
Phantom King [PT.1]

DoofusWhite · Sci-fi
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11 Chs

Chapter 5.5

It's around 8:00 pm, July 17th, 1993, Alice's dad, Laurence Maruyama, has finally been able to afford a trip for him and his daughter, Alice. After countless hours on late shifts, at the office, and lots of overtime, he saved enough money for him and his daughter to fly to Hawaii for her 5th birthday. As Laurence gets ready, he walks into Alice's room with a big smile on his face.

"Where's my little princess at?" Laurence says with a smile.

Alice appears from under the bed and jumps out at Laurence,

"Right here daddy!"

"There you are, I'm so happy to see you right now! Because I have a little surprise for you!"

"What is it daddy?"

"Well, after a lot of hard work at daddy's new jobs, I bought us two tickets to Hawaii for your birthday!"

"REALLY DAD?" Little Alice smiles in shock.

"Yup, and I believe the flight is about 5 hours from now, so we better start packing our stuff."

"Alright daddy, I will! I love you! Thank you so much!"

Alice runs up to her dad and gives him a hug. Her dad gives her a hug back too, hugging her tightly.

Around 3-hours passed, and they were in the car driving to the airport. The two had finally packed their bags and hit the road. Laurence had finally been able to get something for his daughter on her birthday. He could barely pay rent at the apartment he owned ever since his wife Olivia Maruyama had passed away. He had fallen into a deep depression that made him lose his main job. This loss made him desperate for any job that was open. Anyways as the two drive in the car on the way to the airport, they forget every bad thing that has ever happened to them. With Laurence's pride at the fullest he was the proudest father there was.

"Nothing could ruin this." Laurence says to himself

After Laurence thinks this to himself, he can see a man holding a gun near the distance of his car. Laurence panics and tries to speed off without the guy shooting at him. But it was too late. The man had already shot one of the car's tires and made the car lose control of itself, making the front of the car run into a building. The guy that shot the car flees from the scene. As this happens, people scream in terror around the accident with several people calling 911. When the Paramedics arrive, they can see Laurence's body all crushed up, spilling with blood. On the other hand, Alice had just had a couple scratches and bruises. She passed out but luckily was still alive and well. She was taken in by the paramedics and was sent into a catholic orphanage where she should be for the rest of her childhood, still traumatized from her fathers death. So as Alice growed up, she was always grateful for the stuff she had, and for people she loved.