
Not about me

In the forest, a boy was lying down under a shelter made of leaves, as a little Pokemon was wiping his sweat off. The boy was in agony as his body was getting hotter by the minute. His eyes were dry as his temperature continued to rise. It looked like just talking would be a labour for him. His eyes were closed as he tried his best to clam his headache but of course to no use.

It was Saad who has been ill since last night. He caught fever suddenly maybe because of the change in weather. He looked quite weak right now, as Ralts tried his best to take care of him but the little Pokemon was really not sure of what to do. At first, he just kept on pulling Saad's finger, maybe trying to comfort him but as this went on Saad could not try shaking him off any longer and just asked him to wipe his body of sweat.

Monferno and Luxio were out in the jungle looking for some herbs that Saad showed them in pictures from one of his books. At first, Saad was worried that they might get lost in the forest but remembering the time he spent with them, he realized that these Pokemon never really lose their way, maybe it is an instinct to them.

Saad who was lying down uncomfortably on the ground with his bag under his head as a pillow kept his eyes opened as he remembered his family. If such a thing were to happen in his house, his mother would be running around trying to take care of him, shouting at his father, for being unconcerned about his child, who would just casually go out to buy him medicine and then just watch TV the whole day in the house.

"Hahaha, and then mother would scold him for not going to his job.", Saad laughed weakly as he remembered his father's pitiful face as tried his best to show his calm face in front of his family.

Ralts who was taking care of Saad was startled by his sudden laugh and said softly,


"Oh, it's nothing. I just remembered something funny.", Saad smiled as he raised his arm to pat the little Pokemon who seemed confused.

Ralts looked at his Trainer who closed his eyes again and said something softly as he continued to take care of him.

Saad smiled with his eyes closed as he heard those words but didn't say anything back as he suddenly started to feel homesick. Such a thing happened to him quite a lot of times these past few weeks of his travel but this time it was unusually intense; the feeling to just wrap up his stuff and go back to his family was just too much for the young boy. He just wanted to see the face of his mother again. He began to choke up as he remembered the soft voice of his mother and the warmth from her hug filled with love. He just wanted to get up and go back to her and eat her cooking as he stays up late at night watching TV.

His eyes started to get mistier as the feeling of loneliness started to increase but suddenly he jolted as he opened his eyes widely. Something was coming, he realized as he heard some rustling from his right.

He quickly turned his head to the side and watched attentively as Ralts who also noticed the commotion jumped in front of him.

He watched as the bush rustled heavily and two shadows jumped out of them. He stared at the two creatures as they came close to him and smiled as the unhappiness inside of him suddenly decreased.

He stared at the Monkey that was standing beside a prideful looking Luxio with some herbs in his hands and smiled.

"Oh, You are back! Well, I was starting to feel crazy lying here like that. Come bring me the herbs….",Saad said as he tried to sit straight whiling pulling his bag close to him.

"It is time I bring myself to health again. After all, we should be training by now instead of wasting our time like this….."

Luxio and Monferno who were getting a little worried as they saw their Trainer try to get up with his pale face, smiled as they heard his words. They nodded as they rushed towards him eagerly waiting for him to finally get better.

Saad hugged those two for a few seconds and started to make the medicine from the herbs his Pokemon brought him as he asked Ralts to take some rest too.

As Saad was busy grinding the herbs, he heard some noises and looked up as he watched his Pokemon sparing with each other, while the little Ralts juggled some leaves around making some kind of a star.

Saad who was feeling a little down before, suddenly felt the heaviness on his chest began to lessen up as he took a deep breath. He stared at his Pokemon with a small smile on his cute little face and muttered,

"Well, it looks like I forgot....it's not just about me anymore…."

Feeling a little ill myself......that's why I wrote such a strange chapter....

Well. I informed you before...I will sometimes write stuff that I just feel like writing.......It might be boring for you but I feel good after writing this...

It is written with some difficulty so there might be some mistakes...Inform me and VOTE VOTE

FateBearercreators' thoughts