
Pokemon: Reborn as Ash and Predator crossover

Trigger Warning: Death, murder, stalking, gore. If you hate reading about any of these, steer clear! Steer Clear! Out in the final frontier the Rayquaza clan was furious and battling a group of unwanted visitors. They managed to chase away most of the spaceships but three smaller pods broke off from the main ship and entered the planet's atmosphere. The trainers were minding their own business and journeying through the regions with their Pokemon. Unfortunately for them a new player has entered the game. How will Ash and his friends deal with being stalked and hunted by alien hunters? I have seen very few crossovers based on Pokemon and Predators. Hope you all enjoy my rendition. XD

Ellora25 · Película
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15 Chs

Predator - Complicated Problems

Ash walked to the forest followed by Gary who felt a very heated gaze. If the green eyed teen didn't know better, he would think someone was planning his murder. Their Pokemon were grumbling as they went further into the forest and entered a clearing opposite of where Max, Bonnie, Serena and Clemont were. Before they could say anything their Pokemon had them surrounded, Froakie and Chespin getting the run down from the others. The two beginner Pokemon glared at the males though inside they felt fear, they didn't show it outside.

Ash spoke up, "Please stop following us. It is getting old now."

Gary nodded, "Yeah... "

Hunter, "No, mine."

Ash muttered under his breath, "We don't even know your names."

Gary added, "We are not interested either obviously."

Hunter, "Raai'kiel, my Ash."

Ash froze, "You.. "

The second Predator eyed Gary, "Urrr'kiel, my Gary."

Gary paled, "Ah... Um... Okay but we are still not interested."

Ash, "There's no proof that humans are even compatible with your kind."

Raai'kiel, "Yautja, we are Yautja."

Gary, "Whatever you are. Yautja or not. There has never been any proof of another human joining your kind so I don't think this will work."

Urrr'kiel, "That's what scientists are for my Gary. They'll figure a way out."

Gary stumbled back, dark thoughts going through his head, "Well I'm not interested in you. I have plans for myself."

Urrr'kiel, "I know, don't worry, I am patient. I can wait but don't test my patience, my lou-dte kale. I will kill anyone who tries to take you from me."

Raai'kiel murmured getting closer, "Indeed, my sweet ooman, my lou-dte kale, my Ash. I will hunt you till you are mine."

Ash gripped his Pokemon to keep them from attacking the alien in front of him, the last thing he wanted was for his Pokemon to start a combat. He remembers a fanfic where one Predator forcefully took a female after defeating her previous owner. Yeah, he didn't want that to happen to him, and he rather his Pokemon lived instead of dying. Ash however stood brave and proud glaring at the alien, he would not forget his father's death. Actually there is no guarantee he would be safe if he accepted this Predator, his father's killer might come after him.

Ash, "No, I am not convinced. One of you killed my father, for all I know, another one of you will kill me next. I'm not stupid. I know your kind enjoy the kill of the hunt."

Gary looked at Ash and nodded in agreement, "My friend is right. You can't guarantee our safety. Hell, we might not even survive on your planet."

Raai'kiel paused, "I see. You are fearful of the ones that killed your caretakers."

Urrr'kiel hummed, "That can be easily remedied."

The two Predators clicked and chattered with each other in their native tongue. Gary would be lying if he said he was not interested in their species and language. Urrr'kiel had a very pleased look under his mask when he realized his chosen was staring at them with deep curiousity. Usually they are met with suspicion and apprehension from the two oomans but now they were both looking at them with curiosity. The last few years they had found their thirst for knowledge very endearing and lovely, it was nice to have that interest directed at them.

Raai'kiel, "If I can prove to you you will be safe will you consider it?"

Lucario, -If you can prove it. Your kind has given Meema nothing but pain."

Urrr'kiel, "Cub, stand down. Do not interfere."

Ash put a hand on Lucario, "Calm mind Lucario. Let's avoid a fight."

Lucario, -But Meema, they have caused nothing but pain for you. How can I accept that they will be good for you?-

Raai'kiel, "A loyal one, aren't you cub? I'm actually pleased to see it."

Gary glared, "If you dare hurt our Pokemon.. "

Urrr'kiel, "I won't but I will not allow them to get in my way either my sweet mate. Do remember that."

