
Phagocytic evolution

In the end times, when people complain about not being awakened. Ethan has created a devouring power for himself. It was at that moment that every Power became an option on Ethan's shopping list. Zombies, vicious dogs, powerful beasts of different dimensions. Weird towns, broken towns, mysterious worlds of different latitudes. In the footsteps of legend, starting with Death Town.

Wen_Liu_0168 · Horror
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60 Chs

Dare to wear braids?

Ethan carefully moves through the town of the dead, his goal is to meet the promised rendezvous and for now, the most important task is to keep the promise safe, and if anything happens to her, then the plan will not work, it will be empty talk.

The brain is injected into the micro bomb is a deadly poison, Ethan does not want to be a "start not quick die first", this kind of poetry is best left to those who are immortal, Ethan just want to live safely.

But then again, with his body's ability to heal itself, wouldn't it be hard for Ethan to die a natural death?

Huh? You feel like you've been living forever?

Thinking, Ethan's keen sense of hearing helped him a great deal. Under the low wall, Ethan heard a slight footstep on his side!

Even though the fighting could be heard in the distance, Ethan was sure that the sound of sliding on stones was definitely real.

The next moment, Ethan turned quickly and leaped backward, a dangerous and dangerous breeze across Ethan's throat.


No, it's not the wind, it's the wind that someone's attacking.

Ethan moved back warily, looking around carefully, and finally saw the almost transparent outline of the human figure.

This is... Number 003?

The attacker clearly sensed Ethan's eye lock, and he was very presumptuously revealing himself.

The long limbs, the swaying figure in the wind, the black braids, the black eyes that were full of fine hair -- No. 003!

"You picked the wrong opponent." Ethan said in a deep voice, he is not willing to make an extra branch, especially for this kind of battle-hardened, strange powers of the strong, Ethan is not willing to have too much fighting with him.

So, Ethan's not shy about saying a few more words when it comes to talking.

In fact, Ethan's words are not much, but all the options that are beneficial to him, he will not hesitate to choose, such as the original like a fool to the 010 to scold, that is Ethan disguised appearance. Now, for example, Ethan knows exactly what his mission is, so he's willing to be a diplomat.

"Hey, I didn't pick a wrong opponent." Asian men in pigtails speak in a very Korean style of English, which is extremely uncomfortable to listen to.

"There are a lot of underdogs, there are a lot of 2 points, if you have to fight with me, please think about the consequences, my friend." Ethan spoke as he walked backwards.

"Someone wants you dead, mysterious 76. Hey." No. 003 shook the little pigtail behind his head, laughing coldly.

"Oh, yeah? Ethan brain turn, the heart of the city Lord Dale is absolutely not want to die, Dale will throw himself again into the death of the town, but he is to let himself yield to him in the line of life and death, thereby rendering Beicheng.

So this option is ruled out.

If the Lord of Baytown is in such a state, then forget about his men, so it can't be anyone from Baytown who wants himself dead.

Ethan know, although he is in the crisis of the death town, but Ethan carries the "free from death gold medal", after all, the ultimate goal of the city is to make their own.

Grasp the essence of things, about this point, Ethan has already seen thoroughly, so Ethan has to do his own small actions in such an advantageous situation.

So who wants to die?

'You want me to die? Well, no, if you were just trying to get me killed, you wouldn't be fighting like this. You're a veteran of many mortal battles, and judging by your past behavior, you're an experienced killer. Your last mortal battle showed patience and wisdom by holding out your fangs until the last moment, You don't give up your strengths."

Ethan whispered,

Step by step back, looking around with hidden eyes, he is ready to fight, familiar with the terrain is the most important thing, any small detail, even a small stone under the foot can be the key to Ethan's victory.

'Oh? No. 003 stunned for a moment, did not expect this guy who has not been masked to be able to analyze so many things, and the analysis is quite reliable.

Well, it looks like the mysterious number 76 lives up to his name.

It's interesting to note that although Ethan's number has moved forward to 28, most people still refer to him as 76 when they first heard him.

"You must know my record, and how dangerous I am." Ethan subtle said, after all, Ethan had a direct first kill, and double kill, and finally killed the region's first force 010, so No. 003 can not know the danger of Ethan, "even so, you still appear in the day, as far as I know, your ability in the day has a great flaw, only in the night, you can perfectly hide."

"So..." Ethan began, brushing his hand across the low wall. "You're here on a mission."

"Wonderful." No. 003 licked his lips and edged closer to Ethan, looking confident in his melee hand-to-hand combat.

"What power is it? Or...." Ethan looked sharply into 003's eyes and said, "Or Caitlin?"

The pupil of 003 was slightly dilated, a detail Ethan knew he was right!

It's that bitch! What a wicked woman she is! It seems that we can't do without a good cleaning!

"You'll be sorry, pigtail." Ethan's mouth slightly raised, he has always been expressionless, showing such a look, but let 003 action slowed down a bit.

"Is it? Hehe." 003 bows slightly, ready to go.

"Really, you're really going to regret it." Ethan held out his hands as if he were not fighting.

"How do I regret it?"

The next moment, a huge purple energy burst through!

"Now is the time to regret it!" Ethan turned around and ran, it turned out that he had just seen the energy mass flying in the sky, so he had been stalling for time.

"& amp; *%¥@#!!" 003 curses, his face is almost blue, close to the limit of human reaction let him escape, but the violent energy still reached him.

The ground was blasted out of a deep pit, 003 jumped out of the body still in mid-air, was a surge of energy storm overturned out.

This! Tiny! Son! Oh my! Him! Oh, mother! Oooh! Damn!

No. 003 on the ground a roll, can be regarded as a stable body, but also saw the distant sky that the two passion to fight each other "blue man" and "purple man", these two people from the beginning to play now? Less than half the town will be affected by the two men's war www.uukanshu.com they are really durable, and neither one can agree with the other!

The moment No. 003 got up, the sharp feeling saved his life again. He tilted his head, and a huge fist came from behind, brushing his ear and blowing past.

003 didn't even have time to turn around, Ethan suddenly raised his knee, one knee against the back of 003, and directly 003 top flew out.

No. 003 could not help but cry out, his body flew out in a bow, and suddenly disappeared in mid-air.


Although he became an almost transparent human outline, but the sound of heavy falls to the ground or provide Ethan the target, Ethan stepped on the past, quite some "war trampling" meaning, but did not step on the other side's head.

At that moment, Ethan hurried sideways to avoid the almost transparent arm outline attack, subconsciously, Ethan made a deja vu movement, when the action was made, Ethan thought of the "good time".

I saw Ethan side of the moment, reached out in the air a catch, but really caught each other's pigtails!

Have you heard of Miranda the Great Devil? Melee invincible Understand? Even she got a buzz cut by me, and you're a pawn wearing braids in front of me?

Ethan grabbed the pigtail and pulled it down, his knees jerked up again.

Quickly! Fierce! Very strong!

003's body formed a "stone arch bridge" shape almost in mid-air, and there was a piercing pain in the back, 003 felt like he was about to be kicked in two!

What the hell, you sneaky bitch! Can we have a good fight? Don't keep kicking in the same place, okay? Can you stop doing that to your waist?