
POKÉMON: Journey Towards Greatness(EDIT of JTG)

I am in the process of editing this novel solely to enhance its grammar and readability, with no intention of personal gain from this endeavor. Author: Evil_God_ZARAKH

JunStark · Anime & Comics
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94 Chs

Chapter 64 - Top Sixteen

Julian's impressive journey through the qualifying rounds had culminated in him becoming the sole trainer to advance using only a single Pokémon in each of his battles. As he walked toward the Indigo Stadium, anticipation filled the air.

The upcoming ceremony would officially announce the names of the top 16 trainers who had earned the right to battle within the prestigious stadium. Though the outcome was largely known, the ceremony held significance, symbolizing the achievement and skill of those who had made it this far in the competition.

Julian's presence drew the attention of those around him, whispers of admiration and curiosity following in his wake. The stadium, with its iconic architecture and grandeur, loomed ahead, ready to welcome the elite trainers who were about to embark on the next phase of their Pokémon journey.

Indeed, the title of being among the top 16 trainers in a league was a prestigious and highly sought-after achievement. It signified a level of skill, strategy, and dedication that set these trainers apart from the rest. In the world of Pokémon, where the hierarchy included the Elite Four, the reigning Champion, and the fabled Pokémon Master, making it to the top 16 was a significant milestone.

The official recognition and documentation of these trainers in the registry was a testament to their prowess, and their names would be remembered and respected throughout the Pokémon community. While there might be other talented trainers out there, those who made it to this level were recognized and celebrated as some of the strongest and most skilled Pokémon trainers in the league, representing the pinnacle of competitive battling.

The Indigo Plateau Stadium buzzed with energy as Julian entered the grand arena. The cheers of the crowd greeted him, a testament to his popularity and the anticipation surrounding his performance in the league. Among the 15 other trainers standing before the Moltres torch, Julian was clearly a fan favorite, and the enthusiasm from the spectators was palpable.

As Julian took his place among the elite group of trainers, he couldn't help but notice the various expressions on their faces. Each trainer had their own motivations, dreams, and strategies, and the competition ahead was sure to be fierce. Despite the curious and sometimes competitive glances exchanged among the trainers, Julian remained focused and undeterred.

The moment took a formal turn when an elderly man with a long white beard, President Charles Goodshow of the League Competition Committee, stepped forward. The trainers turned their attention to him as he walked before the Moltres flame, a symbol of the league's prestige and legacy.

President Goodshow glanced at the assembled trainers, his nod conveying his approval of their accomplishments and the honor of their presence in this exclusive gathering. The next phase of the league promised to be an intense battle of wits, strategy, and Pokémon mastery, and the 16 trainers were now officially recognized as some of the best in the world.

President Charles Goodshow's words resonated with the 16 trainers gathered before the Moltres flame, setting a tone of respect and celebration for their journey thus far. He acknowledged their achievements and the challenging battles they had overcome to reach this point, emphasizing the importance of resilience and determination.

"I congratulate all 16 of you," he began, "as you have defeated many opponents to reach here. Remember this, even if you fail, be proud of yourself, as you have gone through many difficult battles to reach here. So don't give up on your ambitions just because you might lose."

His encouraging words carried a sense of camaraderie and shared accomplishment among the trainers. They were a reminder that the road to greatness was often paved with both victories and defeats.

With the formalities concluded, a lady approached the platform, holding a card bearing the league's symbol. She stood next to President Goodshow, ready to announce the names of the trainers who had earned their place in the top 16.

Goodshow nodded to her, granting her permission to proceed.

The lady began to speak, her voice echoing through the stadium. The announcement of the top 16 trainers was eagerly awaited by the crowd and the competitors alike, marking the official start of the next phase of the league.

The lady's voice rang out across the stadium, announcing the names of the sixteen trainers who had earned the esteemed title of the top 16 in this year's Indigo League. As each name was called, the trainers received a special badge, a symbol of their remarkable journey and achievement.

President Goodshow concluded the ceremony with a message of hope and encouragement, wishing them all a great battle in the upcoming competition. With the formalities completed, the trainers were eager to discover their next opponents in the tournament.

The crowd began to disperse, and the top 16 trainers left the stadium to make their way to the registration area. Tomorrow would mark the beginning of the final stages of the competition, and the anticipation was palpable.

Julian wasted no time and headed toward a receptionist, ready to learn about his next opponent and prepare for the battles that lay ahead. The other trainers shared his determination, each of them eager to face the challenges of the top 16 with their best strategies and Pokémon.