Gary, "As long as you don't hurt them."

Urrr'kiel gave a pleased purr, "Yes, you will be a fine lou-dte kale."

Gary felt a strong desire to punch someone, most preferably the alien in front of him but knew better. The two Predators approached them again and this time Ash and Gary pulled theur Pokemon behind them. They didn't want their Pokemon to attack them out of nowhere and end up dead like their parents and older sibling's Pokemon. Raai'kiel held Ash's chin lifting it up before burying his head in Ash's neck feeling him stiffen. Raai'kiel would have to fix that, his mate should not be terrified of him and gave a nip before jumping away from a furious Lucario.

Urrr'kiel it seems had done the same thing before Haxorus attacked him and Gary was now being hidden by the Pokemon. That was not what they had been expecting and Ash trembled from fear, for a moment he thought he had made a mistake. Ash feared they were going to be killed and had frozen in place holding his Pokemon behind him, praying for them to run. He was terrified to the point he didn't feel the Predator mark him only felt relief, when he jumped away. Raai'kiel eyed him for a moment before clicking in a way that made him sound very pleased with himself and leaving.

Gary, "What was that? What in Mew's name was that?"

Ash, "We are alive. We are alive. We are alive."

Gary grabbed the raven teen's shoulder, "Ash, we have bigger problems. Ash?"

Ash jumped, "Huh?"

Gary looked at him with concern, "We have a problem."

Ash nodded, "Yeah... I don't know what to do at the moment though."

Gary grimaced feeling his neck, "They gave us hickies, Ash. HICKIES! How are we going to explain this? How will we explain to our family? They won't let us step even one foot out of our homes if they find out."

Ash took a deep breath, "And they might be killed if they try to keep us from them."

Gary's face lost color, "They wouldn't, would they?"

Ash, "Gary the first thing you should know about them is strength means everything. If someone is able to keep their target from them they will fight them to the death to get to the target. It is a matter of pride and honor for them to overcome their adversary, no matter who it is. If they are killed it means they aren't good enough, if they kill their adversary, then it means the target is their trophy for them to do as they wished."

Gary growled, "I am not, we are not objects."

Ash looked tired, "We will be considered as one if someone tries to hide us or defend us."

Gary, "Ash, this is fucked up. Very fucked up."

Ash, "I know and I have no idea how to get us out of this predicament."

Lucario, -Don't blame yourself Meema. You cannot control other people. Especially adults like them. It was their choice to hunt us, you didn't ask for it.-

Ash, "I didn't even know it was them."

Gary, "Exactly now come on. The others are probably worried about us."

Max was on them the moment he saw them return, "Are you alright? They didn't do anything to you, did they? Never mind, stupid question. I have some balm."

Serena was eyeing Ash's neck, "Who is this they, Max is talking about?"

Gary, "We have two very dangerous stalkers following us."

Clemont, "What?"

Serena, "What do you mean stalkers?"

Max scowled, "Exactly what it means. Two very irritating stalkers keep following Gary and Ash around. It's really frustrating. They don't take no for an answer either."

Bonnie, "What? That's just wrong."

Serena frowned, "Who are these people?"

Clemont, "We will keep you safe."

Ash shook his head, "No, you cannot, not against these two. They are killers, hunters, they live to kill others."

Serena, Clemont and Bonnie paled when Ash, Gary and Max told them what they knew about the stalkers. The two adding more to it after their earlier run in. Serena looked at Ash with concern, these creatures sounded unhinged and crazy. Who in their right mind killed to court someone romantically? That was just downright insane and crazy. Clemont took a deep breath and calmed down trying to think of a way to get his friends and crush out of the situation.

Ash, "We should move on, come on."

Serena, "You said they were going to deal with the ones who killed your Dad, right? Maybe we can come up with something to counter them."

Bonnie, "We can do that, maybe find out their weaknesses too."

Gary smiled at them, "Well if you can come up with ideas, I am all ears for it."

Ash didn't say anything and walked quietly ahead making Serena look at him worried about his mental state. She can only imagine how terrifying it could be to have a crazy stalker, that too a stalker who had no qualms about killing those around you just to get close to you. If it were her she would have been too terrified to even step outside her home, she would honestly speaking be hiding inside her room. Clemont was worried but focused on collecting as much information he could on these creatures.

