
Peerless One

"Peerless" follows the journey of our protagonist, reborn as 8-year-old Momonosuke in the world of One Piece. Choosing to stay in the present by swapping places with his sister, he embarks on a quest for glory. Join him on this thrilling adventure, where the echoes of a sword resonate through the unpredictable currents of the sea, shaping a destiny that defies the norms of this captivating world.

SOSA7 · Cómic
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7 Chs

The Burning Castle

The flames roared around Oden Castle, crumbling its once-sturdy walls.

Amidst the chaos, the consciousness of the protagonist, now inhabiting the eight-year-old body of Kozuki Momonosuke, stirred.

Confusion and disorientation gave way to a sudden recollection of memories from a previous life.

It happened during a cold winter night. He was lying on his bed watching his favorite anime One Piece. In a haunting flashback scene, he witnessed the moment of Kaido's brutal arrival in the Oden Castle. 

The gargantuan blue dragon that he could see soaring through the sky triggered this particular memory.

The Original Momonosuke, the previous owner of the body, dangled helplessly in Kaido's grasp as the fearsome pirate tried to gauge him. 

Disappointment quickly etched on Kaido's face, he quickly cast Momonosuke aside, judging him a coward and not fit to be Oden son. Condemning him to the engulfing flames of the now ruined Castle.

Returning to the present, the new Momonosuke found himself within the crumbling castle walls. He realized that this scene probably took place a few minutes earlier. Just before, he awakened in this new body. 

The specter of his past life lingered, yet he had now inherited a chance at redemption. As the flames danced around him, a renewed determination surged within him.

Suddenly, the sound of approaching footsteps and familiar voices cut through the chaos. 

Kinemon, Raizo, Kanjuro, Kawamatsu, and Kiku entered the room, their expressions a mix of sorrow, urgency and concern. 

This reunion, originally marked the beginning of an extraordinary journey, where the original Momo was sent to the future with everyone except Kawamatsu.

However, this time, the unfolding events were bound to diverge from the familiar script.

"I am Sorry, even though we were there.. We let Oden-sama be.." Uttered Kinemon, bowing his head alongside the other scabbards.

"Lift your Head up" Replied Toki in a hushed tone, concealing the anguish that weighed upon her.

"Toki-sama, it's not safe here. Let's get out." Implored Kinemon, his words carrying genuine fear for her safety, as well as for the well-being of Momonosuke and Hiyori.

"All of you, listen to me." Said Toki "Leave to the future.." 

"The Future ?" Kinemon inquired, his gaze reflecting a mixture of curiosity and uncertainty.

"I have an ability" She said 

"An ability?" The scabbards exclaimed in disbelief, their faces mirroring a collective astonishment as the revelation settled in, leaving them momentarily dumbfounded.

"While people cannot go back to the past, they do have the ability to go forward into the future." Responded Toki calmly.

"Kanjuro, Kiku, Raizo, and Kinemon..." Toki began, her words hanging in the air. 

Before she could complete her sentence, a resounding "TOKI!" echoed through the room. 

It was Momonosuke, with an expression of grave seriousness. 

The heat from the burning castle had replaced the tears with glistening droplets of sweat on his resolute face.

At that moment, the gravity of the situation seemed to crystallize. 

The scabbards, frozen by the sudden shift in Momonosuke's demeanor, awaited the young lord's next words with a tension that mirrored the flames consuming The Castle.

Toki's eyes widened in astonishment as Momonosuke addressed her by name instead of the familiar "mother." However, any fleeting sense of surprise dissolved when she beheld the intensity in her son's expression. 

For a brief moment, she was transported, seeing a glimpse of Oden's spirit mirrored in Momonosuke's resolute face.

Time seemed to falter as the echoes of the past mingled with the urgency of the present, creating a complex tapestry of emotions within Toki.

"Mother," Momonosuke spoke with a softer voice, the earlier resolve in his eyes now touched with some vulnerability.

"How can I lead our people in the future with a child body? How can I even protect them?"

His gaze shifted to Hiyori, silently urging his plea. "Send Hiyori with them. I will stay!" he asserted with unwavering determination. 

Momonosuke stood up and walked over to stand by Kawamatsu's side. "You don't have to worry mother. Under Kawamatsu care, I will be safe."

Amidst the engulfing flames, Momonosuke's declaration echoed as a steadfast pledge, an unwavering commitment to carve his own destiny. 

