
POKÉMON: Journey Towards Greatness(EDIT of JTG)

I am in the process of editing this novel solely to enhance its grammar and readability, with no intention of personal gain from this endeavor. Author: Evil_God_ZARAKH

JunStark · Cómic
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94 Chs

Chapter 65 - Undefeated

Van's eyes burned with excitement and anticipation as he locked his gaze onto Julian. The intensity in his expression was evident, making it clear that he was a passionate and dedicated battler. Julian couldn't help but notice the fiery determination in Van's demeanor.

Van initiated the conversation, eager to engage with his opponent.

"So, we finally meet," Van began, "I was really waiting to battle you from the moment I saw your battle in the preliminaries."

Julian, known for his reserved nature and limited conversation during battles, simply looked at Van without offering a response. He had only learned of Van's name and presence as his opponent the day before, and he had little to say at this moment.

Seeing that Julian wasn't inclined to engage in conversation, Van eventually gave up on attempting to elicit a response. He had noticed Julian's reticence during previous battles and accepted it as part of his opponent's style. Undeterred, Van continued to speak, perhaps out of his own excitement and eagerness for the impending battle.

Van: "I am going to defeat you and every other opponent and win this league."

Van declared his intentions with confidence, expressing his determination to defeat Julian and all other opponents to claim victory in the league. Julian couldn't help but observe Van's unwavering self-assuredness.

Julian's thoughts drifted briefly, contemplating Van's confidence and his own expectations for the battle.

"Well, he looks very confident," Julian mused internally. "Should I break it? I really hope he can put up a fight."

Choosing not to engage in further conversation, Julian maintained his calm and focused demeanor, patiently awaiting the commencement of the match. The intensity in the air was palpable as both trainers prepared to give their all in the upcoming battle.

The announcer's voice boomed throughout the stadium, signaling the start of the second match of the day. The first battle had been thrilling, with Andrew emerging victorious and advancing to the Quarter-Finals.

Now, all eyes were on the battle between Van and Julian. The announcer highlighted the unique and impressive achievements of both trainers. Van, a newcomer to the Indigo League, had showcased his prowess by consistently winning battles using only two Pokémon. On the other hand, Julian was known for his one-Pokémon strategy, having defeated all his opponents with just Venusaur and Pidgeot so far. The rest of Julian's team remained a mystery.

The anticipation in the stadium was palpable, and the announcer's words only heightened the excitement.

"This is going to be a very exciting battle," the announcer declared, setting the stage for what promised to be a memorable showdown between two skilled trainers.

The tension in the stadium was at its peak as the referee stepped forward, holding red and green flags in hand. He addressed both Julian and Van, making the rules of the battle clear.

"This is a knockout round to determine the quarter-finalist for the Indigo League tournament," the referee announced, "both trainers are allowed to use three Pokémon each, and both are allowed to switch their Pokémon during the battle. The first person who has all his Pokémon eliminated will lose."

The referee then turned to Van and asked, "Trainer Van, are you ready?"

Van nodded in response.

Next, he directed his attention to Julian, asking, "Trainer Julian, ready?"

Julian gave a determined nod.

With both trainers ready and the stage set, the referee shouted, "Then let the battle begin!"

Waving the flags, he signaled the start of the match, and the intense showdown between Julian and Van was underway.

Julian confidently called out his first choice, "Go, Pidgeot!"

Van studied Julian's Pokémon choice and responded with determination, "Pidgeot, huh? Then I choose Onix."

The announcer chimed in with excitement, "Both trainers have made their selections! Julian opts for his steadfast Pidgeot, while Van introduces a new addition to his lineup."

Julian's mind raced as he analyzed the situation, recognizing the formidable defensive strength of Onix. He understood that Onix's attacks might not be the main concern, but its impressive defense could make this battle challenging.

Van wasted no time, immediately directing his strategy. "Onix, unleash a Rock Throw!"

Onix reacted swiftly, generating an array of small rocks around its imposing form. With a mighty toss, it propelled the stones toward Pidgeot, aiming to make contact.

