
Pokemon: Reborn as Ash and Predator crossover

Trigger Warning: Death, murder, stalking, gore. If you hate reading about any of these, steer clear! Steer Clear! Out in the final frontier the Rayquaza clan was furious and battling a group of unwanted visitors. They managed to chase away most of the spaceships but three smaller pods broke off from the main ship and entered the planet's atmosphere. The trainers were minding their own business and journeying through the regions with their Pokemon. Unfortunately for them a new player has entered the game. How will Ash and his friends deal with being stalked and hunted by alien hunters? I have seen very few crossovers based on Pokemon and Predators. Hope you all enjoy my rendition. XD

Ellora25 · Película
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15 Chs

Predator - Personal Grudges and Promises

Ash looked at the moon, 'It is surprisingly peaceful here. Two moons how curious indeed. I didn't notice during the first night.'

Trevenant rustled his leaves getting his attention, "Nant trev."

Ash turned to him cuddling closer, "Yeah, today was something else huh, buddy?"

Pikachu curled closer to Ash, "Pikapi pika pikachu."

Lucario poked his cheek in gentle reprimand, -Tomorrow it will be different. You should sleep Meema.-

Ash hummed, "We all should, Gary's already asleep. I have a plan for tomorrow, it should be very interesting."

Raai'kiel was watching it all feeling fuzzy inside mumbling, "I cannot wait to see him with our cubs."

Urrr'kiel hummed in thought, he overheard what his brother had mumbled, "I think we should consider courting oomans especially trainers. They are a good choice as a mate."

Werr'kuh, "I think I might just go to that planet myself. Pokearth I believe it is called."

Raai'kiel, "Suit yourself. I am going to rest as well. We don't need the same amount of rest humans require but still."

Too'kiet, "Go young ones, rest. I will watch over."

The young warriors bowed in respect to the Elder and returned to their personal chambers on the ship. Raai'kiel was aware of what the next day would be, it would be the day their rivals clans will either claim their chosen mates or kill them. Raai'kiel opened one of the screens connected to the cameras and watched his mate's peaceful face as he slept between his Pokemon. Raai'kiel traced Ash's face through the skin clicking softly as he also fell asleep, he would wake up earlier than Ash anyway. He noticed humans slept longer than Yautja, his mate even more, Lucario had explained it was due to Aura. Aura was a very demanding power source and if humans were not careful they could cripple themselves.

The next day Ash, Gary and the Pokemon woke up to the loud sirens going off again and Gary grumbled very dark things, under his breath. Ash chuckled when he heard all the things he was promising the poor unfortunate Yautja soul, who he would get his hands on later. Ash should feel pity for them, really he should, but it was hard to especially when said people were the reason his mother battled against depression alone. Ash breath in and out he had not thought of his mom, in fact he has not thought about anyone else after he had agreed to join the Yautja. He half wondered how his friends were doing back home, if Serena or Paul or any of the others were heart broken, he was not blind to their blatant crush.

Ash mumbled, "I'll prepare breakfast, go wash up."

Lucario who felt his Meema's turmoil nodded and corralled everyone, -We have a long day ahead so let's clean up.-

Gary yawned, "I'm awake! I'm awake! Yeesh, no need to push."

Alakazam, -Come on, there's a river close by.-

Ash focused on preparing the breakfast which consisted of fruits and vegetables from around the area. The vegetables were found by Trevenant and Ash roasted them on top of the fire they had going while preparing fruit salad for something sweet. The fruits were very strange looking but they smelled nice and reminded Ash of the Pecha berries and mangoes. Gary appeared after a bit thanking Ash for the food while the raven haired man went to wash up. The walk to the river was peaceful and as he was cleaning up he saw a gleam in the water, if not for his aura he would not have realized. Ash then turned around activating his staff and blocking a claw recognizing the intent.

Ash, "Baauli."

Baauli, "Ooman."

Ash pushed him away, "Impatient little warrior, aren't you? You would think after all that talk you will have a better more dangerous plan for me."

Baauli grunted, "I will make you mine ooman, it will be fun to watch you break."

Ash narrowed his eyes, "We will see who breaks first. Also... "

Baauli's eyes widened on seeing his wrist gauntlet, "When?"

Ash dangled the wrist armour that had the self destruct button on it, "I'm a trainer or a nrak'ytara in your language. I have to have quick hands to survive. You will not escape through death, my little target. I will show you living takes more courage than dying."

Baauli hissed, "You don't scare me ooman."

Ash snarled, "Good, that will make breaking your attitude that much more fun for me."

