
POKEMON : A Battle of Monsters

# Dark # Gore # Child Abuse # No Lemon # No Harem # No NTR # No Z moves # No Gigantamax # No mega evolution without holding a mega stone. (Ash Lucario) # Minimum Romance # Mega Evolution # Bond Evolution # Mature MC # Ruthless MC # Battle Freak MC ------------------------- This is a Pokemon fanfiction based on the Pokemon anime and some Nintendo game elements. Where the MC reincarnates in the Pokemon world with a system. The system is not some overpowered system where the MC can do whatever he wants. The system is in the form of an "Appraisal" skill that only shows the status of the targeted Pokemon. Like - Name, Nature, Level, Current Stats, Base Stats, Type Resistance, Type Weaknesses, Ability, Mega Ability, and Learned/Equipped moves. There are a maximum of Six move slots in this fanfic. Whereas in the anime or Nintendo games, there are only Four move slots. The MC goes to the same Pokemon world as shown in the anime. But there is no Giga-Ash with superhuman strength or eternal youth Ash or immortal Ash or Alternate world, like in other fanfics. There are not always Butterflies and sunshine in this fanfic, as shown in the canon. The plot progresses between the Kanto Region and the Galar Region. But no Z moves or Gigantamax. Remember that last match of the Galar League? Pikachu v/s Charizard without G-max or Z-moves? My God that gave me goosebumps. That was Electrifying!! Why use Z-moves or G-max, if you can make this thing more BlastBurning and more ThunderVolting with normal means without making this more complicated? ------------------------- I aimed to make this story as close as possible to the "Detective Pikachu" live-action movie. So, deaths are easily possible in this world. Please understand. Because I don't want to make something like a Superman Ash, where he can easily carry around a 72kg Larvitar or 999.9 kg Cosmeom. LOL. Sigh~, only God-, I mean, Satoshi Tajiri knows how the h*ll he can do that. Well, let's enjoy the story, shall we? ------------------------- I don't have much experience in being an Author and English is not my first language. So, sorry if I messed things up a bit. -------------------------- The cover is not drawn by me but completely made and edited by me. So don't do anything stupid, you freeloaders.

Noirit_K · Cómic
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13 Chs

A Nice Dream

< Ayo, wat'sup ma nigga? >

That was the first thing I heard as soon as I picked up "his" call. Well,

"I'm good, Just about to sleep. Until you woke me up." I said rolling my eyes in a sarcastic tone.

< Hahaha, very funny. Who're you tryina fool ha? You must be jerking off. I can even smell it from all the way right here! >

"The fck? I was really about to sleep ok?! Don't say just anything that comes to your mouth!" I said irritatingly.

< Don'tchew ever lie to me, boy, Don'tchew ever lie to me. Even if you're not "self-lovin", you must be still thinkin about your girl, right? >

"...." I stayed silent unable to refute.

< What's wrong? Can't speak? Caught you red-handed? >

...If you guys are wondering, "Who is this mothefcker?", Sigh, Unfortunately, he is my frien-

< Hey~. Are you still there?~ >

Cough*, I meant, my best friend. Well, second best friend, because the first place has already been taken by Aaron.

About his name? Well, it's Shawn, Shawn Robinson. And, he's from the "hood~". No, not the neighborhood, but the "hood~". You know what I'm sayin, right? And in our little circle of friends, we all call him "The Black Magic".

According to him, there is not a single experience he never had in his entire life. And he's only 19 years old just like me! If you ever need advice about anything, you can just ask him. He knows everything... except about books. You can say, that books are his natural enemy, his nemesis.

He can sing, he can rap, he can dance, he is good at basketball, he plays soccer, he too, has six-pack abs, and he has girlfriends. Yes, girlfriends, with an "S". And here I'm, that never had a girlfriend in my 19 years of life. I'm trying, ok?! It's not my fault that I was a shy loner until some time ago!

Well, do you know why we all friends call him "Black Magic"? Well, because basically he is black for one, and two, he is the coolest mothefcker in our little group of friends. He is an anomaly that magically appeared in our little group of otakus. He has that Dawg in him, he has that black air force energy that every nigga has. But guess what? he is a freakin otaku.

He even told us that he doesn't mind if we call him nigga. But he said that we have to add the "ma" or "my" at the front. Can you believe it? I mean, I personally never saw a nigga not getting angry after he heard a white calling him nigga. And I'm half Indian, you know, Indians are mostly brown, so I told him that he can call me "brigga" or something to satisfy my humbleness, causing him to laugh his ass off.

Previously, our group of otaku friends were scorned and looked down upon, like we were some kind of disease... Until Shawn joined our group. Then he changed everything.

Now, being an anime lover is just a normal thing like your everyday grocery sales. I mean, he changed my accent from politeness to nigganess! If I was a pitiful otaku loner before, now I can even go stand and sit with the boys from the hood~.

Now there are even some new people who joined our friend group lately. And one of them is the birthday girl tomorrow. Who I'll confess to... Hehehe~, I think?

