
Phantom Effect

Danny phantom in mass effect. Please remember, this is smut so read at your own risk. I will try my best to continue the story in a way that is still somehow organic. However, I cannot guarantee such a fact. Thank you

phantompain · Video Games
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34 Chs

Chapter 18

It was time for Danny to demonstrate his ability. On the recommendation of the Justicar. One of the asari was brought forward. Her own daughter of rumors were to be believed. She had not missed the hopeful look on her face. Truth be told, having a Justicar with them was taking a toll on them. A justicar acted with a very strict code and there is no telling when she will go off on them.


(Samara POV)

Samara at the moment was very hopeful. Or more hopeful atleast compared to any other time she had been before. She had fallen in love with an Asari and had a family with her. As fate would have it, all of her children had turned out to be Ardet Yadetshi. All three of her daughters. It was at those moments she had realized that she herself had been a pureblood. Her mate had abandoned her at the time of her need. Her family had excommunicated her a long time ago. And so she had stayed with them.

In order to stay with them, she could not remain in an ordinary situation. So she had to take the trials in order to become a justicar. This was something that she had done so she could always keep an eye on them. She had chosen to be stationed at the same temple as her daughters.

She would leave to fulfill her duties as a justicar in order to uphold her oath. But after her missions in periods of rest, she would always return to the temple to spend more time with them. She still wanted to somehow cure them and show them the world.

So she had looked into various fields of study and overlooked the research to find someone that could be closest to finding a cure. All paths led to one conclusion that it was not possible.

Until she had heard about the last survivor of the prothean empire. The one who had cured his own adopted sister. At first, she had been tempted to dismiss them as rumors. But as more rumors started to come in of this miracle. When her own sisters began to speak about this incident. Finally, after one of her missions she was given orders to provide security at the temple. Looking at the attached document and personnel files, she had realized that the rumors may actually be true.

So she had taken a bold step forward. She had nominated her own daughter Morinth for the demonstration. She was the most adventurous of the lot and had wanted to leave. She could sense such a fact in her mannerism. The end result would be that she would be forced to hunt her own daughter down due to the oaths that she had already taken.

And when she saw him for the first time. She had felt the ping emitted by him. It had shown that whatever species he was. It was familiar to the asari in some cases at least. WHile the boy looked like a human. He was not a human. There was something more about him.

Her own daughter had been brought forward. For just a moment, she had shown her daughter a hopeful face then the blank face had come up again on her face. She looked and saw that her other two daughters were present as well.


Another Asari was brought in in front of Danny. He had looked at her and smiled. The Justicar had approached them as well. There was a series of confirmation. One of the researchers had looked at Danny.

"Are you ready Danny?"

"Yes." He had replied. This was not gonna be a pleasant experience. Danny had realized.

At the encouragement of her mother, she had proceeded to hold Danny in her arm.

"Embrace Eternity." She had said. As her eyes had turned black, her mind was linked with Danny. Samara (the Justicar) had also proceeded to link her mind as well.

Danny transformed into his ghost version. And just like last time he had proceeded to possess the girl in front of her. He had gone inside her body. As this was happening, Samara had linked her mind as well so she could see what was happening. It was strange but she was drawn inside as well.

She had woken up at the side of Danny, the young boy.

Danny had looked around and he once more found himself in a hallway. The Justicar by her side. He had looked at her in shock.

"Where are we?" She had asked as she started to look around.

"In her mind" Danny had replied. "This is a physical representation of her memories and the like."

"By the goddess." She had replied. While looking around in wonder.

Come on let's leave.

Danny started to move forward and she followed behind him.

Soon, they came to a door. Danny had opened it and they started to watch a memory.

One of the happy days, Samara had realized when they all were together and just could be free.

They had continued forward. They had come up to another door.

And so they had opened it up. She had seen the scene. She recognized the memory. When it was discovered that all her children were Ardet Yadetshi. Her bond mate had left her house after hearing the news and so she had to make arrangements for them alone. She saw her daughter looking out the window and weeping as she saw her family being split apart. She had stepped forward and placed a hand on her shoulder.

This was also the time that she had decided to become a Justicar to always keep an eye on her daughters. She was approaching a 1000 years now. And yet even if they were looked after at the temple. She would always visit them during her free or down time.

She felt another hand on her daughter shoulder and she saw Danny's hand there.

Danny was looking at the memory and wondered what would have happened if his parents had rejected him when they found that he was a ghost. It would have been hard but he would have probably taken Dani on a journey with him. To go to places unknown. To explore the world. And stay with a few friends within the ghost zone.

Soon, both of them had reached a giant auditorium, where they saw Morinth.

In the darkness, they saw Morinth. Chains were rattling aruond her. As she was standing there.

Morinth was alerted to their presence and than she had attacked them. The chains around her had swung around and struck at them both. Danny had managed to fly out of the way while Samara had created a biotic shield to deflect the chains. Enhancing her body with biotics, she had jumped away.

While Samara had provided the distraction, Danny had led a charge against Morinth. Allowing ectoplasm to flow into his hand, he formed it into the shape of a blade over his hand. Danny attempted to cut the chains from her hand. He severed one of the chains attached to her hand, when it had suddenly screamed out in pain.

The inky black chains which had bound Morinth, suddenly came alive. They began to multiply and converge on her figure. Soon, a giant goliath made up of chains was left before them. The entire scene was being watch by Samara. She had begun to realize the significance of the chains. How the chains represented her in a way. About her being bound.

And so the chains began to lash out at both of them.

"We need to get her out of there now." Danny had said. As he started to use a ghost ray to burn the chains surrounding her. The chains had shrieked and had withdrawn after they had burned a bright green.

Samara had used the opportunity to use her biotics to pull her daughter out. The chains had shrieked out once more and they all had started to converge on Samara, Danny had rushed in and created a shield surrounding them. The chains began to press into the shield and it began to visibly crack.

As Samara held Morinth, she hugged her tenderly. A few of her tears falling on her face.

"This was never your fault. Let's just get through this and I promise that I will show you the world." She had said.

Morinth had opened her eyes and she had seen her mother holding him as the boy, Danny she realized was holding the chains back.

She had hugged her mother and had said the words. "Embrace Eternity." Both of their eyes had grown blue, Samara had grabbed Danny's shoulder and had melded with him as well. Danny once more felt an addition of great strength. The shield that he had created strengthened once more. The cracks on them disappearing. It glowed a bright green before it burst out in a shock wave. The chains broke , their remnants burning.

Danny and found himself outside in his human form. This time, he did not faint. Samara was also present there as well, Morinth was awake. Her eyes blue. They had managed to cured her.

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