
1. Congratulations!


*Phone ringing*

Groaning, I picked up the call without even checking out the caller. "Hmm.. hello..."

"Ash.. where the hell are you?? We need you ASAP!!" The only person calling me 'ASH' is my childhood best friend Daniel.

Listening to his intense voice, I groggily twisted my neck towards the alarm clock; I know I have watch in my phone too but hey, I'm asleep; it was already eleven past which means...shit I slept till late again!!!!

"Sorry Danny...I slept again. Give me 20 minutes I'll be there ASAP."

"Yeah okay!! Be quick Ash please" he said with voice lace with worried.

"Hey hey what happened though" I enquired while speeding up my daily morning routine.

"I'll let you know once you reach the office. No time!!" He hung up before I can reply further.

I did my business in less than 10 minutes. You guys are shocked like how I do this, so let me tell you! Half of the times in a week I run late because my alarm ditches me or vice-versa!! I left for my office, and it takes only 10 minutes for me to walk to the office.

Before my story goes ahead, let me introduce myself. I'm Ashley Grey, 24 years old, majored in marketing and working in a company called Nature's Basket. It's still a small-based company where we operate website selling online groceries in UK. Also, the owner of the company is my best friend, David Gregor. We are sort of together...like you can say in a relationship but not that great!! But I do work as an employee there and not the woman of the boss.

Like I said, I require 10 minutes to reach my office and I'm on my words baby! As soon as I entered the office, there was chaos among all the employees.

Our office building isn't that huge skyscrapers type but a small one consisting only of a wide base floor and one more Storey which includes the David's office and conference room.

Looking at the chaos I realized it's something serious and also troublesome.

"Ash, we got a problem. Our server got jammed!! I think someone hacked it. What should we do now?? B'cz we are losing customers due to this." Daniel informed me with voice coated by panic.

"H-how is that possible?? We-we have the best security for our website. Have you informed this to David?" I asked, worried.

"I have tried like hundred times calling him and also sent hundreds of texts, but he hasn't responded back!!" His forehead now was filled with creases. "We are losing customers on a large numbers Ashley!!"

He only calls me out by my full name when either there is some tension or when he is angry.

"Okay then. I got to do something-" Daniel interrupted me.

"We can't until boss doesn't give his consent." Now he has a point.

"I take full responsibility. Lemme do it!" I assured him. He sighed and walked off giving me my time to work on it and also inform the other employees.

I know whom to give a call for such situation but before that I tried calling David, but it straight went to voicemail. 'He'll be busy in meetings' my conscious added. And to not to confuse you guys, David is out of station for some business trip.

"Hello. This is assistant of Mr. Zen Harrington speaking." I dialed but how come his assistant picked up his personal phone. I checked the dialer only to realize that I called up upon his office telephone and not personal one.

"Mmm..hey this is Ashley speaking. Can you please transfer this call to Zen." I informed her politely.

"Sorry but I can't do that since he's busy. And there are plenty of girls who try to talk to him girly so please don't waste your time!!" She said with boredom and annoying voice.

"He already knows me. Just transfer it b'cz it's urgent." I informed her by trying not to sound rude b'cz I'm already suppressing my anger towards her.

"Sorry Miss. I'll inform him once he is done with his work. Have a great day." She cut the call. Like seriously!! Who the hell does she think herself of??

Wait...why was I wasting my time. Let's call him on his phone.

"Hey ley-ley!! After so long you missed me." His melodic voice flowed through my ears.

"Shut up Harrington. Last we met was like a week ago!! And don't call me that, makes me feel like a kid dude!" I really hate the nickname he gave it to me. Urghh!!!!

"Okay okay Ashley. Why being I'm honored by you calling me? Did you really break up with that sack-ass and need a backup??" Yess...he hates David for some reasons but not it's not the good time to list it out. Maybe some other time!!

"No Zen. And please just don't say that again this to him" I scoffed towards him. "I need your help."

"Yes, my lady. Lay your commands."

