
Pokémon, I became Charmander

In a forest under a giant tree sleeps a dragonlike creature. The creature had an orange body with a cream-coloured underside, and on top of its slender tail a fire was burning, but weirdly this flame did not hurt it. 'Yawn' A yawn was heard, as this strange dragonlike creature woke up. Staring with its light-blue-eyes at the sky, the creature sighed and said tirely: „Cha Cha mander (Sun, just go away, I'm sleeping)“ Closing its eyes again, it falls asleep.

Iruma_kun99 · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
14 Chs

Chapter 14: Route 101

Walking tiredly on Route 101 is May and Eren, a Pokémon and her trainer...cough, I meant a trainer and her Pokemon. 

Suddenly stopping, May slumps on the ground, sweating profoundly. 

Turning his head towards his trainer, Eren sighs. Walking for almost 50 minutes straight with not a single person in sight. I'm starting to wonder if maybe we lost or something. 

What's worst is that I haven't even gained 1 single experience point during this time. It's not that there are no Pokémon around or anything. It's just 'sigh' May didn't want me t.... 'Sigh' 

With a helpless expression, Eren sat on a rock close to him.

"I'm Sorry."

Hearing this, he turns his head and sees May looking downward with an apologetic expression on her face.

Standing up, Eren walks towards May, lifts up her head, and looks deeply into her brown eyes.

"Char (You know, you're a real pain)"

May's cheeks flushed red as she struggled to avoid Eren's eyes.

Seeing this, Eren lets go of her and sighs. Damn it, she probably doesn't even know that what I said.

While Eren and May were having a 'moment', they suddenly heard someone crying. Turning their heads towards the source, they spot a fat man dressed as a clerk running down Route 101 while crying.

Seeing this scene that did not appear in the game, Eren held his head helplessly. Not surprising anymore, but I really do wonder what can make a grown man cry.

As the fat clerk was running, he suddenly spotted Eren, and as if finding a savior, ran fastly towards him. So fast that it looked like he was teleporting, because 1 second he was there and the other one, he was right in front of Eren.

Seeing how fast this fat man is made Eren confused, but what came after was even more bizarre.

Not waiting for Eren to react the man knelt down in front of him, and with tears and snot running down his face, he begged Eren.

"Please Help, Trainer!!"

"My name is Dune!!"

"You have to save my store. I'll give you anything, just as long as you save it!!"

"Here, take this and this, there's even more!!"

"Just please save my store!!"

As he said this, the man named Dune took out 2 potions as well as 4 antidotes and shoved them in Eren's hands.

Hearing this and seeing the items in his hands, Eren was dumfounded. Could this man be blind, or is this some kind of joke, because if it is, I'd be happy to be part of it.

Seeing Eren not reacting, Dune became desperate. Hugging Eren's legs, he begs Eren once more while rubbing his head against Eren's small body.

"Please Trainer!!"

"Help me!!, I swear I'll give you anything you want, even...."

Pausing, Dune had a dry mouth but still continued to beg, as he said with a shy expression. "...even if that includes my body. "

"Char! (WTF!)"

From the beginning to the end, May had a row of emotions while watching them. At the beginning, she was sad, then confused, and even laughed at some point, but that was until she heard the man's last words. 

As soon as she heard this, her entire face down to her neck turned blood red from shyness.

Feeling May's emotion made Eren so angry at this fat man in front of him. Eren stretched out his hand, ready to use scratch on the fat man, but just as he was about to strike, Dune spoke again.

"Wait what!! You're not a trainer??"

Shocked by this fact, Dune stared blankly at Eren as he sat on the ground hopelessly. Tears ran down his face as he cried out in despair.

"Why!! Why!! Noooo!!"

"My shop's finished!!"

"My wife....my, daughter, they're all going to leave me."

Listening to the fat man's cries, May felt sad. Turning her head to look at Eren, she spoke softly in a small voice. "Uhmm, can we help him?"

Suddenly hearing this voice, the man turns his head and finally spots May, making his eyes light up.

Looking at her, he instantly regained life, jumped up, and ran towards her, shouting with a voice full of hope.


Hearing this, the corner of Eren's mouth twitched as he held out his arms to stop the man from moving forward.

"Char char man der (Is this guy an NPC pervert or something....)