He and Dad just changed my life for the better. And I'm grateful for that. But the only downside about him is his teasing nature just like my mom's. He just knows how to rub you the wrong way. Well, let's continue -

"Okay, okay. Put this matter down. Why did you call me?" I asked impatiently.

< What?! Can't a friend call another friend just to know what's good? You broke my heart, man. > He said in an annoying intentionally pitiful tone.

'Sigh~, calm down, calm down.'

"I said put it down."

< Okay, chill. I just called you to ask if you got permission for tomorrow. > He dropped the act and said a little seriously.

"Yeah, I have," I said shortly. No, I'm not gonna tell him about the situation with Mom, he'll make fun of me.

< So? What type of gift are you gonna give her? > He asked with anticipation.

"Sigh, I don't know okay? I can't figure it out." I replied defeatedly.

< Da fck do you mean you can't figure it out?! It's tomorrow, dammit!! >

"I know, okay?! I know! I am trying! But I don't know if I should give her a-" As I was getting worked up, he suddenly interrupted me with a serious tone -

< Noah,.. It's been two years... For two whole fckin years, you have been in love with her, but never asked her out for a date... Why? The fck's wrong with you?... It can't go on like this anymore, nigga. I can't see you like this.

You HAVE to tell her tomorrow that you're madly in love with her and then ask her out for a date.

Mark my words, if you wait anymore, being a pussy, you won't be getting a second chance when some other mothefcker takes her away! You know what I'm sayin?! >

Well, he is being a little harsh... It won't happen..... Right? But...

"But, what can I do?... It may sound like corny and bullshit, but my legs become unstable and words get stuck in my throat as soon as I go near her!!" I said flustered and embarrassed. I don't know! It sounds cringe as Indian tiktokers!!

< Well, that shit is fckin normal!-, Dammit, you know what? Let me break it to you... Even she knows that you love her. And she is interested in you. >

" ... What?" Howly...

< Yeah! Didn't you see her smiling at you when we were playing basketball? >

"Um,.. No?"

< Sigh, Lord, have mercy on this fool. >


< Look!, all of the normal girls don't like to take the first step in this matter no matter what, that's why it's the duty of us "men" species to always make the first move!! As far as my experience goes, they always get attracted to a confident man who asks them out or proposes to them first.

Well, there are some arrogant bitc*es, that think they are jackshit and break the heart of a devoted man and regret it later. > Shawn said with full of confidence. Goddam he is cool as fck.

"Y-You are telling the truth, right? That she l-likes me?" I said full of shutters.

< Yeah! She likes you! Now stop being a weak little pussy and ask her out tomorrow like a man!! > He screamed a little angry.

"... Okay," I replied meekly.

< That's my boy! Anyway, did you get the permission? > At last, he changed the subject.

"Yes, didn't I tell you already?... I have..." I answered with a little disappointed in myself.

< Great!! Well... You informed your dad that we will go to a newly opened restaurant to celebrate her birthday, right?... At night time at that? >

Sigh..., well, I do feel like shit for lying to my Dad.

"... I told him about the restaurant, but.. didn't tell him about the celebration happening at night," I said regrettably.

< Damm.. Why don't they let you, dawg? You are 19 now! It's not like you are a little kid, that will get lost if leave them alone for a little time. > he said frustrated.

"Hahaha, They are just a little overprotective of me being one and only son, that's all. Unlike you, who got a little sis, hahahaha!!" I laughed teasingly.

< Sigh, Don't even mention it. Sometimes I feel like I am just an extra character. > He said sluggishly.

"Hey, don't say that~. I'm sure they love you both equally." I said trying to lift his spirit a little bit.

< Yeah, yeah, whatever. >...

Then despite feeling sleepy, we continued our conversation for some time as it's really fun to talk to him...

Well, I couldn't stop my sleepiness as I said, "Okay, let's end this here as I'm pretty much going to lose consciousness a minute later."

< Hahaha, okay bye, see you tomorrow. >

"Okay." And cut the call.

'haaaaahh, well let's sleep.'



Then, as I was just about to sleep, I heard Aaron's barking and scratching from the door of my room.

'Sigh, these two... One after another.'

"Okay! Wait! I'm coming! Stop scratching the door!!" I screamed frustrated.

Then I unwillingly got up from the bed and unlocked the door. But as soon as I opened the door-


"Wai-, wait!!"



"Hahahaha!! S-, Stop it, man. It thihihi! it tickles!!"

He jumped on me and started licking my face off as always.



And I laughed and played with him for a little while. But-

- Hey! Cut it out, you two! And Noah, do your homework before sleep!!

My mom's loud voice came from downstairs. And I said -

"Okay! But first, playtime!!"


Then we continued to play for a little longer but soon after some time I couldn't bear my sleepiness and fell asleep without knowing when...




*Pov Change*

Some moments after Noah fell asleep,


His room's door opened up with a click and revealed none other than his mother, Avanta.

Then she eyed his room and soon saw Noah and Aaron sleeping on top of each other on the messed-up bed.

"Sigh~, What am I going to do with you two." She said with a wry smile.

Then she silently went near them and picked up the blanket from the floor. But -


It woke Aaron up.