I explained him the current situation of my...our company. The reason I dialed him up is b'cz Zen is an ethical hacker and also that software guy which can fix all your problem of any electronic gadget. His brain works like some Robot!! Sometimes I'm jealous of him. 'It's always you are jealous of him' I hate my subconscious!!

I knew him since my college days when I shifted to some another state of UK for studying where I destined to be his neighbor and later when I completed my graduation, we split. But recently he was hired by a well-known company in the UK, namely 'THE HAMILTON CORPORATION' which is in the same town where I work and live. So, we happened to catch up again like our old times!! And hey, he always tries to get a grip on me, but he knows my relationship with David, which he never liked.

"You know how much time to give me ley-ley. Start the clock." Before I scold him about his nickname for me, he hung up.

About the time, he requires hardly 5 minutes to crack or work upon any task. As per his requirements, I texted him my IDs and passwords.

I checked the time, and it was half past eleven when the call was disconnected. Everybody was now waiting for my reaction b'cz I know Togan would have informed all others about me taking responsibility.

I was about to start pacing in the little passage, my phone ringed knowing it's Zen. And when I saw the time it's only 2 minutes were pass.

"Yes Zen. Gimme some good news please." I said almost like begging!!

"Only if you treat me diner on this weekend ley-ley" he informed while trying to sound a little excited.

Without any hesitation I answered him yes and he assured me that he will be solving my issues. I sighed out of relief and informed all the other workers about it.

Within half an hour, everything became like normal and immediately I texted him 'thank you'!!

"Guys, it is solved!!" One of my colleagues informed. Everyone started cheering up and thanking me.

"Since it's solved now, today's lunch is behalf of me" I chirped happily towards my marketing colleagues. They all seemed happy.

Before ordering the meal, I thought of giving a try to call David and luckily, he picked up.

"Hey babes, sorry I was in the meeting with Mr. Connell. I saw your text, if everything okay now?" He spoke.

"Hi David. Yes, I took care of it! When are you coming back? Day after tomorrow is the anniversary function and everything is set." I informed him. The anniversary function was of the company completing 5 years since establishment.

"Umm...I remember very well Ashley. I won't be able to reach by tomorrow b'cz I still have some pending business here. So, I'm gonna come by day after tomorrow in the morning itself." He said in a low voice.

"Also, please change the decoration from white flowers to red. I don't want white flowers!" He informed.

"But it's already done David. I don't know such sudden changes can be made or no. And why red?? White is perfect for the day!!" I replied.

"I think red will be perfect for the important thing which I'm going to announce on that day Ashley."

"Oh.. okay then. I'll see to it. Bye and take care!!" I hung up before he replies to me.

"Ahem...ahem!!" Danny aka my best friend was standing beside me. I don't know how long was he there and heard my conversation with him?

"Hey sorry, I didn't know you were right beside me" I said while blushing. Why the hell I'm blushing!!

"What's you with the blushing thing Ash?" He smirked.

Should I tell him????

"It's David. I informed him regarding all the incident of today. He'll be back by day after tomorrow before the function since he is stuck up. Also, hey can you please change the decoration from white flowers to red??" I told him all in one breath while tucking my baby hairs behind my ears.

"Red flowers?? Why?? Is there something else that I should be knowing as your best friend Ash??" He enquired with curiosity dripping from his voice and also excited..Yess!!

"He has to make some important announcement on that day, so he thinks that red flowers will be suitable for that!" Now even I know I'm blushing.

"Important announcement!!" He gawked.

"Okay okay...now I get it. Congratulations Ashley!! I think he's going to propose you. It's only for that reason he wants red flowers b'cz red shows the love! Woohoooo!!!!" He was jumping up and down.

I guess even I'm thinking of that. Only listening to that my heart is beating faster. I can hear it. It's like my dream will be going to come true to be with the man whom I always used to admire and love from the beginning!!

I hushed him b'cz his excitement was catching other employees' attention towards us.

Later, I ordered the food for all of them, and we all enjoyed it like a family.

Yeah...we sort of work like a family!!
