
Chapter 142

Percy spoke up, "Clarisse the one riding the reindeer is the strongest, I feel like he has some sort of connection with the stupid reindeer he is riding and will likely attack with it, you up for the challenge?"

The daughter of war smirked reading her spear, "born ready."

"Right, Annabeth the strawberry blonde girl is a hand to hand specialist, but isn't very smart, think you can trick her into hitting herself with her bat?"

Annabeth grinned, "you're on."

Percy smiled and turned to the three approaching them but spoke in a whisper, " alright then, move when I say so," he then spoke loudly, "so….Elsa, Anna and Kristoff, what can I do for you guys?"

The three in front of him stopped approaching him for a split second and in that second Percy attacked by breaking the ground with his Earthquake fist breaking the ground and sending pieces of rock everywhere.

"Now!" Percy cried out as Clarisse charged Kristoff ,who managed to avoid the destroyed ground only to be trapped on one side of the station away from the others. Annabeth ran to Anna who was recovering from almost being hit by a rock leaving Elsa to face off against Percy.

"How did you know who we are?" Elsa asked with narrowed eyes in a cold tone.

"Didn't you know? I have the powers of an informant," Percy said reading Riptide, "and you my Snow Queen are in way over your head."

Elsa didn't smile but instead raised a hand up gathering ice around the palm of her hand, "we shall see."

Elsa sent a blast of ice out of her hand that took the form of sharp ice shards. Percy dodged them all and with a snap of his finger sent a fireball flying right at Elsa's face. The so called Snow Queen brought up a ice shield just in time while simultaneously sending several blast of icy wind at Percy.

The son of Poseidon dodged all of the strikes and charged at the woman, something told him she didn't have much experience with close quarter combat. Percy was proven right when instead of fighting him head on Elsa jumped back while sending blasts of ice at him.

Percy once again danced through the ice beams was soon stood a few feet in front of Elsa with his trademark grin on his face, "what's the matter hot stuff? Ran out of juice?"

Elsa was panting as she looked at Percy with a sneer, "oh I have not even begun yet." Just then a shadow was cast around the room covering Percy from head to toe. The son of Poseidon turned around and gulped only to find a huge monster made out of ice and snow with big heavy limbs and sharp teeth and claws.

"You didn't think I was just wasting all that ice I threw did you?" Elsa as a hint of a smile appeared on her face, "Percy Jackson meet Snowball, he likes chocolate and ripping trees out of the ground with his bare hands."

Percy Elsa but on his face was not fear like she hoped but confusion, "can he even taste chocolate? And what type of stupid ass name if Snowball?"





Race- Ice monster







A monster created through the powers of Elsa it is not very smart but can obey simple orders and can also be controlled like a puppet.

Kill to get- 7,000 Exp

Elsa groaned, "I named him when I was twelve alright? Now shut up," she said just as Snowball smashed the spot Percy was standing in a few moments ago.

Percy looked at the things HP;

Snowball HP: 20,000/20,000

'Easy enough,' Percy commented as he summoned two fireballs sending both right at Snowball's face. The frost monster put a hand up and blocked the fireballs as a little of the ice in it's hand started to melt.

Percy sighed, this was going to be a long battle.

Annabeth hated this girl, she really wanted to kill Percy for even suggesting fighting her. Right now the daughter of wisdom was running as fast as she could away from the crazy strawberry blonde swinging the metal baseball bat.

What was it Percy said? 'Can you trick her into hitting herself with her bat?' Yeah right! Easier said than done! But in the end it was her fault for even accepting, well it was either that or fight the girl with freaking ice powers that just summoned a giant ice monster!

"Stay still so I can hit you!" Anna screamed out as she swung her bat at Annabeth only to smash into one of the walls of the station, "I promise it won't hurt!"

"Hell no!" Annabeth cried out as she ran even faster, "you're freaking crazy!"

"Crazy strong!" Anna replied as she brought the bat down again, this time nearly hitting Annabeth who just managed to dodge by jumping to the side.

Annabeth rolled up and saw a chunk of stone next to her. She swung her foot and kicked the stone with all her strength sending it flying into Anna's nose breaking it with an audible crunch.


