
Pokemon: - The Journey of a Reincarnator

Join my discord server. https://discord.gg/7UKG6SZy8u AZURE's server ____________ "Itsuki Kagami is my name" I was reincarnated in Pallet town; I was the neighbor of Ash Ketchum. I and Ash quickly became best friends because of our interest in the Pokémon.] Itsuki is reincarnated in pokemon world with 3 wishes. Itsuki wants to compete and defeat the Mc of pokemon. Itsuki is one year older than Ash. This novel is about the journey of a reincarnator who admired Ash and loved. Now after reincarnating to his favorite anime, Itsuki's greatest wish is to defeat Ash and make his own legend. Note:- Our MC is not a perfect man. He also has his shortcomings which will be shown in upcoming chapters. Also this world is different from the anime, because other Anime characters might exist in this world and will be introduced in upcoming chapters. ___________________ [If you want to read advance 19 chapters https://www.patreon.com/Azure_warrior.] __________________ I am not the owner of the cover image. Credit goes to the owner.

Azure_warrior · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
191 Chs

Chapter 8 - First gym battle

Brock appearance was similar to what he looked in the canon. Brock's most notable feature is that his eyes appear to be closed all the time. He also has spiky brown hair and tan skin.

He wore an orange t-shirt, a lime green cargo vest with 4 pockets, a dark brown belt with a gold buckle and dark red pockets, brown jeans and blue-gray sneakers with white trim.


'So Ash still hasn't arrived in Pewter city. Did went to challenge Misty first or what?' Itsuki didn't care much about Ash since Ash the power of plot armor, he will get stronger in someway.


"My name is Itsuki Kagami; today I have come here to challenge the Pewter city gym leader." Itsuki already had paid an entrance fee which is required if one wants to enter Pewter city gym. Itsuki felt little fear but very excited about his first gym battle.

"I, Brock, leader of Pewter city gym accept you challenge."


"In this battle, trainers can use only 2 Pokémon. Only the challenger is allowed to switch Pokémon during a battle." Itsuki saw a mini version of Brock, he was Brock's little brother who was also acting as the referee of this battle.


"Onix, I chose you" As expected Brock used his Onix first. Itsuki already knew about this.

Itsuki pretended to take out his Pokedex to learn more about Onix.


[Pokémon: - Onix

_Level: - 23

_Type: - Rock and ground

_Species: - Rock Snake Pokémon

_Ability: - Rock head

_Gender: - Male

_Stone edge | Tackle| Dig | Bind]


"Not bad, Onix is strong." Itsuki said as he threw a Pokeball in the air.

"Come out Dratini."


Dratini looked confused. But Seeing Itsuki behind her, she calmed down.


"Dratini, this is going to be our first battle together. So give your best out there. I am counting on you." Itsuki knew that it was risky to use a newly caught pokemon for his first gym battle but Itsuki had completely trust in Dratini and Itsuki knows that Dratini feels that same,

"Draaa! Dratini nodded with determination. She also did not wanted to lose her first battle with her trainer.


"Dratini, interesting choice." Brock has to admit he was excited to fight Dratini as well mainly because no one has ever used a Dratini to fight against him.

"Dratini, let's start by making the battlefield ours. Use Rain dance." Itsuki used rain dance to boost her abilities.



Dratini roared and the air above the battle field became black. Dark clouds appeared and it began to rain.

One of the biggest weaknesses of rock type Pokémon is water so using Rain dance right from the start was the best strategy. Rain dance also increased water type attack powers by 50%.


"Itsuki you really gave a surprise but My Onix can also use the ground type moves. Onix use Dig."

Haaa! Onix used Dig and entered the underground.


Seeing Onix using dig, Dratini panicked

"Dratini, don't panic." Itsuki's words calmed her down.

"Use hyper beam on the hole made my Onix." Itsuki was worried whether this move would work or not.


Dratini nodded and used Hyper beam, which was a golden type beam coming out of Dratini's mouth.


The ground shook, moments later Onix came out looking injured. Yes, that hyper beam had landed on Onix back.


"Dratini, finish this by using thunder wave."


Dratini prepared to use thunder wave while Brock panicked. Because of the rain dance, Onix body is soaked in water and water conducts electricity. Brock knew thunder type attacks which usually have no effect on rock type, but in this situation thunder wave would do huge damage to Onix.


"Onix, use Stone Edge." Having no choice, Brock decided to use Stone edge to at least injure Dratini.

Haaa! Onix made several stones and threw the stones towards Dratini. Dratini focused on using thunder wave on Onix.