And as she saw him, she put her finger on her lips and gestured for him to remain silent. She didn't know if it would work or not, but surprisingly, he just silently moved to Noah's side and snuggled in between his arms.

Well, at least this much proved that dogs can somewhat understand humans. Or it might be just a coincidence.

After Aaron took his rightful place, Avanta gently put the blanket on top of the two troublemakers with a gentle smile.

"Sweet dreams, you two."

She whispered that to the two and silently went to the door. And after passing through, gently closed it.

With the room now quiet again, Noah's peaceful slumber resumed, blissfully unaware that the conversation with Shawn, would shape his tomorrow...







-Bang!!...Boooooommm!!!!... Aaaaaaaargh!!!.... S*bject C25 Unab ... Beep.. Beep.. Beep.. Grrrhh!... Are con*ected, with the sa... Dugummm!!!... Rrraaaaaahhh!!!... Hahahahahahahahah!! Hahahahahaha!! Hahaha%#%@&%#&$%@$#&-+); *...







*28 years later*

[..... let your feet run wild~ 🎶

Time has come as we all, oh, go down~🎵...]

-... up ..**ss, wake up. wake up. Boss?"

"Hmm?" He slowly opened his eyes with a groan.

As he woke up, heard music filling the air, and the first thing he saw was an unedged metallic ceiling. A small shadow of a small animal (?) covered his vision from the light on his right side, but it didn't startle him in the least.

"Rise and shine, boss," came the familiar voice again.

And as he looked at the source of the voice, he saw a thing, that could cause any normal human to lose their shit.

A cream-colored creature resembling a cat, but larger and standing on two feet. Its ovoid head featured four prominent whiskers, wide eyes with slit pupils, and two pointed teeth in the upper jaw, with a golden koban coin embedded in its forehead. Its ears were black with brown interiors and flanked with an additional pair of long whiskers.

"Boss, we're about to arrive," the deep, low-pitched voice came from a different direction this time.

Turning to his left, he spotted a white-haired man in his 20s with a serious expression, clad in a stylish black trench coat adorned with four closed, somewhat large buttons. A red symbol indicating the alphabet "C" was emblazoned on his left chest. He also wore black skin gloves that concealed his hands.

The room wasn't empty; several people sat on long, bench-like chairs wearing outfits similar to the white-haired man's, albeit with slight variations in design.

"Hmm," he replied with a single grunt.

After his response, silence enveloped the room, broken only by the music playing in the background.

[.... will run you down, down 'til you go~🎶 Yeah, so you can't crawl no more~🎵]

Only the music could be heard in the room, filled with an eerie silence.

Unable to tolerate the silence any longer, a girl with long dark pink hair hesitantly spoke up, "B-By the way, your singing is pretty good, Boss. It's one of my favorites. You should compo-"

He cut her off with stern words. "Shut up."

"... Okay," she complied.

Once again, silence reigned. Moments later, the metallic door of the room creaked open, revealing a deep blue-haired man with a medium-length haircut.

"Boss, it's five minutes to go," he announced.

"Okay. We will follow all according to the plan," he stated to everyone in the room.

""""Yess!"""" They all responded with confirmation and began donning heavy-looking bags, preparing to depart.

Meanwhile, the man addressed as "boss" and the cat-like creature remained seated, watching the others prepare.

Observing them gear up, the cat suddenly spoke to the man sitting next to him. "Um, boss?"

"What?" The man's voice was devoid of emotion.

"I think you should smile more... Like genuinely. Not the fake one those businessmen and aristocrats make," the cat suggested respectfully.

"That's none of your business... But where did that come from?" the man asked, his curiosity piqued.

Now, all of them secretly listened to the two's conversation while packing and waiting for the response.

"Well, you were smiling in your sleep. I mean, that was genuine. Like, from your heart. Completely different from your 'that' genuine one whenever you take care of those bastards for good-" the cat hesitated, a smile tugging at its lips before the man interrupted.

"It's none of your business, Thomas."

"... Yes," Thomas the cat acquiesced, falling silent. However, the cat ventured once more.

"It must have been a pretty nice dream to make 'you' smile, right boss?" It flashed a cheeky grin, but it quickly turned into a scared expression, its fur standing on end, under the man's intimidating glare.

The man's sharp tone cut off any further conversation. "Cut the useless chit-chat and get ready quickly," he ordered, his authority clear. All complied and finished their preparations, silently awaiting the signal.

[... way down we go~🎶 Oh, 'cause they will run you down, down 'til you fall~🎵...]

The man sat in silence, listening to the music.

Casually, he glanced at the round glass window to his right, observing the beautiful blue sky, the drifting clouds, and the vast ocean below. Yes, he was on an aircraft, a customized military one.

As he enjoyed the scenery, a small smile crept onto his face, a blend of happiness and sadness, hidden from the others.

'Well, not gonna lie... That was a nice dream...'


A/N: New chapters will be uploaded on weekends and Wednesdays from now on.

And sorry about using the "N" word. But try to understand, there's a big difference between Nigga with an "R" and Nigga with an "A". Google it if you don't believe me.

Bye. Please enjoy the story~...

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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