming from the house next to Dawn's. The loud shout scared the bird pokemons away, who were peacefully pirched on the rooftop away until the loud interuption.

Both Clan and Dawn glanced at the person appearing in their view who was also their childhood friend, both the teens greeted the newcomer a smile. Barry has yellow blonde hair and orange eyes. It was a teenager, he wears a short sleeve cardigan with orange and white stripes. He has gray pants and brown boots.

"It's morning for godsakes, why do you have to scare the flock of starlys away, Barry?" Pretending to be exasperated, Clan exaggeratedly sighed.

"Good morning, Barry." Dawn simply greeted her fellow townsmen.

"I didn't intend to scare them Clan, but that would act as my revenge for what they did to me! Shitting everywhere around the backyard of our house, it was especially horrid yesterday. I was hanging my newly washed clothes to dry, then those uncultured birds dropped craps around me! A lot even got on me! It was so disgusting! I definitely would fine them if they weren't pokemons!" Barry sighed recounting the unfortunate memory he experienced yesterday, Clan and Dawn both laughed at his demise. Barry then rested his gaze on the tray that was placed between Clan's legs. "Those are the chocolate milks that we ordered, right?"

"Yup!" Clan passed picked up the tray for Barry and passed it to him. He got onto his bike and undid his stand. "Dawn, Barry, if you guys are up for it after you ate your breakfast you can find me at the library, same table. Send my regards to your parents! See ya!"

"Hey Clan, what about the tray!?"

"I'll come back for that lateeer!!"

With that, he pedaled fast and hard, leaving a trail behind on the dirt road. This left Dawn and Barry standing there.

"Well, I'll see you at the library after breakfast, Barry."

"See ya. And be quick about it! okay, Dawn? I'm fining you if you're late! Oh, jeez! I forgot to feed my father's pokemon! Gotta go, byee!"


After leaving his friends for their breakfast, Clan quickly arrived at the town library after a few minutes riding his bike. You can go any part of twinleaf town with a bike conveniently. Parking his bike on a bike stand to the side, he quickly entered the building.

The town libaray wasn't that big, but it was enough to hold a ton of contents with regards to pokemon and other subjects that are important to Clan that could prepare him on his PTRE tomorrow.

'Only a day left until the PRLEs, I need to prepare and read up on some essential subjects.' He thought eagerly as he greeted the librarian who greeted back with familiarity.

Today, he made a beeline for the section in the hall, Pokemon Training. He quickly picked up a book that was called 'Pokemon: Trainer Guide Volume III' written on the cover, publish by the pokemon league itself. He has already read through the rest of 'Volume I - II'. It was very exhausting since every book was so thic with a triple c.

He took the thic book with him and took up his usual spot at a reading desk. He placed the book and skimmed through, then he started reading the page where he was last time.

Contained inside was information regarding how you should train your pokemon depending on their typing and biology, tips and tricks on how you could start teaching them a move that they can learn with the help of external factors or physically. Learning this was important to everyone, one didn't want to be clueless on what to do if a pokemon trainer wanted to train their pokemon something. He wanted to prepare so here he was, reading another book that would eventually help him become a competent enough trainer.

Clan had to admit, he was biased on pokemons that could learn dragon-type moves. However, he knew that dragon-type pokemons are hard to tame but strong and powerful to have in the team, a well trained dragon type will always be a main battler for every trainer. His thoughts then wondered to the possibility that he could get a dragon-type pokemon as a starter...

Clan shook his head off that thought, he bitterly smile to himself since he knew that was close to impossible. Dragon pokemons are rare, especially baby dragon pokemons. They were carefully breed and raised, they grow slow but they have the most potential out of any out there.

Honestly, any pokemon would be fine to Clan. But, he still have his own standards on the pokemon he would want in his team. Hence, why he studied hard to have more options to pick when the day comes for him to choose his starter pokemon.

Clan refocused his thoughts on the book on his desk. With a mental sigh, he started reading over the book. Eventually, Dawn and Barry arrived together, they sat beside him and read through some books in their personal studies after setting themselves. The only sound heard then was books flipping and the quiet scribles of notes.


Moments in the library, doing nothing but just reading let Clan finished the volume quickly. He basically just skimmed through the book, he wanted to familiarize himself with the content of pokemon moves and how it generally works in pokemon so he can fully understand the basics applied. After he went through it, his head began to hurt from all the reading. He looked at how his companions managed.