What Clemont found was terrifying and mentally disturbing to say the least, he started to check every appearance. These group of hunters had been around from before they were even born, the earliest being the fight between the late Madam Rocketto and the Predator. The creature had killed her husband and oldest son before killing her as well, now only Giovanni and his younger sisters were the only ones left. Clemont shared that information with Serena and Bonnie, the two girls had know about the Rocketto families tragedy but they didn't realize it was this bad.

Now, Serena was downright scared for Ash's safety and life. What if, they got irritated with all the rejection and straight up decided to kill him because of the slight or worse kidnap him and force themselves on Ash. Serena felt sick just thinking about it and Gary on seeing her expression, decided to take a break from traveling and training. Ash had her sit down and gave her some warm tea to drink and calm down, he could guess what she was thinking about a little. Their situation was very dangerous and terrifying and to normal people it could be nightmarish.

They decided to carry on with their journey while thinking on the problem. Ash and Gary told them not to fret too much over it, their stalkers have not done anything to hurt them yet after all. The three blonds looked at each other before Max sighed nodding and muttering he needed to get stronger. Clemont agreed with the younger boy and went after him to train together while Serena asked Gary for training. Bonnie asked Ash for training with her Pokemon, a Dedenne and a Squirtle, which was born from a poke egg Gary had gifted her.

Soon enough, they were focused on the Pokemon gym battles, research, show cases, contests, etc. The previous interaction sitting in the back of their minds, making them more focused on becoming stronger, ready to fight for escape. Gary hoped it didn't reach that point and then the tournament came around and they ran into Alain, Sawyer and many friends they met during their journey. They were distracted by the fun battles and enjoyed the presence of their friends and rivals though the meetings were tense.

Alain, "Will you be alright?"

Ash, "Don't worry about us. We will deal."

Diantha, "Doesn't mean you have to face this alone."

Lance nodded from the screen, "She's right. The interest they have shown in the two of you worry me."

Giovanni was blank faced but Ash knew he was holding back anger, "Return home after the tournament is over. If they really plan on dealing with whoever killed your parents I can guess it won't be pretty."

Blue was however not hiding his anger, "I'm almost there at Luminous City."

Gary, "Blue... Are you at the airport?"

Blue, "Yes, I'll see you at the stadium in a bit."

The rest of the international conference meeting went by with the other Champions talking about their own run ins and battle to death encounters. Ash looked around at the Champions, really looked and he could see almost all of them had visible scar marks from their fights. Giovanni and Lance had the most especially with Lance loosing his leg and Giovanni his arm. After the meeting was over Diantha, Alain, Ash and Gary decided to get lunch and drinks together, after that meeting they deserved dome drinks.

Ash, "Diantha what's wrong?"

Gary murmured, "You have been distracted, both of you."

Alain sighed, "It's just... You know I used to work for Lysandre."

Ash blinked and nodded, "It was in your public profile page, yes."

Diantha, "That's the thing we lost contact with Lysandre a month ago. I truly fear what he may be doing."

Alain murmured, "He has not been the same after loosing his fiance to these creatures."

Ash froze, 'Lysandre had a fiance who is dead?'

Gary, "You are scared he will go fight them himself?"

Alain, "Dad... I mean Professor Sycamore has tried to keep an eye on him. Make sure he is safe and alive but... I fear."

Ash, "I would not be surprised. Heaven knows how much I searched and researched my father's killer. Only to find out he is someone I don't stand a chance against."

Alain looked at the dark haired teen with sympathy, "Yeah, my parents died in an accident but if they had been killed, then I would have no doubt done the same."

Diantha, "I'm now scared I'll loose one of my childhood friends to these creatures again. They already took my Greyninja."

Ash felt sad for the Champion, it seems like she was destined to loose Lysandre no matter the world or dimension. Soon enough Blue joined them pulling Ash and Gary into a hug and checking them over making sure they were alright. After a lot of reassurances Blue let them be and they focused on the Luminous city tournament. There a lot of people interested in the tournament this year, it was being held after a five year lull. Not like Gary could blame Kalos for it, especially after what happened five years ago with Lysandre's fiance and many others dying.

