
Pokemon: Reborn as Ash and Predator crossover

Trigger Warning: Death, murder, stalking, gore. If you hate reading about any of these, steer clear! Steer Clear! Out in the final frontier the Rayquaza clan was furious and battling a group of unwanted visitors. They managed to chase away most of the spaceships but three smaller pods broke off from the main ship and entered the planet's atmosphere. The trainers were minding their own business and journeying through the regions with their Pokemon. Unfortunately for them a new player has entered the game. How will Ash and his friends deal with being stalked and hunted by alien hunters? I have seen very few crossovers based on Pokemon and Predators. Hope you all enjoy my rendition. XD

Ellora25 · Película
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15 Chs

Predator - Curious Creatures

Gary eyes were bright as he looked around their new planet, if Urrr'kiel had not held him by his waist he would have gone off some place to quench his curiosity. Ash was no different himself as he looked around seeing the many different Yautja and aliens who he noticed were not Yautja. Those aliens were looking around uncomfortably while eyeing them with worry which made Lucario turn to Raai'kiel with a raised brow. Raai'kiel sighed seeing the Pokemon notice the difference, which meant Ash noticed it too but was too curious to ask at the moment.

Raai'kiel murmured, "I'll explain later."

Lucario nodded, -Very well.-

Ash, "Your clan is very large."

Raai'kiel, "Thank you. Though not all of us from the same parental units we belong to the same clan. I'll explain the position of the warriors to you later. For now, we need to prepare you for the final initiation."

Ash looked at him curiously, "It should be a very interesting event. You mentioned other clans try to steal the mates that join the clan."

Raai'kiel, "Do not be nervous. I or rather my clan will be the one defending and keeping you safe."

Ash, "I'm just not comfortable with the idea of being stolen like some item. I chose to go with you. I chose you. I don't think I could allow anyone just take me around really."

Raai'kiel chuckled clicking his mandibles in amusement, "I have no doubt about that my lou-dte kale. I must admit most of the mates we receive from other alien colonies are too terrified of our reputation."

Ash was surprised, "They are sacrifices? I did not expect that."

Raai'kiel hummed, "Yes, they are. Before you ask, they were given the choice to return but, they refused."

Ash sighed understanding entering his eyes, "I see, so that sort of thing happens here too."

Raai'kiel, "Here too?"

Ash looked at the alien before looking back at him, "A long time before I was born, the Legendary Pokemon who are as powerful as the Rayquaza ruled my home planet. They would fight over land and human sources."

Raai'kiel, "Why exactly?"

Ash scratched his nape in thought, "According to scientists and archaeologists humans used to mate with Legendary Pokemon and have their cubs. Not sure how the biology worked, but I bet it had something to do with their powerful aura."

Raai'kiel, "Huh, that's fascinating. I can see why they would want human companions."

Ash felt his face heat up at the look Raai'kiel gave him and looked away feeling strangely shy about the attention. Gary was being held by Urrr'kiel who was answering all of his questions which were coming non stop. Ash understood his curiosity though the aliens that were not Yautja looked very scared and uncomfortable by the attention. Lucario muttered something to Alakazam but the psychic type just looked at him as if to ask if he was really acting like he never lived with Gary before. Ash chuckled and decided his brother would be fine and walked with Raai'kiel beside him towards a.... Was that a castle?

Ash looked at Raai'kiel in amusement, "You didn't mention you are royalty."

Raai'kiel, "We do not have royalty like they do on your home planet. Yautja respect others based on the number of successful hunts, mates and cubs raised."

Ash's eyes twinkled teasingly, "Ah, so it is earned then. That is much more attractive then simply having a Prince for a mate."

Raai'kiel purred, "Is that so?"

Yagouti who was right in front of them felt herself flush, "Warrior, Warrior's mate, we are here."

Ash looked at the younger Yautja who's mandibles were flushed, "Thank you little one."

Raai'kiel nodded, "Indeed, off you go I believe your seniors are waiting."

Yagouti looked down only to get flustered on seeing the arm around Ash's waist, "Yes."

Yagouti rushed off to where her seniors were gathering talking about preparations for their next hunt which would be after the initiation was complete. Ash though was led away by Raai'kiel to one of the many apartments that came straight out of futuristic science fictions after giving their respects to the Elders. The Yautja Elders eyed Ash who had not strangely enough, in their opinion, created a fuss, tried to escape or had a break down. It was a very surreal thing to happen even for them but decided they didn't know much about oomans so kept their judgement to themselves.

