
Why am I here?

Well it's not really a good day. I lost my job, nothing to unusual, another company bought us some people need to go and I was one of the unlucky bastards. My mistake was probably not to get the promotion some years ago. Don't understand me wrong, I simply do not like the system and was satisfied with my position. Typically if you do a good job you get promoted and it repeat itself till you are in a position where you stop doing a good job or you are in a position where a promotion is not possible. Most of the time it is the first type and I don't wanted to end up like this.

One of my biggest flows as a person is that I can't build lasting connection and it would have been a main point of the next position, so I decided to stay where I was instead of doing a miserable job.

Well some of the people which are still in the company probably used some connection I can not believe that John had the skill set to stay but somebody like Bob is out with me.

The good thing is I could finish my project before leathing. I thought I would faint from overworking, but all was good and now I am mentally free.

But what next. Maybe I should really start with Bob and the rest a Start-up, like he suggested at the bar. Let's call him tomorrow, it is to late now, wait do I have his number.

I am too sleepy I think I have his mail, let's go first home and tomorrow I can look it up.


The fatigue and beer have catched up to me, well maybe the fresh air is part of it, but I can only open my eyes half * yaaaawn ヾ(  ̄O ̄)ツ *

I think I can hear a engine, I look left then right, Fuck.

I jump back and try to get as much space as posibil.

A red BMW almost hit me.

The driver is on the wrong side of the road, he is probably sleeping.

It is good that there are no other passers-by except me.

Now I am awake again.

Somehow it remind me at truck-kun from my novels. To be sure I look up.

Ohhh, there really is something dropping, could be a tile or flowerpot. I don't have the time to identify it and roll to the side and hear something shatter.

Looking at the sidewalk I see shards. In retrospective the last part was a bit to big of an act, one or two steps to the side would have been enough but at least I am save, only some small bruises. I am not sure if the driver is now awake but I don't see the car and didn't hear a crash.

Taking a breathe, I look at the night sky.

You are kidding me, why do I see a scene from meteor man.

Well it's smaller, but with my luck.


Looking over my shoulder I see that the meteorite fracturing in smaller fragments, with a little bit of luck they will burn up in the atmosphere. On the other hand the possible area of impact is now bigger.

Oh, right don't do the same mistake as the guy in the movie, where is the next turn. Hopefully the surrounding buildings give enough cover.

Running into a dark alleyway and I'am sav "Aaaaahhhh"

Falling through a hole, my head bump into something and I am starting to faint for a second before I meet the ground. My foot is twisted.

Unfortunately the moment I try to stand up, the impact of the meteor fragments is audible and the ground is shaking, as a result I slip down, hit my head and faint.

I'm falling into the sewage drowning in shit, quite literally.

The taste is disgusting, as with an old television my hearing is superimposed with a noise and I see more and more white dots until everything in my field of view is white.

It is quit.

White as far as the eye can see.

I can still taste the sewage.

Cold shivers run down my spine, only I don't have a spine.

To be precise I think I don't have a body.

"Hello, Hello is somebody or Something here?"

"Yes sure" voice from the void.

How unexpected.

"Why am I here?"

"...well you could call it an accident" said the voice flustered.

" Accident, my ass."

Hi, this is my first novel, I am not fast and english is not my main language. Let’s say my speed will be 1 chapter in 1 month and because of real life issues it could be less. But what I can promise is to write an ending end not simply drop my novel. I started this novel without a real plan, as training for me.

So probably my readers will be really tolerant or simply masochists.

I hope you will like the novel and have a lot of fun in life.

Salkinwarcreators' thoughts