
- phases -

"i'll practice my patience, while you're getting wasted" was the lyrics iwaizumi didn't realize was made specially for him. writing a story about being in love with his drunk-addicted best friend was hard, but he was sure that if he kept his feelings inside any longer, he would start to explode anytime soon. that's why, he decides that the best was to slowly but surely lead oikawa to fall in love with him. the first obstacle is, of course, to stop his alcohol addiction. it's a hard one, but what can iwaizumi say? read to find out how and if it will work out! what are iwaizumi's next obstacles? tasks? all to figure out in this story.

ak4nesan · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
3 Chs


– 4 january, 2014

"that was my last class, i'm going back now" iwaizumi states as he walks out the classroom door, one that he shared with oikawa because they for whatever the fuck reason share 3/4 of their classes. something iwaizumi was grateful for, but at the same time it's a curse.

"oh! wait, iwa" oikawa runs, chasing him. it was his last chance to tell him, anyway. "can you- uh, be out at 8:50 tonight? somewhere around that." oikawa stutters his way through, trying his best while iwaizumi is just unimpressed. "only for thirty minutes" he requests, or more like he begs, making the first eye contact during this conversation.

it's all a lie, either way. half a lie. he won't take only 30 minutes. iwaizumi will end up having to sleep somewhere else, it's become a basis of them.

iwaizumi doesn't wanna be rude, so he sighs but only mentally. don't let oikawa hear it, his natural instinct says. "of course" he tries to say sounding fine, but he's not good at controlling his expressions. something like putting on a poker face, except it's not forced.

now, he can't fake a smile in front of oikawa, because it's only natural the brunette finds out. nothing about his best friend that he doesn't know of.

"great!" he says, trying to sound cheerful. but iwaizumi can see it all, the way oikawa feels guilty about having iwaizumi sleep elsewhere for the nth time. they shouldn't have been roommates. "thanks"


knock knock, four times. a habit that now the guy behind the door – that's opening – subconsciously memorizes. and that's how he knew it was iwaizumi, his dear iwaizumi hugging a long, fat pillow, while hiding the bottom half of his face with it.

"again?" mattsun half-heartedly smiled. it's not like he minds iwaizumi staying over countless of times, but he minds the fact that what oikawa is doing is hurting others around him. especially his own self.

iwaizumi skips the details, but now mattsun practically knows what he goes through. it has become a common thing for iwaizumi to stay over only because oikawa is busy in there with some other girls, not noticing iwaizumi for even a millisecond.

iwaizumi sticks his tongue out, looking another way. anything but mattsun's eyes filled with pity.

"but, hanamaki's over. hope you don't mind" mattsun says while turning around, walking into his living room while iwaizumi closes the door behind him.

"what, y'all dating or something?" iwaizumi teases, knowing damn well the answer was gonna be a no, that's what mattsun always says.

it's obvious, in their eyes shows love when they look at each other. iwaizumi would watch them steal glances when the other isn't looking, and it pains him that they are this oblivious. though, he couldn't say much about himself either. the mess he's in – with oikawa – is by far the worst pining-for-your-best-friend trope he's ever seen in real life.

so that's why, the answer mattsun had gave him was a shocking, thought not a yes, it is progress. "it's.. complicated. you know, you up for some stories at the park at 3 in the morning?"

"yeah" he accepts the invitation, because if he was being honest, he also have stories about oikawa. or more like, a rant.