

Deep in the forest, a boy could be seen watching a Pokemon battle with his deep round eyes. His hands were clenched tightly as he closely monitored the scene playing out in front of him. It was an intense situation as a group of Murkrow could be seen attacking a Monferno.

These bird Pokemon were weak if compared to Monferno but their huge number totally overwhelmed him. These Pokemon were really pesky and didn't know when to give up. If one of them got injured it would move back in the group and would surprise attack Monferno whenever it gets a chance.

Monferno, however, was showing unmatchable agility as he dodged most of the attacks that came at him. His strength was also astonishing as a single attack of him was capable of taking the shine from those greedy Pokemon's eyes.

But the huge number of the opponents proved to be too much for him as he slowly began to tire out. His speed slowed down making him unable to dodge some of the attacks. The wounds on his body began to increase more and more but his Trainer didn't utter a single word out of his mouth as he stared at him quietly.


Saad looked at his Pokemon with great concentration as his eyes began to shine. At first, he was beginning to worry for Monferno when he saw him get hurt repeatedly by those despicable birds but then he noticed something that made him leave his Pokemon on his own.

Monferno who was getting overwhelmed by a large amount of Pokemon began to get used to their attack. His movements started to become subtle as he heavily restricted his body. Like before he would not always jump to dodge the attack. He would wait as the attacker gets near and would dodge its attack at last minute catching him off guard which would give a perfect opportunity to attack.

He managed to harm a number of Murkrow like that and that number continued to increase as his movements got more and more refined.

Saad stared at his Pokemon and remembered a quote that he read before,

"Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength."

Looking at his Pokemon that continued to battle against the swarm of Murkrow Saad thought,

"Maybe it is right….the more hardships and struggles you face, the more you will learn"

For a young boy like him quotes that he heard were just some well said words that sounded good in his ears. But seeing the situation in front of him, he for the first time, learned the meaning of one of those quotes by himself without any guidance from his elders or his parents.

He looked at the battle and noticed his Pokemon who got more and more used to the unfair battle as the wounds on his body continued to increase. He looked at his resolute and calm eyes as he eyed his opponents and remembered how this Pokemon of his always recklessly attacked with his hot and easily excited temper. The difference between this Monferno and that one was startling for him.


The battle continued for a while as Monferno began to lose more and more of his stamina. He started to breathe heavily as the pain from his wounds began to eat up his resolution. The fire on his tail began to die down a little as if an indication that he was near his limit.

Saad noticed this and knew that it was time to end the battle. He looked at the swarm of Murkrow and then his Pokemon and thought,

"Monferno's attacks are not so wide-ranged to attack all of them together. I need to do something..."

He looked closely at the Pokemon battling Monferno and noticed one of the Murkrow roll a few times in the air as he got attacked by Monferno. Looking at this scene, Saad's eyes began to lit up as he ran backwards creating more distance between him and the battle.

He looked at Monferno and shouted,

"Monferno! Let's finish this!!...."

Monferno who's eyes were getting heavy from fatigue heard the shout as he steadied his breathing and nodded.

Saad noticed this and smiled as he commanded,

"You remember the Acrobats from the Park, right?? Spin on the ground like them and use Flame Thrower!!!!!"

Monferno nodded as his eyes showed confusion but he still followed the command faithfully as he began to spin on the ground like a windmill as his mouth began to spit up a huge amount of fire. This combination of move created a whirlpool of fire in the air swallowing the swarm of Murkrow completely.

The poor birds got hit by the barrage of slaps from the fire pillar as Monferno continued to spin on the ground making them extremely angry. But no matter how much they tried they could not come close to Monferno as their path was blocked by the swirling fire.

This continued for a while as the birds began to get more and more irritated. The unending whirlpool of fire made them slowly lose their battle spirits as they tried their best to retreat backwards. And after getting hit by the fire a few times, all of them managed to retreat out of the range of the attack.

They flew high up in the sky as they stared angrily at the Pokemon below. They cawed for a while as if cursing the damn monkey but as they were about to retreat back they spotted Saad who was standing a few feet away from them. Their eyes shined as they noticed the backpack near him. They cawed in harmony and rushed towards him together.

Saad who was gleefully smiling after seeing his strategy work noticed them and threw a Pokeball in front of him as a Pokemon resembling a young lynx appeared,

"Oh, you don't…...Luxio! Use charge and then Thunder at those annoying birds"

Luxio who already spotted the birds flocking at their direction nodded as his fur began to lighten up with electricity. His tail sparked as his body began to glow more and more as electricity began to surround him. He looked at the upcoming birds and let out a loud roar as a huge amount of electricity began to discharge from his body randomly as it swallowed the complete swarm.

The birds who were rushing towards Saad got hit by the attack as they got electrocuted. They began to fall on the ground one by one causing a continuous thud sound to resound in the area.

Saad looked at the fallen Pokemon and smiled as he went closer to Monferno who was lying on the ground catching his breath. He saw the wounds on his body and said excitedly,

"You were awesome, Monferno. I can't believe you managed to fight all of them."

"Mon...ferno!", the Monferno who was lying down with his eyes half closed, looked at Saad and smiled weakly after hearing his word and fell asleep right after.

Saad looked at his unconscious Pokemon and muttered as he began to address his wounds,

"Looks like my Pokemon got stronger again…..."

Sorry for not uploading daily but after a month of vacations, my school started again. I had to move to the new hostel which disturbed my routine quite a lot.


The quote is stolen from Arnold ehehe


The attack is also not unique and is taken from Pokemon anime but I had to make him learn that because, in my opinion, it is one of the most useful attacks.


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