"Shit!" Anna cried out as she grabbed her nose with both hand dropping her bat on the floor. Blood poured out freely as the girl tried to stop it with her fingers.

Annabeth took this chance a whipped out her dagger and moving back a few steps to the left, "need some help with that?"

"You snot nosed brat!" Anna cried out as she stopped her nose from bleeding by stuffing a napkin into her nose, "I'm going to make you hurt so bad!"

"Right," Annabeth said taking another step to her left as Anna took up her metal bat.

"I'm serious, I'm going to do nasty stuff to you."

"Really? Like what?" Annabeth took a step to the left which Anna mimicked maintain the distance between them.

"I'll break your nose."

"Getting revenge by doing the same thing they did to you? Kind of a cliche."

"I'll break your legs."

"To basic." Annabeth took another step to the left and Anna copied.

"I'll… I'll," Anna thought before smirking, "I'll cover you with reindeer spit. And believe me those things are nasty. And then I'll make you watch the Human centipede, twice."

Annabeth shivered at that, "okay then, that's scary," she then held her dagger in a reverse grip, "so are you going to do something or are you all just talk?"

Anna smirked and raised her bat up and charged, "ahhh!" But after her second step she tripped on a crack on the ground, made by Percy's Earthquake fist, and hit herself on the head with her bat knocking her out.

"Huh," Annabeth said with a smile, this was the reason she kept moving to the left, "that was easy."

Clarisse was happy. No scratch that she was beyond happy, she was ecstatic. She lunged at the reindeer Sven and Kristoff with her spear knocking them on the side for the second time in their fight. She then blocked Sven's kick with her spear shaft while dodging Kristoff's tackle.

"I'll give you one thing you two sure do know how to work together, but other than that you suck at fighting!" Clarisse mocked as she twirled her spear around her head before leveling it at her enemies.

"Yeah we work better as a team," Kristoff said before he mounted Sven and held the reindeer by the horns, "perhaps you would like to see what we can really do?"

"Oh please what you-" Clarisse began before shutting her mouth as he watched something impossible happen in front of her. Kristoff and Sven melded together and fused to from what looked like a giant hairy reindeer with human clothes standing on two very human legs. It's looked at Clarisse with pupiless eyes and growled. The daughter of Ares simply looked at the beast and replied, "oh shit."

Percy jumped away from another one of Snowball's ice breaths causing all that turned next to it into ice. Percy panted, this was getting hard. Usually he could just bring out the gauntlet of Kefka and beat Snowball with a little backup from Zed or even Craig, but now he had to rely on only his skills, which were lacking when it came fighting giant ice monster that could regenerate very fast.

Percy recalled every skill he knew and only one came to mind, Death touch. It would be a great way to try out his new skill, and if it doesn't work on this thing for some reason or the other he would still have other ways to kill it.

Percy readied himself as he put away Riptide stitching each of his finger in anticipation for what he was about to do. He dashed forward and quickly became a blur due to his Speed demon perk.

In a few seconds he appeared right in front of Snowballs and pressed both hands open palmed on the monster's stomach. The thing was cold to the touch but Percy didn't care about that, he cared about one thing, "Death Touch!"

Suddenly a burst of energy exploded out of Percy's hands as he felt something even colder that Snowball's body travel through his veins and into the monster. His mana poured into Snowball causing the monster to stop moving and just stare into Percy's eyes and slowly it's eyes became dead.

Slowly the snowman became to fall apart into little pieces as it became nothing more than blocks of ice. Percy put down his hands and looked at the falling ice in shock. 'I-I did it. I actually did it.'

Percy was shocked beyond belief at what he did but when turned to Elsa he found she looked even more shocked than he was, "h-how did you do that?!"

Percy was about to answer just as Annabeth showed up, "you alright here Percy?"

Percy turned to Elsa who was still panting, her MP was;

Elsa MP:1,250/5,000

She was exhausted right now, probably couldn't put up much of a fight now, "Yeah, I good. where is Clarisse."

"Run for your lives!" came a wild cry causing everyone to turn and see Clarisse running towards them being chased by a….giant reindeer?

Percy spoke up, "Clarisse? What-"

"No time to explain just run!" Clarisse said as she and the other turned and ran to the platform leaving Elsa surprise while the giant reindeer just continued the chase.