
Peerless One

"Peerless" follows the journey of our protagonist, reborn as 8-year-old Momonosuke in the world of One Piece. Choosing to stay in the present by swapping places with his sister, he embarks on a quest for glory. Join him on this thrilling adventure, where the echoes of a sword resonate through the unpredictable currents of the sea, shaping a destiny that defies the norms of this captivating world.

SOSA7 · Cómic
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7 Chs

Battle of Ebisu Town

The revelation of Momonosuke's mask sent a ripple of shock through the members of the Mimawarigumi. 

The mask was a proof, a telltale sign that he was none other than 'The Ghost of Hakumai' – the very individual they had initially been hunting. 

Their mission had taken an unexpected and terrifying turn.

"It's him!" exclaimed one of the Mimawarigumi members, his voice laced with a mix of fear and realization.

"Yes, from the wanted poster!" another member chimed in, his tone wary and edged with apprehension.

The realization dawned upon them collectively. They had unwittingly engaged with a ferocious figure, far more dangerous than any of them had anticipated.

"Ghost! You bastard!" Hotei yelled looking at Jizo disfigured body on the ground. 

He rushed suddenly unleashing a swift, horizontal slash without warning, aiming to sever Momonosuke's head in one fierce strike.

As the blade glimmered in the air, Momonosuke's Observation Haki kicked in. With swift, calculated movement. He rolled deftly across the ground, seizing the opportunity to grasp Jizo's sword from his body in one fluid motion.

In the midst of Ebisu Town, the air was thick with tension and the metallic scent of impending bloodshed. Momonosuke stood, an unyielding figure, amidst the chaos he had ignited. His recent duel had culminated in the death of Jizo, second-in-command of the Mimawarigumi, a group of elite samurai serving as the Shogun's enforcers.

Now, Hotei, their captain, burned with fury, his eyes reflecting a mix of rage and sorrow for his fallen comrade.

The Mimawarigumi, twenty in number, encircled Momonosuke. Their swords drawn, gleaming under the sun. 

Hotei, towering above his men, clenched his sword tightly. The anger in his eyes unmasked. 

Yet, despite their numbers, a palpable fear lingered among them. 

They had witnessed Momonosuke's prowess, his swift and brutal execution of Jizo, and knew they faced a foe far beyond their ordinary encounters.

Momonosuke, aware of his superiority, stood with a certain calmness. His eyes with a cold, calculating glint. 

He had already sensed the trembling hesitance in his opponents. The wind seemed to carry their growing dread..

"You cowards!" Momonosuke sneered, his eyes looking across the twenty figures encircling him.

 His voice carried a mix of contempt and challenge, as he stood defiantly, ready to face the horde that had converged upon him.

"If you're coming at me.. You better be ready to KILL." Momonosuke declared, his voice steady and resolute.

"Obviously, if you are going to try to take my life.." Momonosuke said, his voice laced with a cold, menacing calm. 

"Just remember, I'll take yours first!" he added, his steely gaze and devilish grin underscoring the deadly seriousness of his threat.

The battle commenced with Hotei's enraged roar. The Mimawarigumi, spurred by their captain's fury, lunged forward in a coordinated attack. 

Momonosuke sidestepped the first attacker, his movements fluid like a deadly dance. He parried and struck back with lethal precision.

His blade was singing a grim tune as it met samurai after samurai. Each encounter was brief, a testament to his overwhelming strength.

"Arrgh!" One of the men yelled, collapsing to the ground in agony. 

His fall marked yet another casualty in the relentless and unforgiving battle.

"I told you I'd kill you." Momonosuke said, his voice steady and unyielding, as he watched the man fall. 

His words, a fulfillment of his earlier warning.

Momonosuke sword moved with such speed and precision that it looked like a blur. 

The Mimawarigumi continued to fell one by one, their numbers dwindling rapidly under his relentless onslaught. 

Despite Momonosuke's mastery of Observation Haki. The number of enemys eventually took their toll.

 Amidst the chaos of battling twenty adversaries simultaneously, he couldn't evade every strike. 

Occasionally, a blade would find its mark, slicing through his defenses and leaving cuts here and there. These moments highlighted not just the intensity of the battle, but also the limits of even the most skilled warrior when outnumbered and surrounded.

Blood sprayed, staining the streets. Only screams of pain and fear could be heard in the once peaceful town.

As the battle raged, one Mimawarigumi, filled with fear. Turned and ran towards the Flower Capital seeking reinforcements.

The remaining members, now fewer, fought with desperation. Their initial coordination lost in the face of Momonosuke's savage attacks.

Hotei, witnessing the decimation of his troops, stepped forward, his own fear hidden under a mask of anger.

He was a formidable opponent, his strength surpassing that of his men, but still, he was no match for Momonosuke. 

Their swords clashed, the sound resonating through the streets, a symphony of steel and willingness to live. 

Hotei managed to inflict superficial cuts on Momonosuke, yet they did little to slow him.

"You' really a monster, Ghost!" Hotei managed to utter, each breath a struggle, his words carrying a mix of fear and realization as he beheld Momonosuke's fearsome power.

"Everyone is a monster to someone." Responded Momonosuke. 

"Since you are so convinced that I am yours, I will be IT !" He said clashing his sword with Hotei.

Momonosuke's style was ruthless, a blend of precision and brutality. He moved with a predator's grace, each strike a death sentence. 

Hotei, despite his skill, found himself being pushed back, his defenses crumbling under the relentless assault.

Faced with imminent defeat. Hotei knew it was time to unleash his ultimate move. All or nothing.

