
Pokemon: Reborn as Ash and Predator crossover

Trigger Warning: Death, murder, stalking, gore. If you hate reading about any of these, steer clear! Steer Clear! Out in the final frontier the Rayquaza clan was furious and battling a group of unwanted visitors. They managed to chase away most of the spaceships but three smaller pods broke off from the main ship and entered the planet's atmosphere. The trainers were minding their own business and journeying through the regions with their Pokemon. Unfortunately for them a new player has entered the game. How will Ash and his friends deal with being stalked and hunted by alien hunters? I have seen very few crossovers based on Pokemon and Predators. Hope you all enjoy my rendition. XD

Ellora25 · Película
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15 Chs

Predator - Mate?

Ash and Gary travelled through Kanto and took part in Gym battles, contest and show cases, winning some and loosing some. It was fun for the most part, except for when they ran into a bunch of poachers and defeated them. A few days after that was the worst, they felt like they were being stalked and followed by someone whenever they went outside. Gary swore up and down they were being followed by a ghost they could not see but couldn't be sure.

Gary's Alakazam and Ash's Gengar were always glaring at one direction or another, daring something or someone to approach them. They had rescued Abra and Gastly from poachers and the psychic and ghost type Pokemon were very protective and clingy with their trainers. Haxorus and Lucario would look around frowning as well and once they found something slimy and white. Gary was about to touch it but Haxorus picked him up and used dragon pulse on it.

Gary raised an eyebrow, "What's that all about?"

Alakazam, -There is no need for you to touch that thing.-

Lucario nodded, -Yes, you should not touch disgusting things like that.-

Ash, "Ummm... Are we missing something?"

Haxorus, "Rus rus haxorus."

Alakazam, -What Haxorus said.-

Lucario nodded, -Yes, it is very disgusting liquid. We don't know if it's safe.-

Gary pouted, "Fine... You can put me down now, big guy."

Gengar laughed, "Gengar geng geng gengar."

Ash pat him, "Well fine! If you feel that strongly about this, then we'll drop it."

The two of them had travelled through Jhoto after finishing the Kanto route and had met more Pokemon and people. Gary was pretty damn sure the red head who went by Ritchie had a crush on Ash, of course, he would not make it easy for Ritchie. Gary was protective of Ash, always had been, especially after that one night where he had caught Ash crying alone on their parent's death anniversary. It had been eye opening for his younger self when he realized his friend was holding his pain inside to be strong for the rest of them.

He had of course, told the others about it the next morning when Ash had slept in after staying up crying whole night. The adults looked pained while their siblings looked sad but they all made a unanimous decision to become stronger. When Ash had woken up it was already noon and he asked why they had not woken him up earlier. Aunt Delia had replied that Ash and Riolu looked really adorable and so, she couldn't bring herself to wake him up. Ash seemed to accept the answer and shrugged asking them to wake him up next time.

Hoenn and Sinnoh were very interesting places to be. Though, they would have preferred not to have been dragged into turf fights between Team Rocket, Magma, Aqua, Snagem, Cipher and Galactic. May, Max and Dawn had been very apologetic to the two of them though they swore up and down the legendary Pokemon rarely appeared in front of humans. Gary and Ash shared a look, they remembered what happened back in Orange Islands and told them not to worry about it too much.

Max, May and Dawn had looked skeptical at that, but dropped the matter when Ash and Gary said, it was not a big deal. The three of them really adored and looked up to the two of them, they balanced Gym battling with other things, like contest, show cases, research and frontier battles. Gary even gave Max his first Pokemon which was in a poke egg from his Alakazam and Ash's Milotic of all Pokemon getting together. The Poke egg had hatched into a Feebas after one month and Max was quite ecstatic when Ash offered to help Max train.