Julian, eager to discover his next opponent, engaged with the receptionist to learn the process.

"How will they select my next opponent?" he inquired.

The receptionist explained the unique method. "That water tank right there is filled with Magikarp, and you have to fish one out. The Magikarp you fish will have a letter and a number similar to your opponent's. Hence, the number which matches your Magikarp will be your opponent."

Accepting the fishing rod, Julian patiently waited for a Magikarp to take the bait. It didn't take long before one of the Magikarp bit, and he skillfully reeled it in. The Magikarp emerged from the water tank with "N-12" written on it.

The receptionist checked the information and presented the details of his next opponent.

"N-12," she said, "wait a moment."

Entering the information into the computer, she displayed a picture of Julian's opponent.

"Your next opponent is Van," she informed him. "It will be the second match tomorrow. Be there on time."

With this crucial information in hand, Julian left the registration area and returned to his room. He settled in front of a computer, determined to research and prepare for his upcoming battle against Van.

Julian, always a strategic thinker, had already started planning for his upcoming battle against Van. He knew Van's roster of Pokémon and the fact that he had revealed five of them in previous battles. With a three-on-three format, Julian intended to keep the match concise and efficient, looking out for any potential surprises Van might have up his sleeve.

After his research and thoughts, Julian powered down the computer and headed out to have lunch. Along the way, he couldn't resist pausing to glance at the battle card displayed on a screen.

{ Andrew VS Pablo

Julian VS Van

Ash VS Ritchie

Assunta VS Daniel } Tomorrow

{ Benet VS Melissa

Felci VS Jacob

Kurt VS Tansy

Suzy VS Zoe } Day After Tomorrow.

The lineup for the top 16 battles was set, and Julian's name was among the highlighted matchups for the following day. He continued on to the restaurant to enjoy his meal but was soon interrupted by the arrival of familiar faces – Ash, Misty, and Brock, accompanied by their new friend, Ritchie. It seemed that their paths had crossed once again.

Ash, being his usual enthusiastic self, expressed his support for Julian in their upcoming battle.

"Julian, it looks like our battle is right after yours," Ash remarked, "we will definitely cheer for you."

Julian appreciated the gesture and replied with a polite, "Thanks."

However, Julian couldn't help but notice the uncanny similarity between Ritchie and Ash, not only in their appearances but also in their choice of Pokémon.

Julian's thoughts raced, "Isn't this fellow Ash's complete rip-off, with the same Pokémon that Ash has?"

Ash, seemingly oblivious to Julian's thoughts, continued the conversation by asking, "So what are you doing here?"

Julian was slightly taken aback by the question, thinking to himself, "Can't he see that I am having my lunch? He is really dense."

Misty, ever the voice of reason, decided to help Ash by playfully tapping the back of his head and then pointing to Julian's food. Ash, realizing his mistake, laughed awkwardly, perhaps a bit embarrassed by his unintentional intrusion on Julian's mealtime.

Ritchie, eager and starstruck, introduced himself to Julian and expressed his admiration.

"Hi, I'm Ritchie," he said, "I can't believe I'm talking to you. I became your fan after watching you battle."

Julian acknowledged Ritchie's words with a nod but opted to continue eating, creating a somewhat awkward silence. Misty, ever the peacemaker, intervened by ushering everyone away, leaving Julian to enjoy his meal in peace.

As the day turned into night and a new day dawned, Julian found himself in the waiting room, observing the intense battle between Andrew and Pablo. The two trainers were locked in a fierce contest, and the crowd's cheers filled the stadium.

Inside the waiting room, Ritchie and Assunta were engrossed in the ongoing battle, their attention focused entirely on the duel. Julian, however, chose to maintain his calm and clear his mind through meditation, waiting patiently for his own match to be called.

The battle between Andrew and Pablo had reached its conclusion, with Andrew emerging victorious after an intense showdown between his Flareon and Pablo's Weezing. Julian, who had been meditating and patiently awaiting his own match, briefly opened his eyes to acknowledge the outcome before returning to his focused state.

As the battlefield was repaired and the transition occurred, an hour passed. Julian's call finally came, and he rose from his spot in the waiting room. Walking towards the gate that led to the battlefield, he was greeted by a rousing welcome from the crowd. Their shouts and cheers filled the air as they eagerly anticipated Julian's performance.

Van, Julian's opponent for this round, also made his entrance to a warm reception from the crowd. Their eyes met, a moment of silent acknowledgment and anticipation as they prepared to face off in the upcoming battle.