The incident had not been aired as most celebrations had ended after the tournament was over. From what Blue told them, there had been a bloody massacre within the old tournament walls. Originally the tournament grounds had been situated at Anistar City but after that particular incident, the City and region had decided not to hold anymore tournaments. The current tournament carried on with a positive energy with fans pouring in to cheer on their favourite trainers. Them things went FUBAR on the last day right after Ash won the tournament.

Diantha, "What's happening?"

Sycamore, "Earthquake!"

Gary, "Everyone, move out in a line."

Serena, "This way everyone."

Korrina, "Don't panic, we got your back."

The audience seeing the trainers guide them quieted down and started to evacuate from the arena. Diantha called her Altaria and went to have a better look only to blanch seeing Lysandre at the top of a red creature. He was shouting, actually shouting for the monster that killed his fiance to appear. Ash and Gary were gaping and Bonnie shrieked pointing at one of the tree line, the Predator was there in Luminous City.

Diantha, "Lysandre, no, no stop. You'll get yourself killed."

Lysandre, "Diantha my friend. I died when my beautiful Aquamarine died. She bled out in my hands, I will never forgive these beast for what they have done."

Blue stopped Alain, "Don't, Alain don't."

Alain, "I have to help."

Blue, "Listen to me, he no doubt sent you awy to protect you. You are a powerful trainer but you are not a cold blooded killer. Lysandre is ready to kill and be killed. Unless you are ready to stain your hands with blood do not interfere."

Gary, "Guys we have a problem. The City has these weird vines coming out."

Ash, "Lucario."

Lucario, -I'll figure out what's happening.-

Sycamore, "Trainers, get everyone to evacuate the City. Hurry!"

Serena, "This is bad."

Max, "Understatement, come on, these vines are.... It just feels wrong."

Clemont, "Let's go everyone."

Lucario was pale as he pulled back his aura, -Meema we have a big problem.-

Ash, "What's happening buddy?"

Lucario explained that one of Aquamarine's Pokemon was a cell of Zygarde and they wanted revenge. They basically turned the whole City into a giant trap to capture and kill the person who was the reason of their trainer's death. Ash's eyes widened before he closed his eyes and nodded in understanding and ordered his Pokemon to start a mass evacuation. He was hoping to save the City at least but looks like it won't be possible and shared this information with everyone.

Diantha, "Unbelievable! Zygarde? She had one of their cells."

Sycamore, "Diantha, get away from there. I don't think anyone can change Lysandre's mind now."

Diantha closed her eyes biting back her tears and frustration, "I understand, it's really fucked up up here. Lysandre's Pokemon and the Predator's creatures basically killed each other. I feel sick just thinking about it."

Blue took the radio, "Diantha get to safety, from what we can see Zygarde is about to unleash a powerful attack with no care about who gets caught."

Diantha, "Yes, I'm getting out of here."

At the evacuation area far from the City proper the civilians and trainers watched as Zygarde fought against a spaceship. Ash winced this one particular Predator was no doubt about high ranking one, he had a battle ship with him. Unfortunately there was nothing they could do especially with Zygarde being unstable and ready to kill. Sycamore held Alain as they watched their home City get destroyed by the alien craft. The secret was out now, the whole world knew about the Predators and the danger and destruction they could bring.

Bonnie, "Hey Squishy, I'm so sorry."

Squishy, -Sorry for what?-

Bonnie's lips trembled, "I had promised to show you my beautiful home City. I can't do that anymore."

Squishy, -It's not your fault Bonnie. That man has a deep rooted pain in his heart. That creature hurt him deeply.-

Bonnie teared up, "People can be so cruel."

Squishy, -Yes, yes they can.-

Bonnie turned away from the destroyed remains of the City and focused on helping the people who had now ended up broken and homeless. Watching their beloved City be destroyed in mere seconds had shaken many of the trainers who were there. In fact all the trainers her brother, Serena, Ash, Gary and Max included were focusing on helping the people ignoring the fact the City was gone.

[A. N.: I got inspired by A V P movie two where the alien basically destroyed an entire town.

I wanted to give Lysandre a bigger reason for doing what he did. And not be a redhead copy of Cyrus.

Till next time.]