

An alarm rang out, waking up Daikon and his pokemon up. Due to sleeping in a cave, they were unable to tell when morning came so Daikon had to set an alarm on his pokedex.

The fire was just coals now, making the cave pitch black.

"Quilava, mind giving us a little light?" Daikon asked as he tried to find his flashlight in the dark.

Quilava's back lit up with flames, filling the cave with light. Thanking him, Daikon found his flashlight and turned it on, he then went on and packed up his sleeping bag. Daikon stretched his body, feeling his strength had increased again. He was able to complete 10 cycles last night, after completely the 10th cycle the energy washed over his body, enhancing his body.

Daikon also noticed his 5 senses were sharper than before. Though he wanted to practice his swordsmanship, he decided not to because of the restricted space and the darkness.

Daikon picked up three rocks and walked over to Espeon.

"I want you to strengthen your psychic powers by controlling these rocks while we walk." Daikon explained to Espeon.

Espeon looked at the rocks and nodded her head. Suddenly her eyes glowed light blue and the three stones started to float from Daikon's hands.

Daikon scratched her large ears and said, "Good girl."

Quilava walked over to Daikon and gently tugged on his pants.


"During our battle yesterday, you were super effective against two of the pokemon but you were still suppressed. They might have more experience than you but that's hardly an excuse. I want you to increase the heat of your flames. Although I haven't thought of a way to do that yet, I want you to think about how you can strengthen your flames." Daikon told Quilava seriously. This was something he had noticed yesterday and wanted to fix it. Quilava was a pure fire type and if his fire was weak than he would be weak.

Quilava started to ponder this deeply, he was definitely on the defensive in yesterday's battle and though his flames did damage, they didn't do the amount of damage he expected.

Seeing Quilava thinking about it, Daikon smiled and rubbed his head, "Don't worry. We will figure it out together." he said.

The team continued their way through the tunnel, Espeon was levitating the three rocks in front of her while Quilava was trying to control the output of flamed from his back. Dratini was walking behind them, keeping vigilance of his surroundings.

Finally after an hour of walking, a faint light could be seen from the end of the tunnel. A cold breeze blew past Daikon, causing him to shudder.

'Why is it cold?' Daikon thought.

The light continued to get brighter as he got closer to the exit. Finally, him and his team left the tunnel only to find themselves on the side of a mountain. Cold winds whistled past him as he looked around at the incredible view. Mountains could be seen everywhere. They gave off an ancient feeling, with their peaks covered in snow and clouds.

Daikon found a small path that led down the mountain.

'I must have took a wrong turn.' he thought as he carefully started down the path.

The path was narrow so he returned his pokemon to their pokeballs before he slowly started down the trail. A cold wind started to blow, causing Daikon to shiver and rubbed his arms for warmth.

The path was treacherous, each step was carefully took as loose rocks rolled down the steep mountain. The wind was started to picked up as Daikon continued on the path, causing him to almost lose his balance a few times.

Cursing under his breath, Daikon finally made it down the side of the mountain. Looking around for a road or any other guide back to civilization, he saw a large pokemon slowly making his way towards him.

Daikon's face paled, he recognized this pokemon.

A large, bipedal, dinosaurian Pokémon with a green, armor-like hide covering its body. It has two pairs of pointed teeth: one in the upper jaw and one in the lower. Several spikes of varying size protrude from the back of its head, neck, and shoulders. Both sides of its chest, the center of its back, and its knees have two triangular holes. There is a gray, diamond-shaped patch of scales covering its belly, and a smaller one on its back. It has three claws on its feet and hands. A ring of spikes surrounds the tip of its tail.

[Tyranitar the Armour pokemon. Tyranitar is so overwhelmingly powerful, it can bring down a whole mountain to make its nest. This pokemon wanders about in mountains seeking new opponents to fight.]

'What the hell is a wild one doing in Kanto!?' Daikon screamed in his head. Tyranitars were found in or near Mt. Silver located in Johto. It was also known for being very territorial and temperamental.

Daikon turned the opposite way from the Tyranitar and started running as fast as he could. Facing it would be suicide, these pokemon were known as pseudo-legendary due to their strength.

Thankfully the pokemon didn't see him and continued to walk slowly, allowing Daikon to quickly increase the distance between them. After awhile, Daikon found a small cave to rest in. Sitting down, he took out his pokedex and accessed the map feature. This showed him that he was farther north than he thought. He wasn't deep into the mountain range but far enough to take a days worth of travel to get back.

'How the hell did this happen?' Daikon thought.

It made no sense to him on how they ended up so far north, all he did was follow the path but he still ended up lost.

Focusing on the map, Daikon figured it would take a full day of travel to reach Cerulean City. Noticing the day was already spent, he decided to make camp for the night.

Releasing his three pokemon, Daikon quickly made a fire and fed his pokemon. Feeling mentally drained from today Daikon buried into his sleeping bag and quickly fell asleep.

While Daikon slept, Espeon was practicing her psychic abilities by juggling rocks. She increased the number of rocks to four, slowly making them circle her and move up and down. The rocks suddenly fell the ground causing Espeon to take deep ragged breaths. After a few minutes she started again, a determined glint shone in her eyes.

Seeing Espeon training, Quilava didn't want to be left behind and quickly left the fire. He found himself an isolated place and started using Flamethrower. Quilava tried to make his flames hotter but was unsuccessful. Not letting this affect him, he continued to release Flamethrowers.

Dratini felt lost as he watched the others practicing, he didn't know how to train. He always looked down on the others due to him being born strong and not having to train.

Lowering his pride, Dratini slowly approached Espeon and asked for advice on how to train. Seeing this young pokemon finally getting serious made Espeon happy. She explained to Dratini on how he should train, due to being a psychic pokemon her intelligence was higher than average.

Dratini nodded his head, listening to her advice carefully. He then left and started to release his moves on a large boulder.

Daikon, who was oblivious to what his pokemon were doing, was sleeping peacefully.