
Phantom King [PT.1]

DoofusWhite · Ciencia y ficción
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11 Chs

Chapter 5

Alice is shocked by this and tells George,

W-Wha… why would you want to kill West? What has he done to you, and why have you been stalking him?"

"That information I sadly cannot share with you Ms.Alice Maruyama."

"H-How do you know my name you pervert?!"

"Again, I cannot tell you that. What I can tell you though is for you to kill West Smith."

"No! I won't! I love him dearly! Plus, why are you asking me to kill him? Is he dangerous or something?"

"Not to you, but to the safety of many different worlds, yes."

"What do you mean different worlds…?"

"Look, we're running out of time; I just need you to kill him. Listen to me!"

Alice is beyond confused right now. There is some sort of demon-human creature telling her that her lover is dangerous to many 'different' worlds.

"I don't know who you are, and I don't know what you're talking about, but I am not going to kill my boyfriend just because a crazy man or creature in this matter, is telling me to do so!"

George is now starting to get annoyed from Alice being stubborn. He then grabs Alice by the shoulders then yells at her

"LISTEN ALICE! If you don't listen to me, even more than a googol of people are going to die! You need to kill West!"

Alice continues to protest against George and says to him

"NO, YOU LISTEN HERE! I don't know what drugs you're on but there is no way I am killing my lover!"

"Guess then I just got to kill you and West myself then." George says.

Alice widens her eyes and her heart beats faster. George transforms back into his demon-creature form and gets ready to kill Alice. Alice, without any hesitation, kicks George right in the balls, making him fall and hit the ground hard.

"FUCK GOD DAMN IT!" George screams.

Alice then finds a rusted dagger. As soon as she finds it George has already got back up. Alice notices this and quickly turns toward him.

"Come on Alice! Just give up and die!"

Alice with a furious grin on her face yells out,


She rushes towards George and stabs him in the left eye. George screams in pain from this and turns blazing red. Alice looks at George with a heavy breath then tries to run away. Unfortunately, she had tripped on a pothole which made her twist her ankle. She drops to the floor as she screams in despair and pain while she watches George walk up to her.

"AHHHHHHH!!!!! No… no… no… ow… my ankle, I can't move it"

George is finally caught up with her and pulls out a G-17 and shoots Alice multiple times in the leg.

"Nice meeting you Alice Maruyama, I'll take it from here."

He heavily slams Alice's head super hard, giving her a major concussion. As Alice lays still on the ground, she can see a glimpse of her whole life as George lifts his foot to crush her head.