
New revelations

" I am sorry ares, I promise" she said as she knelt down, in a more appealing manner," Athena,l can never be angry with you", he said, stepping backwards, I could see her smirking devilishly beneath her brown locks.

Confused and amaze helps her to her feet, with the looks of it, ares should be her personal coach,and also a family friend, with the way he looks at athena, it wouldn't take much to know he saw as an important part of the family.

They continued their training,the young. man taught Athena how to fight,and she fought with so much efficiency,she swung her sword with ease, but the Ares seemed to predict her moves and block them before she attacked him.

He blocked her last strike, thereby through her sword

away,and pointing his sword on her neck. "Focus athena,fight with your head facing your opponent,not his legs,your legs should be able to carry your body increase you speed,and strike with force,don't be

weak'' he huffed

Athena was panting like someone who just ran from a park of lions, actually no one can run from a park of lions and still Come out alive.

"Lord ares,you are the strongest fighter I know, how can I compete with you and win'" ares ignored her complains then kicked her swords towards, gesturing her to pick it up, she picked it up and then continued fighting every strike reeked of frustration, I could see the helplessness in her eyes, maybe that's why she ran away.

Ares blocked her attack ones more, thereby flinging her sword far away from her, he did that several times,

Athena gets really furious, and Ares had a mocking smile on his face and it provoked Athena even further. She picked a sword,and without notice she strikes with so much force,thereby pushing ares backward,but he wasn't affected too much,she just wanted to end the fight, she striked again,this time with much more force, Causing a little spark of fire.

She runs towards him, with the sword held above her head, dodging his attack, she kicks him on his stomach thereby throwing him on the pillars, which split in twos,, she ran towards him, striking again with her sword but ares was quick to defend himself.

He kicked her making her fall to the marble floor, she stood up unaffected by the powerful kick, running towards him like a mad dog, high on weed, with her sword held up,,she jumped up, hitting ares on his shoulder with her elbow, then she kicks him behind, sending him plummeting with the floor

He was way too quick, as he stood back on his gigantic feet, he punched her on her face, then yanked the sword from her hand, with just a thrust of his arm.

Athena makes struggling attempt but she wasn't strong enough. He holds her by her neck, then flings her aside, as he threw his sword away, this is way too much for training he would kill her.

Athena smirks, immediately she regains her stance, she had collided into pillars not far from where she stood, but was eager to win the battle this time, I walk closer to the scene and I see her, holding stone's in her had which soon began to burn in her arms.

Ares smirks but doesn't do anything out of the ordinary, he flicks his high fingers, signalling her to come closer, the flames in her hands burns even more as she comes closer, in a blink of a eyes, I could see balls of flame flying in the air

Athena wasn't all sweet now, she was furious, muderuous and out of control, but not for long, as area runs towards her with a God like speed, he holds her by the neck in a split second, hitting her down to the floor, the impact makes the floor shatter.

What kind of training is this?.

They stay in that position for ages, and it's beginning to seem endless, now I see something, flaming particle coming flying towards area, and falls back, athena stands up, giving him hit after hit , it was just like those old time war movies when the villain loses all his strength and the hero fights for love.

And now ares was on his feet, his hands held up high in defeat, she had finally won, well maybe for now, but I know she deserves it,

for a moment, I thought I saw hatred flickering in their midst, but then holds him by his shoulders and whisper something in his ears that I couldn't fandom, which makes area fall back to the floor, making a shrieking noise which was way too unpleasant for the ears,

But with the looks of it, he must be laughing, She chuckled, along with him, they talked for a while and to be honest it got boring way too quickly . If I am here, it must be for a reason, I walk back to the altar, were I had left earlier.

The king and queen were watching their daughter, " I told you, she would be ok. The queen leaned on the king's shoulder,your highness the seer seeks your presence now, he says he has a message", a man with what looks like a feather on his hat said.

He doesn't have eyes like the rest, he was like the milky way, and for a moment I got lost in the does of whitefeathers , and bulgy eyes, he must be a messenger , they all had similar traits to humans, but on a whole new level.

Tell the seer to come to my altar"the king said, with great difficulty, his heart must be so unsettled? Maybe the seer only came to convey bad news, the fine young man bowed again then turned to leave.

. I stand in heart wrecking anticipation, waiting for the seerer to walk not the altar of the king, or ruler, what ever they call it here.

I feel An extra presence behind me, and a creature whose colors I can't describe, physical features no other creature could possess, she was neither animal not human, neither tree nor good , she must be nature herself, as horns, trunks, paws leafs, the sign of the rain, color of every tree were imprinted on its body.

This isn't an an ordinary creature it's mother nature in person!!!!