Baauli growled, "We will see who breaks who, ooman. I will have you submit to me."

Pikachu appeared, "Pikaaaaa chuuu."

Baauli remembering the devastation the yellow creature had unleashed a day ago jumped away and rushed through the forest to team up and plan more. Gary was dealing with his own problem Yautja who had searched for him intentionally. The blooded warrior was the younger sister of the warrior Urrr'kiel had killed in order to get his mother's skull back to his family. The green eyed man looked at the female warrior coldly as he twisted his hand making his sword and her claw separate as they put distance between each other. The female growled and he could understand the hate, truly he does, he dealt with it too but they started the whole thing.

Gary, "Not bad, no name."

The female hissed, "Traauli, it's Traauli ooman, remember that."

Gary shrugged, "I really don't give a flying fickity fuck about who you are. I hope no one remembers you after I eliminate you."

Traauli screamed at hm, "Who do you think you are Ooman? I worked hard to reach my status. How dare you insult me? I will kill you, mark my words."

Gary, "Yes, yes, you are great at shouting nonsense."

Traauli snarled and attacked him and Gary defended himself and used Traauli's own weight against her to throw her off. Gary then attacked her swinging his sword in a downward curve forcing her to move away from the attack. Gary followed it with more attacks and did not let up while Traauli took a defensive stance and held her ground while looking for a, chance to attack. Haxorus and Altaria watched from a distance while Alakazam held his shield around Gary keeping him safe. Trauuli was furious on realizing her target had the upper hand and cursed herself for not coming up with a better plan.

Raai'kiel hissed in fury, "They attacked very early."

Urrr'kiel growled under his breath, "Hope they wont mind if we enter early as well. Bloody Cjit!"

Yagouti was watching the fights worried and looking for the third member, "There's a third one but they are just watching."

Raai'kiel narrowed his eyes, "Naaguk, one of the more calmer fighters from the Ar'hei'nuk clan. He has shown interest in our mates for a while now."

Urrr'kiel glared at the screen, "You mean our mates and our mate's cubs. He looks at them like they are some rare treasure. If he tries to touch them."

Too'kiet sighed calming them down, "Just be patient young warriors. Wait for a few hours and you can fight for your mate. Anyways it does not look like they will make things easy for our rivals."

Raai'kiel grumbled and clicked under his breath as he watched his mate re - join his brother to check on him. Gary was a mess from tumbling about more than his mate and Urrr'kiel was watching hyper focused on his mate who was explaining what happened to him. Ash did not look surprised, in fact he looked like he expected it and very annoyed by them attacking in the first place. Though it could be that his mate was just focusing on anger to hide his fear of loosing his brother to another Yautja. Raai'kiel scowled as he clenched his fist, Baauli would pay for scaring his mate. Ash was not even scared when he first faced them like the other humans, wary perhaps but not scared.

Ash meanwhile was making sure Gary was unhurt, "No broken bones or internal injuries only scratches from what I can see. You are okay."

Gary, "Thanks, the scratches are probably from the dodging and rolling around on the forest floor. Should have seen the other one though. Now, she was beaten up."

Ash hummed, "Of course, nothing can keep an Oak down."

Gary puffed up, "That's right."

Ash, "I wonder what they will do next?"

Gary, "Or we could go to them. They attacked us once we attack them once. Even the odds."

Ash huffed rolling his eyes, "And May said I was crazy. She was obviously fooled."

Gary laughed as he followed Ash back to the river to set up a new camp their Pokemon keeping an eye out for the enemy. Their lovers had said after the rival clan entered, they would also be able to enter and reunite with them proving themselves to the rest of the Yautja population. Ash was in deep thought as they cleared an area to set up a defensive camp with the Pokemon taking turns to keep an eye out. Ash was staring at the gauntlet he had forcefully taken and thinking up a plan to get his hands on the arrogant Yautja. It was not the first time he dealt with an adult full of himself and it would not be the last.

Gary poked his cheek, "What are you thinking so hard about?"

Ash pushed his finger away, "Just wondering how to punish the fool who thought he has any right to be offended by the fact we took our parent's skulls back."

Gary eyed him nodding, "Ah, yeah, they are quite arrogant, aren't they? Not exactly an attractive trait."

Ash was looking at the gauntlet, "Yes, though I suppose if they are truly that good at hunting the pride is not much of a surprise. But they really should know the difference between pride and arrogance. It is very unbecoming."

Gary snorted, "If either of us had acted like that, Gramps would have had our hide before throwing us into boot camp for disciplinary action."