In response, Pidgeot showcased its unparalleled aerial finesse, a testament to the bond between trainer and Pokémon. The majestic bird Pokémon gracefully danced through the air, executing precise wing maneuvers to evade each incoming rock with astonishing agility.

The crowd watched in rapt anticipation, eager to witness the unfolding battle between these two skilled trainers and their formidable Pokémon.

Van maintained his offensive strategy, determined to press his advantage. "Onix, don't stop! Use Rock Throw continuously!"

Onix responded without hesitation, conjuring another barrage of small rocks. This time, they sped toward Pidgeot with greater velocity. However, Pidgeot's incredible speed allowed it to glide effortlessly between the rocks, remaining untouched by the onslaught.

Julian, always composed, recognized Van's relentless focus on offense. He couldn't help but contemplate the situation, thinking, "Looks like he's all about offense. Well, with Onix's defense, why bother with defense? But it's his misfortune to face me."

The relentless Rock Throw assault continued, with Pidgeot expertly dodging each projectile.

Julian's command cut through the tension in the battlefield. "Pidgeot, take to the sky and deflect them with Twister!"

Responding swiftly, Pidgeot soared to the heavens, its wings beating with vigor as it conjured a massive Twister. With a mighty surge, the swirling vortex of wind and debris advanced toward the incoming rocks, threatening to deflect them off course.

The enormous Twister executed by Pidgeot proved to be a brilliant countermove. It sucked in the incoming rocks with irresistible force, sending them crashing back towards the ground in all directions. Some of the rocks even struck Onix, causing the formidable Rock Snake Pokémon to flinch and stumble.

The announcer couldn't contain his excitement. "Look at this, Onix's move has backfired!"

Van, taken aback by the unexpected turn of events, urgently commanded, "Onix, defend yourself!"

However, the reversal of fortune caught Van off guard. Twister, a powerful Dragon-type move, had the upper hand against Rock-type moves, and Onix found itself in a difficult position.

Julian seized the opportunity with a calculated strategy. "Now, dive down and use Sand Attack!"

Pidgeot swiftly descended from the sky, vanishing into a swirling cloud of sand it had created. Onix, still preoccupied with the flying rocks and the aftermath of its own attack, struggled to react effectively as the blinding sand enveloped it.

Van couldn't hide his growing concern as he realized the similarity between this battle and Julian's previous bout with Kassandra. He thought, "Shit, this is just like his battle with Kassandra. If Onix and I can't see Pidgeot, we're in big trouble."

Julian remained cool and composed, issuing his next command with precision. "Hit Onix with multiple Steel Wings!"

Within the swirling veil of sand that obscured Pidgeot's movements, Onix struggled to determine the source of the attacks. Suddenly, a powerful strike from Pidgeot's Steel Wing connected with Onix's right side, delivering a potent blow. Before Onix could react, another Steel Wing struck from the front, followed by yet another from the left.

Pidgeot's maneuvers were unpredictable, creating a daunting challenge for Van and Onix. With each successive strike, Onix's condition deteriorated, and they couldn't predict the direction of the next assault.

The arena was filled with anticipation as the announcer commented, "We don't see what is happening down there, but we all know Onix is cornered and cannot find a way out. Looks like it's over for Onix."

Van, feeling the mounting pressure of the battle, clenched his fists in frustration. He knew that if this continued, Onix would be unable to endure much longer. Determination burned in his eyes as he encouraged his Pokémon, "This is really bad. If this continues, Onix will not be able to hold up. Hmm, the Sand Attack is wearing off. Onix, hang in there."

Onix, battered and fatigued, managed to stay resolute, determined to see this battle through. As the cloud of sand gradually dissipated, Van breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that his Pokémon might still have a fighting chance. However, his relief was short-lived as he noticed something peculiar.

Van desperately scanned the battlefield, searching for any sign of Pidgeot. His voice filled with concern, he exclaimed, "Where is Pidgeot?"

However, it was already too late for Van to react. Before he could even locate Pidgeot, the Flying-type Pokémon had soared into the sky, remaining hidden from view. Then, as the sand cloud cleared and Van's realization set in, Pidgeot descended with astonishing speed. With a powerful Steel Wing attack, it struck Onix directly on the head, causing the massive Pokémon to crash onto the unforgiving ground. Onix lay there, defeated and unconscious.

