
Path of Sovereign

In the year 2012, anomaly came from the earth that put everything in transition. A colorful floating orb — grants the supernatural ability to whoever obtains and absorbs it. This floating orb can be used for good or for evil. Division in society was displayed in the instance the transition began. Garner, a male lead, obtains a thousand color orb that will change his entire destiny.

Ginx_ · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
12 Chs

Chapter 4 - The Orb

In the heart of the unknown forest, amidst towering trees and tangled undergrowth, a young man slumbered peacefully upon the soft earth. His clothing, an old, thin white shirt and faded jeans, bore the marks of his journey, and his bare feet were kissed by the cool forest floor. A gentle breeze stirred his tousled hair, revealing a face like pale ivory, delicately sculpted and smudged with the dirt of the trail.

Beside him, a colossal creature lay curled in repose. It resembled a wolf, yet its size was immense, with brown spiky fur that shimmered in the dappled sunlight. The creature's breath rose and fell in silent rhythm, its presence exuding an aura of primal power.


As the first rays of sunlight pierced through the forest canopy, Garner's eyelids fluttered open, greeted by the dazzling brilliance of the morning sun. With a jolt, he sprang to his feet, his heart pounding in his chest, and instinctively examined his body for any signs of injury. A sigh of relief escaped his lips as he found himself unscathed.

His gaze, however, was drawn to the colossal creature slumbering mere feet away, its massive form casting an imposing shadow over the forest floor. A gasp escaped his lips as recognition dawned upon him. This was the very creature that had relentlessly pursued him through the dark labyrinth of the woods.

A surge of fear gripped Garner's heart as he thought of his worried family. He could picture them frantically searching for him, their minds filled with terrifying possibilities. But how could he return home when the terrifying creature that had chased him lurked just a few feet away? He was trapped, paralyzed by fear of the beast's reawakening.

Amidst his anxiety, a glimmer of hope appeared in the form of the orb. He recalled the surge of power that had coursed through his veins when he first touched it, a power that he now felt fully integrated within him. With renewed determination, he turned and scanned the clearing, searching for the small pond. To his astonishment, the pond had vanished, its water seemingly absorbed into the scorched earth around it.

Startled, Garner's gaze shifted to the surrounding trees, their leaves and branches bearing the unmistakable marks of intense heat. The grass beneath his feet was reduced to a crisp, blackened carpet, and the air still hung heavy with the lingering scent of smoke. It was as if the orb had unleashed a torrent of energy, transforming the tranquil clearing into a scene of fiery desolation.

Garner stood in his position, but his knees suddenly buckled as a torrent of information flooded his mind. It was a jumble of knowledge about everything and the orbs. He collapsed to his knees, then onto the ground.

"What are these?" he exclaimed, utterly bewildered by what had just happened.

Somehow, he had gained knowledge just like a seeker.

"Am I a seeker? Does a seeker's orb shine like that?" He turn to look and saw the masive creature. 

The massive creature was called a Razorback. With their wolf-like appearance, they stood tall with fur that was an exquisite blend of earthy browns. Their size was as remarkable as their coat, a stunning mix of deep chestnuts and dark chocolates. Their fur, though predominantly brown, gleamed with hints of copper and mahogany as it caught the sunlight. Unique to these majestic creatures were the spikes along their backs, which instead of protruding sharply, blended seamlessly into their fur, creating a cool, unified aesthetic.

This was according to the orb's information that Garner now possessed.

The Razorback's eyes fluttered open, pinning Garner with its gaze. Despite the hammering of his heart, the creature remained motionless, its vast form sprawled languidly upon the ground.

"Humans!" A resonant voice boomed directly into Garner's ear, sending shivers down his spine.

He spun around, searching for the source of the ethereal tone, his eyes darting through the trees and scouring the forest floor.

"The orb has chosen you to bear its power." The deep voice reverberated once more, its origin still elusive.

Garner turned his gaze back to the Razorback and realization dawned upon him.

