

In the previous chapter we see how our heroes spend the day waiting for Mew to tell them that there were no people at the teleport point, but just as they were going to sleep to try their luck tomorrow, Mew warns Ash that they can go, grateful to Mew, our heroes go to the laboratory where they find Mesprit, Azelf and Uxie who had been imprisoned in a kind of tanks with a strange liquid, after Courtney copied the information from their computers they are released them but are discovered by Team Galaxy, fortunately they manage to escape thanks to Courtney and her Gardevoir.


With Ash.

"So, are you telling me that their goal is to destroy the entire universe and create a new one?" -  asked Looker in amazement.

After coming and surprising Looker, the first thing we did was change into our usual clothes, return our Pokémon to their Pokéball and now we were sitting together with Looker who was asking us questions non-stop while the other man went in search of our Rotom Dex.

"Apparently he wants to use an object called 'Red Chain' to catch Dialga and Palkia and force them to fulfill his wishes" - Juliana nodded.

"This situation is worse than I imagined, now we are not only facing two crazies who want to submerge the world in water and earth, but now there is another who wants to destroy the universe where we live, we will have to take drastic measures now" - said Looker with a serious countenance.

"That's not all, the funny thing is that they had imprisoned Mesprit, Uxie and Azelf who by the way need medical attention" – I said.

"The legendary Pokémon of the Sinnoh region, how is it possible that they catch them? It is said that no one has seen them for years" - said Looker surprised.

"I suspect that they are not from Sinnoh, as you say those have not appeared for years" – Selene said suddenly.

"What makes you believe that they are not the natives of Sinnoh but others?" – asked Looker.

"It's just intuition but I may be wrong" - Selene said with a shrug.

"I understand, by the way, where are the three of them now?" – Looker asked.

But before I could say anything else, the old man came into the room and handed us our Rotom Dex, but just as I sprayed it...

"Uxie, Mesprit and Azelf's date have been registered in the Pokédex, now you will be able to consult all the data of them!" – that was the Rotom Dex.

"Did you catched them?" - asked Looker in surprise.

"Yes, but for two reasons, the first is that they were in bad shape and the second is because they might have interfered with the escape, but don't worry Looker, I'll heal them at the Pokémon Center and then return them to their natural habitat" - I nodded.

"Ok, no problem, so we'll follow the meeting while you've handed them over to Nurse Joy" - Looker nodded.

I nodded, got up and went to where Nurse Joy was who seemed to have finished attending to a patient who came out next to her Linoone with a smile, it was a girl Molly's age, twin tails, blonde and with blue eyes, I looked at her curiously for a few seconds and then looked away.

"Can I help you with something, have you already finished the meeting?" – asked nurse Joy.

"No, we still have a while left but I would like you to heal these three Pokémon if you are so kind" - I said giving him the three Pokéball.

"Ok, when I'm done I'll give you your Pokemon don't worry, let's go Chansey" – said nurse Joy taking my Pokéball.

"Thank you" – I thanked.

Then I went back to the meeting room again and sat in the chair before.

"Let's continue with the meeting, you had told me that he planned to make a new universe by controlling the legendary Pokémon by  using a strange object, do you know where he got it?" – said Looker.

"Unfortunately he didn't say anything about the origin of the object, that's all we know" - Juliana denied.

"It doesn't matter, knowing what you plan to do is enough for us" - Looker said with a smile.

"Wait, we might be able to find out where he got the red chain" - Courtney said suddenly.

"How?" - asked Looker.

"With this" - Courtney said, pulling her USB out of her maid suit pocket.

"The USB, I almost forgot!" - said Selene.

"An USB?" – asked Looker.

"It contains a lot of information about their plans, unfortunately I could not copy everything for lack of space but with that we could know about the origin of the object, maybe" - Courtney replied.

"Perfect, we'll find out, Charlie, bring me a computer if you're so kind" - Looker said, looking at the man.

"Of course, I'll be back in no time" - Charlie said.

As he was leaving, I could see him pulling out a phone.

"Well guys I must admit that your work has been outstanding, not only have you discovered their plans but you have also gotten a lot of information about them and if that were not enough you also saved those Pokémon, I am stunned" - said Looker.

"Thank you but the last thing was thanks to Courtney, without her USB we could not have gotten so much information out of there" - I said.

"You're right and I think she deserves a reward, do you want me to talk to the judge to see if we can reduce the sentence by a few months? I think it would be a good gift" - Looker said.

"No, I don't want to" - Courtney denied.

"What, did you say that you don't want?" - asked Looker in surprise.

I was surpresive too, after all, who wouldn't want to have their sentence reduced?

"I don't want to because because of this, I'm so much closer to my master and I don't want to be separated from him" - Courtney said.

"But Courtney, we won't be separate, this only will grant you freedom, you could go on with us without any problem" - I said.

"Thank you master, but this is my decision, being with you like this makes me feel like I'm very close to you and I like that feeling, I don't want to lose it until it's strictly necessary" - Courtney said.

"Okay, if she doesn't want to, we can't force her" - Looker said.

"Ah, but I do want something if it's possible" - Courtney said.