The referee swiftly made the call, declaring, "Onix is unable to battle. Pidgeot wins."

The announcer commented on the outcome, "Onix bites the dust. That Steel Wing from the sky wrote down Onix's final page. Now, we have to see what countermeasures Van has to fight back."

Van 'As expected, Julian truly proves to be the toughest opponent in the entire league. I'm not sure if I can win, but I must put on a good fight.'

Van: "Go, Beedrill."

Announcer: "Van chooses Beedrill. What could be Van's strategy? Beedrill is clearly at a disadvantage against Pidgeot."

Julian thought to himself, 'Beedrill? Is he planning to take the battle to the sky? No, he wants to poison Pidgeot, a clever strategy that might catch many by surprise. However, not me.'

Van had indeed intended to use Beedrill to poison Pidgeot, hoping to weaken his formidable opponent. He believed that this tactical move might give him an edge, but little did he know that Julian had seen through his plan with precision.

"Beedrill, unleash Twineedle!" Van commanded.

With a fierce determination, Beedrill shot up into the air, its two needle-sharp arms poised menacingly as it closed in on Pidgeot.

Julian, quick to respond, shouted, "Pidgeot, take to the skies!"

Pidgeot responded swiftly, soaring upward to evade Beedrill's assault. What ensued was a thrilling aerial dance, a game of cat and mouse between the two formidable Pokémon. Pidgeot displayed its agility, executing graceful loops, dramatic 360-degree turns, and daring mid-air stunts, all while skillfully evading Beedrill's relentless pursuit.

The spectacle turned into a breathtaking air show, captivating the onlookers as they marveled at the electrifying chase between Pidgeot and Beedrill.

Van's frustration grew as Beedrill struggled to close the gap between itself and Pidgeot.

"Beedrill, let loose with Air Cutter!" Van commanded.

Beedrill abruptly halted its pursuit, releasing a flurry of sharp-edged Air Cutters in Pidgeot's direction.

Julian remained composed, countering, "Dodge it and use Air Slash!"

Pidgeot displayed its mastery of the skies, gracefully weaving through the incoming Air Cutters. Then, with precision born of experience, Pidgeot unleashed a massive, crescent-shaped Air Slash at point-blank range. The attack struck Beedrill with devastating force, sending it into a chaotic spiral through the air before crashing unceremoniously to the ground.

Beedrill struggled to its feet, determined to keep fighting despite its grievous injuries, a testament to its unwavering spirit.

"Beedrill, come back!" Van called, realizing Beedrill had reached its limit.

He swiftly withdrew Beedrill into its Poké Ball, then declared, "Blastoise, it's your turn!"

The announcer chimed in, "Van has decided to recall Beedrill and send out Blastoise!"

Julian raised an eyebrow and remarked, "Seems like he's looking to prolong the battle. I was hoping for a more exciting showdown."

Julian then decided to make a strategic move of his own, stating, "Pidgeot, return!"

The announcer added with curiosity, "And it looks like Julian is making a change too! Who will be his next Pokémon?"

Julian withdrew Pidgeot into its Poké Ball, acknowledging that the intense battle against Onix had drained a significant amount of its energy. While Pidgeot had the potential to continue and secure victory, Julian opted to conserve its strength for future challenges.

"Venusaur, it's your time to shine!" Julian exclaimed.

The announcer's voice rang out excitedly, "And it's Venusaur, the fan-favorite! Venusaur has been the star of the show, having single-handedly secured victory in three battles for Julian. The fans are ecstatic to see this beloved Pokémon in action, and Venusaur has undoubtedly become a legend in this league!"

Van wasted no time, commanding Blastoise, "Blastoise, unleash Hydro Pump!"

In response, Julian remained composed, countering swiftly, "Energy Ball, Venusaur!"

The two mighty attacks surged towards each other, creating a deafening collision followed by a colossal explosion. Julian, recognizing the urgency of the situation, was determined to bring the battle to a swift conclusion.