"Y-you can talk?" he stammered, his finger trembling as he pointed towards the creature.

The Razorback made no reply, but instead rose to its full height and lumbered towards Garner.

Garner's heart pounded in his chest. "S-Sh!t, again with this?" he muttered fearfully, preparing to sprint away once more.

The Razorback halted a few feet from Garner, its crimson eyes gleaming beneath its furrowed brow. "I can't harm you now that you possess the orb's power," it boomed in a deep, resonant voice. "Go, and I will guide you back home."

Garner's eyes widened in surprise. "What?! W-wait, what orb is that? Is it the seeker's orb?" he asked hastily.

The Razorback replied, the sound rumbling through its chest like distant thunder. "You hold the answer to your question," it replied. "The orb will provide you with the answers you seek. Now, follow me."

Without another word, the Razorback turned and padded away, its massive form disappearing into the dense undergrowth. Garner hesitated for a moment, his heart still pounding in his chest, but then curiosity overcame his fear. He took a deep breath and followed the Razorback into the labyrinth of trees, hoping that the creature would indeed lead him safely home.


"This is where I bid you farewell," the Razorback declared, its voice laced with a hint of exasperation. "Just go straight ahead, and you shall find your way home." With a final glance at Garner, the massive creature turned and lumbered deeper into the forest, its footsteps rustling like a gentle chime through the undergrowth.

Garner watched as the Razorback's imposing form disappeared into the verdant depths, a wave of astonishment washing over him. "Just like that?" he muttered, scratching his head. "All that chasing and commotion, and now he politely sends me home?"

Bewildered by the creature's sudden change of heart, Garner quickly shook off his confusion. The thought of his worried family spurred him into action. He broke into a run, his feet pounding against the forest floor as he retraced his steps. As he passed the tranquil lagoon where he often sought fishing solace, a surge of determination gripped him. 


"Where have you been?!" his mother, Gilda, exclaimed, her voice laced with worry and relief. "We've been frantic, scouring the village for any sign of you. Your father even considered seeking help from the kingdom's authorities!"

Garner lowered his head, guilt gnawing at him. "I'm so sorry, Mother. I ventured into the forest over there," he gestured towards the towering trees beyond their window.

"Into the forest?!" Gilda's eyes widened in disbelief. "Didn't you know that countless unknown creatures are lurking in those depths? This isn't the same place anymore, Garner! You could have been in grave danger!"

"Mother, please calm down. I understand your worry, but I promise to take care of myself. If danger arises, I'll flee as fast as I can. Look, I'm safe now," he managed a faint smile, recalling the massive monster that even accompanied him on his way home.

"You took the orb into the forest, didn't you?" His father's voice trembled slightly as he held the freshly roasted fish.

"You know what happened to Gaia, yet you disregarded my warning? Those orbs don't bring peace; they bring destruction," he added with a heavy heart.

"Father, please trust me. I'll use this to bring Gaia back and protect our family!" Garner's voice quivered with determination.

Amyr drew in a deep breath, locking eyes with Garner in a moment of intense emotion. He enveloped him in an embrace. Gilda and Nova joined, their embrace a mix of worry and support. Garner detailed what had occurred within the unknown forest.

"Search for answers and bring back your elder sister. I'll take care of your mother and sister here. Visit us if you feel strong enough to protect us. You must hide in the unknown forest again. The kingdom's authorities are on their way; last night's light signaled them," his father spoke, his words tinged with sadness and concern.

"We've prepared what you might need. Take care, my son," Gilda kissed his forehead, her eyes moist.

"Take care, too," Nova added, her voice filled with emotion.

Garner hastily packed his belongings and dashed back to the unknown forest. Pausing, he glanced back at his family.

"Go," his father urged, a hint of sorrow lacing his words.

Inspired by your unwavering support, I've decided to add an extra chapter to this story. Please accept my apologies for any errors you may encounter along the way. Happy reading!

Ginx_creators' thoughts