
Pokémon : An Unexpected Journey

Austin, a die-hard Pokémon fan, is disenchanted with the series' direction post-Sinnoh. After a typical late-night binge-watch, he drifts off to sleep, only to wake up in an unimaginable reality: he is Ash Ketchum, and today is the morning his legendary journey begins. Reeling from the shock, Austin must navigate a world that is not quite the anime, manga, or video games he knows—it's something far more complex and dangerously real.

Adamo_Amet · Cómic
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485 Chs

Chapter no.21 Clefairy and the Moonstone

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Although, the group knew that they had to rest at one point with them eating while the Sun was beginning to set.

All of their Pokemon except for Onix whose size could give their Position away as they were eating.

Brock had Zubat on his shoulder giving him some specialized Pokemon food as the other Pokemon were wondering how they lasted so long without Brock around, much to everyone's amusement.

"It's still a bit away until Cerulean City from here," Brock said sighing. "We'll have to be careful to avoid Team Rocket on the way out though."

"Easier said than done," Austin said to him.

"But we can't just leave them here," Yellow said in worry.

"Yellow, Ash is a beginner trainer and you aren't a battler," Brock said sternly. "Now I may be a former Gym Leader but even I won't be enough to take on that woman. Plus we don't know how many of Team Rocket is around here, it's smarter and safer to not get involved and tell Officer Jenny in Cerulean City as soon as we can."

Yellow looked ready to protest only for Austin to sigh. "That's why we'll be leaving as soon as everyone finishes eating."

' How powerful was Ariana's Pokémon that she did that to Butterfree and Pikachu, with a Grass Type no less.' Austin was clenching his fork hard, drawing an alarmed look from Brock.

"Hey Ash, are you alright?" Brock asked in concern causing Austin to look towards him in surprise before seeing how the fork was beginning to bend and he loosened his grip.

"Yeah," Austin said looking down. "It's just, I can't believe the strength of that Gloom… That was the first time I lost that badly."

"You've only been a Pokemon Trainer for two, nearly three weeks," Brock reassured him. "But it's not our job to fight them."

"I know," Austin said as he looked to see Pikachu and Clefairy talking to each other.

"Pika Pi." Pikachu stood up as Clefairy walked off and followed him.

"Wha, Pikachu!" Austin stood up and quickly returned his Pokemon to take off after him.

"Ash!" Brock stood up, returning Geodude and Zubat, and ran along with Seymour.

"Wait up!" Yellow cried out in a panic, returning Kitty as she climbed on Dody to follow them.

The moon was high in the sky by the time they managed to catch up to Pikachu and Clefairy to show another cavern.

'Oh no.' Austin thought remembering what happens. "Pikachu we can't stay here."

"Chu, Pika." Pikachu waved a paw happily and ran in after the Clefairy.

"I wonder what they were talking about earlier?" Seymour said as they all followed with Austin resigned to what was going to happen.

The group came to a stop in a giant circular room where the moon shone as they stared in awe at the giant stone laying in the middle with quite a few Clefairy dancing around it.

'It looks more amazing than in the show.' Austin thought his eyes wide.

"It's the Moon Stone," Seymour said in awe.

Yellow was amazed by the sight. "It's huge."

"So the legend of the Moon Stone was true." Brock looked moved by the giant stone forgetting that Team Rocket was in the Mountain due to its beauty.

"Look, Clefairy is doing something," Austin said causing everyone to look over as Clefairy placed the stone it was carrying in the ring of stones causing all of them to glow in the moonlight as the other Clefairy began dancing around it.

"Amazing, these Clefairy have formed their society, this is an amazing sight," Seymour observed.

"Especially since they pray to the Moon Stone," Austin said remembering how Pikachu told the group through Charades in the Anime.

"That's what they're doing?" Yellow asked in surprise as Brock gave a nod seeing how he thought Austin came to that conclusion.

"Is it because the Moon Stone came from the heavens?" Seymour asked curiously.

"How interesting." The new voice caused all of them to turn and see Jessie, James, Meowth, and Ariana along with the rest of the Rocket Grunts.

"Oh no," Brock said seeing as how their only exit was cut off.

"Thanks for leading us to the Moon Stone," Ariana said with a smirk. "Now stand aside."

"You can't, this belongs to the Pokemon," Seymour said his knees shaking as he was about to run at them only for Austin to grab his arm, struggling to hold him back.

"Don't be suicidal!" Austin said as he pulled out a Pokeball. "Don't come any closer."

"How cute looks like you forgot our last battle already," Ariana said in mock disappointment as she sent Gloom and Arbok out. "Perhaps you need a reminder."

Brock however moved with his Pokeball sending Onix out now that they had room. "How about you back off."

"Ah, so the Pewter City Gym Leader is here to fight us?" Ariana asked recognizing the man as she knew even with Gloom, he would be a small challenge, beatable but a challenge nonetheless.

"Ash, Yellow get out of here," Brock said.

Austin almost took him up on that before he clenched a fist. "Not happening, Brock."

"Ash I'm not arguing with you-." Brock went to say only for Austin to let out his whole team even the Clefairy stood beside Austin.

"Then don't argue, but don't think I'm going to leave you by yourself," Austin said as the Rocket Grunts sent out various Rattatas, Grimes, and Zubats while Jessie and James sent out their Koffing and Ekans.

Brock frowned before giving a nod sending Zubat and Geodude out.

Yellow looked between them and backed up knowing that with her lack of experience she wouldn't be much help right here as she had Kitty and Dody out.

It was tense before a new voice cut in.

"Hyper Beam."

A huge beam of energy slammed right into the Arbok and Gloom knocking them out as everyone turned to see a dragon Pokemon with light orange skin and grayish green eyes land unfurling its blue wings.

"T-That's a Dragonite," Brock said in awe before they saw someone standing at the edge of the hole in the roof.

It was a man with light red hair wearing a blue tunic with gold lines across it and a black cape that was billowing in the wind.

"Lance," Ariana said in annoyance.

Austin was staring in shock.

The Champion of the Elite Four was here?!

"You all will do well to surrender," Lance said his dark eyes showing anger at Team Rocket.

Ariana took in the account of Lance as well as the other kids who are stronger than the Grunts.

Now the kids she could handle, but the League Champion?

She made the smart move.

"James give us cover," Ariana ordered as James gave a nod.

"Koffing Smokescreen."

As smoke covered the area, Ariana looked right at Austin.

"If we ever meet again boy you better watch your back," Ariana warned him venomously as the smoke covered her.

"Butterfree, Pidgeotto, and Spearow blow the smoke away," Austin said not wanting them to get away.

"You too Zubat," Brock said.

It was futile because as soon as the smoke was clear, Team Rocket was already gone.

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