"Of course, just say it" - Looker said.

Courtney got up from her seat and walked toward Looker, then whispered something in his ear and sat down.

Meanwhile Selene seemed to have some jealousy because she brought her chair closer to me and grabbed my arm trying to press it against her small breasts against me, even so I liked their softness, they were not very big but they were quite soft.

"Are you sure that's what you want?" - asked Looker somewhat surprised.

"Sure" – nodded.

"Okay, then I'll have someone to give you in a few days" - Looker nodded.

I was going to ask what was that but suddenly someone knocked on the door.

"Can i entered? I'm Nurse Joy and I'm coming to give the three Pokémon that Ash gave me before" -  said Nurse Joy behind the door.

Did she call me Ash? I would swear I didn't say her my name.

"Of course" - said Looker.

Nurse Joy thanked and walked through the door and immediately approached me.

"Here you have Mr. Ash" - she said, handing me my three Pokéball.

"Thank you very much but I have a question, How do you know my name? I swear I didn't tell you" - I said confused.

"Haha, don't worry, I knew it was you because you are famous among my sisters since you saved my sister from where you already know, they all talk about you lately, they seem to like you very much" – said nurse Joy with a smile.

It's not that I dislike it, Nurse Joy is actually beautiful but unfortunately I can't have the whole cast of sisters in my harem, my god, how many women would I have if I added them all, 100 or maybe more? I can't handle so many women.

"Haha, thank you" - I said with a laugh.

But the three women looked at me with a frown, I understand Courtney and Selene but why does Juliana do it? Women's hearts are very complex, I will never understand.

After greeting everyone, nurse Joy left.

"While Charlie returns with the computer it will be better to see how the trio of legendary Pokémon are, plus we have to find out where they came from in order to return them to their natural habitat" said Looker.

It makes sense, after all we don't know if the information Courtney collected comes from where they got these three so the only way to find out would be for those three to tell us.

"Well, then get out, let's see how are you" - I said.

And the three Pokémon came out.

"Prit, Zelf, Xie!" – said the three Pokémon.

Then they looked around and when they saw us they became alert.

"Don't worry, we rescued you from those wicked ones, now you are free, tell me where you come from and we will return you to house" – I said with a smile.

The three looked at each other, then looked at me and the others and suddenly Mesprit came towards me and sat near me while the other two continued to float.

"She seems to like you" - Looker said.

"Anyway, let's continue, where do you come from, little ones?" - asked Juliana.

The three of them looked at her and bowed their heads as if she didn't understand what we were saying.

"Pikachu, help me please" – I said looking at Pikachu.

Pikachu nodded and looked at Mesprit.

"Pika pi, pika" – he said.

"Prit, Mesp" – said Mesprit.

"Pika pi?" - asked Pikachu.

"Prit!" – nodded Mesprit.

"Pika pi..." – Pikachu said somewhat sadly.

"What's wrong Pikachu?" – I asked curiously.

"Pika pi, pika" – Pikachu said.

Damn, I don't understand what he means.

Seeing me, Pikachu quickly went to my belt, picked up a Pokéball and threw it, out of it Mew.

"Mew?" - asked Mew in confusion.

Then he looked at me and landed on my head.

"Pika pi" – Pikachu said pointing to Mew.

Then I point to Mesprit.

"Pika" – said Pikachu.

"Don't tell me..." – I said in surprise.

"Did you understand what he want to say us?" – Selene asked.

"I believe, if I'm not mistaken, that these three are clones created from the DNA of the original ones" - I said.

"Pika pi" – Pikachu nodded.

"Are you telling me that since they didn't find the trio, they went looking for their DNA, like a hair or something?" – Juliana asked.

"I don't know... we will have to see if the USB has information about them, all I know is that they are clones of the originals ones" – I said.

But just as Looker was about to say something else, the man from before came in again carrying a laptop in his arms.

"Here you have sir" - Charlie said, handing him the laptop.

"Thank you Charlie, Courtney if you are so kind please" - said Looker looking at Courtney.

"Of course" - Courtney nodded, giving him the USB.

Looker picked it up and immediately inserted it into the PC.

We all remained silent for a while while Looker inspected the contents.

"This is incredible, not only come the plans they have but also information about their future missions and experiments, I will have to review it more thoroughly later but for now I must congratulate you on your great work Courtney" - said Looker surprised.

"Thank you" - Courtney said with a smile.

"Mr. Looker, is anything coming about the trio of lake legends?" asked Juliana.

"Let's see..." – said Looker focusing his gaze on the screen.

Looker seemed to search for a while until he finally seemed to find something.

"I don't know if it can be this but in this folder it says 'Red Chain Experiment' " - Looker said reading the contents.

"That must be, maybe the three of them have something to do with that experiment and if not, we can keep looking" - I said.

Obviously it is that, in the games the Red Chain was manufactured thanks to the legendary Pokémon but obviously Cyrus's plans were thwarted not only by the protagonist but by Giratina, the lord of the Distortion World.

"Let's go in then, let's see if you're right" - Looker nodded.

And then he clicked on the folder.