

After a two days of travel, Daikon had arrived at the tunnel that led through the mountain to Cerulean City. After his crushing defeat, Dratini became more humble and started to train with Espeon and Quilava every morning.

Daikon stared at the large tunnel, feeling apprehensive of it. He heard from the Pewter City Pokemon Center that lots of people had gone missing from this mountain pass.

Outside of the tunnel was a small pokemon center with only one floor. Daikon entered the pokemon center and found a quiet corner before taking out his pokedex and making a call.

"Hello? Daikon?" Kate called out as her face appeared on screen.

Daikon smiled and said, "Hello mom, how are you?"

"I'm great! How are you and your pokemon doing?" she asked excitedly.

"My pokemon are great! Eevee evolved into Espeon and Cyndaquil evolved into Quilava! Dratini is still young so he is still immature and doesn't train." Daikon told him mom. He wouldn't leave anything out when talking to his mom.

"An Espeon? You must have treated Eevee very well if she evolved into Espeon. That cute Cyndaquil evolved as well? I must say you are doing very well as a trainer Daikon. Keep it up." Kate complimented her son.

"Thanks mom. I'm going threw the tunnel to Cerulean so I will have no service for a bit." Daikon explained.

"Be careful sweetheart. There are lots of dangers on mountains and you need to be cautious." Kate said slightly worried.

"Of course mom." Daikon assured her.

"How's your Dratini?" Kate asked interested.

"He lost his first battle a couple of days ago, which I was thankful for because he was starting to become complacent. Other than that he is good." Daikon told her. He then hesitated before continuing. "Mom I started to cultivate but I don't really know what I am doing… do you know anything about it?"

Kate gave a sad smile before she said, "You father's clan is famous for using draconic energy to strengthen their bodies. They do this by absorbing small amounts of energy from dragon pokemon and rotating it throughout their bodies. Once they are able to complete a hundred cycles throughout their bodies they can break through into a new realm. I don't know what this realm is called but I know your father had achieved this realm."

"A hundred cycles…" Daikon frowned, he had only been able to accomplish 8 cycles. He didn't like the idea of his father surpassing him at anything.

Daikon let out a deep breath, his resolve hardened as he planned to train twice as hard.

"Don't push yourself too hard Daikon, you are born with immense talent. Just tread slow and steady and your accomplishments will be earth shattering." Kate advised her son, knowing how her thinks.

Daikon thanked his mom and ended the call, he then called Professor Oak.

"Daikon my boy, how is the journey going?" the Professors loud and boisterous voice rang out from the pokedex.

"It's going good Professor. How are things back at the lab?" Daikon asked politely.

"We just received three new pokemon from a distant region to study! So we have been very busy." the Professor's face was red with excitement, it was easy to tell how happy he was.

After making small talk for a bit, Daikon hung up. He then put his pokedex away and heading back outside. Standing in front of the large tunnel, Daikon took a deep breath and entered.

Entering the tunnel, Daikon took a flashlight out from his backpack and turned it on. He also released all of his pokemon to accompany him. The three of them looked around curiously, Quilava activated his flames creating some more light.

The four of them continued through the tunnel, a couple of Zubats and Geodudes were seen but they avoided Daikon and his team. They walked for about an hour until Espeon suddenly stopped and growled at the darkness ahead of them.

Daikon immediately became vigilant and took out his sword. He knew that Espeon had precognitive powers and she felt a threat ahead. Quilava and Dratini were a second slower but they both quickly took defensive stances.

"Looks like we were figured out." a cold voice rang out from the darkness.

Two figures emerged from the darkness and walked into the light. They were both middle age men in black clothes.

"Through over your backpack and return your pokemon back to their pokeballs and throw them over as well." the shortest one said viciously. His face with covered in a thick beard and his voice seemed hoarse.

"Here is a better idea, you kiss my ass and fuck off." Daikon coldly said.

"Are all the kids now a day so rude and arrogant?" the taller one said.

"Let's just kill him." the short one spat.

They both threw two pokeballs and their pokemon appeared before them; Shiftry, Weavile, Sableye and Muk appeared.

"You three handle them while I go after the trainers." Daikon said quietly. The three of them gave slight nods as they glared at the pokemon before them.

Daikon's blue eyes slowly turned red as killing intent started to roll off him in waves. The two robbers unconsciously took a step back, they both thought that this kid would be an easy target to rob. They both took out small daggers and prepared themselves.

Daikon dashed toward the two robbers but Shiftry and Weavile jumped into his path. Quilava sent a Flamethrower towards them, causing them to avoid the attack. Daikon used this opportunity and quickly closed the distance between him and the two robbers.

He sent a slash towards the short bearded man's neck with his black sword. The man panicked at the speed of the attack but was able to deflect the sword with his dagger. Daikon felt danger from his left side and ducked down. A dagger's blade appeared above him, missing his neck.

The tall man swore as his surprise attack failed. Daikon sent a kick towards the man's knee, trying to cripple him. The attack landed and the knee bent the wrong way, causing the man to scream.

The short man saw his comrade screaming on the ground and sent a quick slash towards Daikon's chest in anger. Daikon wasn't able to completely avoid the attack as a long shallow gash appeared across his chest. Ignoring the pain, Daikon stabbed his sword into the tall man's leg. Screaming, the tall man fell to the ground and clutched his leg.

Daikon retracted his sword from the tall man's leg, blood squirted from the wound covering the ground. Daikon stood over him and stabbed his sword into the man's heart, killing him.

The short bearded man stared at Daikon in terror, trying to crawl away from him.

"Please don't, I will do anything… please let me go." the man begged Daikon.

Not paying any heed to the man, Daikon quickly slashed the bearded man's throat. After watching the man die, Daikon turned and saw that his pokemon were hard pressed against the robbers four pokemon.

"Enough! Your trainers are dead! If you want to live you will stop fighting and return to your pokeballs. I promise that you will be treated fairly!" Daikon yelled at the four pokemon.

Everyone stopped and looked at Daikon. The four pokemon looked past him and saw their trainers were dead.

The robbers were obviously not great trainers but the pokemon still created bonds with their trainers. They glared at Daikon with hostility but didn't attack. After a few minutes all four of them returned to their pokeballs.

After stuffing them in his backpack, Daikon took out a first aid kit and bandaged his chest. The cut was shallow but it bled a lot, soaking his t shirt. His pokemon had very minor injuries and were able to continue.

After Quilava burned the bodies, they continued to travel down the tunnel. Daikon found a little money and supplies on the bodies and put both into his backpack.

Daikon spent the rest of the day traveling through the tunnel without any problems. Soon they stopped and made camp. Daikon and his pokemon were all eating around a large fire that casted shadows on the walls.

Dratini was unable to catch any food so he was grudgingly eating normal pokemon food. After they finished eating, Daikon brushed both Espeon and Quilava. Espeon seemed to have matured since evolving, she didn't aggravate Quilava… as much.

Daikon crossed his legs while Dratini crawled into his lap. Closing his eyes, he could feel the energy flow from Dratini into his body. Seeing their trainer cultivating, Espeon and Quilava curled up beside him. Espeon's ears twitched now and then, showing she wasn't in a deep sleep.