Standing side by side with the loyal Kawamatsu, the duo faced the raging chaos with a shared determination, a poignant symbol of resilience in the face of an uncertain future.

As her son spoke, an initial impulse to oppose his decision stirred within Toki. Yet, witnessing the unwavering determination in Momonosuke's eyes, she found herself swayed. 

"Fine, I will place my trust in you, my son," she said, slightly reluctant but with a mother's unwavering support woven into her words.

"If it's like this, let me stay too, Toki-sama. I will protect Lord Momonosuke with Kawamatsu and ensure his safety until my last breath," spoke Kanjuro, the traitor in disguise. 

As if I was going to let you come close to me, you f**king snake" thought Momonosuke.

"No" he responded aloud, shaking his head and attempting to put on a caring face.

Kanjuro, Kinemon, Kiku, Raizo.. I appreciate your devotion, but from now on your duty will be to protect my little sister at all costs."

"Brother? I don't want to go. I want to stay with you," little Hiyori pleaded, tears streaming down her face.

"It's alright" Toki reassured her, taking Hiyori into her arms. She embraced her daughter, giving her a farewell filled with the heavy knowledge that she was facing her own demise and wouldn't see her children ever again. 

Despite her profound sorrow, Toki cried with dignity, tears falling from her eyes.

She waved her hand, and just like that, her daughter and the four scabbards disappeared out of thin air, as if they were never there.

Momonosuke, who had witnessed this ability in the past through the lens of his computer. Found the real-life sight before him truly captivating.

The abrupt disappearance left a profound impact, a visual testament to the extraordinary abilities that existed in the world of One Piece.

Toki's voice snapped Momonosuke out of his thoughts. "Kawamatsu, take care of Momonosuke," she instructed.

Kawamatsu hummed, Toki then embraced Momonosuke, saying, "I'll catch up to you later. Be a good boy and listen to Kawamatsu."

Momonosuke nodded his head, knowing perfectly that she was not going to make it. 

But he chose to not say anything. This woman was akin to a stranger for him. 

He was already busy enough trying to save himself from this Hell. 

Kawamatsu took him in his arms and said, "Hold tight, Momonosuke."

Together, they leaped from the window into a channel of water. 

Momonosuke marveled at Kawamatsu's incredible swimming speed. 

The underwater journey was a blur of motion, and after what felt like an eternity, they emerged from the water. 

The silence that followed was heavy, and the accumulated stress seemed to greatly dissipate.

Since arriving in this world, Momonosuke hadn't had time to process everything.

He knew he had to stay in the present.. It was a dangerous decision. However, he considered that appearing in the future with a child's body might be even riskier.

Sitting by the river, soaked and looking at the bright moon, Momonosuke couldn't help but burst into laughter.

"Lord Momonosuke?" Kawamatsu asked with concern, fearing that all the events that happened might have been too overwhelming for the young child.

Momonosuke met the kappa gaze and replied firmly, "Kawamatsu." With a resolute glint in his eyes, he clenched his fist. 

"My name will reverberate throughout the whole world one day. 

Until then.. Protect me, and stand by my side. I swear that I will take Orochi's head and restore the glory of the Kozuki name."

"L-Lord Momonosuke," Kawamatsu stammered, astonished by the determination radiating from the child.

"It's obvious that I will protect you. After all, I made a promise to your mother." Kawamatsu affirmed.

"Fine, Let's continue then." responded Momonosuke with a smile. 

Rising to his feet, He took a few steps forward.

Observing Momonosuke back, Kawamatsu seemed to see the reflection of Oden in him.

The fishman gazed at the moon, a bitter smile tugging at his lips. 

In a low voice audible only to himself, he talked :"The young lord used to cry for the smallest of things. But now that he's faced the biggest losses, he hasn't shed a single tear. It worries me, but it makes me happy too. He has really matured. You would've been proud of him, Oden-sama."

"KA PA PA PA," his distinctive laugh resonated, capturing Momonosuke's attention. "What's so funny, Kawa?" Momonosuke inquired.

"I was only reminiscing about some old memories," Kawamatsu replied. 

"Hoo ?" said Momonosuke while he quirked an eyebrow, prompting Kawamatsu to continue.

"Well, you see, one day..." Kawamatsu continued, weaving numerous funny stories as the two continued to walk in the obscurity of the night. 

The only sound that echoed was the contagious laughter shared between them, painting the beginning of a journey filled with hardship and camaraderie.