
Peerless in Soul Land 2

Unrivaled Huo Yuhao Meets Peerless You Shen Our Protagonist walks up one day in Great Star Duo Forest with no memories and belongings what's so over. just the clothes on his back and his system. || || || || || Author. I have nothing plan ahead for this story, just a vague direction I have in my mind. so I'm up for some suggestions.

Michael_Resonance · Cómic
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6 Chs

Main Protagonist Abilities

== Martial Spirit ==

|| Body Spirit || Control System ||

== Initial skill ==

First Ablity Name: Spirit Brain

|| Effects ||

• Increase Concentration.

• Hyper Thought Process which slows the perception of time.

• Creates the feeling that there's a secondary brain helping one process all the information.

== First Spirit Ring ==

First Ablity Name: Divine Mind

|| Effects ||

• Spirit sea capacity is increased by over a millionth of its potency and capacity when compared to someone with a same Spirit Sea Rank.

• Their spiritual sea turns golden with them being able to control the elements around even better than before and distinguish every change easily. As well being able to control the laws of the plane and the natural elements around them.

• They can make it seem like they didn't exist in the world at anytime. Only being able to be sensed by others who have their own divinity.

• Can create God Level illusions that can't be seen through by those with a weaker Divine Origin Realm and is also able to see through all Illusions created by those who are weaker.

Third Ablity Name: Divine Sense

|| Effects ||

• Divine Sense allows the user to sense their opponent weak point, allowing them to capitlize and target it. As well allow them to hide their own weak point and not allow anyone weaker than them to gain information on them. Such as their strenght, health and condition of their body.

• A person with Divine Sense can invade a person mental world and soul, allowing them to either control them or attack them on that level. They are also able to gain control the energies of others.

• They can instantly move anywhere there Divine Sense is at to the point it's considered constant teleportion.

• They can scan a person on a bilogical level, allowing them to notice their bloodline and if they are apart of their family line.

• With the strenght of their mental power, they can pressuse those weaker than them. Suppressing their strenght to the point they can't move or do anything and even forcing them to the ground.

|| Spirit Ring ||

▪︎Origin: Divine Snow Woman


▪︎Age: 1,000,000 Years

▪︎Color: Gold-White

== Second Spirit Ring ==

First Ablity Name:

|| Effects||

|| Spirit ring ||

▪︎Origin: ???

▪︎Chapter: ???

▪︎Age: ???

▪︎Color: ???

|| Spirit Beast Type || Power Attack System and Control System ||

Initial skill

▪︎Name: Heavenly Snow Woman

|| Effects ||

• He can elavates himself in the air, the temperature drops and starts to snow.

• He has ultimate snow It is the strongest type of snow and ice; Able to control Ultimate Snow element. You could sense everything where there was snow and ice.

• The user has the Absolute Snow and Ice essence. This grants a number of benefits. For example its user is resistant to poisons to a certain degree, not allowing it to enter within the body, but rather expels it out instead.

• It suppresses any other type of Snow and ice, and cause a deterring effect on all ice-type and snow-type Spirit Masters, even if they are stronger than him. He could even intercept their control over ice or snow and interrupt their abilities.

• Ultimate snow and ice doesn't have an elemental weakness - it can't be melted by any type of fire except that of ultimate elemental one. Through physical contact, The user can also share this absolute essence with other ice or snow users, drastically increasing their power, or use it to dominate them and make their snow and ice betray them.

• In addition, absolute snow and ice is completely immune to fire and is absolutely capable of withstanding any extremes levels of coldness.

▪︎Spirit Transformation

His Hair Grows longer up to his shoulders while his hair white as snow, and his Eyes turn Clear Blue color from his natural clear black eye color.

== First Spirit Ring ==

First Ablity Name: The Empress Sword

|| Effects ||

• It was one of the Heavenly Snow Woman's Three Ultimate Techniques: the Empress' Sword.

• Even though it was fused with his Soul Ring, You Shen couldn't activate it in the beginning by himself.

• It creates a deep blue sword entirely made up of ice crystals. With a swing of the sword, a deep blue light appears and creates a fan-like projection that gradually grew lighter as it extends until it was finally white. The sword light freezes everything in its path and can turn even a Titled Douluo with activated Spirit Essence into ice sculpture for the entire second.

Second Ablity Name: The Empress Palm

|| Effects ||

• It was one of the Heavenly Snow Woman's Three Ultimate Technique, also called: the Empress' Palm.

• Even though it is fused with his Soul Ring, You Shen couldn't activate it at first by himself.

• It concentrates all the ice and snow in the area into You Shen left hand. Everything struck by it would be frozen to absolute zero, even the soul and spiritual power.

