
Pokemon: Grand Adventure

"Pokémon: Grand Adventure" is a Pokémon fan fiction novel which follows the story of our main character Max, who sets out on his Pokemon journey through Adele region, as he aims to become the Pokemon Champion. Along the way, he will meets many character like the one from the anime, games, manga and some original from me. Comments on spelling and grammar mistakes are welcome:)

Arijinx · Cómic
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12 Chs

Chapter 5

A week has passed since Zekrom attacked, and the entire region of Adele has been on high alert. People have been terrified that another legendary Pokemon might show up and destroy their towns and cities. N has been working hard with Colress to try to figure out what's the mysterious thing that is causing the legendary Pokémon to appear and why they're acting so aggressively.

Max continues his journey to become the champion, but his mind is constantly filled with worry. He can feel the tension building and he knows that something needs to be done soon.

"Hey Max! Look that's Metro City!" Ella points, up ahead.

"Metro City, huh?" Max asks, looking up ahead as Ella points. "It's a big city. What do we find there?"

"I heard that it's the biggest city in the region." Ella replied. "They say it's the hub of all trading and business in Adele."

"Wow, it must be pretty busy there." Max said, imagining the hustle and bustle of the big city up ahead.

"Yeah, it's the type of place you could spend all day exploring and still not see everything." Ella continued. "I heard the GymLeader there uses electric type pokemons."

Max and Ella continue walking towards Metro City, excited to see what the biggest city in the region has to offer.

"An electric-type GymLeader?" Max asked, his curiosity peaked. "That could be tough, I'll have to train my Pokemon accordingly."

Ella nodded. "I bet you can take her down! I'm sure you'll win in no time."

"This will just be an another step–" Max bumped into someone.

Max stumbled as he bumped into someone. He looked up to see an imposing girl with bright pink hair standing before him, looking at him with a somewhat shocked?

"I'm sorry." She said.

"Why are you the one apologizing? He bumped into you." a man said in the back.

"You're hot headed as ever, Darius." the woman said. "Oh and sorry for bumping into you, can you tell me your name?"

"Max, and the guy is right, I'm sorry for bumping into you." Max said.

"Max, what a beautiful name!" the woman said in cheerful tone. "My name's Amara and I'm single by the way!"

"Hey sis! What are you saying?!" Darius said as he walk towards Amara with a angry look on his face.

"What? I was just being nice!" Amara exclaimed, trying to defend herself. "I don't understand why you're always so angry, it's not like I did anything wrong."

Darius shook his head in frustration. "You're always so impulsive, you need to think before you speak. Who's going to take you seriously if you keep acting like this?"

Amara rolled her eyes. "I don't care what other people think of me. I know who I am and I'm not going to change for anyone."

Max looked at the two of them, unsure of how to react. He didn't want to get involved in their argument, but he also didn't want to stand there awkwardly either.

"Oh! I'm sorry Max, don't mind Darii, he's just overprotective." Amara said, the she looks at Ella. "I haven't catch your name, are you two dating?"

"My name's Ella and no we're not dating and I'm not looking for a relationship right now." Ella said smiling. "Just focusing on my goal."

"Alright then, Be my boyfriend Max." Amara said.

"What?!" Darius and Ella said in unison.

"No." Max said.

"Oh, i got rejected." Amara said smiling.

"Come on sis, we need to go back to the gym." Darius said.

"Oh, alright Darii." she sounds defeated.

"Wait! Did you just say gym? Are you the GymLeader here?" Max asked.

"Oh yes I am!" Amara said cheerfully. "Are you here to challenge me?"

"That's right." Max said. "But not right now, we still need to find Professor Gab."

"Oh alright then, just go to the gym whenever you want, I'll be happy to battle you." Amara said, she waved a goodbye to Max and Ella as they started walking.

"Okay, now that we know who the GymLeader is, we need to find Professor Gab." Max said to Ella, pointing in a different direction.

"Right, I think he said something about being close to the park?" Ella replied.

They headed towards the park and soon found the professor sitting on a bench with a notebook in his hands, looking focused on something.

"Professor Gab!" Ella called out to him. "We were looking for you."

The professor looked up as he heard Ella's voice. "Ah, Ella. Hello." He said, standing up and greeting them. "And you too Max, now that you two are here, I'm here to tell you that I know what causing the problem to the legendary pokemons."

"What is it?" Max asked impatiently.

"Now no need to get impatient, you need to follow me to the library, there's a book there that have the answers." Professor Gab said.

Max and Ella follow Professor Gab to the library, eager to finally find out what is causing the legendary Pokemon to act so aggressively.

"What's the book called?" Ella asks, as they enter the library and follow Professor Gab to the book racks.

"It's called the 'The Legends of Adele' and it has all the information we need in it." Professor Gab replied. "Let me find it for you."

Professor Gab begins looking for the book among the many titles on the book rack.

"Ah, here it is." He says. "Sit down."

The legends of Adele tell the story of a distant past when the very region of Adele was at risk of being destroyed by a cataclysmic event. The legendary Pokemons tried to intervene, but they got corrupted by a certain pokemon, a powerful one, it said here that it can destroy the world if it wanted to.

The tale tells of a group of brave trainers who banded together to defeat the threat and saved the world. The trainers aided the legendary Pokemons, who gave them their power and helped them to defeat the foe.

It is said that the trainers were able to tap into the Pokemon's powers and use them to their full potential, defeating the enemy once and for all.

"So that powerful pokemon is here again and it is going to repeat the history?" Ella asked.

"It would seem so." Professor Gab replied. "I'm not sure why it wants to disrupt the peace of world once again, but it is certainly causing the legendary Pokemon to act out of their control."

"So what does the book say about this mysterious Pokemon?" Max asked.

"I believe it refers to the Pokemon as 'Malachios'." Professor Gab said.