
Pet Store In Another World

Yeo Kyubok dropped out of the prestigious Seoul National University after his parents died in a tragic accident while hiking. To repay the kindness of the old man living next door who took care of him during his depression, Kyubok began working full-time at his neighbor's pet store. Sadly, the store owner passed of old age not long afterward. At his funerals, Kyubok met a mysterious foreigner who claimed to be a long-time friend of his deceased grandpa. The gentleman offered him a new job, but after accepting and signing the work contract, Yeo Kyubok woke up as Lloyd Aurelion, the owner of the same pet store but in another world ! Follow Lloyd's daily life as he manages his business in the capital city of the mighty Kingdom of Valor, one of the Central Continent's most powerful countries. (the story takes place on Lunaris, in the same world as my other novels Void Rifters and Duke Vermillion.) ___ > Updates schedule: 1-2ch/week Do not hesitate to comment the novel on d1scord, so I can improve it with your help. If you like my novel and want to support me for more updates, feel free to visit my P4treon. Tiers : 3$ to unlock all premium chapters. (always more than 5) Links at the end of each chapter. Novel published on Royal Road, Scribblehub, Webnovel. I own the cover, just please don't judge my terrible editing skills lmao. ___ If you ever come across my novel being sold under a different title / cover / synopsis on K1ndle or any other book-selling platform, or if it appears on a site other than the three mentioned above, please contact me without delay: On D1scord : nobletalon Via 3mail : nobletaloncontact at gmail dot com Or through Scribblehub's private chat.

NobleTalon · Fantasía
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26 Chs

Adventurers' Guild (2)

The private room was bathed in an ethereal glow, emanating from the magical tablets that lined one wall. 

Lloyd stood before one of those tablets. They controlled the hologram in the center of the room.

"Let's see what we have here..."

As his fingers made contact with the tablet, a subtle surge of magic filled the air.

'Except for the mana leaking from this tablet, it feels similar to the one in the Backroom...'

[Mana does not exist in the Backroom.]

The sudden appearance of Selita startled Lloyd from his thoughts.

'I thought you were resting.'

[Why would I ?]

'Your silence was unusual, considering how chatty you usually are...'

[...Are you genuinely clueless about why I didn't say anything, or are you just pretending ?]

Lloyd was momentarily at a loss.

How could he possibly know why Selita had gone silent all of a sudden ? Although she's—somehow—living within his body, he couldn't delve into her thoughts.

'You do realize that I'm neither a mage nor a magician, right ? I'm an ordinary man without any superpower like the natives of this world, and unlike you, I can't read minds. I have no way of knowing what you're thinking if you don't tell me anything.'

[...You're possibly the least ordinary man in this entire city.]

'Sigh... I don't know if you're overestimating me, or you're just mocking me. Look at that.'

Lloyd cast a glance at Thelec, patiently waiting behind him.

Noticing his gaze, Thelec asked.

"Is something the matter, Boss ?"

"Hum, I was wondering, can Sir Thelec manipulate mana ?"

Thelec's eyes widened, taken aback by the unexpected question.

"...Yes, I can. I was lucky to be born with a Mana Heart, though I'm far from being as proficient in magic as a real mage. Why do you ask ?"

"I was just curious. You see, this kingdom is home to knights with superhuman strength, individuals who can perceive spirits, and mages who command the elements. Even a senior civil servant like Sir Thelec wields mana."

Thelec didn't understand the point Lloyd was trying to make, but after listening to him and looking at things from a different angle, he acknowledged that the Kingdom of Valor wasn't lacking in talented people. 

There was a reason why Valor was thriving in the extremely competitive environment that was the Central Continent.

"Well... A lot of powerful people live in Valor, indeed. Especially in the capital, Valora. It's not the same everywhere though." 

Thelec was a bit embarrassed to say this himself since Inquisitors were considered to be the cream of the crop, and only the best of them were promoted to High Inquisitor.

