
Red vs Brown

Brown unclipped a Pokeball from his utility belt and waved it in front Of Red who didn't even bother to look up from his Pokedex. 

"I challenge you to a trainer battle, 2 vs 2, The winner takes all," Brown said.

This time Red turned to him, his eyes filled with confusion.

"What do you mean by all?" Red asked.

"Tkaes all the money and items the loser has," Brown replied, "What's your highest level?"

"LV. 16," Red said nonchalantly.

Brown gulped, his highest was only at LV. 13 but as long as Red didn't use the Pokemon at LV. 16, he was free from that fate.

"Don't use it, You wouldn't want to beat a weak trainer like me," Brown said, "After all, It's a battle and not a one-sided domination,"

Red shrugged, he still had Gastly and Pidgey who were surely more powerful than any Pokemon that this guy could throw and if worst comes to worst, Riolu's vacuum wave and Karate chop would be utilized.

Red returned all of his Pokemon and made some space between himself and Brown, He wasn't evil but it was Brown that had proposed the rules and if he got beaten by his own rules then... he didn't have any hand in it.

Red sent out his first Pokemon, Gastly while Brown sent his first Pokemon as well, a Rattata at LV. 10. 

Red saw that this Rattata was not to be underestimated, A regular Rattata was oiwerfyk abd akk but in the face of a Gastly who knew Icy wind, it was nothing more than chicken served on a platter.

"Rattata, Pursuit!"

Brown's order was executed swiftly as Rattata flung itself into the air, shooting to Gastly with it's raw power. Dark energy surrounded the fangs of this Pokemon. 

Red's eyes flashed as he realized it was a TM, Rattata couldn't learn Pursuit by itself as manipulating dark type energy was impossible for normal type Pokemon unless they had a bit of residual dark type energy in their bodies.

Red didn't need to tell Gastly that was dangerous as the Pokemon spun to the right, evading the attack quickly and precisely. Rattata fell to the ground on all fours and Gastly attacked using a move that worked on even Normal type Pokemon.

"Use Curse!" Red ordered.

His order was darried out instantly by Gastly who stabbed itself with a large needle of ghostly energy. Black blood flowed down the wound and drenched the ground as the etntire arena was covered in a ghostly aura, Rattata didn't feel the effects of the curse instantly but it was starting to feel dizzy.

"Return, Gastly!" Red ordered as he returned Gastly to it's Pokeball and unclipped another one, Riolu.

He had ultimately decided to give Riolu some battle experience and used the Curse as a chance to slow down Rattata's movements so Riolu could get an easier win.

"Riolu, Run and then Low Kick!" Red ordered.

Riolu sprang forward, aura flickering at her legs as her speed increased two fold and she quickly closed the distance between herself and Rattata focusing more aura into her feet as she burst forward and tackled Rattata, the sounds of bones cracking echoed as Riolu successfully finished the Low Kick attack and then performed a Karate chop sending Rattata flying.

The win had been far easier than Red planned, or maybe Curse was having more of an effect on Rattata than it was supposed to?

"Return Rattata!" Black cried out, "Go, Magby!"

As Red visualized the intense trust that Brown used to call out Magby, he was sure that this Pokemon was his starter.

Magby appeared on the arena, standing at the powerful LV. 13 and Red knew Gastly's Icy wind was a bad disadvantage but the ghost type moves would still work.

"Riolu, Keep your distance!" Red ordered.

The reason Red did so was because of the apparently innate skill of the Magmar line, The skill Red was so afraid of was Lava Plume. Apparently it wasfound in talented Magby.

Red wasn't afraid of the attack although he was a bit scared because of the damage that it dealt but it was nothing that Riolu couldn't shrug off.

"Now Rush forward with Quick Attack!" Red ordered.

Riolu's entire figure became shrouded in a white aura as the Pokemon shot forward leaving a gust of wind and dust behind it, Riolu was fast but Brown started smirking.

"Lava Plume!"

Magby's temeperature skyrocketed as steam erupted from it's small figure, several molten balls of magma emerged from the ground to Riolu.

Riolu could feel the heat emanating from those molten balls of magma coming from the ground, They were five in number and she could surely say they were packed to the brim with burning energy.

Riolu dodged to the right, evading a single ball that slammed upon the ground she was standing on before, cracking it open and letting loose a small explosion that puffed smoke everywhere.

Riolu adeptly used the smoke to her advantage, her eyes slowly adapting to the smoke as she ran forward with even more power than ever, More balls were falling all around her but she didn't give up... No, She had to do this for her trainer... She had to do this for Red...

Riolu sprung into the air, out of the smoke and a whirling aura shrouded her palm, Red's palm also glimmered a bit.... Riolu shot a powerful Vacuum wave forward, dispelling the smoke in the area and crashing upon Magby who was sent flying into the air by the power behind that attack.

Red's eyes widened as he felt something get sucked from him, He didn't know what the draining feeling he got was right after Riolu used Vacuum wave. Riolu descended from the air and sprung into the air again, Her determination shining once again as she twisted and finally appeared behind Magby, her arms latched and locked Magby's hands and feet as they came down upon the ground, their bodies shrouded in a bright red aura.


Author's Note:

Just so you know, Red and Riolu shared aura for this. I feel the need to inform you about this since I'm the author and well you're the readers. Anyway, Don't forget to head over to Ko-fi.com/kristylers and support as well as donate to me over there.

More power stones and favorites, See ya'll in the next chapter!