Julian, with a sly smile, telepathically communicated his next move to Venusaur, ensuring his opponent remained unaware.

"Venusaur, let's go with Leech Seed!"

Venusaur responded by launching several seeds toward the ground around Blastoise. Within seconds, thick vines sprouted from the earth, quickly enveloping Blastoise and sapping away its energy.

Van was taken aback by this unexpected attack, his face reflecting surprise and concern.

"Blastoise, break free!" Van urgently commanded.

Blastoise began to struggle vigorously, using its immense strength to tear at the encroaching vines that were slowly siphoning away its power.

Julian seized the opportunity, his voice firm and determined, "Venusaur, Giga Drain, now!"

Venusaur's vines wrapped around Blastoise, draining the last vestiges of energy from its weakened opponent. Blastoise, struggling to stay upright, eventually dropped to its knees, unable to continue the battle.

Julian wasted no time, delivering the final blow, "Energy Ball, finish it!"

A powerful Energy Ball erupted from Venusaur, striking Blastoise at its weakest point. The blast sent Blastoise crashing to the ground, motionless and defeated.

The referee announced the outcome, "Blastoise is unable to battle, Venusaur wins!"

The announcer added with excitement, "What a swift and decisive victory! Venusaur is proving to be an unstoppable force, and it seems Van has an uphill battle ahead of him now!"

Van wasn't ready to concede defeat just yet. With determination in his voice, he called out, "Beedrill, it's your chance! Use Pin Missile!"

Beedrill darted onto the battlefield and, without hesitation, released a barrage of sharp Pin Missiles toward Venusaur. Van knew that the Bug-type move might have a chance against Venusaur, and he was willing to fight until the end.

Julian, always quick on the draw, countered decisively, "Razor Leaf, Venusaur! Follow it up with Giga Drain!"

Venusaur responded by launching multiple Razor Leaves that sliced through the incoming Pin Missiles. Positioned behind the leaves were two thick, resilient vines, poised to retaliate with a powerful Giga Drain.

Van acted quickly, shouting, "Beedrill, dodge!"

The Pin Missiles and Razor Leaves collided in a spectacular display of energy, neutralizing each other. However, Venusaur's vines continued to snake forward relentlessly, closing in on Beedrill.

Beedrill, already fatigued from its earlier battle with Pidgeot, struggled to evade with its usual speed. The vines swiftly wrapped around Beedrill's legs, and the draining effect of Giga Drain began, sapping the last remnants of energy from the exhausted Pokémon. With a weary sigh, Beedrill succumbed to its depleted strength, falling to the ground, fainted and unable to continue.

The referee declared, "Beedrill is unable to battle. The winner and the qualifier for the quarter-finals is Julian!"

The announcer chimed in with excitement, "It's official! Julian remains undefeated, and he's revealed only two of his Pokémon, giving him a strategic advantage heading into the quarter-finals!"

The crowd erupted into enthusiastic cheers as Julian walked away from the battlefield, casting a brief glance at Van, who remained composed despite the loss.

The announcer continued, "Stay tuned, folks! The next battle is just an hour away, featuring an exciting showdown between Ash and Ritchie!"

The anticipation in the stadium grew as the audience eagerly awaited the next thrilling Pokémon battle.

Julian made his way to the Pokémon Center, where he entrusted his Pokémon to Sara, who had been a dedicated caregiver for his team since the beginning of the Indigo League. He knew that his Pokémon would receive the best care under her watchful eye.

Once his Pokémon were in good hands, Julian settled in and turned on the television. He watched with interest as Ash faced Ritchie in the third battle of the day. To his surprise, Ash struggled as his Charizard refused to obey him, leading to his defeat. Ritchie advanced to the next round, marking another twist in the tournament.

As the day progressed, the fourth round concluded with Assunta emerging as the victor and securing her spot in the quarter-finals.

The match card for the upcoming quarter-finals was swiftly announced, with Julian set to face Andrew and Ritchie slated to battle Assunta. The anticipation in the air grew, promising an exciting and intense next phase of the Indigo League competition.