"Haha, sorry for the sudden question. It's just that I recalled one of my 'friends' telling me that I, a mere shop owner, was the least ordinary man in this town, yet all the people I've met since arriving in this city are outstanding."


"Isn't that funny ?"

"Huh... Y-Yeah..."

'Your friend couldn't be more right,' Thelec thought silently.

With time, Thelec had grown accustomed to Lloyd's eccentricities and lack of common sense. It was like observing a monster trying his best to appear human.

Lloyd, on the other hand, thought that Thelec agreed with him. 

'See ? Even a civil servant is overpowered in this world.'

[...It's truly a wonder how you can be so perceptive sometimes, yet so dense and ignorant other times. Anyway, get back to work now.]

Selita didn't have the strength to argue with Lloyd about the countless reasons why he was everything but ordinary.

Just the fact that Igor had put 'this existence' into Lloyd's body was already causing her enough trouble. 

'What a hassle...' She sighed inwardly.

While she took her responsibility of guiding the shop owner seriously, she wasn't prepared to reveal the truth to Lloyd just yet. She secretly wished 'it' would remain dormant for as long as possible.

After grasping how the tablet in front of him worked, Lloyd spent some time browsing the database of the Menagerie.

He couldn't use the search function however, since he didn't know what he was looking for in the first place. 

Every time he pressed his finger on a beast, the hologram in the center of the room changed form, bearing a representation of the chosen creature.

A short description of the beast was written on the tablet, along with its natural habitats and some other stuff he didn't understand yet.

'There seems to be a very specific ranking system...'

Lloyd's curiosity was piqued by the 'Threat Level' category.

Every recorded creature received a grade based on its danger level. In some rare cases, it was left empty, which probably meant that they didn't have enough information or they couldn't rank it properly. 

'This is a good reminder— this place isn't as safe as modern South Korea. Even Igor warned me multiple times about it after sending me there.'

Lloyd's gaze swept over the holographic images one by one for a while. Without noticing the time passing by, he swiped for an entire hour. 

This magical tablet was the closest object he had seen to a smartphone. Exploring the Menagerie was almost as addictive as browsing the web.

Lloyd thought for a moment and then turned to Thelec.

"These creatures... they're fascinating."

Thelec raised an eyebrow, intrigued by Lloyd's interest.

"What kind of beast are you looking for, exactly ?"

Lloyd looked back at the tablet and began to describe his criteria.

"Mhm... Something living near the city, not dangerous to average citizens, and relatively easy to interact with. It would be good if it could be tamed into a loyal companion that can be a reliable aid in daily life. Even better if it had some intellect and its owner could bond with it on a deeper level."

Thelec nodded thoughtfully.

"That narrows down the options quite a bit. Let me take a look, I know a few ones that might interest you."

Thelec guided Lloyd through the holographic displays, showcasing creatures that matched his criteria. 

"These are the five I could think of. To be honest, they are all harmless creatures that have been recorded in the Menagerie only for the sake of it. Most of them are hunted down for their meat or their hides, and except for the last one, they are all pretty common near Valora."

Five holograms of different sizes appeared in the center of the room, each portraying a different beast.

"Can you also transfer their information to the hologram ?"

"Sure. Give me a second."

Thelec pressed on the tablet a few times and lines of text appeared above the heads of each creature.

| Forest Fennec : A small, agile fox-like creature with keen senses. It's known for its playfulness and intelligence. While not particularly powerful, its ability to track scents and find rare herbs is appreciated by Hunters, Explorers, and Alchemists. 

Element : None

Infancy Threat Level : Safe 

Adult Threat Level : Early Euclid-class |

| Emberfang : A mischievous feline with a fiery pattern on its fur. Its claws possess the ability to generate small flames. Can be used for lighting fires or providing illumination in dark places. Good companions for new Adventurers who can't use magic and want to save consumables.

