
- phases -

"i'll practice my patience, while you're getting wasted" was the lyrics iwaizumi didn't realize was made specially for him. writing a story about being in love with his drunk-addicted best friend was hard, but he was sure that if he kept his feelings inside any longer, he would start to explode anytime soon. that's why, he decides that the best was to slowly but surely lead oikawa to fall in love with him. the first obstacle is, of course, to stop his alcohol addiction. it's a hard one, but what can iwaizumi say? read to find out how and if it will work out! what are iwaizumi's next obstacles? tasks? all to figure out in this story.

ak4nesan · LGBT+
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3 Chs


- 5 january, 2014

iwaizumi woke up on matsukawa's couch with makki still snoring on the other side of it, and both had the same clothes from the night before, when they had a little movie night with too much popcorn.

he really doesn't want to wake makki up, but his need to go to the bathroom made him fall – with a loud thud, if heard from a close distance – and rush to the bathroom, which he doubt didn't wake makki up.

but when he came out, he was surprised to see makki still cuddling the blanket they shared, though in a different position.

"you up?" he approached him seeing makki's eyes closed tight.


"it's too early" the dawn light shown on the window tells as the both looked up there.

"what was that dream you had with oikawa?" he surprises iwaizumi, and they both sat on the couch.

"was i mumbling something?"

"a lot of things"


"and that concludes the class" the professor happily announces, getting headaches from his students.

lunch goes by fast, so he always spends it with his friends. mattsun, makki, and occasionally oikawa. that is if he's not making out with a girl somewhere around the building.

he goes to the usual spot he meets his friends at, to decide where and what they're gonna spend their lunch doing (and most times they just eat, and talk).

makki was already there, and he saw matsuhana in the distance walking over. oikawa was nowhere to be seen, and it wasn't a surprise at this point. nobody talks about it yet, but nobody doesn't realize that they're all bothered by it.

"hey makki" matsuhana greets, but not before iwaizumi says a simple "hi"

"hey" makki looks up from his phone and smile at the both of them. "what's the plan today?"

there was a moment of silence before matsuhana pulls out his phone, "i dunno."

"i kind of wanna relax today" iwaizumi joins in.

"and eat?" makki asks, desperately trying to get them to agree with food while his stomach rumbles.

it can be heard by both iwaizumi and matsuhana, with an addition of makki because he's the one feeling it, so they agree.

they talk and talk while walking, and iwaizumi stays silent but still shoots an agreement or disagreement here and there, and a few jokes. just less than the others.

his day was going well, and that was until he arrived at the gazebo.