Raai'kiel, "Welcome to my residence, it is temporary but soon I will have a permanent home for both of us."

Ash, "Only if I get to add designs to it."

Raai'kiel perked up, "Of course, but first let us get you all settled. Come this way."

The human and three Pokemon were given a thorough tour of the apartment, there was a common bedroom they could all use as well as singular beds, if any of them wanted some privacy. Ash was touched and thanked Raai'kiel for the consideration, to which the Yautja nodded and then showed the kitchen, balcony, a miniature garden and the large bathroom. Then the tall Yautja had them sit down while he explained how the security worked in the apartment, this may be the clan area but other clans still tried to attack and claim it. There were many protocols for different problems aside from hostile clans, there were storms, earthquakes and alien invasions.

Ash blinked, "Who would be brave enough to attack a Hunter?"

Raai'kiel, "Other Hunter races, there are many though most invaders just want the chance to brag over us."

Lucario, -Sounds like a pain. You should have considered adding Tyrantrum and Charizard to the group of Pokemon you wanted to bring Meema. Their combined Dragon force is catastrophic.-

Ash, "No, no, never again. I used that to stop Team Plasma but never again."

Raai'kiel, "But my dear mate, your cub has a point. Such power would ensure no one tried to do anything to you."

Ash, "Yeah, and then I would feel bad and try to make up for it."

Raai'kiel frowned lifting the man's face with his finger, "You owe them nothing, Plasma challenged you, you accepted. You even warned them, they didn't listen. You owe them nothing my lou-dte kale."

Ash gave a tentative smile, "I think I'm starting to believe that."

Lucario, Pikachu and Trevenant exchanged glances, the Yautja was not a bad mate as far as significant others went. They could give him a chance to prove himself worthy after all, not to forget the care and consideration the warrior was showing them. It was more then what the others did, bluntly speaking, most of the people who had a crush on Meema didn't even have the guts to confess. Even the young kit, Serena, despite her obvious crush and adoration towards their Meema, she didn't have the courage to be honest. Then there was Trip, Paul, even Harley who ended up liking Ash but were too caught up in their own problems to have a relationship.

Ash was looking at the tablet, "These are... "

Raai'kiel, "Xenomorp, they are used as tests for young blood, not really smart and follow instincts but very dangerous none the less."

Ash, "I see, and... Oh are these the invaders?"

Raai'kiel, "One of them."

Ash, "They look almost humanoid except for the pupils. Those are double pupils, humans don't have those. Bet they are weak against sunny day."

Raai'kiel, "Isn't that a move that your cub uses to become stronger?"

Ash, "It's also a good distraction."

Raai'kiel hummed as they went through more information on the latest invaders that Ash swore looked like the Quintessons. He knew they could travel dimensions but come on, that didn't mean he wanted to deal with the lot of them. He still remembers the episode where the Autobots and Decepticons had to team up to fight against them. Yeah, he really hoped he didn't have to deal with those things any time soon, they were just too creepy with the dead eyes and tentacles. Raai'kiel noticed the shiver and clicked curiously at the man wondering what he was thinking.

Ash muttered, "These eyes are just wrong like they are already dead."

Raai'kiel, "We felt the same, perhaps they were dead."

Ash scowled, "No one should desecrate the dead. That's just disgusting in so many ways."

Raai'kiel pondered, he knew about Ghost Pokemon though no one ever fought against one before. None of the ghost Pokemon engaged them simply stared at them with expressionless faces then left. It was very insulting to some of the younger unblooded who attacked the Ghost Pokemon. But after realizing none of their weapons could hurt them and instead go through the Pokemon they let it be. Though many were very disturbed when they learned how certain Ghost Pokemon were actually born. They all made a unilateral decision to not get involved with the creatures that represented death literally.

In fact, one of the reasons most Yautja didn't approach his mate was because of the Trevenant that was present. Raai'kiel would not tell Ash why though Ash noticed many Yautja approach Gary he chalked it up to him being charismatic. Ash had always been the more introverted one between the two of them since childhood, making it a bit difficult for others to simply approach. Trevenant however had noticed how much the Yautja avoided him and used it to keep the others away. The only time Ash had to deal with them on the entire trip, was during the feeding time or when a summons came from the Elder.

Raai'kiel, "Let's put this down for today. I wish to take you out for a while. I believe oomans call it a date."

Ash flushed and laughed, "Yes, I would love to go on a date with you though I think we did everything in reverse when it comes to human courting my dear husband."