Element : Fire

Infancy Threat Level : Early Euclid-class

Adult Threat Level : Middle Euclid-class |

| Duskrunner Hare : A fast and nimble creature, the Duskrunner Hare is adept at avoiding danger. Its meat is very appreciated by gourmets, but its speed and keen reflexes make it challenging to hunt. Can be sold for a good price in butcher shops.

Element : None

Infancy Threat Level : Safe 

Adult Threat Level : Safe |

| Riverwhisk : A social aquatic creature that has a long jelly-like body and swims in a shoal of ten to twenty individuals. It's skilled at catching fish and other small marine creatures. 

Warning : Although it can navigate bodies of water through its glutinous body and has a similar appearance, it should NOT be confused with Aquatic Slimes which are Keter-class to Thaumiel-class beasts !

Element : Water

Infancy Threat Level : Safe. 

Adult Threat Level : Late Euclid-class. |

| Mistwing Owl : A rare and graceful bird with shimmering feathers that has the unique ability to blend into its surroundings, making it excellent for reconnaissance. Its blood is venomous when ingested in high quantities. Consumed raw in small quantities, it has analgesic properties. Highly sought by Alchemists. 

Element : Darkness

Infancy Threat Level : Middle Euclid-class 

Adult Threat Level : Early Keter-class |

'Hmm... They look more like mutated animals than magical beasts,' Lloyd pondered.

After carefully reading all the descriptions, Lloyd's attention was drawn to the Mistwing Owl. 

Its elegance and potential for stealth were very appealing to the owner of a pet store. This beast could sell well.

'If I can capture a pair and breed them...'

The salesman in Lloyd was already drooling over the profit he would make. 

Not only could he sell them to adventurers and mercenaries who needed a pet to use as a scout, but he could also sell them to wealthy people who just wanted a pretty animal as a companion.

'Wait, owls are birds of prey, too... Selita said that the Chamber of Breeding can cross genes of different species and even create chimeras once upgraded. If I capture some of those owls, I can later experiment with them and the birds that Sir Albert will bring me...'

Lloyd remembered that he had given Viscount Achalinus a tranquilizer rifle in exchange for the birds of prey he would capture. He didn't know yet the species of those birds who killed Albert's snake, but it would be nice if he could breed them with the Mistwing Owl.

The other choices were also interesting.

After reading the Duskrunner Hare description, Lloyd even thought about reconverting into a hunter. Hunting and selling them to Adam's father would surely bring him a good profit.

[Don't split your focus too much, owner. I advise you to choose and capture only one kind of beast at first.]

Listening to Selita's advice, Lloyd spent a few minutes considering which one to go for.


"Have you made up your mind ?"

"Yes, the Mistwing Owl seems like a perfect fit for what I need. Its ability to blend into its surroundings and the value of its blood are both appealing qualities."

Thelec nodded approvingly. 

"Capturing a Mistwing Owl won't be an easy task, though. They're nocturnal creatures, and they're nearly impossible to detect when it's dark due to their ability. Their elusive nature and danger awareness make them very challenging to approach, too."

"I'm up for the challenge. I might have a way to capture them easily, but I'll know if it works only after trying."

If Lloyd could capture, breed, and domesticate them, Mistwing Owls had the potential to become the new golden goose of his pet store. 

It was also the perfect beast to sell, so he could transition his pet store from selling only accessories to selling pets too.

In addition to completing the system's mission, the opportunity to grow his business was very motivating.

"Sir Thelec, do you perhaps have some free time to spare tomorrow ?"

"...Do you want me to accompany you ?"

Thelec guessed Lloyd's intention.

"Yes, if possible. I've never left the city and I'm not familiar with the area, so it would be helpful if someone could show me around." Lloyd said with his usual smile.

He felt a bit ashamed to ask so bluntly, especially since Sir Thelec seemed to be a busy man, but he didn't have much choice.

He would rather leave the city with one of his trusted customers rather than hire a stranger as a guide.

