
Pokemon: - The Journey of a Reincarnator

Join my discord server. https://discord.gg/7UKG6SZy8u AZURE's server ____________ "Itsuki Kagami is my name" I was reincarnated in Pallet town; I was the neighbor of Ash Ketchum. I and Ash quickly became best friends because of our interest in the Pokémon.] Itsuki is reincarnated in pokemon world with 3 wishes. Itsuki wants to compete and defeat the Mc of pokemon. Itsuki is one year older than Ash. This novel is about the journey of a reincarnator who admired Ash and loved. Now after reincarnating to his favorite anime, Itsuki's greatest wish is to defeat Ash and make his own legend. Note:- Our MC is not a perfect man. He also has his shortcomings which will be shown in upcoming chapters. Also this world is different from the anime, because other Anime characters might exist in this world and will be introduced in upcoming chapters. ___________________ [If you want to read advance 19 chapters https://www.patreon.com/Azure_warrior.] __________________ I am not the owner of the cover image. Credit goes to the owner.

Azure_warrior · Anime & Comics
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191 Chs

Chapter 9 - Training

"Ash would have a Charizard at the Indigo league if things follow the original story." Itsuki had no intention of changing the story rather Itsuki wanted to fight Ash in the final round of Indigo League. Itsuki knew that Ash had lots of potential as a trainer so there is a chance that Ash might even win the league. Ash only lost the league because his Charizard was lazy and didn't wanted to fight against Pikachu.


Though Itsuki wouldn't admit it but he always had considered ash as his greatest rival. Ever since coming to this world, Itsuki knew that he and the main character would cross paths. So Itsuki had started to prepare himself to battle Ash since day one. All these years, Itsuki had spent countless hours watching battles between trainers.


To Itsuki there is nothing more challenging than defeating the main characters of Pokémon world. Even with the talents Itsuki gained from God, Itsuki never relaxed instead he kept pushing himself. Itsuki want to be the main lead, he wanted to become the number one. That's why Itsuki worked harder, harder than anyone else. Itsuki wanted to defeat Ash with hard work.


"But I don't think finding a wild Charmander would be so easy." Itsuki sighed.

Itsuki always wanted to Charmander and want to evolve his Charmander into a powerful Charizard that can even defeat Ash-Charizard.


"I only have 2 months before the Indigo league starts that mean within 2 months I have to train all of my Pokémon and get 7 more badges." Itsuki sighed. Time was running out.

"I have to focus on training my Pokémon" Itsuki walked through the forest for half day until he found a open space near the river.


"A perfect place to train. Come out everyone." Itsuki threw his poke balls in the air. Zeraora, Eevee and Dratini came out and looked at Itsuki.

"Everyone, we are going to train here for few days. So prepare yourself." Fortunately, Itsuki's Pokémon looked excited. Thought Itsuki want to win the league but for that he wouldn't go as far as to push his Pokémon against their will.


"Zera, you can please help in gathering some dry woods." Itsuki asked with a smile.

"Zera…!" She nodded with a smile and left. After Zera left, Itsuki looked at Eevee and Dratini who were looking at him.


Before Itsuki started their training, he first checked both Eevee and Dratini stats. After thinking for few minutes, Itsuki finally knew which direction he needed to go.

'Eevee should improve her Tackle and learn Quick attack. As for Dratini, I plan to teach her dragon type attack.'


"I should let Zeraora teach Eevee on how to use Quick attack as she already knows this move." Itsuki gaze then shifted on Dratini. Itsuki did not know which direction he should go to teach her dragon type attack.

Closing his eyes, Itsuki suddenly remembered something. 'Ash did teach his Treecko how to use Bullet seed by letting Treecko first practice bullet seed with watermelon seed. Maybe, I could teach Dratini dragon breath by letting her first practice with water.'


Itsuki did not know whether his crazy training plan would work or not. 'I am sure 90 percent sure that my training plan would work. Even if I my plan fail then I would at least get experience from that failure.'

Itsuki wasn't afraid of failure but the problem was currently he did not have much time on his hand.


Itsuki gathered his thoughts together. But he was surprised to see that Eevee and Dratini were playing with water. Dratini was using her Rain dance to form a small cloud over Eevee head and Eevee she running trying to prevent herself from getting wet.


"Dratini and Eevee came here." Itsuki called his Pokémon. Both of them came to Itsuki. Itsuki was standing in front of the river.

"Dratini, first take some water to fill your mouth completely. This is part of your training." Dratini nodded and Eevee curiously looked at what Dratini was doing.