He chuckled wryly when he saw Barry sleeping with his head rested on a book. Dawn did not fare better with her eyes all droopy and with her chin resting on her desk sleepily.

Clan sighed and glanced up, he looked at the clock and noticed it was already quarter to two. He guess they should get something to eat.

"Cough, cough." came the fake coughs from him. This awoke Dawn up, he then tells her of his plan on getting something to eat, she agrees since she was already so bored from reading.

Barry still has his head on the desk though, still asleep. Clan tried to wake him up by gently nudging and poking him.

Dawn run out of patience though after awhile of unsuccesfully waking him. She slapped Barry sharply on his exposed back neck.


Barry yelped and stood up knocking his chair over, producing a loud bang from the fall which was quite loud in the library. The surrounding people glared at him for interupting their reading, and after realizing what happened, Barry apologized to those around.

He glared at the culprit while rubbing the tingling sensation from the back of his neck. "I'm gonna fine you! If you don't explain to me why you slap me from my sleep, Dawn!" He complained to a smirking Dawn.

"Stop complaining." Dawn retorted. "Clan tried to wake you up, but you slept like a rock. Honestly, why do you have to come join us if you are just gonna go and doze off."

Clan was left speechless when he heard that, she didn't do better either, she was literally reading a book upside down earlier with her eyes half-open. He sighed and didn't brought that out, sparing himself the nagging he would get from this unreasonable woman. He only gave a few comforting pats to Barry. He notice how much he sighed more for just this early in a single day, he gave himself a mental comforting pat.

Barry didn't say anything more then, as he really did slept just now. He felt a little embarass so he kept his silence and continued to rub the back of his neck pitifully with a pout.

"Both of us decided to get some grub, we can eat at my house if you both like, I still haven't eaten the breakfast my mom cooked me earlier and my mom will surely cook some delicious meals for both of you." Clan said as he invited them.

Both Dawn and Barry was happy to accept. The appeal of food was more alluring to them than continiuing on reading here. Once they stored everything in it's proper place, they left the building.

"So." As they were walking, Clan started a conversation. "Did you guys see the exhibition match between the champion, Cynthia and the Hoenn region's new champion, Wallace yesterday night?"

"The battle was awesome!" Barry loudly exclaimed in excitement remembering that match. Clan noticed a few starlys perched on a tree outside a opened window fled due to Barey's loud voice. "I already expected that our champion would win the match! I think the battle would have been more interesting though if it was a battle between, Cynthia versus the former champion of Hoenn, the steel-type specialist, Steven Stone!"

"I didn't have the chance to watch the exhibition." Dawn sighed sadly, she would have loved to watch that match. Particularly because Wallace was a Contest Master in pokemon coordinating, she expect for him to battle elegantly so missing to watch the match was so unfortunate for her. "I got to bed early last night because my eyes and head was aching from all the studying, my mother got worried and got me to sleep early."

"I'm curious though, what happened?"

"Oh it was great!" Barry said boisterously. "At the start, Cynthia and Wallace's pokemon fought equally on the fourth round until she released her garchomp! It was a one sided slaughter, though garchomp still falls drawing with Wallace's last pokemon. Wallace is great and all, but our champion still dominated him yesterday!"

Clan and Dawn listened intently, but eventually they got bored of Barry practically swooning over the sinnoh champion. Dawn diverted the conversation to something neither Clan nor Barry knew about.

"So, have either of you heard about the change in various pokemons which are being giving out to new pokemon trainers that are 'endorsed' and got into the top 100 in the PTLE?" She asked. Clan and Barry both looked at each in confusion, they shook their heads in denial.

"I knew about what pokemons they would give regularly since there's hardly any difference every year when I looked it up at the pokénet. Did something interesting happened?" Clan asked, he got curious so he wanted to know more since it seemed that Dawn have knowledge about something.

"Oh there's something that happened alright." Dawn confirmed his suspicion. "It's a massive something, don't get too shock since this was still a private matter the pokemon league haven't disclosed, but for some reason, my mother got news which she shared with me regarding an exchange program plan between the distribution from Hoenn and Sinnoh's starters, mom told me to expect receiving from our batch a regional starter or a starter pokemon from the Hoenn region. This also applies to Hoenn, but the other way around.