• No one is immune to it; even a Titled Douluo could be frozen. The only way to survive it is to avoid getting struck by it.

• It is the strongest close-combat ability that was bestowed by the Heavenly Snow Woman.

|| Spirit Ring ||

▪︎Origin: Heavenly Snow Woman


▪︎Age: 500,000+ Years

▪︎Color: Red

== Second Spirit Ring ==

First Ablity Name:

|| Effects||

|| Spirit ring ||

▪︎Origin: ????

▪︎Chapter: ????

▪︎Age: ????

▪︎Color: ????

== Spirit Bones ==

Head Spirit Bone

▪︎Name: ????

|| Effects ||

▪︎???? ???? ???? ????

▪︎???? ???? ???? ????

Spirit Bone

▪︎Origin: ????

▪︎Chapter: ????

▪︎Age: ????

Torso Spirit Bone

▪︎Name: ????

|| Effects ||

▪︎???? ???? ???? ????

▪︎???? ???? ???? ????

Spirit Bone

▪︎Origin: ????

▪︎Chapter: ????

▪︎Age: ????

Right Arm Spirit Bone

▪︎Name: ????

|| Effects ||

▪︎???? ???? ???? ????

▪︎???? ???? ???? ????

Spirit Bone

▪︎Origin: ????

▪︎Chapter: ????

▪︎Age: ????

Left Arm Spirit Bone

▪︎Name: ????

|| Effects ||

▪︎???? ???? ???? ????

▪︎???? ???? ???? ????

Spirit Bone

▪︎Origin: ????

▪︎Chapter: ????

▪︎Age: ????

Right Leg Spirit Bone

▪︎Name: ????

|| Effects ||

▪︎???? ???? ???? ????

▪︎???? ???? ???? ????

Spirit Bone

▪︎Origin: ????

▪︎Chapter: ????

▪︎Age: ????

Left Leg Spirit Bone

▪︎Name: ????

|| Effects ||

▪︎???? ???? ???? ????

▪︎???? ???? ???? ????

Spirit Bone

▪︎Origin: ????

▪︎Chapter: ????

▪︎Age: ????

External Spirit Bone

▪︎Name: ????

|| Effects ||

    ▪︎???? ???? ???? ????

    ▪︎???? ???? ???? ????

Spirit Bone

▪︎Origin: ????

▪︎Chapter: ????

▪︎Age: ????

== Techniques ==


Mysterious Heaven Skill: It is a method for training internal qi. This allows You Shen to resist extreme pressure, poison and helps with recovering injuries.

Big Protective Dipper Qi: This is a skill that is manifested after breaking through the Sixth Tier of Mysterious Heaven Skill which allows You Shen to manifest internal strength externally.

Mysterious Heaven Strike: This skill uses manifested internal strength externally to strike at an opponent

Purple Demon Eye: The Purple Demon Eye is divided into 4 stages.

• Survey

• Detailed

• Mustard Seed

• Boundless

In the Survey realm he was able to substantially improve vision power, and furthermore clearly grasp detail.

The Detailed realm improved the vision even further and granted a mental state where everything slowed down, allowing him to react in the shortest possible time. He is also able to see Spirit Masters' amount of spirit power given that the spirit power of spirit masters are lower than his.

The Mustard Seed enabled You Shen to survey the surroundings, including noticing very minute details such as the wings of a fly. It allows You Shen to shock or confuse an enemy who is in a vulnerable state. This realm also allows the user to attack the mental state of the opponent.

The Boundless realm rather than enhancing eyesight, unlocks the Mind's eye instead.

Mysterious Jade Hand: Mysterious Jade Hand causes the palm of the hand to become extremely tough and tensile. Moreover, it can obstruct any poison. This can allows You Shen to forge Spirit Tools without any damage to his arms.

Controlling Crane Catching Dragon: It is a method of improving his coordination and strength. It is also an extraordinarily potent grappling technique that has diabolical muscle splitting bone displacing techniques. This technique, when combined with spirit power, can also manipulate objects at a distance.

"It's called Controlling Crane Catching Dragon. It's a method of using spirit power. Trained to the extreme will let you control objects in a certain range like what I just did. It can be applied widely in practical battles." -Tang San

Ghost Shadow Perplexing Track: This is a movement and balance technique that allows You Shen to move with extreme speed and traverse difficult terrains as well as dodge attacks fast enough to leave behind after images.

Lightness Skill: This ability is more of a technique that allows You Shen to run on water, walls, and jump across buildings.

Sound location tracking: A skill in part of the path of learning hidden weapons effectively. Uses sound and vibration to detect and attack with hidden weapons.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Michael_Resonancecreators' thoughts