Feebas became a Milotic after two months of training and Max swore that Ash was a demon trainer, but he wouldn't have it any other way. May had become a little envious of her brother but she squashed that green eyed monster, Ash had given her a Poke egg as well and she was a beautiful Igglybuff, now a strong Wigglytuff. Besides Max was focusing more on Gym battling and research kind of like Gary while she wanted to be like Ash do serious battling and have fun in contests and show cases. Dawn was focused on research, show case and contests, a mix of the two of them.

After Jhoto, Gary had focused more on his research and Masters, he had been planning on taking after his Grandfather. Ash though wanted to travel the world, write his books and do battling and Pokemon performances on the side. The reason they stick together was that Ash was a magnet for trouble and legendary Pokemon which gave Gary ample direct sources for his research. Not to forget, if Gary left Ash on his own, he feared some legendary might not return him *cough* Mew *cough* Celebi *cough* Arceus *cough*, who had developed a disturbing amount of obsession with the dark haired boy.

Gary looked at the situation, "So, you still don't believe you aren't a legendary Pokemon magnet?"

Ash winced watching Giratina shout curses at Cyrus, "I... I have no defense against that anymore."

Dawn sweat dropped, "So... what? We deal?"

May mumbled, "We don't have much choice, do we?"

Max, "Milotic, Gallade, Breloom, get ready to fight."

Gary sighed, "Could be worse!"

Gary wished, he had kept his mouth shut one week after dealing with Cyrus. Cyrus had escaped from being arrested for his actions and Cynthia had been searching for him across the region. They had later found him or rather his cold dead body with the head and spine missing.... Just like his mother and Uncle Ketchum were found. Ash had a blank look on his face as he took Max away from that scene. May was comforting Dawn who had thrown up on seeing that carnage, sure he was their enemy but this was just too much.

Lucario was furious, -That thing followed us here.-

Haxorus was looking around with trepidation, "Rus haxorus?"

Lucario, -I don't know how we have not seen any of them but that handiwork.-

Ash in the meanwhile tried to remember, 'Was there a psycho killer or stalker in Pokemon?'

Ash looked back at the body, 'I can't shake off this feeling I should know but..... why can't I remember?'

Gary, "You good?"

Ash, "I feel like, I'm missing something."

Gary became alarmed and pulled Ash away from the rest, "Come with me."

Ash, "Gary?"

Gary, "Shield Alakazam!"

Ash, "Calm down, Gary."

Gary, "I'm not panicking yet."

Ash, "Okay?"

Gary, "Be honest with me Ash! Are you still investigating what happened to my mom and your Dad? Provided we are both Champions so we have a right to those information but still."

Ash, "Not a fully active investigation, but I have been collecting clues quietly."

Gary gave him a hard look, "That's all that you have been doing."

Ash nodded taking out his laptop, "Yup! Here have a look, it's mostly newspaper clippings that I have saved screenshots off. As well as marked where things possibly happened and there is no way they are not connected."

Gary, "These people... They aren't really that close to each other.... "

Ash, "No, but they are all powerful trainers and battlers. Also, they are all adults."

Gary muttered, "I can see that. I can't believe you collected all of these."

Ash, "I collected it over the years and saved them in back up, four times. I have a feeling, no one wants to remember the details and hail their deaths, as tragic accidents."

Gary hissed, "They wouldn't dare!"

Ash took out a newer screenshot, "They already are. No one wants us 'young' trainers getting involved for some reason."

Gary drawled irritated, "And yet we have been busting our asses trying to stop people from destroying this planet."

Ash hummed in agreement, "I'll send you everything I have Gary. Maybe, you will notice something I missed. You have always been better at critical analysis. Actually you are the best at it compared to the rest of us."

Gary was feeling smug hearing, that but pulled Ash's cheek, "I'll let this go, only if you promise not to go after whoever this is."

Ash whined, "Garrrrry, sorrrrry. Leeeet gooooo! I prohmise!"