"HELL'S FALL!" he roared. In a display of sheer power and speed, he swung his sword, generating a razor-sharp blade of compressed air. 

The air blade struck Momonosuke with such intensity that it sent him fly 50 meters back, crashing him through the wall of a nearby house in a thunderous crash.

"Is he dead?" one of the Mimawarigumi members asked, his voice tinged with hope.

"Did it work?" Hotei pondered internally, questioning himself with a mix of hope and uncertainty about whether his decisive strike had succeeded in defeating the man.

The aftermath of unleashing a move he had only recently mastered, combined with the exhaustion from the prolonged battle against Momonosuke, was taking its toll on him. 

He sat on the ground, gasping for air, desperately trying to recover his strength and regroup. The effort of the fight had drained him significantly, and he needed a moment to gather himself.

A member of the Mimawarigumi cautiously approached the rubble of the house, intent on confirming Momonosuke's death. 

However, without warning, one of the wooden walls of the destroyed house was violently sent flying into the air. 

Shocked and unprepared for such an event, the Mimawarigumi member stumbled backward, landing on the ground in a mix of surprise and fear. 

Trembling and struggling to find his voice, he managed to stammer out. "He... He... He's still alive!" His words, filled with terror, echoed amongst the group, reigniting the fear and uncertainty they felt towards the seemingly indomitable ghost.

"That was close." Momonosuke remarked, brushing off his kimono, now coated with a layer of dust from the debris.

"Huh?" Momonosuke voiced, noting the man seated before him on the ground, his expression etched with complete terror.

The man seemed utterly frozen, caught in the grip of fear, bewildered by Momonosuke's survival and continued threat.

"Move, you idiot!" Hotei yelled, observing the scene with a mix of frustration and urgency. 

His command was sharp, aimed at the paralyzed Mimawarigumi member sitting on the ground in shock, urging him to snap out of his terrified stupor.

But in the next second, a swift, almost imperceptible movement occurred, and suddenly, the man's head began to separate from his body, slowly tilting and then falling to the ground. 

"Let's finish this, Hotei!" Momonosuke declared, wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth with the back of his hand. 

He got caught off guard earlier with the air blade technique.

In the last moment, he had managed to block the attack with his sword. An instinctual move that probably saved his life. 

Hotei rose to his feet, gripping his sword tightly with both hands. Hesitation and fear began to seep into his heart. 

His mind raced with doubt – his strongest attack hadn't been enough to finish Momonosuke. What more could he possibly do against such a formidable opponent? 

For a few seconds, he grappled with this reality, his resolve wavering. Then, a moment of resignation washed over him, a grim acceptance of his situation. "Another one..." he murmured under his breath..

So He yelled "HELL'S FALL" Again and lunched another Air Blade with every inch of force left in him.

Momonosuke, now more alert and at a safer distance than before, focused intently on Hotei. He anticipated the impending attack, preparing himself accordingly. 

Positioning his body like a baseball player ready to hit a ball. He tensed his muscles, his arms bulging with visible veins, a testament to his physical strength.

As Hotei unleashed his attack, Momonosuke was set. 

The moment the blade neared, he struck with precision and power, aiming to divert its lethal trajectory.

 The impact of the collision was massive, the force of it pushing Momonosuke back several steps. He grunted loudly "Aargh!" channeling all his strength into the counter. 

With a fierce yell and a burst of force, he successfully redirected the air blade to the side, averting its deadly course and standing his ground against the formidable attack. 

Hotei stood panting heavily, his breaths coming out in labored 'Huf huf huf' sounds. 

He watched in disbelief as Momonosuke not only blocked but also diverted his most powerful technique. 

The realization that his opponent was beyond his capabilities struck him hard.

"M...onster," he gasped out, his breath ragged and heavy with the effort. 

Overwhelmed by the futility of his situation and the undeniable strength of Momonosuke, Hotei's grip on his sword loosened. The weapon clattered to the ground.

"Protect the captain!" shouted one of the remaining Mimawarigumi members. 

The final six warriors quickly formed a circle around Hotei, their stances defensive, ready to shield their leader.

 Despite the grim odds, they rallied together, embodying a sense of loyalty and duty in the face of overwhelming adversity.

 Their swords were drawn, eyes fixed on Momonosuke, prepared to defend their captain at all costs.

Adopting the "Kappa-style" Momonosuke gripped his sword in a reverse hold, channeling a semblance of his teacher's formidable technique. 

With fierce determination, murmured "River of Retribution." His foot struck the ground with immense force, propelling him towards the group of enemies with incredible speed.

As he lunged forward, Momonosuke began to spin rapidly, transforming into a veritable human whirlwind. This created a powerful, swirling vortex around him. 

The air itself seemed to thrum with the energy of his movement, as his blade sliced through it, cutting into the Mimawarigumi members and Hotei.

As the final blow was delivered, Hotei fell, his body joining those of his men. 

The street was silent now, save for the distant sound of approaching reinforcements.

Momonosuke, his body marked with cuts and small injuries, sheathed his sword.

With the imminent arrival of other Mimawarigumi members. Momonosuke turned towards Hakumai. His steps fast to avoid the incoming man-hunt.

The poor people of Ebisu Town watched in silence as the 'demon', the 'monster' who had decimated 20 Men disappeared into the distance, his figure gradually becoming a part of the horizon.

The battle was over, but the legend of "The ghost", the savage warrior had just begun to spread through the lands. 

His name would be whispered in fear and respect, a reminder for those who choose to side with Kaido and Orochi.