
2. The clash.


It was almost the time to pack up from the work. I started collecting my things required for me to do some incomplete work at home. After successfully getting all the requirements, I stretched myself! The sound of the bones cracking indicated that how much my body is tired and need rest.

"Bye Ashley!!" The girls giggled passing by me.

'Why were they giggling?'

'Because you were stretching like a cat!!' my subconscious...

I automatically regained my posture and stood up carrying my things, I was pulled by my arms. Before even I turned around, I was out of the office.

"What are you doing Danny?" I know it was only him acting like still a child near me.

"You need to go for shopping for the special occasion Ash!! And it's a gift from me since it's going to be a big day for you" he chirped. Somewhere I feel like he's more excited than me for David proposing!!

"But I don't need one! I already have loads of clothes which I haven't even tried yet. Let me first try it out okay!" I reasoned out trying' to convince him which I know it's useless. Sigh!!

"No, you don't!! I know what's in your closet so just let me gift you this one." He said by dragging me all the way to the new mall which was recently opened near our office. I practically heard our employees gossips that it's a little bit more costly than any other malls in the town.

Why the hell he's taking me to that mall??

As soon as we stepped out from the office, I saw some employees looking towards us and giggling. "What's with them with giggling by looking at us??" I asked Daniel pushing him forward to move fast by tugging his sleeves.

"I...um..." I cut him off. "Wait!! Don't tell me that my instincts regarding your behavior is true" I said making him stop in the middle of the path.

He accepted while scratching his back of his head. "You just can't keep your mouth shut Daniel right !!" I was now a little annoyed b'cz I hate attention. Also, I just don't want people to assume things which aren't even true yet!!

Yes ... they all do say that me and David are like a forever thing. Even my parents say that. But I don't know what it's the big news that he wants to announce. Before we go wrong on our assumption, I don't want it to spread like a wildfire!!

We reached the mall by arguing all the way.

"Ash, why don't you meet me on the 2nd Storey? I'll just grab some caffeine for us!!" Daniel said.

"Umm..yes I was about to push you towards cafeteria. But it's good you said it by yourself!" I replied.

"Also, in that time I'll go around the mall. What you say?" I said almost like a question.

"That would be great!! See Ya and don't get lost please like last time." He said almost like making fun of me. Yes, it's true. Last year when we went to another state for a mini vacation, we all decided to go for shopping, so we ended going to the largest mall for that state.

However, like usual I was craving for caffeine so informing my all-other colleagues about where I'll meet them, I went off in search for a cafe but ended up getting lost!! And my luck always plays with me, where my phone died...just cool!!

"Yes, don't worry. Plus, I've got my phone with full charged up !!" I joked while showing him my phone.

We both parted our ways. Now since I took my phone out, I decided to just go through my emails, if any I have received for business. Suddenly, I bumped so hard; like on a wall I guess!! My eyes automatically got closed b'cz I know I'm going to fall right on my butt and making a fool of myself in this place, but the pain never came. How???

Letting my eyes open in fear; fear that when I open my eyes I might fall, I saw that I was caught by large pair of hands saving me from my butt sore. I looked up to see the owner of such a beautiful built-up arm, I was mesmerized...like I was dreaming!!

His eyes were like golden honey color, which I feel like I would dive in that honey ocean and drink it!! His arms were well built...maybe he's a gym freak!! Also, from the white shirt he wore I can make out that we would be having six packs..what is happening with you Ash!!

His hold near my waist was strong, maybe preventing me from falling down but I can feel his soft palms from the clothing I wore.

"You can click a picture; it may last longer !!" He said with his deep voice making me jolt out from my imagination.

"Umm...sorry and thank you !!" I said while straightening up our posture. Before he says anything further, realization hit me that my phone was no longer in my hands.

Searching for it, I gasped when I saw that all the parts of my gadgets where literally scattered on the floor. Oh no!! Not again. Sigh!!

I dropped down and started collecting and assembling my phone parts. Hopefully, I haven't died yet. Fingers crossed!!

"I'm so sorry. I never saw you coming. I'll buy a new one for you." He said again in his deep voice. That voice really makes some tingles in my stomach!! Seriously Ashley!!!

