

This not just your typical vampire-pet story. This is something more than you would ever imagine. Open your eyes and join with the emotional roller-coaster of Zion Macquoid & Sofia Charmeine. _______________________________________________________________ She was the baby faced beauty who captured the hearts of everyone. She was the loving angel who had a heart of gold. She is the pure soul no one could found until him. She really enjoyed her life to the fullest though she lacks a luxurious life till one special monster barge in. And above all she thought that she is too normal among the other girls of her age. Yet did she really knew her own identity? _____________________________________________________________ He is the definition of the real monster. He was the dark angel who captured the hearts of every girl. Everyone wanted to be a part of him because of his god like features, fame, power and the nobility. He was out of ordinary in each and every aspect. He loved to gamble with the hearts of the girls as he pleased and blondes were his most speciality. He was the next in line to the throne who didn't like to wear the weight of the crown. Yet did he really knew someone will change his life to the perpetuity? **Cover of the book isn't mine and it belongs to the respective owners.**

Chalani_Peiris · Fantasía
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14 Chs


Children are so lucky to have parents in their lives to love them, guide them, and hold them when they are sick or impatient about the life choices they are going to make. At least they are lucky enough to have parents to blame them when they do wrong or take stupid decisions in their life. Not only that, staying up till their children reach home if they have gone somewhere. That is the devotion they have for you when you are a part of a family.

But when I talk about my life, it's totally different. Because when I talk about me it is always my life, my choices and my decisions. Nobody is there to judge me or blame me for whatever the decisions I make. So do you think that I like it? No I really hate it to admit that I am on my own in this dark, scary world.

There are girls of my age who like to make their own choices and live their lives to the fullest. That means enjoy every forbidden pleasure out there by hanging out with friends or their boyfriends, may be in bars, pubs or whatever the places they think that they can have that fun by mingling with scary beasts. It seems they love that lifestyle rather than spending their time with their boring old fashioned parents and stupid relations. Actually that is what they think, not me.

What matters to them is the reputation that they can gain associating those high society and high class demons. Because if they don't act like that, they believe, they will be cornered from the society.

But the ones who don't have anybody to call as theirs or the ones who try to build up relationships with people who you never knew, know the real importance of having people of your own and your kind. But it is just a nuisance to the ones who have their own. But do they know how lucky they are? I don't think so.

I think they are the most stupid idiots who cannot understand how important to have those old fashioned parents in their life in time of need. Because as a young woman of age 20 , still I can feel how incomplete my life is without them. To tell the truth at least I never knew whether they even existed too.

Yet I feel that emptiness whenever I try to do something new or try to take a decision even in smaller matters like buying a new dress or trying to buy monthly groceries at the supermarket or what is the best hamburger. Someone may say I am like a child with 4 year old mentality because of the things I wanted to do if I had a family specially in this newly transformed world who rule the monsters not only at night unlike in books, but also in broad day light. They are "VAMPIRES".

They were not as bad in the books I have read, but that is only if you are wearing the bracelet of Vampire protection. You might be wondering what on earth I am telling right now. Actually it is the most expensive piece of jewellery in the year of 4500 for the race of human beings. It can cost more than everything you own in this lifetime and each and every human is ready to buy this even spending their whole property as life matters the most in this period.

So this bracelet is the one who protect my life in this way so far. But that feeling is like you are hanging on a thread and waiting for your death if the bracelet is not in it's rightful place. So that thought is scary, right?

Yes, it's like telling each and every vampire that passes you to have you as a desert or do whatever they want to do to you as soon as you misplace it, then lost balance and fall to their monstrous hands.

So this bracelet was the only thing that made my life meaningful so far. Because I knew what a hell of a turn it takes in the life of the people who didn't have this protection of vampire bracelet. And it is so sad and scary to remind the terrible nightmare they have to face if they don't have the bracelet.

The most terrible experience is, they were taken to the shops called "Pet Shops" to sell them for the powerful vampires who were able to afford a pet in their huge houses. The pet represents the pathetic human being who were treated as a pet in the vampire families. Each and every member in a vampire family had a pet like this at their houses if they are stable on every aspect in wealth and power.

But why do we humans have pets? Honestly you and I both know that we have pets for entertainment and avoid loneliness. So we take care of that pet till the day it dies with love and care. And we don't want any harm to come to the pets as we love them. But in this whole new world where vampires rule, that affection, love or care isn't with each and every monsters called vampires.

But if you are lucky, there are some vampires who treat their pets as their own family. Because I have heard both positive and negative stories when it comes to them.

However the main purpose of them is to buy a pet so that they can use this pathetic human being called 'pet' to fulfill their sole purpose of drinking blood and as a punching bag when they are not in the right mind.

Just imagine the unfortunate situation these helpless humans who don't have the bracelet on their wrists to face. And also the worst is, I have heard about treating some humans as sex slaves as well as working slaves too.

So that's why I said that I am lucky enough to live this life to the fullest with the help of this bracelet. Actually it was there on my wrist since I was a small baby. That is what my care taker told me and the only expensive jewellery that I have owned so far. She told me that specific detail before I set off on my own, that they found me for the first time near the main gate of our orphanage wrapped up in a pink fur blanket and a small wooden box with some money. However though they took the money, they took care of me very well without any discrimination.

Actually I grew up in an orphanage in a small city of Nashville Indiana which is considered as one of the beautiful villages in America and I really enjoyed my time been there. As a young child I never got the love or affection from my parents as I don't even know whether they are dead or alive so far. May be I might be a result of a careless sex, right? But only God knows who they are and why they abandoned me completely.

However as the majority of the orphans in many orphanages who faced abuses or tortures scatter around the country, I wasn't that much unlucky to live a life like a hell. Because I enjoyed my life in Tiny Toes Home till I became a 20 year old. But now as I am no longer a kid according to the law which is set by Vampire king, I am here on my own to support myself.

I have no idea where will this life lead me as I don't have any ounce of knowledge about the scary world around me so far. It was all about the knowledge I have gained after reading many books in each moment I got. Honestly I am too frightened to face the future as it's uncertain without any hope or any kind of goal like others. But I am determined to live this life keeping a low profile. Specifically without getting any attention from the vampires.

I know that I don't have any degrees like associate, bachelor's, master's, or doctoral. But I was given a primary, middle and secondary education as they could. So at least I should be grateful that I can read and write without any discomfort.

However I have been living in a small apartment which I rented 2 weeks ago and still expecting a good job which pays a good salary somewhere to start a life on my own. Actually I had some money which was given to me when I came to the city New York for the first time.

That was the savings they had kept for me like everyone. That was their tradition to say goodbye to the ones who have come to this certain age. That's the time where they open the cage for us to fly out to find our own destiny. That happened two week ago. But now it seems, I will be running out money sooner or later as I haven't found a proper job yet. So I have to find a job quickly if I want to survive.

When you come to New York for the first time you will feel that you are in heaven. Yes, everything looks like a magic. No wonder it is considered as the city that never sleeps. You will feel like that you are dropped in to a candy land with many colourful candies with many shapes and tastes.The feeling is like, you don't even know what to pick as everything is perfect.

But if I ever knew the hidden danger and the heart break that I am going to experience in this paradise like city, I would have avoided it, I would have run far... far away from this place and hide somewhere , that nobody could find. But, when the fate brings you to the right place at the wrong time, will you be able to escape it? I guess not.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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