
Pokemon: A New Path

Naoki, unexpectedly finds himself transmigrated into the vibrant Pokémon world. Inheriting a charming, yet modest ranch, he dreams of a tranquil life surrounded by adorable and fluffy Pokémon. Despite the challenges, Naoki's heart is set on crafting a life filled with simple joys and magical meals that bring him and his Pokémon closer together. Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to the cover image. If you are the rightful owner and would like it removed, I will take it down promptly. ------- This is a Translation ------- Raw Name: 这次不当训练家了 Original Author: 骑车的风 If you want early access join my Patreon :- patreon.com/Keepsmiling818

keep_smiling29 · Cómic
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135 Chs


That's a cream smoothie!

Naoki realized he had all the equipment and ingredients at home: Moo Moo Milk, goat milk from the Gogoat, cream from the Alcremie, and plenty of berries.

The machine was a brand new multifunctional juicer that he had just bought from town yesterday. Originally, he intended to use it to make tree sap drinks for the Pokémon, but it turned out to be perfect for making smoothies too.

Excited by the idea, Naoki hurried back to his kitchen.

He opened the fridge and took out a can of fresh milk and a variety of berries.

However, there was no ice in the fridge. After thinking for a moment, Naoki headed outside to find Glaceon.


Although Glaceon looked a bit confused, it used its Ice-type powers to condense a block of ice and handed it over.

"You'll find out soon." Naoki gave Glaceon a playful wink.

Still puzzled, Glaceon tilted its head: "Boo-yi?"

Without explaining further, Naoki returned to the kitchen.

He placed the Moo Moo Milk, sugar, ice cubes, and a blue-colored Berry that he had prepared into the juicer, switched it on, and began making the smoothie.

As the machine whirred to life, the ice shattered, and the Berry and milk slowly blended together.

The Berry had a distinct flavor, and the smoothie created from it turned a striking sky-blue color.

Next, Naoki prepared the whipped cream.

He called over Alcremie, who immediately came running when it heard it would be helping with desserts. With Alcremie's assistance, they whipped up a large bowl of fluffy cream.

"It'll be ready soon," Naoki said.

When the juicer finished blending, Naoki unplugged it and carefully poured the smoothie into several transparent glasses he had set out.

He glanced at the cloud-white cream Alcremie had made and then at the sky-blue smoothie, and suddenly a vision came to mind.

'White clouds drifting in a clear blue sky, peaceful and serene.'

Inspired, Naoki decided to get creative. Instead of simply filling the cups with the smoothie all at once, he poured in a layer of the smoothie first, then added a dollop of cream, repeating the process until the glass was filled.

From the outside, it looked like soft, fluffy clouds floating in a blue sky.

Naoki named the creation "Cloud Smoothie" in his mind. He added a final touch by squeezing the cream into a spiral shape, topping it with a bright red cherry as a garnish.

In no time, the creamy smoothie with its perfect balance of color, aroma, and taste was complete.

Alcremie, standing beside him, admired the masterpiece with sparkling eyes. "Mree! Mree!" It was clearly impressed, amazed at how much the dessert resembled a real cloud.

"All done!" Naoki beamed, looking down at the finished treat as information about the smoothie suddenly appeared in his mind.

[Cloud Smoothie (B+): A delicious dessert made with premium fresh milk, ice cubes made by Pokémon, cream from Alcremie, and tree fruits.

Cooking Effect: After consumption, slightly increases the chances of Ice-type Pokémon learning Ice-type moves.

Additional Effect: Slightly boosts favorability for Ice-type Pokémon.

Evaluation: A dessert that can make Pokémon feel incredibly happy!]

"Huh!" Naoki thought, a familiar realization hitting him. This description reminded him of another dish he had made before—Grass Dumplings!

The Grass Dumplings had a similar effect, slightly increasing the chance of Grass-type Pokémon learning new Grass-type moves. After consuming countless dumplings, his three simple Gogoat had evolved into formidable Grass Holy Swordsmen.

Naoki had been trying to replicate that effect with other dishes, but hadn't succeeded—until now.


It was like planting flowers that wouldn't bloom, only to accidentally grow a full tree by mistake.

With excitement growing, Naoki looked over at Glaceon. 'If Glaceon eats Cloud Smoothies every day, could it transform into the "Ice God," just like the three Gogoat had become the Grass Holy Swordsmen?

His ranch already had the "Holy Swordsmen of Grass," the "Thunder God" Pawmo, and now it seemed like an "Ice God" was in the making.

"My ranch is truly filled with incredible talent!" Naoki thought, brimming with excitement as he sped up his preparations.

Before long, over a dozen cups of Cloud Smoothie were ready.

Naoki called over Cyclizar and Koraidon, asking them to help distribute the smoothies to the Pokémon.

Naoki found Glaceon lying peacefully on the grass and approached it with a cup of the Cloud Smoothie in hand.

"Care for a taste?" Naoki gently placed the cup in front of Glaceon.

"Buyi." Glaceon blinked, looking curiously at the smoothie. From a distance, it had already caught the sweet scent mixed with a refreshing, cool fragrance.

Though Glaceon had a secret love for sweets, it kept that side hidden from others. But now, with the delicious treat in front of it, Glaceon couldn't resist. It licked its lips quietly before stepping up to the cup, keeping its calm demeanor intact. 

With a soft lick of its pink tongue, Glaceon tasted the cold, creamy mixture. And in that moment, it was completely won over.


"It's good, isn't it?" Naoki smiled, watching Glaceon, normally so composed and reserved, enjoying the treat with obvious delight.

He made a mental note of Glaceon's sweet tooth.

Glaceon polished off the entire cup of Smoothie in a single sitting, savoring each drop. Now came the moment Naoki had been waiting for.

"Do you feel any changes?" Naoki asked, eyeing Glaceon closely.

"Buei?" Glaceon tilted its head, puzzled. After carefully assessing its body, it shook its head—no noticeable changes yet.

Naoki nodded thoughtfully. 'It seems like one smoothie isn't enough to help Glaceon unlock new Ice-type moves.' But he was patient. With consistent treats like this, one day Glaceon might unlock more powerful abilities.

"Would you like some more?" he asked, grinning.

"Buyi." Glaceon hesitated, its eyes clearly saying 'yes', but it didn't want to appear greedy in front of Naoki.

Amused, Naoki chuckled at Glaceon's shy display. "Don't worry! It's fine," he said gently.

"Bu-yi!" Glaceon realized its longing for more had been discovered, and its face turned slightly pink as it quickly looked away, embarrassed.

Naoki couldn't help but smile. 'This Glaceon is more expressive than it lets on,' he thought to himself.

When they first met, Glaceon seemed distant, its cold demeanor keeping others at a distance. But now, Naoki could see past that icy exterior. Whether it was Glaceon's quiet appreciation of flowers or its newfound love for sweets, this Pokémon was full of subtle, gentle traits.

Naoki realized this was a golden opportunity to strengthen their bond. 'Maybe a few more Smoothies and Glaceon will warm up to me completely!'

With that thought, he looked after Glaceon, knowing their friendship was just beginning to blossom.