'If he can't, I'm afraid I'll have to look for a guide—' 

"Of course, I'd be glad to help." 

Lloyd was taken aback by Thelec's immediate answer. 

"Thank you. Do not worry, I'll make sure to reward you generously for your precious time." 

Lloyd smiled brightly.

With their plans in place, Lloyd and Thelec decided to call it a day. They left the Adventurers Guild and made their way to the nearest inn to spend the night. 


The following morning, as the first rays of dawn painted the sky, the improbable duo of a pet store owner and a High Inquisitor set out from the 3rd district. 

Lloyd made sure to pass by the shop before leaving the city to quickly grab some items, while Thelec bought some snacks to eat on their way.

When Thelec joined Lloyd at the front of his shop, a drop of sweat ran down his temple.

He couldn't help but ask hesitantly.

"Hum, Boss, are you sure about taking him with us...?"

He was pointing at the two-headed dog following Lloyd.


In response to Thelec's gaze, Blackie lowly growled at him.

"Is that a problem ? Blackie might look a little bit scary, but he doesn't bite."

"I know that, but... I fear the guards won't let us pass through if they see us with a Cerberus. It is forbidden to let an unrestrained beast roam freely in the capital, even if it's tamed."

"Is that so ?"

Lloyd turned to his dog.

"I'm sorry Blackie, but I guess you'll have to stay here..."


As if understanding his master, Blackie lowered his head in disappointment. 

"I promise I'll take you out later, alright ?"


Lloyd could tell his dog wanted to explore the outside world with him, so he tried to cheer him up.

"Instead, I have a task for you. Can you guard the shop until I come back ?"

"Woof ?"

"Yes, it's very important. Can I trust you ?"

"Woof !"

"Good boy."

Happy to see his dog filled with a strange sense of duty, Lloyd took him back to the pet store.

He made sure to put enough food and water in his bowls to last for a few days.

"Don't eat everything now, alright ?"


After patting Blackie's two heads for a moment, he left the store and locked the door behind him.

Coming back to Thelec, Lloyd smiled.

"There shouldn't be any problem now, right ?"

"Yes... Just be sure to take your ID with you this time."

And thus, Lloyd and Thelec departed from the 7th district.


After taking a carriage and walking for a while, they finally reached the southern gate.

As Thelec expected, the guards were on high alert. They were making sure to verify the identity of anyone entering or leaving the city.

When it was their turn, Lloyd could see blood leaving the faces of the guards when they saw the black skull made of obsidian that Thelec used to prove his identity.

It alerted the entire garrison.

Lloyd wasn't aware of it, but there was a reason why Thelec showed his High Inquisitor insignia. He had to make sure that his fellow Inquisitors knew he left the city.

Since he missed his appointment the day before, Thelec had to show some signs of life in the next 24 hours so he wouldn't alert the other Inquisitors. In this situation, leaving traces behind was part of the protocol.

Called by his subordinate, the captain in charge of the southern gate came running at the duo. He didn't quite grasp the situation, but since a High Inquisitor had openly revealed himself, he didn't ask any questions and just let the duo leave the city.

'For a High Inquisitor to show himself... Something big is about the happen,' the captain thought.

Thelec, on the other hand, felt helpless.

It was said that the best Inquisitors ended their careers without showing their insignia even once, and yet, Thelec had already used it two times in just two days. 

'I'm in big trouble if I can't find a legitimate reason to explain it...'

His superior and mentor, a Lord Inquisitor, would definitely ask him why he missed his appointment with the Arbiters the night before and exposed himself so openly the last two days. He will also learn of him escorting Lloyd out of the capital.

Thelec had to find a way to explain it before going back to the capital to not lose his head.

Unbeknownst to the concerns of his customer, Lloyd was humming happily right next to him.

Feeling the fresh morning air caressing his skin, he exclaimed.

"Let's capture a ton of Mistwing Owls today !"


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Novel published on Royal Road, Scribblehub, Webnovel