Filling Dratini's mouth with water made her look very funny. Itsuki suppressed his urge to laugh.

"Now spit the water in your mouth towards that rock, like a cannon blast." Dratini nodded and tried to blast all the water from her mouth towards the rock located 5 meters away.


Itsuki already expected that Dratini wouldn't able to do it with single try so he asked her to keep trying until she could reach 5 meters.

Meanwhile Zera returned, Itsuki asked Zera to teach Eevee quick attack. Zera and Eevee went to train in the forest leaving Itsuki with Dratini.


"Dratini take a rest now."


Dratini has been doing this for an hour now. But sadly there was no improvement.


Dratini sat on Itsuki's lap as it was the most comfortable and safest place for her. It was also same for Eevee and Zera. Both Pokémon of his liked to sit in his lap.

"Dratini, I think you are doing it wrong."

Draa…" She looked at Itsuki.


"After filling your mouth with water, take a deep breath." Itsuki took a deep breath, resulting in his chest moving upwards. Dratini closely looked at Itsuki.

"After taking a deep breath, try to release everything through your mouth." Itsuki then puffed his cheeks and released all the air through his mouth.


"Did you understand?"


Dratini excitedly nodded and stood up. She went near river and filled her mouth with water. She then did as Ash did. Dratini then released everything, aiming towards the rock.



The water from Dratini's mouth shot towards the rock like a beam blast. The water that was released by Dratini had some kind of blue air type Aura wrapped around the water.


Itsuki stood in excitement. Seeing the water some traces of blue air type aura around it, Itsuki knew Dratini had completed her training.

"You're awesome. Good job, Dratini" Itsuki pickup up Dratini and kissed her.


Dratini also happily rubbed her cheek with Itsuki.


"Now Dratini, this is the last part. Try to do the entire thing again but this time without using water. Try to release that blue air type aura. Try to remember the feeling when you used water."


Dratini nodded.


Dratini closed her eyes, took a deep breath and tried to release everything like before.


The rock which was 2 meters in size broke into pieces when it was hit with a blue air type attack.


Itsuki was so happy. Itsuki happily held Dratini and gave her another kiss.

"Good Job Dratini, you are best."


Dratini closed her eyes and enjoyed this feeling.


[Pokémon: - Dratini

_Level: - 20→27

_Type: - Dragon

_Species: - Dragon Pokémon

_Ability: - Shed skin

_Gender: - Female

_Rain dance | Hyper Beam | Thunder Wave | Agility|→ Dragon Breath]


'Sure enough, it is possible to increase Pokémon level by teaching them new move. But to think that Dratini's level would increase by 7 is really shocking for me.' Right now after seeing the progress Dratini made, Itsuki began to think of various moves that he can teach his Pokémon in the future.


[Master has completed the hidden requirement to unlock the third function of the system.

Requirement: - Train your Pokémon and teach your any Pokémon any move.

Master now has opened the AI version of the system.]


"System, how does the AI version work?" Itsuki asked in his mind.

[Master with the Al version being unlocked, system has gained Artificial intelligent. System can function like an artificial intelligent. The system is capable of hacking into any server in this world, the system can scan master's memories, and the system can analyze, calculate, research and many more things that can normal and advanced Al can do. In short word the system is capable of uploading itself in the internet and get access to every data and information.]


Itsuki trembled in excitement. 'Wouldn't that mean the system can help me to find perfect training methods by scanning my memories as the foundation and analyzing?'


"System, scan all of my memories for reference and make the best diet plan that would help my Pokémon to get stronger. Also create the best and quickest method to get my Pokémon stronger through training."



It would take 12 hours to analysis and complete the entire plan.]

Itsuki nodded in satisfaction.


Itsuki decided to make dinner with Dratini's help. Zera and exhausted Eevee returned in the evening. Itsuki was very surprised and happy to find that his Eevee had learned quick attack move in such short time.


After getting new training and dieting plans, Itsuki began to train his Pokémon for 1 week. Itsuki himself also spend hours training along his Pokémon. Even his Pokémons were surprised by Itsuki's monstrous stamina.


The system was able to come up with best but quickest training regimen for his Pokémon. The training was very effective; Itsuki saw tremendous changes in his Pokémons after one week of training.

The dieting plan also helped his Pokémon. Eating the right foods in the appropriate amounts provides your muscles with the nutrients they need to recover from workouts and grow bigger and stronger.

(I randomly come up with this type of training method. Please go easy on this poor man_)


Written by Azure_warrior

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