Raai'kiel clicked in amusement as Ash took his hand and the two went outside, Raai'kiel noticed the Pokemon were already out and about the area. Trevenant was slunking through the shadows of the many buildings and trees while Pikachu was on Lucario's shoulder moving through the city. Raai'kiel kept an eye on them, even though he knew they could take care of themselves, he also noticed they stayed in close proximity. The three Pokemon only moved further when they moved changing directions depending on where they went.

Raai'kiel, "Aura is a fascinating concept."

Ash, "Oh?"

Raai'kiel, "Your cubs are looking around town but they stayed at the same distance from us."

Ash, "I'm surprised you are keeping an eye on them."

Raai'kiel, "They are your little ones, which makes them mine as well. I will watch out for them as much as they let me."

Ash, "I appreciate it."


Raai'kiel turned, "Figured they'll be curious."

Ash, "Friends or siblings?"

Raai'kiel grumbled, "Nest mates. We grew up together like you and Gary. The male on the left is Maar'kih, the female next to him Werr'kuh and the last one Gar'kuh. They are older than me and nosey too."

Maar'kih, "Little Raai'kiel, and this must be the lovely mate you have chosen."

Ash greeted them, "Well met, my name is Ash Ketchum. Please call me Ash."

Werr'kuh, "A polite one. You got very lucky Raai'kiel."

Raai'kiel, "You don't know half of it."

Gar'kuh eyed Ash and nodded, "Well met."

Raai'kiel did not stick around too long, after the introduction announcing he was on a date with his mate. The three raised an eyebrow but didn't stop them as they left, though they did wonder why the ooman was so calm and collected around them. It was very strange to just calmly talk to him that way, not to forget they felt very calm around him too strangely tranquil. Gar'kuh eyed the three creatures who were circling the ooman and his nest mate and wondered if he was some sort of tamer.

Maar'kih rumbled, "Strange creature, curious how calm he is."

Werr'kuh clicked, "Indeed, there is not much known about them, therefore it is difficult to determine."

Gar'kuh hummed, "I am more interested in those three who keep circling them. I believe Raai'kiel registered them as the ooman's cubs."

Werr'kuh, "Yes, he did. He even mentioned the ooman raised and trained them to fight."

Maar'kih, "Which I find very surreal, he looks so soft. Too soft to even hurt a Xeno."

Gar'kuh, "Just because they are not warriors doesn't mean they can't be a good nrak'ytara."

Werr'kuh shivered remembering her own training with her dhi'rautra nrak'ytara, "Yes, that is true."

Maar'kih, "I still cannot believe that ooman was the reason why they did that."

Werr'kuh, "I hope the ooman was worth it."

Gar'kuh, "Considering he raised such curious creatures, this will be very interesting to watch."

Ash meanwhile was looking around the local market area, "What are these plants?"

An alien with a snout and beady eyes spoke, "Welcome, welcome I am Tarbloh, how can I help you?"

Ash looked at her, "We were just curious about these plants."

Raai'kiel, "These are nutritional plants if I am correct."

Tarbloh looked very delighted in Ash's humble opinion, "Why yes, yes, they are. They are highly recommended for young mothers and nrak'ytara. Are you getting them for your mate Warrior?"

Raai'kiel, "Yes, my mate is curious about this world and everything it has to offer."

Tarbloh nodded, "Of course, of course. I will be happy to explain everything."

Tarbloh happily took the young man aside and explained which plant was good for young Yautja and how to prepare them. Ash had a very contemplative look on his face as he was joined by Trevenant who started to examine the plants. Tarbloh was fascinated by the alien looking creature but at the same time, something about it kept her from approaching them. Raai'kiel who had grown used to Trevenant's presence over the years took over the explanations seeing the merchant was no longer forth coming.

Looks like his home world will take some time to become accustomed to the physical embodiments of Death roaming around among the living. Seeing Raai'kiel treat the alien creature with respect seems to send a signal to Tarbloh, Ash quietly observed as she started to speak with respect as well. It was a very interesting change to see the friendly and enthusiastic merchant become suddenly respectful and polite. Ash also noticed many other merchants noticed the change as well, he hoped no one would bug his Pokemon over it though. Trevenant is patient but even he has a temper that could make Charizard and Tyrantrum hide in fear and he was talking about his most hot headed Pokemon.

Tarbloh watched them go, "That sure was something."

Her mate joined her, "The newest addition to our clan."

Tarbloh turned to him, "Orrrude you have returned. Yes, they are one of the new couples that formed. Curious creatures these oomans are, to have such a powerful being at his back and call."

Orrude, "The one that looks like half plant and half shadow."