He too bends down and took all the parts from my hands assembling it.

"Ohh..no! It wasn't your fault. It was me being clumsy. I'm really sorry and no need to buy a new one. It will work out and also thanks for preventing me from falling." I dared not to look into his majestic or I can say mesmerizing eyes.

"It was my fault. And no need to thank me...."

"Ashley.... Ashley Grey!!" I spoke.

"Yes Ashley. You can either give me your address or let's meet tomorrow here in the evening so that I can repay for my mistakes." He spoke.

Is he trying to get under your pants Ash?? Well, he's hot though compared to David!!

Realizing that I'm already with David, I stopped my stupid gawking activity towards that unknown hunk and kept a little distance from before. Yes, you guys must know that I am not those other type of girls who aren't loyal and try with every damn guy!!

I snatched my phone away from him and said "no... like I said it's totally fine and will work out. No bother about me Mr..."

"Alec Kingston!"

"Yes Mr. Kingston—" I was cut by shouting coming only from my best friend!!

"Ash!! Hey are you okay. Why are your things scattered on the floor?? Did you hurt yourself?" He started bombarding me with his questions with concern since he saw that my every items apart from my cell phone was scattered down.

Yeah, I totally forgot to pick my bag up since the handsome hunk was being all nice to me!!

"Daniel... yes I'm good. I just wasn't looking forward and bumped into him but all thanks to him he saved me!!" I explained him by pointing out to Mr. Alec Kingston...or maybe Alec if I can call!!

Daniel, being a gentleman plus my best buddy like all time, picked up my bag from the other hand since his one hand was just holding our coffee. I quickly pick my bag up and stood straight. Daniel wrapped his hands around my shoulders like he always does that and handed me my cup.

"Thanks, buddy, for helping her. She is clumsy many times." Danny said to Mr. Kingston by making me embarrassed in front of him. I tried to hide my flushed cheeks from him. I feel like his eyes were on me, so I tried to look up at him.

When my brown eyes met his golden honey eyes, I saw some emotions...like jealousy maybe?? his jaws were ticked a little looking at Daniel's hand wrapped around me. But why??

"It's not at all a problem. I think I should take leave now! Was nice bumping into you Ms. Grey." He said looking at me every time and didn't even spare a look on Daniel. Saying that, he just left and got disappeared in the crowd.

"Well...the guy was weird!! C'mon Ash we have allot of place to look at." He said while grabbing my hands and pushing me towards some dress shop.

Almost like after 2 hours I got my dress which was a gift from Daniel but somewhere in my mind I was thinking about my encounter with Mr. Kingston. Strange!!

While heading outside the mall to catch a cab b'cz we both were tired to walk home, I remember my phone doing suicide when I bumped into him. I hurriedly took out my cell and tried to switch it on and Tada!!! My luck.... it's working. Haashh... I'm save from one more expense!! Lucky me.

Since it was late, I decided to let Daniel crash at my place which was normal b'cz as a best friend he usually hung out at my place. We decided to go for ordering take out for dinner and spend the rest of the night watching some series while my thoughts were somewhere stuck with David and Mr. Alec Kingston. David b'cz he never called me up again and Mr. Kingston b'cz the way he acted weirdly when Daniel came back. He was totally nice until Daniel's appearance.

Ignoring my thoughts, I tried to understand the show on the television and also excitement for the day after tomorrow!!



I don't know why I'm doing the most stupid thing ever leaving my scheduled work!! I was roaming in that damn crowdy mall where only people with lots of money come to flaunt and waste their hard earned. But yes ...even today I'm being one from that b'cz I promised my little sister that I'll bring her things which she wants only after she successfully complete her graduation and now here I am.

It wasn't my place to come and collect it but my man being busy with my own assign task, I had too personally do it myself. Tania, my sister, already had place the order long back before coming to home.

I wasn't able to get to that store since I never have been here in this place. 'Maybe I should just call the storekeeper and tell him to deliver me the order right outside the mall by me paying him some little extra' b'cz I don't go for anyone or any damn work. Either I assign my man to do it, or I leave it!!

