
Poke Professor Foxx

This is my fanfiction for my pokemon oc Professor Foxx. It is broken into season and in this case set up so each season equals a volume.

ShadowFoxx89 · Cómic
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129 Chs

S1E3:Hello After Good-Bye

Three days have past sense Foxx had to say goodbye to Pikachu and no matter what Professor Oak tried he couldn't get him to do anything. Finally he told Foxx he had to head to Vermilion city to speak with Nurse Joy about a rare Pokemon and needed Foxx to come along and after a long persuasion Professor Oak finally got him to come and help clean up the damaged center.

They arrived and Foxx slowly and sadly started to clean up the debris when he came across a broken Pokeball he then heard a whimpering and was motivated to dig hard. Oak and Joy were shocked at his suddenly devotion to the one spot. They rushed over to find him holding a small Vulpix cub.

"I thought all the Pokemon were transfer out before Team Rocket attacked?" conserningly replied Joy.

"Her Pokeball was broken so she couldn't be transferred." replied Foxx as he pointed with one hand to the broken Pokeball next to where he sat with Vulipx in his arms. "Will she be okay? Can you heal her?"

"If I had the proper equipment it would only take a second but with out it might take a day or two." replied Joy

"I think I might be able to fix her ball as well." replied Foxx as he carefully handed the Vulpix to Joy.

"So I'll leave you here with Joy and return back for you and Vulpix in a few days." replied Professor Oak as he turned and headed home but Foxx was too busy fixing Vulpix's Pokeball to notice or hear Professor Oak's comment.

To Be Continued...