The Thunder wave was like a ring of circle made from yellow thunder. When the thunder wave hit Onix, Dratini also hit with stone edge.



Both of them fall down but Onix wasn't able to continue while Dratini managed to stand up with her injuries.


"You did well Onix." Brock returned Onix to its poke ball.

"That was wonderful battle, but I am not losing this one. Come out Geodude."


[Pokémon: - Zeraora

_Level: - 21

_Type: - Rock and ground

_Species: - Rock Pokémon

_Ability: - Sturdy head

_Gender: - Male

_Double Edge | Rock Slide | Tackle]


"Dratini can you still continue" Itsuki worriedly asked. He did not want to push his Pokémon too far.

Draaa! Dratini nodded with a serious look. 'Looks like being a dragon type, she really likes to fight.'


"Dratini once again start with rain dance." Itsuki wanted to weaken Geodude. Basically Itsuki was trying to use the same strategy as before.

The sky darkened and rain started. Geodude and Dratini both soaked in rain. Dratini felt comfortable in rain.


"Geodude Use rock slide."

Geoo…! Geodude raised its hands and several portals appeared and big rocks started to fell down from the sky.

"Dratini, quickly use agility to dodge" Itsuki knew Dratini wouldn't able to handle another rock type attack. Not with her injured body.



Dratini speed increased by few times and she successfully managed to dodge few stones and until she found that Geodude was standing in front of her.

"Now, Geodude use double edge."

"Dratini, hurry up and use thunder wave." Itsuki seriously never thought Brock to use such strategy.



Dratini had fainted from the double edge attack. Geodude was suffering from the recoil of using double edge and thunder wave which was even more effective under the rain.

"Dratini, you did a good work and now take a good rest." Dratini performance had made Itsuki very happy.


"Come out, Zeraora."


Zera roared loudly. Zera looked at Geodude who had red and yellow thunder on it its body. The user of Double edge also takes 30% damage as recoil and with thunder wave, the Geodude was really injured.


"Zera, use quick attack to close the distance then use Plasma fist."


Zera disappeared and reappeared in front of Geodude and punched its face and sent Geodude flying and Geodude crushed on a stone and the stone cracked as Geodude lost conscious.


"Both Onix and Geodude is unable to continue their battle. Hence the challenger, Itsuki Kagami has won the match." Itsuki couldn't' believe it. He actually won. There were time Itsuki thought that he would lose. Itsuki didn't thought Zera would finish the whole fight in one punch but then again Itsuki was overestimating Brock since he was really weak in his early days.


Itsuki first bought out his 2 Pokémon along with Zera to celebrate his first Badge.


"That was an awesome battle. The way you used your Pokémon abilities was really something. Here is the Pewter city gym the rock type badge. You will need 7 more to enter the indigo league." Itsuki took the octagon looking badge from Brock and carefully put it on his Badge case.


"Thank you Brock. Zera and Dratini you two did wonderful work. Eevee, I am sorry but next time I will let to you join as well." Eevee nodded. Itsuki then put his Pokémon in their pokeballs. "You are really close to your Pokémon." Itsuki nodded with a smile.


"Itsuki, you should hurry up and collect all 8 other badges as indigo league is going to start in 2 months." Itsuki knew that Indigo league happens only once in a year but he didn't expect the league to start in just 2 months.

"Thanks for info, Brock" Itsuki shook hands with Brock and left the Pewter gym.


Itsuki then went to poke center and let Nurse Joy heal his Pokémon. Itsuki was surprised to find that Dratini level had increased by 3. Nothing major happened the rest of day. Itsuki decided to go the next city because he felt suffocated staying in one city for some many days.


Tomorrow, Itsuki again set out towards Cerulean city, yes the city where he could challenge the Cerulean gym leader.

"There is a chance I might meet Misty since Ash still hasn't arrived Pewter city." Itsuki guessed Ash must have been lost or went to another city.


"I should train Eevee and Dratini and increase their level. I also want to increase Zeraora level and see if she could surpass level 50 before the Indigo league." To Itsuki his Zera was the strongest Pokémon he currently had. Itsuki felt that current Zera level was not enough to defeat Ash-Charizard.


"Ash would have a Charizard at the Indigo league if things follow the original story." Itsuki had no intention of changing the story rather Itsuki wanted to fight Ash in the final round of Indigo League. Itsuki knew that Ash had lots of potential as a trainer so there is a chance that Ash might even win the league. Ash only lost the league because his Charizard was lazy and didn't wanted to fight against Pikachu.


Written by Azure_warrior

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