Gary let go after getting that promise and took out his poke flash drive and Ash shared all the information he had saved. Gary went over the information when he had free time and noticed something on the pictures but couldn't be sure. Gary decided to call Chad a photographer they met back in Kanto to help with clearing the photo. Chad was always happy to help and teased Gary on being an overprotective mama Tyrantrum. Gary gave his face a pinch getting splutters from the photographer and finally they got to work.

Ash peaked into the room then left, "The two of them are busy with a few old photos."

Max, "Is it a new project?"

May, "That would be cool."

Dawn, "Are they together?"

Ash, "Mmmm... not yet."

Max gave a smirk, "Yet?"

Ash returned that smirk, "Well, the two of them and their probable relationship aside, have the three of you decided what you want to do?"

Dawn beamed, "I'm joining Miette on her journey through Jhoto."

May blushed, "I'm traveling with Drew through Kanto."

Max scowled at the blush, but didn't say anything about it, "I was hoping to go with you to Unova. I heard there are Pokemon there not found in other regions."

Ash nodded and helped them book tickets and figure out the best route with a lot of consideration for unusual activity. As they was helping them Ash felt a shiver go down his spine, it was the feeling of being watched again and it always left him feeling jumpy and wary of his surroundings. After the League, where they met Tobias, who was a very interesting person was over, Max was saying goodbye to his sister and Dawn. They were in Unova and Iris and Cilan were interesting people when they were not fan boying or fan girling over their Pokemon.

Gary, "What's wrong?"

Ash, "Err... Nothing just do you feel.... "

Gary murmured, "Followed? Yes! Stay close to the Pokemon."

Ash nodded, "Yeah, I will."

The two of them went towards an empty field and waited for whoever it was to approach them though, they had reservations. As they waited the air in front of them rippled and a creature? A man? They weren't sure, came out clicking at them. The male, Ash was sure he was a he, looked familiar.... Lucario and Haxorus stood in front of the two of them followed by the rest. Alakazam, Altaria, Dragonite and Feraligator on Gary's side and Milotic, Charizard, Venasaur and Gengar on Ash's side. They hissed at the creature and Ash promptly paled when it finally clicked after he saw the mask.

Ash started to shiver, 'No! No! No! Why? Why? Why? That's a Predator!!!! A motherfucking Predator!!!! Why?'

Gary pulled him behind him, "It's okay Ash. We will figure this out."

The creature clicked at them, "Hello, little ooman."

Gary paused, 'Dammit! Ash is terrified? He is never terrified, not even when he was facing crazy Cyrus and Arceus. What did you find out Ashy?'

Alakazam, -Lucario is calming him down.-

Lucario, -Calm down Meema! Calm down! It's okay. It's okay.-

Ash took a deep breath, "I'm calm. I'm calm. I was just taken by surprise."

The Predator clicked again, "You didn't look surprised, my lou-dte kale."

Ash turned pink, 'What? What? What? He didn't just called me his woman!!!! I'm a male here.'

Gary noticed Ash's reaction, "What does that mean?"

The Predator was amused, "For now, you may call me, Hunter. For I'm in a special hunt."

Ash choked then became furious, "You killed my father. You have some nerve."

Hunter clicked annoyed, "That was not I, my c'ntlip. But an enemy. You need not worry, I can take care of it."

Gary though was furious he had a sudden suspicion and stood in front of Ash glaring, "You won't touch him."

Hunter cooed, "Brave ooman, very brave. No wonder my mei'hswei is fascinated by you."

Ash squeaked in fear, "Your siblings are here too?"

Hunter nodded but didn't say anything more as he disappeared again and Ash fell to the ground feeling his legs go weak. Lucario caught him and Gary checked on him asking him if he was okay. Ash nodded before sitting up, he had once confessed to Gary about his past life and how he felt out of place sometimes in this world. Looks like, he will be telling him about his previous world more but first a sound proof shield just for safety. To say Gary was terrified after Ash had finished telling him about Predators was an understatement.

