
Vector x Espio and Espio x Silver

Espio loved two different people, two men. Two men who meant a lot to him. Vector was Charmy's second Dad and his loyal partner for years. But Silver was his best friend that he wanted something more with.

Polyamory is the word he is looking for. When he learned that, it helped him extraordinarily find out what he wanted. He wanted to date two people and that was normal. Finally, he felt like he knew who he was and who he wanted to be. Now all he has to do is tell Vector.

Espio walks out into the living room where Vector is sitting. Espio approaches him cautiously. Almost silently but loud enough to where Vector can hear him, Espio wants him to hear him. Hear him out.

Charmy is out somewhere with friends. So it's just the two of them. Usually a perfect distraction free night. But this time Espio has to tell Vector something. He finally gets to his spot on the couch and sits there. Waiting. Waiting. Waiting. Waiting. Waiting.

He's tired of waiting. So he lets it release itself. Just a simple sigh. A sign for Vector to notice and ask him about. But there is no going back from this. But Vector should know. So he goes through with it.

"Is something the matter, Esp?"

"Yes, actually"

They stay silent. An looming unpleasantness rests over them. Tension building up. As Vector looks at Espio and Espio looks at the ground, afraid. But he can't back down yet. At least not yet.

"… so what is it Esp?"

"Right! Well… um…" Vector looks at Espio confused. Usually Espio is more calm and organized than this. Vector sighs as Espio stutters more and puts his hand on Espio's shoulders.

"Look. Whatever it is Esp. I will be there for you."

Espio looks shocked but then gives a sly smile towards the crocodile. He breathes. Then he lets it out.

"I like Silver"

Silence commences once again. Vector looks confused at the statement though.

"What do you mean by that, esp?"

"Like romantically, like I want to be…"

"Esp, if you just wanted to break up with me, you could've just sa-"

"Nonononono, I like you too."

They look at each other


"I like both you and Silver."

They both look at each other


"I like both of you… romantically"

"…. Okayyyyyyyyyy"

"You still don't understand, do you?"

"I mean I kinda get it. I like other people too"

"No… not like friends, like you wanna be with them, date them"

"No, I get that."


"Yeah. Like I like Vanilla like that. But I mean, like she's nice but I'm married to you… so"


"…What do you mean by what?"

"Whatever." Espio pauses

"So does that mean I get your permission to date Silver?" Espio asks the Crocodile.

"Yeah, of course, Esp!"

"Thanks Vector, I love you"

"I love you too Esp"

Espio goes to look for Silver. He finds him in a field, a weird place for Silver to be but Espio doesn't care; he wants to tell him. This is the perfect place. The two of them in a field, together. Espio braces himself and goes towards Silver.

"Hello, Silver."

"Oh hey, Espio."

They stand silently together

"Is there something you wanted to say?"

"Oh! Yes, sorry. I wanted to say…"


"Sorry, um, you look very pretty today"

"Oh! Thanks!" Silver Blushes

"Yeah. Um. Okay. I'm going to say it. I like you."


"No, not like that. In a romantic way."

"Oh! … aren't you married? To you know Vector?"

"Vector says it's okay. So we can be together."

"Oh! Oh well… I like you too!"


Silence commences between the two

"… so what do we do now?"