Tarbloh, "Yes, look here, look here. He rejuvenated all my plants. Have you seen more luscious looking plants anywhere?"

Orrude stared at the medical plants that were blooming around him blankly, "I honestly thought you received a fresh batch today, I didn't realize they were not."

Tarbloh shook her head, "No, they are a month old and I started to dry most of them for medical usage."

Orrude turned to where the young warrior and his mate had been, "And this creature listens to the ooman?"

Tarbloh nodded, "Yes, though it does not look like he was enslaved or anything. The blue one referred to him as mother."

Orrude, "Curious indeed but if he raised such powerful beings I can perhaps understand the previous madness the young warriors had shown in order to win them over."

Tarbloh nodded remembering the political madness that had happened a few solar cycles ago. The two best warriors of the clan had returned from the closed section of the Universe planning and conversing among themselves. They had brought many trophies of their hunt, skulls belonging to oomans who were feared by other oomans. There were also skulls belonging to creatures known as Pokemon that were trained by said oomans that gave them a hard time. But neither were interested in the titles or rewards instead they infiltrated another clan and fought with the four strongest warriors.

There had been many political turmoil and anger between the two Yautja clans when they realized four of their strongest were now dead. But Urrr'kiel and Raai'kiel had not cared and announced the trophies would be courting gifts for their mates. The Elders had been shocked but unfortunately or fortunately not much could be done after that as the two boarded the clan ship. The rival clan Elders were furious yet impressed by their tenacity as well as curious about these two oomans who had driven the two warriors to this type of madness. When the ship had returned they had all been watching and the rival clan had been surprised to see who it was.

Tarbloh, "This initiation is going to be bloody."

Orrude, "Yes, yes it will."

Raai'kiel hissed, "Baauli, what are you doing here?"

Baauli was staring at Ash, "So, you are the ooman."

Ash raised an eyebrow, "Yes, I am the ooman."

Baauli growled, "You are the reason this Cjit attacked my clan and killed two of my nest mates."

Ash blinked then became expressionless, "I see what happened. You are part of the clan that killed my father."

Baauli spoke emotionlessly, "He was their target."

Ash shot back, "And they were his target."

Trevenant loomed behind Ash, "Nant."

Ash calmed him down, "Calm dearest. I can deal with this."

Lucario, -How dare you threaten my Meema.-

Baauli, "You are a mother? Interesting."

Ash, "It is none of your business but yes I am a proud one."

Raai'kiel, "Enough! What do you want Baauli?"

Baauli laughed cruelly, "He is not yours till he passes the initiation. I will enjoy hunting you and breaking you little ooman."

Pikachu snarled, "PIKA??"

Ash, "Challenge accepted asshole! We will see who breaks first."

Baauli was surprised but laughed, "You will become my toy, mark my words."

Ash watched him go, "We will see about that."

Raai'kiel, "My lou-dte kale you should not worry about him. I will personally deal with him."

Ash smiled sweetly at him giving the watcher a whiplash, "Thank you but it's okay. I have been itching for a fight. Remember I'm a level Black trainer for a reason."

Lucario, -I'm taking part in the initiation too. I was going to wait but not anymore.-

Ash laughed, "Is this going to be a race you three?"

Trevenant nodded, "Nant."

Raai'kiel snorted, "This will be a fun hunt."

The aliens who were not Yautja could only gape at the human and the three Pokemon with him. They were just as crazy. They didn't know why they were worried about the new additions but there was something about the ooman that pulled them. Especially the one that went by Ash, the one called Gary had been through the market and they didn't feel the need to worry about him. But the dark haired man in front of them was different from the green eyed one, though they could not put a finger it. The Elders who had been watching the interaction from the security Council on the other hand was very interested to see how the Pokemon would handle the challenge.

One of the Elders spoke, "Your cubs chose well Too'kiet. The ooman is not scared at all."

Too'kiet muttered, "Neither of them were scared when they boarded the ship, Haji'kiet."

Another Elder a female spoke, "What? That is curious, surely they were wary."

Too'kiet shook his head, "They were not scared at all sister Ven'kier. My clever cubs had been courting them quietly while scouting targets and trophies. No Juui'kiet I don't know when it started but apparently it was successful."

Juui'kiet muttered, "Well this should be interesting indeed."

[A. N.: Next chapter will be the initiation.

If you are not comfortable with gore, death and killings. Skip the next chapter okay.

This is the only warning you get.]

I have been watching an Indian horror series called Betaal. It's a very interesting twist on the popular tale of Vikram and Betaal.

Ellora25creators' thoughts