While I was taking out my cell phone, I bumped into someone which felt like a fragile little figure. Before she falls of on her butt, I caught her little body. I can feel her skin soft on my rough hands even through her clothes.

Her eyes were closed, maybe because she thought that she might fall on her butt. She was waiting for the pain to come, I guess!!

Sooner she led here eyelids open, and I was drowning into her innocent eyes! I can sense her pure sole and innocence from her eyes itself. Her body was reacting to my touch and instantly she was radiating hot radiation from her body. Even she was checking me out. I chuckled from inside!!

"You can click a picture; it may last longer !!" I tried to joke to clear the tension between us.

"Umm...sorry and thank you !!" She said while straightening up her posture. Before I can reply, her sight went to her fallen and broken cell phone down on the floor.

She started picking up her cell phone scattered parts from her soft hands. "I'm so sorry. I never saw you coming. I'll buy a new one for you." I said by started assembling her cell phone parts.

"Ohh..no! It wasn't your fault. It was me being clumsy. I'm really sorry and no need to buy a new one. It will work out and also thanks for preventing me from falling." She replied by not looking into my eyes. She isn't a normal girl, b'cz every girl up to now would be trying to get into my pants as they meet my eyes. Yess!! Everyone say that my eyes are like magic which can hypnotize any damn human...

"It was my fault. And no need to thank me...."

"Ashley.... Ashley Grey!!" She spoke.

'Beautiful name for a beautiful girl'

'Wait...what's wrong with you Alec! This is not you b'cz all girls are bitch...' yes, I instincts are right. I shouldn't be good towards any girl b'cz they all have one motto seeing a handsome guy.

"Yes Ashley. You can either give me your address or let's meet tomorrow here in the evening so that I can repay for my mistakes." Where did that come from Alec?? Huh...

Maybe I'm just trying to pretend a gentleman!! Or maybe she might be thinking now that I want to get into her pants.

She snatched her cell phone from my hands. Did I said it too loud to hear?? Oh no, maybe she would be thinking that I'm a pervert. But why do I care?? Whatever hell she thinks of me!! Duh...

She pulled me out from my internal battle and said "no... like I said it's totally fine and will work out. No bother about me Mr..."

"Alec Kingston!" I replied proudly.

"Yes Mr. Kingston—" she was cut off by someone calling her name out loud from the crowd. Among that crowd, I saw a guy holding two cups of caffeine maybe...coming towards us or Ashley to say!!

"Ash!! Hey are you okay. Why are your things scattered on the floor?? Did you hurt yourself?" He started asking her questions with concern glittering from his eyes. And Ash!! Seriously?? Maybe he is her boyfriend, Alec. No need to be surprised.

But thinking of such a beauty having a boyfriend pissed me off a little. Don't ask me why!!

"Daniel... yes I'm good. I just wasn't looking forward and bumped into him but all thanks to him he saved me!!" She answered him in one swift.

Daniel, as she called him out, he was already picking up her bag and all other stuffs which we totally forget that it was still lying on the floor. He picked up the bag from one hand while from the other he was holding the cups. Picking it up, he wrapped his arms around Ashley's shoulder. Well that really ticked my jaws. Why the hell I'm acting so weird??

"Thanks, buddy, for helping her. She is clumsy many times." He said which made Ashley blush. She was trying to hide her blush from me avoiding my eyes again!!

When she picked her little head up to meet my eyes, I know she is trying to figure out the emotions running through my eyes, but I refuse to show her.

"It's not at all a problem. I think I should take leave now! Was nice bumping into you Ms. Grey." I said everything by looking at her and not even sparing a glance towards that Daniel guy and just left without turning back and looking at her.

Later that evening I just called up that store and instructed him to deliver it at the address b'cz after my encounter with the beauty at the mall, I totally forgot that why did I went there and after leaving her I directly went back home!!

In the evening, my sister was home, but my mind was still wondering towards that girl. Looking at my face, Tania immediately knows that something was wrong with me, but she didn't bug me b'cz I know that will make me mad at her. So, she decided to not to let me bother but I know she won't back down until I tell her the story!!

I figured I should now be completing my work since I missed a little b'cz of that incident.
