
Phantom Effect

Danny phantom in mass effect. Please remember, this is smut so read at your own risk. I will try my best to continue the story in a way that is still somehow organic. However, I cannot guarantee such a fact. Thank you

phantompain · Derivados de juegos
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34 Chs

Chapter 19

Danny and found himself outside in his human form. This time, he did not faint. Samara was also present there as well, Morinth was awake. Her eyes blue. They had managed to cured her.

Samara for the first time was happy no relieved would be the better word, her eyes began to tear up. This was beyond her wildest hopes and dreams. She had always searched for such an outcome but had never expected to find it. She had enveloped Morinth in a hug, and had proceeded to drag Danny into the hug as well.

Samara was surprised by the actions of her mother, she could not remember the last time her mother had shown her such affection. She had also felt Danny within her grasp. The source of the irresistible ping. With a smile, she took advantage of the situation and hugged Danny. Bringing him closer to herself.

Danny was just surprised, a part of him was wondering if it was the norm for the Asari's race to just start groping him out of nowhere.

Nessandra and Arianna were seething looking at the scene.

Eventually they were separated and Morinth was taken away. A few tests were performed and it was confirmed that she was not an Ardet Yadetshi anymore.

There a few more interesting developments as well.

"I believe that I can replicate the effect and it is teachable." Samara had said when asked for her experience.

"Teachable how." One of the asaris present these asked.

"I believe that this is a superlative meld. A way to access the psychosphere or the realm of consciousness." She had begun to explain the procedure. "A strong and disciplined biotic is necessary for this procedure. I believe that we can take one more asari with us."

"I lack the experience to explain this, so a researcher can accompany us for another one of these procedures."

One Asari had been quick to volunteer.

And so two more experiments were performed for the rest of Samara's daughters. Each one being accompanied with a different Asari.

Fortunately for Danny, each of these fight was not as hard as the one compared to Morinth. In each of the two cases, they were faced with blobs which were pretty easy to separate and destroy.

"How amusing. So these blobs are some kind of latent energy in the psychosphere. Destroy them to cure an Ardet Yadetshi." The scientist had said.

"We were not even sure that a psychosphere existed." Another one said. "This would change everything."

While, this was all happening. Danny was too tired. Fighting those three monsters had tired him out completely.

"Excuse me. I am feeling a little tired." Danny had said while he was beginning to wobble. "So, can you excuse me."

Most of the Asari over there were a little sheepish because of that.

"Yes dear here come with me." Samara had said as she had taken Danny with her to one of the couches that were present in the guest area. Most of the accommodations were off limits as they were occupied by ardet - yadetshi so this was the est that could be done. Nessandra had gotten a clean bill of health so there was nothing that could be done in that instance as well.


"Is Danny joining our hunter program." Arianna had been approached by Samara later.

"I do not believe that that is any of your concern." Alissa had answered her.

"That remains to be seen." She had answered as she had left. Samara was already aplanning to get herself as well as Morinth involved.

Arianna had been left seething in rage. It was time for the return trip and not wanting to disturb Danny, she had carried him in his sleep to the ship. Levitating him with her biotics.


(High Matriarch council)

"So it had been conformed." One of the Matriarchs had asked.

"Yes" Another replied. "We may be able to develop a way to cure Ardet Yadetshi. But it requires a disciplined mind and strong biotics."

"That is well." Another one replied. "Are we in agreement that Daniel Phantom will be trained among our asari units."

A chorus of yes resounded and all of the hands had raised up.

"Then, if there is no objection. We will proceed with the agreement with the citadel. He will be a trained hunter by the time we are done. Is there any other news?"

"Yes, Samara had volunteered to train his unit. She had aslso recommended her own daughter as a member."

"Her merits are high enough so give her the green light. Agree with the proposal."

"It is time to prepare for the reapers. We can lower the price of element zero. Provided that the Turians increase their military. Say the same to the salarians as well. May the Goddess watch over us."


Both Spartacus and Valern were settled together having a meeting.

"This is strange Valern. As a way to make amends, the asaris have decreased the price of element zero provided we can increase our military." Spartacus was looking at a report that was given to him by the Executor.

"Same offers were made to the Salarians. Alot of research is being green lit and getting Asari support as well." Valern was saying as he was going through his own list of reports and green lit projects. "Asari have always preferred peace and had been pushing a decrease in aggression. It is most concerning. I worry about what they may have discovered."

"What about the humans. Us increasing our forces will worry them as well."

"STG agents have intercepted offers between Humans and Asari as well. Humans are being offered help by the asari to expand their own fleets. Asari Engineers have already been dispatched to help with construction." Valern had passed the reports from his own STG agents to Spartacus.

He had gone through them and said. "I see."

"And the last remnant of the Prothean empire." Spartacus had asked.

"He would be dispatched to join the C-sec within a standard Galactic years. The same projected time that humans will start establishing themselves at the citadel." Valern said. "The timing is making me a bit suspicious."

Valern paused for a moment. "There are reports that the remnant of the Prothean Looks like a human as well."

"It also does not help that the humans also look like the Asari as well." Spartacus had replied.

"What would you be recommending to the daltress." Spartacus looked at Valern to catch any change of expression on his face.

"I would recommend her to take it. Besides if you can have more fleets commissioned, raids from Batarian territories may stop." Valern had replied.

"That is what worries me. The Asari agreed too easily, if they fought a little for it. It would have been easier to accept. However, they have given us everthing we have been asking for. And we don't know what is at play."

"Is Tevos still maintaining her silence." Valern had asked

"Yes but something has clearly rattled her," Spartacus had replied. There were always a few tells you can pick up when you are working with people for so long. As an example, when Tevos had returned. While , it seemed as if her behavious had not changed. SHe had not explained the Asari point of view to them. There were also the small things, as an example she had started eating a little bit too quickly. She had also become a little bit quick to anger. Even when she sat, it seemed that she was sitting on pins and needles.


Nessandra had confronted her mom.

"Mom. What are your plans with Danny." She had asked her.

She had seen how Samara and Morinth had looked at Danny. It had infuriated her. He was with her first. They had no right over him. She would rather that she share Danny with her moms rather then anyone else.

"Why Nessandra, want a piece of the pie." She had smiled as her daughter had gotten more irritated.

She had assured her. "Don't worry. By the end. Danny will be ours."

And so she had begun to explain their plan to Nessandra. She had a frown on her face as she listened.

It began to lighten the more she listened. Their plan had felt acceptable to her. No use in sharing Danny around with some other hussies. She had thought to herself.

"Now, onto more grave concerns. We will be greeted by my mother aka your grandmother."

Nessandra had looked at her in horror.

"Danny's book had proved to be popular among the Matriarchs and it had caused a commotion. Like one where a city is destroyed." She had said as she had taken a few sips of alcohol to calm himelf. "We are still scrubbing the internet now." She had said with a haunted expression on her face.

"Well, I have the book which Danny had made. Want to go through it. Just to prepare foe the backlash."

Nessandra had nodded. Matriarchs were old and had lived for a long time. If it meant that a book had caught their own interest like this. Then there is no telling what may happen.

She was once naive as well and believed all the garbage that was spewed about them. What they don't mention is that most Matriarch have the tendency to act like a child if things don't go their way. The worse thing was that they had the influence and power to back their claims.

And so they both had started reading Death Note.

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