Gary, "What do we do?"

Ash, "I don't know, in the movie there is a limit to their hunt but that's just a movie. This is a reality and it's different. He has been stalking us for years it seems."

Gary was feeling hysterical though spoke calmly, "What did those words he used to address us mean?"

Ash mumbled, "He basically called me 'his' for some reason."

Gary was hysterical now, "What? But he is an alien, you are human."

Lucario growled, -He is not touching my Meema!-

Ash, "He also said his brother was interested in you that way."

Gary was shocked before he acted with bravado, "Well! What do you know? I'm so irresistible even aliens are interested in me. Are you sure we can't date, Ashy?"

Ash burst out laughing, "Seriously?"

Gary, "Made you laugh. But what do we do about it?"

Ash, "I don't know..... It's been so long since I thought about them. It's a miracle I even remember the language."

Gary frowned and looked up, "We should head back..... I don't know if I am imagining it, but I feel like there's two of them now."

Ash looked at shield, "That's because there are two of them. We are gonna have to teleport to escape. It doesn't look like they are gonna let us go easily."

Gary felt an intense stare on him that made him sweat, "Yeah, please return everyone. Alakazam prepare for teleport."

Alakazam nodded, -With pleasure.-

The second Predator felt something was wrong and hissed, "My lou-dte kale. Mine!"

Gary had dark lines on his face, "Teleport! Teleport! Teleport!"

Ash hugged him, "Gary! Gary! Calm down! We teleported. We teleported! Calm down! Calm down."

Gary, "I'm calm, I'm calm."

Ash, "Let's get out of here before they realize we didn't teleport too far."

Gary nodded and let Ash pull him, "Do you think they were the ones who... You know.. "

Ash, "Fucked Cyrus up? Maybe? From what I remember they are very big on keeping their significant other safe. And their SO's enemy is their enemy."

Gary, "Haaaaa! What have we gotten into? Oh no! How are we gonna explain this to the others?"

Ash walked towards the city, "We'll think of something, but that's the least of our problems. That Hunter fellow mentioned an enemy, an enemy that belongs to his kind."

Gary, "You reckon, he'll come after us?"

Ash, "Might, they love their hunt."

Gary frowned, "Well, that won't be good."

Ash, "I have a feeling, there are more than one enemy running around too and our siblings faced them."

Gary, "Damn! Did we get pulled into some alien war or something?"

Ash shivered visibly, "I fucking hope not!!!!"

Gary raised an eyebrow at that reaction and decided to nag his friend till he spilled about an alien Vs predator series. Gary had to hold back the urge to jump dimension and strangle the creator? Writer? Ugh!!! He was better off being ignorant. Ash also mentioned that there was hardly any information on predator mating practices, so they were going into this completely blind. Gary sighed as he saw Iris and Max arguing about something again and Cilan trying to calm them down. At least that didn't change.

Unova was an evade and meet for the two aliens and the two humans. The others soon caught on and were feeling angry and scared on their behalf when the two stalkers refused to take a no for an answer. Ash only hoped they didn't get kidnapped like that one kid who was almost kidnapped if not for his father and his team rescuing him. Hell, he didn't even know if humams could live in Yautja Prime to begin with, in the games yes, they could live but this dimension and that were worlds apart. There were no humans missing as far as Ash knew, so no way any of them took a human mate before.

Gary nudged him, "Hey! We'll figure this out."

Iris was fuming, "I'll fight them, if I have to. No one touches my friends against their wishes."

Max agreed with her for once, "Yeah!"

Ash, "I'm sure, they won't or they would have by now. In fact, the most they have done is stalk us and leave dead carcasses..... "

Cilan frowned, "Which, I wish they would not do that. It's very macabre."

Ash, "Hey Dawn and May are here."

Gary, "Over here girls!"

Max, "Dawn! Sis!"

Dawn, "Hey everyone!"

May, "Guess who's back!"

