
Blaze x Amy

Blaze doesn't know why but she hates Valentine's Day. For no reason, she doesn't like it. Maybe it's because she never had time for love. She was always too busy. Too busy for love. Her new position stopped most of her business. So now she had time for it. Which she didn't use effectively. But she was still busy doing other stuff like. Um. Okay so she wasn't really doing anything but still she could easily fix this. Today would be the day to do it after all.

She still hates this day. But she can't ignore its convenience. So she wonders who to ask out. It can't be anyone, so she wants to get this right. So she thinks who can she ask out. Marine? No, she's more of a business friend than anything and young. Tails? A bit too young and she heard she's taken. Rouge? She's probably busy. She keeps thinking until she gets a good idea. Amy.

She was a friend. They have interacted before. She didn't have anyone she was with. Blaze didn't know if she was still hung up on Sonic but she would never know if she never tried. So she decided to go with her emotions and ask Amy out for Valentines.

She went to Amy's house and she knocks on her door. Amy answers. But its not the same person Blaze knows. She's sad and crying. Blaze look to her with a face of concern. Amy is crying and holding a tissue to her eye.

"Amy, are you alright?"

"Blaze! Oh, I'm fine"

"Why are you crying then?"

Amy sniffles up

"Sorry, this time of the year is hard for me. Once I learned Sonic could never love me."

"Oh. I'm so sorry. I had no idea."

"It's not your fault"

"I was actually going to ask you out today, but you seem so sad. I should wait…"

"Nonononono, Blaze. Thank you. I had no idea, please, come in."

"If you're sur-" she says before Amy drags her into her house.

Amy sits her down on a couch

"Let me clear myself up" Amy leaves to her room

Blaze sits on the couch very patiently. Waiting for Amy. She looks around. Pictures of herself and her friends litter the walls. It's nice. She sees herself in a lot of them. There's even one of her and Amy. She remembers that was a nice day. She remembers it fondly.

Meanwhile Amy is trying to pep herself up in the mirror. Looking at herself and drying all her tears. Giving them all away for this. She breathes, she tries to forget about rejection. She has an opportunity right in front of her. She won't mess this up.

"You will not mess this up due to your past experiences, you will not mess this up"

Amy hypes herself up more and finally gets enough strength to go out and see Blaze. Finally, something on Valentine's Day goes right. Finally, After all this time.

Amy goes back out to the living room. She sits on the place next to Blaze. She looks happier but still dejected and seemingly pissed off.

"Are you sure Amy? We could do this another time."

"Oh c'mon! I'm not gonna pass a perfect opportunity like this!"

"Alright, did you want to do something? I was going to give you these chocolates and flowers."

Blaze hands her some chocolates and flowers, roses. The same flower as Amy's last name. Amy almost tears up looking at them. But she refuses too. Instead she distracts herself with purpose.

"Wow… These are expensive"

"Really? I didn't think-"

"Blaze. You really shouldn't have"

"Sorry, I wanted to get you something."

"Nonononono, I'm sorry if it came off that way. I'm extremely thankful, thank you so much."

"Oh! Well, your welcome. I hope you enjoy them."

"Thank you so much. I'll put these in the kitchen. Do you want a drink while I'm there. I'm going to get myself one as well."

"Some water would be good."


As soon as Amy is out of Blaze's sight, she sighs a breathe of relief. Now she can pep herself up again. She likes Blaze, a lot. She isn't going to let her terrible past experiences with love with a specific blue hedgehog get in the way. No way. That's not possible.

She pours Blaze some water, then she pours herself a drink. She grabs both of the glasses and goes back to Blaze. Slowly but surely. Finally getting back to the Living room where Blaze is patiently waiting. She smiles at Amy. Amy can't help but smile back.

Finally Amy sits down and gives Blaze her water. Which Blaze quickly drinks a nice amount of. While Amy swirls her drink around. She should be happy about this but her mind keep wondering. Until a sudden strike of anger hit her. She broke her glass.

Red liquid pours onto the carpet. A red stain filling a nice place on the ground accompanied by shards of glass. There it rests. The glass make a sound, a nasty cracking sound. A sharp pitched noise. The rest of the glass lands into a soft pink hand.

Amy is unfocused so surprisingly Blaze notices the sound, glass and liquid on the ground first. She looks surprised at this display. Amy starts to well up into tears. Blaze looks at her concerned and panicking.


Amy finally notices the glass on the floor and in her hands. She keep crying as she gets up and leaves quickly into the kitchen where you can hear her sobs gets louder and louder. Blaze follows her and they end up into the kitchen. Amy has throw away the glass into the trash and had started to wash off her hand. Cleaning it of all its wrongdoing or at least trying too.

Finally Amy turns too Blaze and too Amy's surprise. Blaze hugs her. She starts crying too. They both cry and hug each other until all their tears go away. Finally, all the tears go away. They finally calm down after what seems like forever.


"I'm sorry Blaze"

"I love you"

Amy pauses at what Blaze said before saying

"I love you too Blaze"

They embrace each other. They go clean up the mess and throw away the remains of the glass. As soon as they finish, they go back into the couch. Where Amy lays on Blaze and Blaze graciously accepts.