Ash, "Understatement, so should we?"

Gary, "Should we what?"

Ash gave him a dark grin, "Punish them ourselves."

Gary laughed his voice becoming vicious at the idea, "Sure, I mean they did challenge us first. Not to forget threatened to rape us, second. Finally they threatened our Pokemon as well. How can we just stand by just like that? We would not be able to call ourselves good trainers if we allowed this to go unchecked."

Ash smiled brightly, "No we can't. We did not raise our Pokemon only for an arrogant trollop to steal them."

Lucario, -Are we going to kill them Meema? I would love to.-

Ash, "No, we will do much worse. Killing would be too kind for them at the moment. I am not feeling generous either."

Gary cackled as he got on Altaria and flew up to do a quick check of the surrounding area while Ash looked around the ground. Haxorus grunted at Lucario and left to follow his trainer and Dragon mate from the ground making sure nothing happens to them. Haxorus can count on one hand how many times his trainer got into trouble and Altaria covered for him over and over again. Those two were two trouble magnets and the ground type Dragon always worried about them angering the wrong person. Of course, it was even worse if Gary was the one who got pissed off, his trainer could be very petty and vicious, something that he developed after dealing with Cyrus.

Back on Poke - Earth their older siblings were hyper focused on finding a way to hunt the creatures down. Red and his Pokemon had thrown themselves to training from time to time they would train Ash's Pokemon as well who gave the training their all. Green was working with his oldest sibling and their grandfather on reverse engineering some of the alien technology Ash had left behind for them all. According to the journal Ash and Gary had written, they had found caches holding Yautja technology inside but did not have the time to understand them.

Gou and Bill had been going through all the notes that Ash and Gary had left behind so far and had made four teams consisting of Ash and Gary's friends. The group of young men and women had been studying the technology and so far had a brief understanding of how space technology worked. From the notes Ash had left they started to understand the culture of this hunters or more specifically the Yautja race. Among the men and women, Gou, Kiawe, Gladion, Lillie, Serena, Clemont, Alain, Miette, Paul, Angie, Anabel, Macy, Melody and Ritchie who had crushes on either Ash or Gary had taken to training hard.

They had deep feelings for one of them but more importantly, wanted their dear friend back, they were worried when they heard the two had been kidnapped. The ladies almost got a heart attack while the men broke whatever they had been holding when they saw what happened in the security footage of the farm. In order to keep the laser from wiping out Pallet town they had agreed to be taken to wherever it was by those terrifying creatures. They knew the two men could take care of themselves together but do they have to sacrifice themselves every single time something happens.

Dawn looked at Paul who was wearing a battle armour courtesy of Green, "Paul, Alain wants to try a new battle strategy with you. He says it is to increase combat effectiveness in hot dessert areas."

Paul looked at the young woman in business skirt and shirt, "I will be there. Just let me finish off my paperwork here. It should take a few minutes only."

Dawn took out her phone, "I will text him your answer. How are you holding up?"

Paul, "As good as I can. Gary would get a good laugh if he saw me now however."

Dawn's lips twitched, "Yeah, you had sworn off any work that would create heavy paperwork before. Gary reminded you it was impossible if you became stronger though."

Paul sighed, "I was a naive child back then, look at me now though."

Dawn laughed at that, "We all were and now that I think about it, they had always been protecting us, weren't they? From what was actually happening in reality."

Paul put the last paper away, "Yes, they treated us like innocent children. I always felt like they did and I did not like it. But perhaps that is what allowed us to survive and why we were untouched by those beings."

Dawn muttered, "They were trying to impress Ash and Gary, of course they would not touch the rest of us. That would just asking to become hated. Ash never liked it when the people and Pokemon he considered his were hurt. I remember when Cyrus had managed to hurt me. I never saw Ash so furious before that day."

Paul clenched his fist, "I know. I remember battling Hunter J. Ash was furious when she had taken my Pokemon. I am going to join Alain in training. Care to join me in trouncing him?"

Dawn smirked, "With pleasure."

The two left the room and Serena who was talking with Clemont, who was one of the researchers noticed them and nodded in greeting. Over the years the two young blonds had become what people called a bombshell but as many had come to learn they had eyes for one person only. Paul observed the two, Clemont had bulked up though it was not visible under his safety get up and Serena had become very curvy always wearing clothes that hugged her in the right places. May had once commented on how Serena looked really cute with long hair and was disappointed she kept it short but the blond had explained it was for practicality more than looks.