Catching up with the girls felt good, though they both had disturbed expressions when Max told them what happened. They decided to stick around though they felt very creeped out when the feeling of being watched came over them. Yeah, they'll try to stretch their time in Unova as much as they could. Or tried to anyway, they saw glimpses of the two males who wanted to get into their senior's pants and despite efforts could not confront them as they kept disappearing. Ash half wondered if the Predators considered the two girls and the rest except for him and Gary as children, he remembers some of their quirks. One of the quirks was to never hurt an innocent child and they actually ignored them most of the time. It was soon time for the two girls to leave but not before tackling one of the predators much to Ash and Gary's horror.

May growled, "You!"

Dawn, "What do you plan to do with our seniors???"

Hunter could hear his brother laughing at him as he easily got up, "Hmmmm?"

May was hanging from his hand, "Answer!!!"

Dawn scowled, "Don't think, we'll let you hurt them."

Hunter was amused by the little ones, "He is my lou-dte kale."

Dawn was confused, "What?"

Hunter clicked in amusement, "My mate!"

May turned pink, "Oh.... "

Hunter dropped them before the two could say anything, "You'll be mine."

Ash checked on them after he left, "Are you okay?"

Gary, "What were you thinking?"

May, "We're fine. He didn't hurt us... He looked amused."

Dawn, "Yeah, and we just wanted to make sure he was not gonna hurt you, that's all."

The two sigh as they checked on the girls and waved them farewell as they left. Max had promised May he would keep that weird man away from. his teachers. Cilan and Iris were nodding in agreement with the young boy, those males were not touching their friends, if they had something to say about it. Ash and Gary simply let it be as they took part in the finals and met N. N was an interesting individual with latent aura abilities, Ash was sure of it. He called Riley who flew in to meet N to be sure about it.

N was surprised there were others like him as well and happily listened to what Riley had to say about being a Guardian. N truly liked the idea of becoming a Guardian though he was not sure about the pokeballs, he was raised to believe they were evil. That was something Riley corrected very quickly and N was very thankful as he was fitted with his own set and Zorua gave a sigh of relief. The little guy had been worried some other trainer might catch him and take him away. Things went well till they came across Ghetsis and Giovanni battling and having a pissing contest.

When Giovanni saw them he smiled brightly before scowling darkly at Ghetsis again giving Iris and Max a major whiplash. Max said they should leave the adults to figure their own things out, something they all agreed with and left not wanting to catch their ire. Riley invited N to Lucario Kingdom which had them both on a plane the next day. The green haired man was excited about going to a Kingdom of Pokemon like a kid in a candy store. Ash and the others wished them good luck and soon it was time for them to leave Unova as well.

Gary decided to head to Kalos next and decided to drag Ash and Max along just for the principle of it. Kalos was an interesting place in Gary's opinion and they met three blondes, two of them it seems had developed a crush on Ash. Something that amused and annoyed Hunter who had stalked and found them again!!!! Ash's eyebrow started to twitch when he realized that the predator had followed them and was hovering above them quiet literally.

Ash got up, "Haaaaa!!!! Dammit! I better go talk to him before he destroys something."

Serena looked surprised, "Huh? Who?"

Clemont, "Should we come?"

Gary, "No, I'll go. The two of you stay here and make sure Max and Bonnie don't push themselves so far."

Serena felt reluctant, "Okay, if you are sure."

Clemont, "Alright, but if you need us."

Ash, "I have your numbers, I will call."

Serena smiled as her crush left, "I wonder who it is."

Clemont pouted, "I don't know but he sure is lucky. Ash cares about him a lot, if he is going out of his way to talk to him."

Serena felt a bit of envy enter her heart before she squashed it, "Yeah."

[A. N.: There is work going on next door.

And I found out the hard way I'm allergic to saw dust.

I don't feel well.

The anti allergens the Doctor prescribed helps just a little. Ugh!

This allergy is killing me.]