
- phases -

"i'll practice my patience, while you're getting wasted" was the lyrics iwaizumi didn't realize was made specially for him. writing a story about being in love with his drunk-addicted best friend was hard, but he was sure that if he kept his feelings inside any longer, he would start to explode anytime soon. that's why, he decides that the best was to slowly but surely lead oikawa to fall in love with him. the first obstacle is, of course, to stop his alcohol addiction. it's a hard one, but what can iwaizumi say? read to find out how and if it will work out! what are iwaizumi's next obstacles? tasks? all to figure out in this story.

ak4nesan · LGBT+
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3 Chs


–4 january, 2014.

it's not working. it has never worked, and it never will. yet, oikawa convinced himself otherwise. does it really matter? all that really matters is that he's happy with this, whatever he's doing.

he's unaware of who he hurts. nobody, he hurts nobody but his own self. that's what he hopes is true.

and that was what he thinks, wishes for, hopes, and prays. that's until a little birdie told him someone's secrets.

and that person is?

"iwa-chan!" a voice was heard when the class door opened, and that voice belongs to a certain person's annoying best friend, whom he loves very much yet would never admit it, oikawa.

the clock didn't reveal that it was anywhere near past 9:30, evidence that oikawa wasn't late, somehow.

showing up in a messy outfit, that anyone could tell wasn't prepared the night before, and a hickey in his neck that was very visible, yet only a little part of it is shown. everyone can see it.

nobody would see it and think it's not a hickey because that's what oikawa is known for. sleeping with every girl he sees, but leaving them the next morning.

but the stories aren't true, well at least half of them aren't. he would sleep with girls, be with them, but oikawa would never leave them less than one week after their dalliance. it's as if that fact makes anything even a little bit better, but he knows it doesn't.

the brown haired man took a seat next to this iwa-chan, who's not even popular among girls, yet why do they all know him? that question will be answered soon, at least soon enough.

"did you forget your notebooks again?" iwaizumi tries to avoid a red flag question, anything that'll make it awkward. this is part of one of them, it's implied. oikawa is just too dense to realize.

nobody talks about what happens at night when their room is occupied by oikawa and whoever other girl is in there, even if iwaizumi was right outside the door, wondering when all of this will stop if it even ever will.

oikawa hums, "no" he answers while opening his bag "thankfully i am prepared."  he acts like it's a whole flex, but to he himself it is. because he doesn't seem prepared. never seems prepared, nor actually is.

the messy clothes and hickeys everywhere on your body that can be seen is a sign he's actually not prepared, though. and if oikawa could read iwaizumi's mind, then the tension and awkwardness in the air could be only be cut with a weapon greater than a mere, weak knife.

have some idea about my story? comment it and let me know! inspirations are hard to get, and i'm going with the flow.

ak4nesancreators' thoughts