
What gods really look like

Athena sat down on the green grace, her head fell gently like a rose petal on stream water, she groaned slightly, I could feel her heart aching, why?

She seems to stay like this for the longest just looking into space, there's nothing to do here, so I walk around trying to figure out where the next action would take place, I he hold of the lady I saw earlier, following the older lady, as she strides gracefully towards a pillar based chambers,

"Elena my love come,sit beside me" a bulky man comes in view, he had long Ocean white hair which extends to his waist His beauty fills his chambers as every corners were decorated with images and colorful ornaments

I stare at his plain white pupils, which were as bright as the sky above me, It looked deeper than the galaxy, and more beautiful than an Aurora , I got lost in his eyes, I know I shouldn't but I could feel the warm blossom of heat lingering in my heart.

Hes so beautiful who is he?, I feel a tug which drives my attention to what I actually came for, The lady whose name has come to my knowledge to be elena walked towards the king, she smiled gently like the morning sun, soft beautiful and harmless, and the king welcomes her.

she leaned on his shoulder, as she sat beside him they stare at each other with love in their eyes, which makes me smile gently, with a hint of jealousy, in me they look way perfect he carresss her face with his huge thumb, it should be odd but he was way too mighty, back in my world he would be classified a giant

The woman rubs her cheek on his thumb, as they share lovely moments,he places his forehead on hers and she closes her eyes, savoring the moment they're shared, maybe they were having telepathic conversation, maybe not .

" how are you doing my glee" he said while raising her face to look at him.

"I am ok' my lord,she said with a worried expression all over her face,the king wasn't convinced by what she said,

" our daughter will learn,and she would be a great queen'

, the ladies expression softened and she placed a kiss on his lips, " I hope so''

I watch them caress each other to sleep, and it became boring way too fast. I had surveyed the palace thoroughly , it's more of an altar than a palace, as I could see bows which looked like sacrifice. Most of them were mostly familiar objects back home.

I gradually walk out till Athena punches my sight, I saw her legs crossed, fingers clasped and face stern, she was sitting before a lady, whose hair was jet black, her body covered from the very top to bottom, she looked like a statue in a seating position

With the way she sat, I could tell she had a high level of authority, and power, I walk closer and I notice she had different pupils like the rest I had seen today, here's was plain white, and scariers, she looked huge for a female yet elegant as a queen.

I stare at her slightly exposed nails they were bony and long,her tips black as her hair, she was different who is she?

" Athena why did you run away from training' she looked at Athena with so much love in her eyes,and a slight smile on her face, Athena didn't say anything she just stared at her hands while facing down, like a sad child.

Athena my dear" she urged

"I don't want to train to be a queen,l don't want to rule, I want to play like other deities, given simple task by papa and mama, things like bless a farmerscops blissful birth and other things deities do.

" but your gift was war" the lady said,

" I don't want war, I want to know what's beyond the land of deities, I want to experience the human world"

" don't alter such abomination " she cautions, and I could see her face fall in disappointment and I feel offended, what makes my land an abomination.

Cruelty… pain… death… confusion

Stop thinking about this Reth,8 hit myself on the head, to stop my brain from analyzing reasons why I never felt accepted in a world I was born, and I look at Athena, she was almost similar, we had same drive to be free.

" Athena you are destined to be a queen,but you can choose how you want to rule,you must not rule like the king,your reign as the queen will be perfect, so please don't anger your parents.

She said this makes athena more sad, she doesn't want to be the ruler, even if her parents were eagerly preparing her for it.

"If you take your training seriously, i show you what the outside world looks like '', the lady said, and I could feel the tension relieving almost immediately as Athena stood up dancing to a tone only she could hear and understand.

It wasn't like a regular dance, but her wide feet slammed on the ground severally and her hands were restless, it must be a way to say convey happiness, but it was weird to a whole level

She thanked the middle age lady then hurried to her training. She was way too fast to follow even when I was at top speed, just a stride was all she needed to be further away from me, but I could run for enternity without catching up with her

She comes to halt when I notice a different structure before me, how did I get here?,

Your feet

It was like a valley, covered with grassess,there a man sat with his legs crossed. His body is structured mostly. The back view was almost same with the king, he had a huge sword beside him which was just half the pillars just outside the temple.

" are you here to run?" He asked without looking back

" no I won't" she said, elated for obvious reasons, the man smiled then looked at her. His eye were as dark as coal, and I could see cuts on his body, he must have sustained those with the sword in his arm.

"Athena, this is not your first time telling me you won't miss training, but you never keep to your promises so why should I listen to you " the young man said, with furrowed brows and clasped fingers, he glared at Athena and it was obvious he wasn't so pleased with her.