Serena and Clemont were observing Paul and Dawn as well, the two especially Dawn was well known for helping Ash deal with Arceus directly. Unlike them who listen to Ash and stayed out of the fight between Lysandre and the Yautja, the dark haired young woman had jumped directly into the fray. When Serena had asked her about it Dawn had explained Ash felt more like a twin sibling than a friend and there was no way she was leaving her twin to deal with that mess alone. It had sent a wave of comfort through Serena, whether it was because she did not have to compete with another person or because she could rely on Dawn to protect Ash.

Serena could not say for sure but she knew she was happy to have Dawn with them unlike May who seemed to have a rivalry with her. But Serena figures she kind of understood, May was another person who looked up to Ash and considered him, her older brother figure. At least it was not as intense as Kiawe and Alain's rivalry, heaven knows she could only deal with so much hot headed fights. At the battlefield Alain was preparing with his Pokemon, one of the entries said Yautja Prime was very hot weathered. Alain was not sure how hot the temperature was but he would prepare his Pokemon for the worst case scenario no matter what.

Paul smirked, "Alain, shall we?"

Alain smirked, "Why yes, of course. You are welcome to join too Dawn."

Dawn, "Obviously I am joining. I am very curious about this new strategy you came up with."

Alain, "You will love it."

Paul, "I will love pointing out all the mistakes."

Max was returning from his mission with Riley to the Tree of Beginning, to meet Lord Mew who was happy to see them. They had a lot to learn about bonds between Pokemon and humans and how powerful it could be. The bonds could vary from person to person and Pokemon to Pokemon as everyone was different and bonded differently. Max watched as Dawn, Paul and Alain went at it fighting each other using mega bond evolutions to out smart each other. Max was joined by Iris who was looking for Alain but paused to watch the fight as the Dragon type Pokemon came out.

Over the years Dawn's team had expanded to get one from every type including a very adorable Appletun. That little cutie may be adorable but there was no denying his dragon heritage, especially the Draco meteor. Dawn had specifically focused on that one particular move and now her cute Dragon was considered one of the strongest. Iris was not jealous not at all, she had her Kingdra and Dragonite and Noivern and Goodra, okay maybe she was just a little bit. The Applin line is really cute and an attractive choice to many girls across the world, even grass type trainers aim to get one of the two evolutions.

Iris looked around the Champion Valley, 'I still can't believe Giovanni and Lance created this place. It's perfect for heavy duty trainers to get strong.'

Max, "Cilan did not come with you?"

Iris, "League season is starting. He has his duties but he will join after the season is over."

Max, "I get it. Kanto's League season started too so the Gym Leaders from Kanto are not here either."

Iris, "Yeah, I did not see them when I returned. I thought you were with Riley?"

Max, "He returned to Sinnoh first, he had something to talk about with Cynthia."

Iris, "You know if it were not for the health check up and blood work I would have thought those two had something going on between them."

Max chuckled, "Yeah, hard to believe they are cousins, isn't it?"

Serena, "Max, Iris, you are back."

Iris, "Yup."

Max, "Hey Serena, Clemont, how have you been?"

The two mentioned blonds smiled and answered as they looked at the battlefield and the two. Serena observed Max, over the years and especially the last few months, he had started to dress more and more like Ash. The young man wore blue, grey and black just like Ash had worn and always wore a hat and jacket. Max had mentioned at one point he asked Ash why he wore long jackets, it was for the pockets apparently, Ash would carry extra sweets, medicine and bandages. Ash had been more paranoid than anyone else but Clemont figured he understood especially with everything that happened.

Clemont, "I wonder how Kiawe and the others are doing."

Iris, "They are taking part in the Shadow Gym challenge. I am sure they are doing well, they have not quit yet."

Serena, "I do not have stamina for those challenges. I am more hit and run."

Max, "Nothing wrong with that. Frankly speaking, we need all types of fighting styles."

Serena, "I know but I still wish I was stronger."

Braxien who had been talking with Clemont's Ampharos frowned at her trainer's negative attitude towards herself and reprimanded her. Serena gave a sheepish laugh and raised her hands in defense from the excessive poking her Pokemon was doing. Ampharos giggled as she hugged Clemont who laughed at his friend's predicament and Alain, Dawn and Paul took a break from their intense training. They broke up, Iris going with Alain to report what happened while Max and Dawn left together with the dark haired girl asking about May. Serena nodded at Clemont and Paul who had started to talk about new items and left for her own training.

A sneak peek to what the others were doing and yes months have passed since Ash and Gary left.

Ellora25creators' thoughts